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1 April 1997 Does Light-Induced Relief of Cytochrome c Oxidase from CO-Induced Inhibition Result in Photo-Reactivation of CO-Inhibited Respiration in Sperm of Sea Urchin, Oyster and Fish
Eigoro Tazawa, Akiko Fujiwara, Yasuyuki Kamata, Kooichi Konishi, Hiromi Ohta, Hisako Shimma, Ikuo Yasumasu
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Light irradiation, at a light fluence rate sufficient for the strong photo-reactivation of the CO-inhibited cytochrome c oxidase in mitochondria isolated from the sperm of fish, oyster and sea urchin, weakly activated the CO-inhibited respiration only in the sea urchin sperm, with peaks of photo-reactivation corresponding to those in the absorption spectrum of CO-bound cytochrome aa3. NADH cytochrome c reductase was inhibited by CO, weakly in mitochondria from sea urchin sperm and completely in those from fish and oyster sperm. The CO-induced complete inhibition of cytochrome c reduction in fish and oyster sperm probably does not allow the photo-reactivation of CO-inhibited cytochrome c oxidase to augment CO-blocked respiration. At a light fluence rate higher than that mentioned above, photo-activation of NADH cytochrome c reductase, found in the sperm of oyster and sea urchin, occurred even in the presence of CO in mitochondria isolated from sea urchin sperm and strongly activated CO-inhibited respiration in sea urchin sperm, with peaks corresponding to those in the absorption spectrum of reduced cytochrome b. The acceleration of cytochrome c reduction due to the photo-activation of this complex enzyme in sea urchin sperm probably induces another activation of CO-inhibited respiration at the high light fluence rate.

Eigoro Tazawa, Akiko Fujiwara, Yasuyuki Kamata, Kooichi Konishi, Hiromi Ohta, Hisako Shimma, and Ikuo Yasumasu "Does Light-Induced Relief of Cytochrome c Oxidase from CO-Induced Inhibition Result in Photo-Reactivation of CO-Inhibited Respiration in Sperm of Sea Urchin, Oyster and Fish," Zoological Science 14(4), 629-636, (1 April 1997).
Received: 21 October 1996; Accepted: 1 April 1997; Published: 1 April 1997
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