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1 June 2009 Bioclimatology and Climatophilous Vegetation of Gomera (Canary Islands)
Marcelino J. del-Arco, Octavio Rodríguez-Delgado, Juan R. Acebes, Antonio García-Gallo, Pedro L. Pérez-de-Paz, Juana Ma González-Mancebo, Ricardo González-González, Víctor Garzón-Machado
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The bioclimatic belts of Gomera are established and the potential distribution of its climatophilous vegetation series mapped accordingly. PCA and DCA analyses explain the significance of thermic factors related to altitude, and rainfall or humidity conditions (mist precipitation) in the distribution of bioclimatic belts and vegetation series. A map of potential natural vegetation is produced by considering several additional abiotic environmental factors, and the current distribution of potential vegetation remnants or their substitute communities. Three new climatophilous associations (Neochamaeleo pulverulentaeEuphorbietum balsamiferae, Violo rivinianaeMyricetum fayae, Cisto gomeraePinetum canariensis), one new climatophilous subassociation (Brachypodio arbusculaeJuniperetum canariensis subass. ericetosum arboreae), two potential edaphophilous new associations (Euphorbietum aphyllae, Euphorbio berthelotii-Retamatetum rhodorhizoidis), one new potential edaphophilous subassociation (Cisto gomeraePinetum canariensis subass. juniperetosum canariensis) and two serial new associations (Micromerio gomerensisCistetum monspeliensis, Adenocarpo foliolosi-Chamaecytisetum angustifolii) are described. Commentaries and phytosociological tables of the potential natural vegetation communities and the other communities described are given.

© Finnish Zoological and Botanical Publishing Board 2009
Marcelino J. del-Arco, Octavio Rodríguez-Delgado, Juan R. Acebes, Antonio García-Gallo, Pedro L. Pérez-de-Paz, Juana Ma González-Mancebo, Ricardo González-González, and Víctor Garzón-Machado "Bioclimatology and Climatophilous Vegetation of Gomera (Canary Islands)," Annales Botanici Fennici 46(3), 161-191, (1 June 2009).
Received: 21 December 2007; Accepted: 1 May 2008; Published: 1 June 2009
Canary Islands
vegetation series
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