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1 May 2014 A Review of the Afrotropical Genus Aristobatina Verbeke (Diptera: Micropezidae: Taeniapterinae), with descriptions of Four New Species from the Eastern Arc Mountains of Tanzania
Stephen A. Marshall
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Aristobatina Verbeke is redefined and reviewed, and four new species, namely A. melasma, A. metamelasma, A. morogoro and A. udzungwa from the Eastern Arc Mountains of Tanzania are described. The diagnosis of Aristobatina is expanded to include species with outer vertical setae. Aristobatina is compared to Tanypomyia Verbeke and the latter genus is removed from synonymy with Mimegralla Rondani.

Stephen A. Marshall "A Review of the Afrotropical Genus Aristobatina Verbeke (Diptera: Micropezidae: Taeniapterinae), with descriptions of Four New Species from the Eastern Arc Mountains of Tanzania," African Invertebrates 55(1), 143-155, (1 May 2014).
Published: 1 May 2014
Afrotropical Region taxonomy
identification key
new species
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