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1 April 2012 Revisiting the Proposed Leap-Frog Migration of Bar-Tailed Godwits along the East-Atlantic Flyway
Sjoerd Duijns, Joop Jukema, Bernard Spaans, Peter van Horssen, Theunis Piersma
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Two populations of Bar-tailed Godwits Limosa lapponica occur along the East-Atlantic Flyway. The European population (L. l. lapponica) is supposed to breed in northern Scandinavia and has been suggested to only winter in Europe. The Afro—Siberian population (taymyrensis) is supposed to breed in Northern Siberia and is thought to winter exclusively in West Africa. An analysis of 946 metal ring recoveries accumulated by EURING (with data going back to 1935), in combination with an analysis of over 13,000 resightings of almost 4000 individuals marked with colour-rings in 2001–2010, enabled us to examine whether there is evidence for overlap of the populations in summer and winter. Nearly all marked individuals behaved according to the previously suggested leap-frog migration pattern. On the basis of the present sample, only 0.8% of (colour) ringed birds that were recovered and/or resighted on the wintering grounds in Europe or West-Africa made a change between the two supposed wintering areas. This is far less than was previously estimated on the basis of biometric data. The distinct migratory behaviour of the two populations makes them near-completely separated in summer and winter. The Bar-tailed Godwit along the East-Atlantic Flyway thus exhibits a clear leap-frog migration, in which the Siberian breeders winter south of the European breeders.

Sjoerd Duijns, Joop Jukema, Bernard Spaans, Peter van Horssen, and Theunis Piersma "Revisiting the Proposed Leap-Frog Migration of Bar-Tailed Godwits along the East-Atlantic Flyway," Ardea 100(1), 37-43, (1 April 2012).
Received: 16 June 2011; Accepted: 1 January 2012; Published: 1 April 2012
Banc d'Arguin
bird ringing
Limosa lapponica
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