Settlement of Caribbean coral planulae with and without zooxanthellae was followed in response to four different settlement environments; one harboring zooxanthellae, one harboring crustose coralline algae (CCA) and one containing zooxanthellae and CCA. Aposymbiotic planulae of Montastraea faveolata settled preferably in both environments where zooxanthellae were present. Planulae of Agaricia humilis, that already possessed zooxanthellae through maternal inheritance, showed no preference for either settlement environment. These results suggest that planulae that lack zooxanthellae actively respond to the presence of zooxanthellae upon settlement and preferably settle in areas where zooxanthellae are present. Early successful acquisition of symbionts likely enhances recruitment success as symbionts provide the settler with additional resources to increase survival probabilities and enhance early growth.