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1 September 2013 A New Phytotelm Plant, Crinum moorei (Asparagales: Amaryllidaceae), for the Americas and Its Mosquito Inhabitant (Diptera: Culicidae) in Ecuador
Juan-Carlos Navarro, Sandra Enriquez, Franklin Vaca, Washington Benitez-Ortiz
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A new phytotelm plant for the Americas is recorded for San Miguel de los Bancos, Pichincha Province, Ecuador. In the leaf axils of Crinum moorei Hook. f. (Amaryllidaceae) were collected larvae and pupae of a common mosquito, Wyeomyia (Dendromyia) complosa (Dyar) (Diptera: Culicidae: Sabethini). This plant is a South African native, introduced into several countries, but never reported as a habitat for immature mosquitoes. We provide notes about its botanical and ecological characteristics, and also of the mosquito associated at this locality.

Juan-Carlos Navarro, Sandra Enriquez, Franklin Vaca, and Washington Benitez-Ortiz "A New Phytotelm Plant, Crinum moorei (Asparagales: Amaryllidaceae), for the Americas and Its Mosquito Inhabitant (Diptera: Culicidae) in Ecuador," Florida Entomologist 96(3), 1224-1227, (1 September 2013).
Published: 1 September 2013
axilas de hojas
leaf axils
Natal lily
Wyeomyia (Dendromyia) complosa
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