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22 December 2004 On five rare vascular plant species reported from Crimea, Ukraine
Yakov Didukh, Angel Romo, Adam Boratyñski
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Didukh, Y., Romo, A. & Boratyñski, A: On five rare vascular plant species reported from Crimea, Ukraine. — Willdenowia 34: 407–410. — ISSN 0511-9618; © 2004 BGBM Berlin-Dahlem.

New localities on the Crimean Peninsula of the rare species Trifolium grandiflorum, Holosteummarginatum, Minuartia pseudohybrida and M. wiesneri are reported. Their presence on Crimea is thus confirmed and their known distribution range extended. Maps of the Crimean distribution of these species are given. Minuartia hybrida subsp. turcica is excluded from the flora of Crimea.

© 2004 BGBM Berlin-Dahlem.
Yakov Didukh, Angel Romo, and Adam Boratyñski "On five rare vascular plant species reported from Crimea, Ukraine," Willdenowia 34(2), 407-410, (22 December 2004).
Published: 22 December 2004
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