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29 April 2011 Type Specimens of Birds in the American Museum of Natural History Part 9. Passeriformes: Zosteropidae and Meliphagidae
Mary LeCroy
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This ninth part of “Type Specimens of Birds in the American Museum of Natural History” includes taxa in the families Zosteropidae and Meliphagidae in Volume 12 of the Check-list of birds of the world, by James L. Peters and subsequent authors. The original description of each taxon has been consulted unless otherwise noted, modern names and coordinates are given for type localities when possible, currently accepted names for the taxa are included, and comments on taxonomic history are provided. In Part 9, 445 names are treated; types of 22 of these are not in AMNH or were not found.

This part of the type list, as well as all previous parts, are searchable and available for download from the AMNH Library website:


This ninth part of “Type Specimens of Birds in the American Museum of Natural History” (AMNH) deals with taxa in the families Zosteropidae and Meliphagidae in Volume 12 of Peters' Check-list of birds of the world (Paynter, 1967). The other families treated in that volume are covered in Part 8 (LeCroy, 2010). As did earlier parts (Greenway, 1973, 1978, 1987; LeCroy and Sloss, 2000; and LeCroy, 2003, 2005, 2008, and 2010), this part follows the order of species in the Check-list series, which is the basis for the arrangement of the AMNH avian collection. More recent classifications are still subject to frequent modification, and their use might lead to errors or omissions, particularly because many family relationships among birds are currently undergoing active reassessment by molecular studies.

The format for Part 9 follows that for the previous parts. Brackets enclosing a taxon name indicate that, although its type might be expected to be in AMNH, the type either was not found or was discovered in another collection. Paratypes of taxa for which the primary type or types are not in AMNH usually are not listed, but for primary types shown to have been destroyed in museums that were damaged in World War II (e.g., Morioka et al., 2005, Eck and Quaisser, 2004), it is informative to list their paratypes found to be in AMNH. These are also enclosed in brackets.

For primary types (holotypes, syntypes, and lectotypes) in AMNH, the citation of the name and of the type locality is first given exactly as it appeared in the original description, which has been seen unless otherwise indicated. In the text for each taxon, the name of the type locality is updated when necessary and coordinates are given when found. Where there have been changes in place names, the older name is placed in parentheses. Degrees and minutes of latitude and longitude are separated by a period, as is done in the Times atlas of the world (Times of London, 1967), from which many of them are taken. Other atlases and gazetteers have been used as well and are cited in the text.

The currently recognized name of each taxon is given and reference is made to its usage in recent publications, preferably regional works or works treating the family as a whole. Once again, I have referred to Dickinson's (2003) treatment of each taxon covered in Part 9 but have not always cited it. Complete taxonomic and nomenclatural history is not given for each of the forms, but salient points are added when they might prove useful. Occasionally, the AMNH catalog number of a specimen is followed by “bis.” This indicates that a specimen has been entered into the catalog between two numbers, as when an uncataloged specimen is found and is added to the catalog adjacent to another specimen of the same form from the same collection.

I have referred to Rothschild specimens, said in the older literature to be in the “Tring Museum,” as in the “Rothschild Collection,” now in AMNH. The Rothschild Collection in AMNH is not to be confused with the bird collection of the Natural History Museum (formerly the British Museum (Natural History), London), now housed at Tring on the former Rothschild estate.

Many of the collectors from whom Rothschild purchased specimens put broad localities and inclusive dates on specimens and also sold specimens widely through dealers; Rothschild himself frequently only selected part of the specimens offered to him by a collector. Unless the type is said to be elsewhere, Rothschild's and/or Hartert's types were in the Rothschild Collection, often the entire type series coming to AMNH with the collection. Hartert tied Rothschild type labels on these specimens and published lists of the types in order to “fix” them. But because the Rothschild specimens were never cataloged before they came to AMNH, the lists are sometimes ambiguous and the type label is not sufficient, in and of itself, to identify the type (ICZN, 1999: 77, Art. 72.4.7). Following the practice in all previous parts of the AMNH type list, I have accepted Hartert's (1918, 1919a, 1920, and 1928) nomination of “types” in the Rothschild Collection as designations of lectotypes in cases where original descriptions implied syntypes. For a fuller discussion, see LeCroy (2005: 2–3, 2008: 2–3, and 2010: 3–4). In this part, see discussion under Zosterops superciliaris. Because it is important to remove all ambiguity surrounding a type specimen, I have accepted the presence of a Rothschild type label as an indication that the specimen bearing it is the intended type and have in some cases designated it the lectotype when all of the data match those cited in the original description. In this part of the type list, I have designated lectotypes for the following Rothschild and/or Hartert names: Tephra ruki, Chlorocharis squamiceps, Zosterops superciliaris, and Prosthemadera novaeseelandiae chathamensis.

The Mathews Collection, purchased by Rothschild, contains numerous types of names that are in many cases now considered synonyms. For the Melphagidae alone, Mathews was responsible for 194 of the names treated herein, only 31 of which are considered valid at the present time. As previously, I have tried to list all names introduced by Mathews prior to the AMNH purchase of the Rothschild Collection in 1932, whether or not the types are in AMNH. I have checked names introduced by Mathews after 1932, and if the type is in AMNH, I have included it. Names published in 1923 by Mathews for forms in this part of the AMNH type list have been especially troublesome. In that year, Mathews published a flurry of new names in his journal, The Austral Avian Record, so that they would be available for his large work, The Birds of Australia, and not be preempted by prior publication of other authors. Mathews was not consistent in remembering to add his 1923 names to the larger work and was increasingly careless about type designation.

It has not been possible to establish exactly when the Mathews Collection went to Rothschild. Some brief notes in AMNH indicate that perhaps some of it went to Rothschild as early as 1919 and the rest was sent as later volumes of The Birds of Australia were completed. If this is correct, then Mathews may not have had his collection close at hand when the descriptions published in 1923 were written. However, he did have access to his collection in the Rothschild Collection until that collection came to AMNH in 1932 (Mathews, 1942: 54–55). Often the 1923 names appeared to be based on statements made by others in their own publications, or were based on fieldnotes sent to Mathews by his correspondents and quoted in the text of The Birds of Australia. Therefore it is sometimes impossible to select a type; each of these cases is discussed in the following accounts. For further information on the Mathews Collection, see LeCroy (2005: 72, 2008: 5–6, 2010: 4).

Where no clues were found for identifying a Mathews primary type, all specimens of that form in Mathews' collection at the time of description are considered syntypes. However, the presence of his type label or the word “Type” in Mathews' characteristic hand on a specimen in such series is accepted as an indication that this was his intended type, and I have designated it the lectotype in the absence of other data that would single it out as a holotype. In this part of the type list, I have designated lectotypes for the following Mathews names: Ptilotis lewinii nea, Meliphaga virescens hartogi, Nesoptilotis flavicollis flindersi, Caloptilotis macleayana johnstoni, Melithreptus validirostris kingi, and Meliornis diemenensis.

According to an annotation at the beginning of his catalog, Mathews began to collect in 1908, and the first entries in the catalog are in systematic order, with specimen data noted, but without information on the provenance of the specimens. About 1910, he began entering groups of specimens soon after he received them, usually noting from whom they came and the date of entry into the catalog as well as specimen data. This dating of entries combined with knowledge of date of publication of Mathews' names, should allow one to ascertain whether he had certain specimens in his possession when a form was named. However, the following eccentricities of Mathews' catalog frequently made this difficult. More often than not, the catalog number of the specimen was not written on the specimen, which made it necessary to search through over 18,000 handwritten entries in his catalog to find the specimens now in the AMNH collection. Mathews did not catalog all of his specimens; only 18,508 numbers were used, although Mathews (1942: 54) said that his collection contained over 30,000 specimens. There were few entries after 1913. Also, it appears that if Mathews had several specimens bearing the same data, he sometimes only entered one of them, or omitted altogether specimens that were unsexed or juvenile.

Problems associated with these cataloging techniques were compounded by Mathews' practice of sometimes reusing numbers allotted to specimens that he later exchanged to others, causing specimens collected much later to be cataloged with earlier collections. He also frequently changed the generic allocation of a specimen. In the following pages, I have accepted as primary and secondary types only those specimens that I have found in Mathews' catalog for those forms named prior to 1914. Mathews collection was almost complete by 1914, when most of his collectors saw service in World War I (Mathews, 1942: 54). In the following text, if I have not found in Mathews' catalog certain specimens in AMNH from the Mathews Collection that were collected before the publication of a name, then those specimens are listed as possible or probable secondary types.

William R. McLennan collected specimens for W.D.K. MacGillivray, from whom Mathews frequently obtained specimens. McLennan's name has been variously spelled in the literature; I have spelled it as he himself wrote it on his labels. His specimens can be easily recognized because of the unusual way in which he attached his labels, tying the legs together above the tibiotarsal joint and causing the tarsi and feet to splay outward. When McLennan labels are not tied in this way, it may be that the specimen was collected by his helpers in the field.

Most of the birds that Mathews received from the Dodds were apparently collected by Allan P. Dodd (Mathews, 1942: 53), although some may have been collected by his father, F.P. Dodd, a lepidopterist, or, prior to 1912, by his brother, W.D. Dodd. The brother was engaged to collect for the South Australian Museum in 1912 (Whittell, 1954: 203–204). When Mathews cataloged specimens he received from the Dodds, he did not indicate which of the Dodds collected them or note the collector on the labels. I have listed these specimens as from “the Dodds.”

In the case of specimens attributed to “Shrader” by Mathews, I have accepted the identification made by Whittell (1954: 638) of P. Schraeder, whose collection “passed to the Mathews Collection.”

One other lectotype has been designated in this part of the type list: Zosterops palpebrosa elwesi E.C.S. Baker, 1922, the type of which was said to be in the Rothschild Collection.

Gerlof Mees worked in the AMNH collection when he was preparing his comprehensive monograph on the Indo-Australian Zosteropidae (Mees, 1957, 1961a, and 1969); Finn Salomonsen also worked at AMNH when he was preparing the manuscript for the Meliphagidae in Peters' Check-list (Salomonsen, 1966a, 1967), although the promised monograph on the Meliphagidae was never published. The entire collection was available to both of these investigators.

Most helpful with this part of the type list, as well as with all previous ones, was H.M. Whittell's (1954) massive work on the literature of Australian birds. It has enabled me to match specimens in Mathews' collection with publications reporting the actual fieldwork during which the birds were collected, adding another dimension to the information available. And, as before, Ernst Mayr's manuscript cards bearing Mathews' names allowed me to check that I had, indeed, included all of Mathews' names proposed for the Zosteropidae and Meliphagidae.

Acronyms used in this part of the type list: AMNH, American Museum of Natural History, New York, NY; ANSP, Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, PA; BBM, Bernice P. Bishop Museum, Honolulu, HI; BMNH, The Natural History Museum, formerly British Museum (Natural History), Tring, UK; Cleveland Museum, no acronym found; CM, Carnegie Museum of Natural History, Pittsburgh, PA; FMNH, Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, IL; HNHM, Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest, Hungary; ICZN, International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature; LIVCM, World Museum, Liverpool, UK; MCZ, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA; MHNP, Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France; MSNM, Museo Civico di Storia Naturale, Milano, Italy; MZB, Museum Zoologicum Bogoriense, Cibinong, Java, Indonesia; NMB, Naturhistorisches Museum, Basel, Switzerland; NMV, Museum Victoria, Melbourne, Australia; NRM, Swedish Museum of Natural History, Stockholm, Sweden; PNG, Papua New Guinea; PNGM, Papua New Guinea Museum and Art Gallery, Port Moresby, PNG; PNM, Philippine National Museum, Manila, Philippines; RMNH, Netherlands Centre for Biodiversity Naturalis (formerly, Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie), Leiden, the Netherlands; SAMA, South Australian Museum, Adelaide, Australia; SMTD, Staatliches Museum für Tierkunde, Dresden, Germany; UMMZ, University of Michigan Museum of Zoology, Ann Arbor, MI; UMZC, University Museum of Zoology, Cambridge, UK; USBGN, United States Board on Geographic Names; USNM, National Museum of Natural History, Washington, DC; WAM, Western Australian Museum, Perth, Australia; YPM, Yale Peabody Museum, New Haven, CT; ZIUS, Zoological Institute, Stockholm University, Sweden; ZMA, Zoölogisch Museum, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands; ZMB, Museum für Naturkunde der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany; ZMO, Zoological Museum, Oslo, Norway (formerly Christiania Museum); ZMUC, Zoologisk Museum, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.

For a recent and extensive summary of molecular studies relating to Australian species of the Zosteropidae and Meliphagidae, see Christidis and Boles (2008).


For recent papers on molecular studies of Zosteropidae, see Slikas et al. (2000), Warren et al. (2006), van Balen (2008: 402–485), Moyle et al. (2009), and Cibois et al. (2010: 1–5, and included references. The Zosteropidae are now considered a subfamily in the family Timaliidae.

Zosterops palpebrosa alani Hartert

Zosterops palpebrosa alani Hartert, 1905b: 45 (S. Dionisio, Volcano Islands).

Now Zosterops japonicus alani 112Hartert, 1905. See Mees, 1957: 107–108, Dickinson, 2003: 625, Morioka et al., 2005: 22–23, and van Balen, 2008: 445–446.


AMNH 699737, adult male, collected on Iwo Jima (= ?S[an] Dionisio Island), 24.47N, 141.19E (Morioka et al., 2005: 152), Iwo Islands (= Volcano Islands), Japan, on 29 May 1904, by collectors for Alan Owston. From the Rothschild Collection.


In the original description, Hartert's type was cited as a male collected on 29 May 1904 on S. Dionisio, Volcano Islands. That date is unique to the above Rothschild specimen, and it bears a Rothschild type label in addition to the Owston label. Mees (1957: 108) also listed this specimen as the holotype. The type locality of alani has been discussed by Morioka et al. (2005: 23), who think that Iwo Jima is the most likely of the three Iwo Islands. Hartert did not enumerate his type series, but nine paratypes from the same locality came to AMNH with the Rothschild Collection: AMNH 699738–699746, three males and six females, collected between 13 May and 5 June 1904 by Owston's collectors. All bear the Owston number “D 13,” which may refer to the species or to the collector.

Zosterops japonica insularis Ogawa

Zosterops japonica insularis Ogawa, 1905: 186 (Tanegashima).

Now Zosterops japonicus insularis Ogawa, 1905. See Mees, 1957: 108–112, Dickinson, 2003: 625, Morioka et al., 2005: 52, and van Balen, 2008: 445–446.


AMNH 699774, adult male, collected at Masuda, Tanegashima Island, 30.35N, 130.59E (Morioka et al., 2005: 153), Japan, on 12 November 1904, by collectors for Alan Owston (nos. 1330, 43). From the Rothschild Collection.


No type was designated in the original description. Hartert (1920: 436) listed the specimen bearing the unique number 1330 as the type, thus designating it the lectotype, and Mees (1957: 110) confirmed Hartert's designation. Ogawa (1905: 188–189) listed all of the specimens that he examined in the Owston collection, a total of 55; 40 of these came to AMNH with the Rothschild Collection and 39 are paralectotypes: Yakushima, AMNH 699747–699766; Tanegashima, AMNH 699767–699773 and 699775–699786.

[Zosterops palpebrosa iriomotensis Kuroda]

Zosterops japonica iriomotensis Kuroda, 1923a: 88 (Sonai, Iriomote Island, Yayeyama Islands, S. Riu Kiu Group).

Now Zosterops japonicus loochooensis Tristram, 1889. See Morioka et al., 2005: 54.


Morioka et al. (2005: 53–54) noted that the holotype of iriomotensis was almost certainly lost in World War II and listed identification data for paratypes. AMNH has a paratype of this form, AMNH 699842, adult male, collected at Sonai, 24.23N, 123.45E (Morioka et al., 2005: 153), Iriomote-Jima Island, Yayeyama Islands, Ryukyu Islands, Japan, on 4 November 1921, collected by H. Orii (no. 375), Kuroda no. 6206. The subspecies iriomotensis is now considered a synonym of Zosterops japonicus loochooensis. This specimen has been placed with the type specimens at AMNH with a label to explain its status as a paratype.

[Zosterops palpebrosa daitoensis Kuroda]

Zosterops palpebrosa daitoensis Kuroda, 1923b: 120 (Minami-Daitojima, Borodino Islands).

Now Zosterops japonicus daitoensis 156Kuroda, 1923. See Morioka et al., 2005: 35.

Morioka et al. (2005: 35) noted that the holotype of daitoensis was almost certainly lost in World War II and listed identification data for paratypes. AMNH has a paratype of this form, AMNH 699843, adult female, collected on Minami Daitô-jima Island (= South Daito Shima), 25.50N, 131.14E (Morioka et al., 2005: 150), Daito (= Borodino) Islands, Japan, on 18 October 1922, by H. Orii (no. 1391), Kuroda no. 7351. Now Zosterops japonicus daitoensis. This specimen has been placed with the type specimens at AMNH with a label to explain its status as a paratype.

Zosterops palpebrosa hainana Hartert

Zosterops palpebrosa hainana Hartert, 1923: 33 (No Tai).

Now Zosterops japonicus hainanus Hartert, 1923. See Mees, 1957: 129–131, Dickinson, 2003: 625, and van Balen, 2008: 445–446.


AMNH 699896, adult male, collected at No Tai, Hainan Island, 19.00N, 109.00E (USBGN, 1968), China, on 28 September 1902, by Katsumata (no. 84). From the Rothschild Collection.


In the original description, Hartert designated as type a male collected at No Tai on 28 September 1902. AMNH 699896 is the only such specimen in AMNH; it bears a Rothschild type label, although it was not included in Hartert's (1928) list of types in the Rothschild Collection, and was confirmed as the holotype by Mees (1957: 130). Hartert (1923: 33) included in hainana specimens from No Tai, Se˜cha, and Liudon; paratypes in AMNH are: Liudon, AMNH 699894 and 699895, males; Se˜cha, AMNH 699897–699904, six males and two females. Hartert expressly excluded specimens from Hoihow and Kiungchau, saying that these specimens from northern Hainan were closer to Z. palpebrosa simplex, and their labels are so marked by Hartert.

Zosterops palpebrosa amabilis Koelz

Zosterops palpebrosa amabilis Koelz, 1950: 9 (Sasan, Junagarh, Kathiawar, India).

Now Zosterops palpebrosus egregius Madarász, 1911. See Mees, 1957: 40–51, Mayr, 1967: 294, Rasmussen and Anderton, 2005: 551, and van Balen, 2008: 446–447.


AMNH 803074, adult male, collected at Sasan, 21.10N, 70.26E (Lozupone et al., 2004), Junagarh, Kathiawar Peninsula, India, on 30 January 1949, by Walter Koelz.


Apparently, Koelz had the single specimen. In the original description, the type with the above data was said to be deposited in AMNH. However, it was in fact first deposited in FMNH, where it was given FMNH no. 246529, and was later returned to AMNH.

This population from the Kathiawar Peninsula has been treated differently by the several authors who have discussed it. It was recognized by Mayr (1967: 294), with a footnote saying that the Kathiawar Peninsula birds are “distinctly brighter than populations from the range of egregia.Mees (1957: 40–51) considered amabilis a synonym of egregius. Dickinson (2003: 625) did not mention amabilis, but restricted egregius to Sri Lanka and, according to the ranges given, considered amabilis a synonym of palpebrosus. Rasmussen and Anderton (2005: 551) tentatively recognized amabilis but noted that it was similar to occidentalis; van Balen (2008: 446) synonymized both amabilis and occidentalis with egregius. Undoubtedly, further study is called for.

Zosterops palpebrosa remota Koelz

Zosterops palpebrosa remota Koelz, 1939: 76 (Jalalabad, Afghanistan).

Now Zosterops palpebrosus egregius Madarász, 1911. See Mees, 1957: 40–51, Mayr, 1967: 294, and van Balen, 2008: 446–447.


AMNH 466913, adult male, collected at Jalalabad, 34.26N, 70.25E (Times Atlas), Afghanistan, on 18 December 1937, by Walter Koelz.


In the original description, Koelz said that his male type, with a wing measurement of 55.5 mm, was taken on the same date as his five “topotypes” (= paratypes). AMNH 466913 has a wing measuring 55.5 mm, is marked “Type” by Koelz, and bears an AMNH type label. His measurements were of four males and two females. The five paratypes are dated both 18 and 19 December 1937, possibly indicating date of preparation: females, AMNH 466908, wing 55 mm, AMNH 466909, wing 57.5 mm; males, AMNH 466910, wing 57 mm, AMNH 466911, wing 57 mm, AMNH 466912, wing 55 mm.

Dickinson (2003: 625) restricted egregius to Sri Lanka and included Afghanistan birds in Z. p. palpebrosus.

Zosterops palpebrosa elwesi Baker

Zosterops palpebrosa elwesi Baker, 1922: 144 (Sikkim).

Now Zosterops palpebrosus palpebrosus (Temminck, 1824). See Mees, 1957: 53–60, Dickinson, 2003: 625, and van Balen, 2008: 446–447.


AMNH 699939, unsexed, collected in Sikkim, India, in 1876. From the H.J. Elwes Collection via the Rothschild Collection.


In the original description, Baker listed as type an unsexed specimen collected in Sikkim in 1876 from the Elwes Collection and held in the Rothschild Collection. Two specimens with the above data came to AMNH with the Rothschild Collection. AMNH 699939 is marked “Zost. palp. elwesi Baker Type” and bears a Rothschild type label. Hartert's (1928: 208) listing of the type does not differentiate between the two specimens, although he incorrectly listed the type as a male and undated (both specimens are unsexed and dated 1876). Because the specimen marked “Type” and bearing the Rothschild type label was the intended type of elwesi and was so cataloged when the Rothschild collection came to AMNH, I hereby designate AMNH 699939 the lectotype of Z. p. elwesi to remove any ambiguity. AMNH 699940 becomes the paralectotype. Even though the type was said to be in the Rothschild Collection, Mees (1957: 58) apparently only searched for it in BMNH.

Zosterops palpebrosa cacharensis Baker

Zosterops palpebrosa cacharensis Baker, 1922: 144 (Gunjong, N. Cachar).

Now Zosterops palpebrosus palpebrosus (Temminck, 1824). See Mees, 1957: 53–60, Mees, 1969: 248–249, Dickinson, 2003: 625, and van Balen, 2008: 446–447.


AMNH 699944, AMNH 699945, AMNH 699946, adult males, collected at Gunjong, 25.19N, 93.01E (Lozupone et al., 2004), Northern Cachar, Assam, India, on 7 December 1895, by E.C.S. Baker. From the Rothschild Collection.


In the original description, Baker gave as his type a male collected at Gunjong on 7 December 1895, from his collection and housed in the Rothschild Collection. There are three males with those data that came to AMNH with the Rothschild Collection; on none of them does Baker give any indication of type status, and the Rothschild type label is the only indication that AMNH 699946 was the selected type specimen. Hartert's (1928: 208) later listing of types in the Rothschild Collection also failed to distinguish the one with the type label from the other two with the same data. Because there seems to be no indication of which specimen Baker himself selected as his type and because the presence of the type label alone does not serve in that respect (ICZN, 1999: 8, Art. 9.6), I consider all three to be syntypes.

Mayr (1967: 295) included the white-bellied cacharensis as a synonym of Z. p. siamensis. Strangely, Mees (1957: 58) did not trace the type of this form, even though in the original description it was said to be in the Rothschild Collection.

Zosterops unica Hartert

Zosterops unica Hartert, 1897d: 520 (Nanga Ramau).

Now Zosterops palpebrosus unicus 95969798Hartert, 1897. See Mees, 1957: 86–88, Dickinson, 2003: 625, Mees, 2006: 185–188, and van Balen, 2008: 446–447.


AMNH 700075, adult, collected at Nanga Ramau, Flores Island, Indonesia, in October 1896, by Alfred Everett. From the Rothschild Collection.


Hartert based his name on a single specimen, and gave an alternative spelling of the type locality as Nanga Roma, said to be in the Manggarai district. Manggarai is not in south Flores, as Hartert thought, but rather in central western Flores. Mees (2006: 12) gave the modern spelling of Nanga Ramau as Nanga Ramat, and I think this is correct. Nanga Ramat is at 08.20S, 120.41E (USBGN, 1982a). “Nanga” refers to a stream.

I have followed the Code (ICZN, 1999: 35, Art. in considering Zosterops masculine, but it is worth reading the account by Mees (2006: 186–188) of gender changes in this name historically.

Zosterops ceylonensis Holdsworth

Zosterops ceylonensis Holdsworth, 1872: 459 (Nuwara Eliya and on the upper hills).

Now Zosterops ceylonensis Holdsworth, 1872. See Mees, 1957: 22–26, Rasmussen and Anderton, 2005: 551, and van Balen, 2008: 447.


AMNH 699930, adult male, collected at Nuwara Eliya, 06.58N, 80.46E (Lozupone et al., 2004), Sri Lanka (= Ceylon), 28 January 1871, by E. Holdsworth. From the Rothschild Collection.


No type was designated in the original description, nor did Holdsworth say how many specimens he had, noting only that it was one of the commonest birds at Nuwara Eliya. Three specimens from the original series came to AMNH with the Rothschild Collection, two males and one female. Hartert (1928: 208) listed as the type and tied a Rothschild type label on a male from Nuwara Eliya, collected on 28 January 1871, choosing the specimen bearing two Holdsworth labels, each marked “♂ Type;” this specimen is now AMNH 699931. Without a doubt, this specimen with its Rothschild type label, has been considered the type. It was so cataloged when the Rothschild Collection came to AMNH and has been housed with the types since then. However, because there are two male specimens bearing the same data, this did not serve to designate one of them the lectotype.

Mees (1957: 24), perhaps not checking the AMNH types or having been loaned the other male specimen, now AMNH 699930, and based on the fact that the label data matched the data given by Hartert (1928: 208), decided to confirm Hartert's designation but cited the AMNH number of the specimen that he examined! Because Hartert's designation was ambiguous, there seems to be no alternative but to accept Mees' designation despite the fact that the other specimen, bearing the Rothschild type label, has always been considered the type. I have added an AMNH type label to AMNH 699930 but have retained AMNH 699931, now a paralectotype, in the type collection with a tag explaining the situation.

The female specimen, AMNH 699932, collected at Nuwara Eliya on 16 October 1868, is also a paralectotype and there are two paralectotypes in BMNH (Warren and Harrison, 1971: 103). All three of the AMNH specimens bear Holdsworth's catalog no. 181. This new form was illustrated in Holdsworth (1872: pl. XX).

Zosterops semperi owstoni Hartert

Zosterops semperi owstoni Hartert, 1900a: 2 (Ruk).

Now Zosterops semperi owstoni 105Hartert, 1900. See Mees, 1969: 156–157, Pratt et al., 1987: 284, Slikas et al., 2000: 355–365, and van Balen, 2008: 448.


AMNH 700803, unsexed adult, collected on Chuuk (= Truk or Ruk) Island, 07.28N, 151.51E (Times Atlas), Chuuk Islands, Caroline Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, on 7 May 1896, by collectors for Alan Owston. From the Rothschild Collection.


No type was designated in the original description, Hartert only saying that the Rothschild Collection had “received a large series from Ruk.” Hartert (1920: 435) listed as the type the only specimen collected on 7 May 1896, thereby designating it the lectotype. The Owston label is marked “Type” in what appears to be Rothschild's hand, and it also bears a Rothschild type label. Mees (1969: 157) did not appear to accept Hartert's designation of lectotype, although he usually did so, and only listed part of the type series even though he examined the specimens in AMNH. Hartert's published designation applies to a unique specimen from the original type series, and this is sufficient for lectotypification. The following are paralectotypes, collected on Chuuk in November 1895, February, March, May, and June 1896: AMNH 700791–700802, 700804–700811.

Mees (1969: 143–144) included the Caroline Islands white-eyes in the broad species Z. conspicillatus. Pratt et al. (1987: 283–284), based on song, included the subspecies semperi, owstoni, and takatsukasai in the species Z. semperi, and the recent mitochondrial sequence data of Slikas et al. (2000: 355–365) support this arrangement.

Zosterops clara Sharpe

Zosterops clara Sharpe, 1888b: 479 (Kina Balu).

Now Zosterops atricapilla atricapilla Salvadori, 1879. See Hartert, 1920: 435, Mees, 1957: 138–141, Smythies, 2000: 594–595, and van Balen, 2008: 449.


AMNH 700055, adult male, collected on Mount Kinabalu, 4000 ft, 06.03N, 116.32E (Times Atlas), Sabah, Malaysia, on 9 March 1888, by John Whitehead (no. 2179). From the Rothschild Collection.


Sharpe neither designated a type in the original description nor indicated the size of his type series. Later, he (Sharpe, 1889: 427) listed four specimens, three of which came to AMNH with the Rothschild Collection. Hartert (1920: 435), by listing the specimen bearing Whitehead's unique field no. 2179 as the type, designated it the lectotype. The Whitehead label of this specimen is marked “Type R.B.S[harpe]” and is his specimen “a” (although this letter does not appear on the label), which was originally dated “1887,” with the “7” overwritten by an “8.”

In Sharpe (1889: 427) all of the specimens of clara are listed as being from the 1888 expedition. This is correct, as Whitehead (in Sharpe, 1889: 428) reported that he met with this form at only one locality on Kinabalu at about 5000 ft [4000 ft on all of his labels], on his 1888 second ascent of Kinabalu. On his 1887 trip he only collected what is now Zosterops everetti tahanensis, the lower altitude Zosterops, reported by Sharpe (1887: 452) as inseparable from Z. auriventer and later named Zosterops aureiventer [sic] parvus Hachisuka, 1926, holotype in BMNH (Warren and Harrison, 1971: 421). Whitehead's field numbers from specimens collected on the 1887 expedition are in the 1000s.

Three additional specimens of clara were listed by Sharpe (1889: 427), two of which came to AMNH and are paralectotypes: AMNH 700057, male, 5 April 1888, Whitehead no. 2393 (Sharpe's “b” or “c”); AMNH 700058, female, 3 February 1888, with the “8” overwritten by a “7”(!), Whitehead no. 2104 (Sharpe's “d”).

The second male paralectotype collected on 5 April 1888 is in BMNH, Register no. 1898.9.30.219, ex museum of Henry Seebohm (R. Prys-Jones, personal commun.).

AMNH has a fourth specimen of this form which was not listed by Sharpe, AMNH 700056, male, collected on 3 February “1887,” Whitehead no. 2103. The field number indicates that it also was collected in 1888. It may not have been in Sharpe's hand when he described Z. clara and I do not consider it a paralectotype.

[Zosterops Basilanica Steere]

Mees (1957: 148) designated AMNH 700019 as lectotype of Z. Basilanica Steere, 1890. Subsequent research by Dickinson et al. (1989) has shown that Steere Expedition material retained by other expedition members and unavailable to Steere (1890) when he described new taxa should not be considered syntypes of Steere's names. Considerable Philippine material collected on the Steere expedition came to AMNH with the Rothschild Collection. I (LeCroy, 2003: 93) found that it was not possible to determine from whom Rothschild purchased his Steere material, but that it most likely was not from Steere himself, as none of the Steere material is accorded type status in Hartert's lists of types in the Rothschild Collection. Rothschild probably purchased it—perhaps from Moseley—in order to have topotypical material for reference. Therefore, because there is good evidence that AMNH 700019 was not part of Steere's type series, I consider that Mees' designation of a lectotype from Rothschild material was incorrect and that it has no type standing (ICZN, 1999: 76, Art. 72.4.1). However, it is retained in the type collection, with an additional label explaining its status. There are two syntypes from the original series in BMNH (Warren and Harrison, 1971: 58).

Zosterops palpebrosa mandibularis Stresemann

Zosterops palpebrosa mandibularis Stresemann, 1931a: 211 (Maimbun (Sulu-Inseln)).

Now Zosterops everetti mandibularis 371372Stresemann, 1931. See Mees, 1957: 154–155, and van Balen, 2008: 449–450.


AMNH 700030, adult male, collected at Maimbun, 05.56N, 121.02E (Dickinson et al., 1991: 421), Sulu Island, Sulu Archipelago, Philippines, on 1 May 1883, by H. Guillemard. From the Rothschild Museum.


In the original description, Stresemann designated as type the single male in the Rothschild Collection collected at Maimbun on 1 May 1883. He gave as the range Maimbun, Tawi-Tawi Island, and Bongao Island. The following specimens are paratypes: collected by Guillemard on 1 May 1883, AMNH 700029, female, Maimbun; collected by Everett in July 1893, AMNH 700031, male, Tawi-Tawi, AMNH 700032 and AMNH 700033, males, Bongao. This form was named after the publication of the final list of types in the Rothschild Collection (Hartert, 1931).

Zosterops aureiloris Ogilvie-Grant

Zosterops aureiloris Ogilvie-Grant, 1895b: 40 (mountains of Lepanto in Northern Luzon).

Now Zosterops nigrorum aureiloris 271Ogilvie-Grant, 1895. See Mees, 1957: 166–168, Dickinson et al., 1991: 399, and van Balen, 2008: 450.


AMNH 700076, adult male, 15 November 1894, by John Whitehead (no. 649); AMNH 700077, female, 21 February 1895, by John Whitehead (no. A.185); AMNH 700078, female, 21 November 1894, by John Whitehead (no. 703), all collected at Barit, 17.19N, 120.42E (Dickinson et al., 1991: 415), Abra Prov., northern Luzon Island, Philippines. From the Rothschild Collection.


In the brief original description, Ogilvie-Grant gave no indication of the sex or number of his specimens or exactly where they were obtained. In his somewhat more complete account, he (Ogilvie-Grant, 1895a: 453) noted that he had both males, females, and “younger examples.” Ogilvie-Grant (1895a: 434) cited a letter in which Whitehead noted that he was leaving for the northern highlands at the beginning of November 1894, and another letter (Ogilvie-Grant, 1895a: 435) dated 16 February 1895, where Whitehead reported his intention of returning to the coast. The above three specimens were collected from within that period and are considered syntypes. They had not previously been included in the AMNH type collection and were not listed by Hartert in any of his lists of types in the Rothschild Collection; nevertheless, their existence was mentioned by Mees (1957: 167) who gave no details. Other syntypes mentioned by Mees are in ZMB and in BMNH (Warren and Harrison, 1971: 44). Benson (1999: 138) listed two syntypes in UMZC.

Zosterops nigrorum mindorensis Parkes

Zosterops nigrorum mindorensis Parkes, 1971: 60 (north slope of Mt. Halcon, Mindoro, Philippines).

Now Zosterops nigrorum mindorensis Parkes, 1971. See Dickinson et al., 1991: 400, and van Balen, 2008: 450.


AMNH 790482, adult male, collected on the north slope of Mt. Halcon, 13.16N, 121.00E (Dickinson et al., 1991: 419), Mindoro Island, Philippines, on 19 March 1965, by J. Ramos.


Parkes gave the AMNH number of the holotype in the original description and noted that he had seen 12 specimens from five localities on Mindoro. All of the Mindoro specimens collected by Ramos on joint expeditions sponsored by AMNH and PNM were still at AMNH when Parkes studied these birds, and he would have had access to the seven specimens collected on those expeditions as well as one specimen collected by John Whitehead that had come to AMNH via the Rothschild Collection. Paratypes that he saw at AMNH were: AMNH 700079, female, Mt. Dulangan, 6000 ft., 26 January 1896, by John Whitehead; AMNH 790481, male, Bahay Bandok, Bongabon, Oriente Mindoro, 15 July 1963, by Ramos-Oane; AMNH 790483–790487, north slope of Mt. Halcon, March 1965, by J. Ramos. Of these last paratypes, AMNH 790483, 790485, 790486, and 790487 were later returned to PNM.

Zosterops obstinatus ternatanus Stresemann

Zosterops obstinatus ternatanus Stresemann, 1914a: 139 (Ternate, 3000–4000 f.).

Now Zosterops montanus obstinatus 105Hartert, 1900. See Mees, 1957: 196–197, White and Bruce, 1986: 413, and van Balen, 2008: 450.


AMNH 700170, adult female, collected on Ternate Island, 3000–4000 ft, 00.48N, 127.20E (White and Bruce, 1986: 491), Moluccas, Indonesia, in September 1896, by William Doherty. From the Rothschild Collection.


In the original description, Stresemann listed as type a female collected on Ternate between the altitudes of 3000 and 4000 ft, in September 1896, and noted that he had three female specimens. The specimen that is now AMNH 700170 is the only one collected between 3000 and 4000 ft and is the holotype; it also bears a Rothschild type label in addition to Doherty's original label and was listed as the type by Mees (1957: 197). The reverse of Doherty's label was originally annotated “Type of ternatensis!,” but this has been marked through, as that name was never introduced. The two paratypes are: AMNH 700171 and AMNH 700172, females, collected on Ternate at 3000 ft in September 1896 by Doherty. The three birds that comprise this type series are also paralectotypes of Z. obstinatus (see below).

Zosterops obstinatus Hartert

Zosterops obstinatus Hartert, 1900b: 238 (Batjan).

Now Zosterops montanus obstinatus 105Hartert, 1900. See Mees, 1957: 195–196, White and Bruce, 1986: 413, and van Balen, 2008: 450.


AMNH 700169, adult female, collected on Bacan (= Batjan) Island, 4000 ft, 00.35S, 127.30E (White and Bruce, 1986: 490), Moluccas, Indonesia, in September 1897, by William Doherty. From the Rothschild Collection.


Hartert had two specimens from Bacan, but in the original description, he did not distinguish between them. Hartert (1920: 434) listed the female as the type, thereby designating it the lectotype; the same specimen was considered the type by Mees (1957: 196). In addition to the specimens from Bacan, Hartert had the three specimens from Ternate that were later described as ternatanus (see above). Although unsure whether the Ternate specimens were exactly the same as those from Bacan, he did include them in obstinatus. Paralectotypes of obstinatus: AMNH 700160, male, Bacan, September 1897; AMNH 700170, AMNH 700171, AMNH 700172, females, Ternate, September 1896.

Zosterops obstinatus seranensis Stresemann

Zosterops obstinatus seranensis Stresemann, 1914a: 139 (G. Pinaia, Mittel-Seran, 6000 f.).

Now Zosterops montanus obstinatus 105Hartert, 1900. See Mees, 1957: 194–195, White and Bruce, 1986: 413, and van Balen, 2008: 450.


AMNH 700154, adult male, collected on Mount Binaiya (= Gunung Pinaia), 6000 ft, 03.11S, 129.26E (USBGN, 1982a), Seram (= Seran), Moluccas, Indonesia, on 15 August 1911, by Erwin Stresemann (no. 878) on the II Freiburger Molukken-Expedition. From the Rothschild Collection.


In the original description, Stresemann gave his unique field number of the single specimen he collected on Mount Binaiya and listed nine additional specimens in his type series, six from Mount Sofia, and three from Mount Hoale. The holotype and five paratypes came to AMNH with the Rothschild Collection. Paratypes in AMNH, all from Mount Sofia, are: AMNH 700155 (Stresemann no. 705), male, 26 June 1911; AMNH 700156 (672), male, 28 June 1911; AMNH 700157 (691), female, 28 June 1911; AMNH 700158 (694), female, 21 June 1911; AMNH 700159 (711), female, 28 June 1911. The three paratypes from Mount Hoale are in RMNH (Dekker and Quaisser, 2006: 24). The whereabouts of the remaining paratype is unknown.

Zosterops montana parkesi duPont

Zosterops montana parkesi duPont, 1971: 4 (Mt. Mantalingajan, Palawan, P.I., 5500–6000').

Now Zosterops montanus parkesi duPont, 1971. See Dickinson et al., 1991: 401, and van Balen, 2008: 450.


AMNH 788888, adult male, collected on Mount Mantalingajan, 5500–6000 ft, 08.48N, 117.40E (Dickinson et al., 1991: 421), Palawan Island, Philippines, on 14 April 1962, by D.S. Rabor (no. 34096).


The AMNH number of the holotype was cited in the original description. Measurements were given for six males and four females, but the only paratype in AMNH is AMNH 788887, unsexed, collected on Mount Mantalingajan on 14 April 1962 by D.S. Rabor (34105). Both of these specimens were gifts to AMNH from D.S. Rabor of Silliman University Natural History Museum, and the numbers on the reverse of the labels are perhaps museum catalog numbers.

Zosterops whiteheadi Hartert

Zosterops whiteheadi Hartert, 1903c: 14 (Lepanto, Luzon, 5000 feet high).

Now Zosterops montanus whiteheadi 107108Hartert, 1903. See Mees, 1957: 193–194, Dickinson et al., 1991: 401, and van Balen, 2008: 450.


AMNH 700139, adult male, collected at Bagnen (= Bagnin, as on label), 5000 ft, 17.02N, 120.53E (E.C. Dickinson, personal commun.), Lepanto, northern Luzon Island, Philippines, on 14 December 1894, by John Whitehead (no. 819). From the Rothschild Collection.


In the original description, Hartert gave Whitehead's unique field number of the holotype and said that he had a male and a female specimen. The paratype is AMNH 700140, female, collected at Bagnen on 20 December 1894 by John Whitehead (no. 883).

“Bagnin” is shown on the map in Whitehead (1899: 83). Between 3 November 1894 and 14 January 1895, Whitehead had stayed for some weeks at Bucay on the Abra River. Then, ill with dysentery, he ascended to an Igorrati village (name not mentioned), where he was based for several weeks (Whitehead, 1899: 84). Bagnen was perhaps the higher altitude Igorrati village.

Zosterops montana pectoralis Mayr

Zosterops montana pectoralis Mayr (in Delacour and Mayr), 1945: 116 (Canloan [sic], Volcano, Negros, Philippine Islands).

Now Zosterops montanus pectoralis Mayr, 1945. See Mees, 1957: 192–193, Dickinson et al., 1991: 401–402, and van Balen, 2008: 450.


AMNH 700150, adult male, collected on Canlaon (not Canloan) Volcano, 6000 ft, 10.25N, 123.08E (Dickinson et al., 1991: 417), Negros Island, Philippines, on 15 April 1896, by John Whitehead (no. B.442). From the Rothschild Collection.


Mayr cited the AMNH number of the holotype in the original description and noted that his type series comprised three specimens. Mees (1957: 193) also cited AMNH 700150 as the type of pectoralis. The two paratypes, both from Canlaon Volcano, are: AMNH 700151 (Whitehead no. B.480), female, 17 (or 19?) April 1896; AMNH 700152 (B.408), male, 11 April 1896.

Zosterops montana steini Mayr

Zosterops montana steini Mayr, 1944: 169 (Mt. Ramelan [sic] (2600 meters), eastern Timor).

Now Zosterops montanus montanus Bonaparte, 1850. See Mees, 1957: 191–192, White and Bruce, 1986: 413, and Dickinson, 2003: 626.


AMNH 308005, adult male, collected on Mount Ramelau (not Mount Ramelan), 2600 m, 08.55S, 125.25E (USBGN, 1982a), eastern Timor, on 1 May 1932, by Georg Stein (no. 4290).


Mayr cited the AMNH number of the holotype in the original description. The following specimens are paratypes: males, AMNH 346376–346384, Mount Mutis, AMNH 346385–346390, Mount Ramelau; females, AMNH 346391–346397, Mount Mutis, AMNH 346398–396403, Mount Ramelau; sex?, AMNH 346404–346406, Mount Mutis, AMNH 346407, 346408, Mount Ramelau. Of these, AMNH 346376, 346377, 346389, 346392–346394, and 346405 were sent to ZMB in January 1956; I did not find AMNH 346379 in the collection. The locality is clearly written “Mount Ramelau” on the holotype.

Fieldwork on Timor by Clara and Georg Stein, from ZMB, was supported by J. Sterling Rockefeller for AMNH, and the specimens were to be divided between the two institutions. The results were published by Mayr (1944) during World War II, and no specimens were returned to ZMB until January 1956. Stein never published fieldnotes from this expedition because his home and notebooks were destroyed during the war (Stresemann, 1967).

Zosterops whiteheadi vulcani Hartert

Zosterops whiteheadi vulcani Hartert, 1903c: 14 (Mt. Apo, Mindanao, 8000 feet).

Now Zosterops montanus vulcani 107108Hartert, 1903. See Mees, 1957: 176–189, Dickinson et al., 1991: 401, and van Balen, 2008: 450.


AMNH 700141, adult male (not female), collected on Mount Apo, 8000 feet, 06.59N, 125.16E (Dickinson et al., 1991: 415), Mindanao Island, Philippines, in April, 1903, by Walter Goodfellow. From the Rothschild Collection.


When he described vulcani, Hartert had a single specimen, labeled as a male, collected by Goodfellow; in the original description the type was listed as a female, but this was corrected without comment by Hartert (1920: 436). Mees (1957: 184) listed this type specimen but considered vulcani a synonym of Z. m. montanus. Specimens collected on Mount Apo by J. Waterstradt in October and November 1903 were collected too late to have been in Hartert's hand when the description was published on 30 October 1903.

Zosterops palpebrosa foghaensis Stresemann

Zosterops palpebrosa foghaensis Stresemann, 1912b: 347 (Gunung Fogha (= Kapala Madang = “Mount Mada”), N.W. Buru, 5500f.).

Now Zosterops montanus montanus Bonaparte, 1850. See Mees, 1957: 176–189, White and Bruce, 1986: 413, and van Balen, 2008: 450.


AMNH 700153, adult female, collected on Mount Kapalatmada (= Gunung Fogha), 03.15S, 126.09E (USBGN, 1982a), Buru Island, Moluccas, Indonesia, on 28 February 1912, by Erwin Stresemann (no. 1091). From the Rothschild Collection.


Stresemann cited his unique field number of the holotype in the original description. Stresemann (1914b: 391), reporting on the avifauna of Buru including his collection, listed only the type specimen, adding that a second specimen had been shot too badly to be preserved.

At the end of February 1912, Stresemann (1914b: 361) and his companion, Dr. Deninger, climbed “Mount Fogha,” the highest peak of which was 2060 m, but they only reached 1400 m before they were forced to turn back. The highest peak shown on my map is Mount Kapalatmada, which is probably the same as “Kapala Madang = Mount Mada,” given by Stresemann as equivalent names for Fogha. Rothschild and Hartert (1923: 118), in their description of Madanga ruficollis, equate mountains “Madang,” “Mada,” and “Fogha” with Mount Tomahu, 03.14S, 126.04E (USBGN, 1982a), but Stresemann's equivalent names seem adequate to me.

Zosterops chlorates oriochares Stresemann

Zosterops chlorates oriochares Stresemann, 1938: 45 (Latimodjong Gebirge, 2300 m).

Now Zosterops montanus montanus Bonaparte, 1850. See Mees, 1957: 176–189, White and Bruce, 1986: 413, and van Balen, 2008: 450.


AMNH 461239, adult male, collected in the Latimojong (= Latimodjong) Mountains, 2300 m, 03.30S, 120.05E (USBGN, 1982a), Sulawesi Island, Indonesia, on 19 July 1930, by Gerd Heinrich (no. 1075).


Stresemann cited Heinrich's unique field number of the holotype in the original description, noting that he had a large series of specimens from Heinrich, four from NMB and one from SMTD. Heinrich's 1930 expedition was jointly sponsored by ZMB and Leonard C. Sanford for AMNH. Types were to come to AMNH and the remainder of the specimens was to be divided between the two institutions. Paratypes that came to AMNH are: AMNH 293094–293126, all collected in the Latimojong Mountains between 1800 and 3000 m, in June and July 1930 by the Heinrich Expedition. These paratypes are stamped with a red “S” within a circle, indicating they were Sanford's share of the specimens.

Zosterops chlorates origenes Stresemann

Zosterops chlorates origenes Stresemann, 1938: 46 (Wawa-Karaeng, 2500 m).

Now Zosterops montanus montanus Bonaparte, 1850. See Mees, 1957: 176–189, White and Bruce, 1986: 413, and van Balen, 2008: 450.


AMNH 468609, adult male, collected at Wawa Karaeng, 2500 m, Mount Lompobatang (= Bonthain Peak), 05.20S, 119.55E (USBGN, 1982a), southern Sulawesi (= Celebes) Island, Indonesia, on 8 September 1931 by Gerd Heinrich (no. 5470).


Stresemann cited Heinrich's unique field number of the holotype in the original description but gave no catalog number for it. Mees' (1957: 184) publication of ZMB 34.2490 as the number of this holotype was misleading. One of the tags on this specimen, printed with the ZMB name, bears both ZMB 34.2490 and AMNH 468609; but on the type label which is also printed with the ZMB name, only the AMNH number appears. It was sent to AMNH in fulfillment of the funding agreement, as noted above. S. Frahnert (personal commun.) has confirmed that number 34.2490 in the ZMB catalog was given to this specimen while it was being studied by Stresemann, and that it is indicated in the catalog as having been sent to AMNH. Stresemann (1938: 46) studied 19 specimens; paratypes that came to AMNH are: AMNH 300294–300302, four males and five females, Wawa Karaeng, 2500 m, Lompobatang, September 1931; AMNH 300303, immature, Lombasanj, 1100 m, Lompobatang, August 1931, all collected by the Heinrich Expedition.

Zosterops intermedia periplecta Hartert

Zosterops intermedia periplecta Hartert, 1920: 434 (Lombok, 1500 feet).

Now Zosterops chloris maxi Finsch, 1907. See Mees, 1961a: 43–48, White and Bruce, 1986: 414, and van Balen, 2008: 453–454.


AMNH 700349, adult male, collected on Lombok Island, 1500 ft, 08.45S, 116.30E (White and Bruce, 1986: 490), Lesser Sunda Islands, Indonesia, in May 1896, by Alfred Everett. From the Rothschild Collection.


Hartert (1920: 434) described this subspecies within his list of types in the Rothschild Collection. The Rothschild type label is tied on the above specimen, and it is without doubt the intended type; however, there are two specimens bearing the same data. By listing AMNH 700349 as the type, Mees (1961a: 46) designated it the lectotype. Hartert (1920: 434) said that he had three specimens of periplecta collected by Everett and five by Doherty, all from Lombok. The seven paralectotypes are: AMNH 700350, male, May 1896, Everett; AMNH 700351, AMNH 700352, males, AMNH 700353–700355, females, June 1896, Doherty; AMNH 700356, female, June 1896, native collectors for Everett. AMNH 295136 is also a male collected on Lombok in May 1896 by Everett, but this specimen has no type standing; it was purchased from W.F.H. Rosenberg, a dealer, by Leonard C. Sanford for AMNH and was not part of Hartert's type series.

Zosterops sumbavensis Guillemard

Zosterops sumbavensis Guillemard, 1885: 508 (Bima, Sumbawa).

Now Zosterops chloris intermedius Wallace, 1864. See Mees, 1961a: 36–42, White and Bruce, 1986: 414, and van Balen, 2008: 453–454.


AMNH 700344, female?, collected at Bima, 08.28S, 118.43E (USBGN, 1982a), Sumbawa, Lesser Sunda Islands, Indonesia, on 14 August 1883, by R.ff. Powell. From the Rothschild Collection.


This specimen was listed as specimen “b” by Hartert (1920: 433), a co-type (= syntype) of Zosterops sumbavensis, described by Guillemard from two specimens. It was collected by Lt. R.ff. Powell on the cruise of the Marchesa (see Guillemard, 1889: 285). In addition to Powell's label, it bears Rothschild Collection and type labels.

Zosterops flavissima Hartert

Zosterops flavissima Hartert, 1903a: 29 (Binongka insula).

Now Zosterops chloris flavissimus 107108Hartert, 1903. See Mees, 1961a: 32, White and Bruce, 1986: 414, and van Balen, 2008: 453–454.


AMNH 700315, adult male, collected on Binongka Island, 05.57S, 124.02E (White and Bruce, 1986: 490), Tukang Besi Islands, Indonesia, on 9 December 1901, by Heinrich Kühn (no. 4215). From the Rothschild Collection.


Hartert cited Kühn's unique field number of the holotype in the original description and listed 19 specimens in his type series, giving Kühn's numbers for them. Only ten of these came to AMNH with the Rothschild Collection and it is not known whether the remainder were exchanged to another collection by Rothschild or given to a dealer for sale. Mees (1961a: 32) said, without giving details, that he had examined eight specimens “belonging to three different institutions and one private collection,” all collected by Kühn. Two specimens at AMNH were purchased by Leonard C. Sanford from the dealer W.F.H. Rosenberg and given to AMNH. One of them is certainly a paratype: AMNH 295140 (Kühn number 4224), male, Binongka Island, 10 December 1901; the other is probably a paratype: AMNH 295141 (no Kühn number present), Binongka Island, female, 10 December 1901. The nine paratypes from the Rothschild Collection in AMNH are: Binongka Island, AMNH 700316 (Kühn no. 4217), male, 10 December 1901, AMNH 700317 (4219), female, 10 December 1901, AMNH 700318 (4221), female, 9 December 1901; Kalidupa Island, AMNH 700319 (4580), male, 10 January 1902, AMNH 700320 (4579), male, 6 January 1902; Tamia Island, AMNH 700321 (4425), male, 15 December 1901, AMNH 700322 (4422), male, 22 December 1901, AMNH 700323 (4423), female, 21 December 1901; Wantjee Island, AMNH 700324 (4448), female, 2 December 1901.

Zosterops albiventris cairncrossi Mathews

Zosterops albiventris cairncrossi Mathews, 1916a: 62 (Cairncross Island).

Now Zosterops citrinellus albiventris Reichenbach, 1852. See Mees, 1961a: 18–26, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 683–684, and van Balen, 2008: 454.


AMNH 700248, adult female, collected on Cairncross Island, Cairncross Islets, 11.15S, 142.56E (USBGN, 1957), Queensland, Australia, on 20 July 1911, by William R. McLennan. From the Mathews Collection (no. 17282) via the Rothschild Collection.


In the original description, Mathews only said that his type was from Cairncross Island; his catalog number, 17282, was added to his collection label, but was not given in the description. His catalog showed that he had two specimens, a male and a female, received from MacGillivray (for whom McLennan collected). Mathews (1923a: 162) described the female of Zosterops albiventris, citing the correct data and noting that the bird described was the type of cairncrossi, thereby designating it the lectotype. In addition to McLennan's label, it bears a Mathews Collection label, marked “Type” by Mathews, and a Rothschild type label. The paralectotype is AMNH 700247 (Mathews no. 17283), male, collected on Cairncross Island on the same day by McLennan. This specimen bears a “Figured” label, indicating that it was illustrated in Mathews (1923a: pl. 506, middle right fig., opp. p. 156, text pp. 161–162), where the male, with the correct data cited, is said to be figured but is accorded no type status. MacGillivray (1914a: 175) noted the collection of these two specimens.

The generic name Zosterops is “to be treated as masculine, regardless of its derivation or of its treatment by its author” (ICZN, 1999: 35, Art., and previous editions). The specific name has been spelled both citrinellus and citrinella. David and Gosselin (2002: 40), citing Jobling (1991: 56), considered citrinella to be an Italian word falling under ICZN (1999: 38, Art. 31.2.3), and thus indeclinable. However, while Jobling (1991: 56) did consider citrinella an Italian word, he also noted that it was the diminutive of Latin citrinus, citrine. As such, it may be considered either a noun in apposition, with the original spelling retained, or an adjectival form, with gender to agree with that of the genus. Bonaparte (1850) himself, when introducing the name, treated Zosterops as feminine and did not specify whether citrinella was to be treated as a noun or adjective. In this case, usage of the adjectival form with gender agreement would seem to be decisive (ICZN, 1999: 38, Art. 31.2.2). Most of the publications dealing with the area in which this species of restricted range occurs, while accepting the genus Zosterops as masculine, consider the species name to be an adjectival form and use citrinellus (e.g., Beehler and Finch, 1985: 47; Beehler et al., 1986: 193; White and Bruce, 1986: 414; Sibley and Monroe, 1990: 604; Coates, 1990: 328; Andrew, 1992: 38; Coates et al., 1997: 489; Schodde and Mason, 1999: 683–684; and Strange, 2001: 330). Dickinson (2003: 627) apparently accepted David and Gosselin's assessment without question and some publications since then have followed Dickinson. I believe this assessment to be incomplete and have used the masculine gender ending.

[Zosterops citrinella intercalata Stresemann]

Zosterops citrinella intercalata Stresemann, 1931a: 217 (Kambera in Mittel-Sumba).

Now Zosterops citrinellus citrinellus Bonaparte, 1850. See Mayr, 1944: 168–169, and Dickinson, 2003: 627.


When Zosterops citrinella intercalata was described by Stresemann (1931a: 217), he designated as the holotype ZMB “Nr. 30.1614, male adult, Kambera in Mittel-Sumba, 21. März 1925, K.W. Dammerman leg. Nr. 71.” That specimen remains in ZMB. Stresemann (1931a: 202) had worked on Dammerman's collection in the Rothschild Collection (as well as in other European collections) and apparently at some time had intended to designate as the type of intercalata the specimen that became AMNH 700175, a male collected at Waingapo, Sumba Island, on 14 September 1896 by Alfred Everett. In fact, he had written on the back of the Rothschild Collection label “Typus von intercalata Stres. 1930.” I find no evidence that Stresemann had introduced this name in 1930. There is a Rothschild type label tied on the specimen, filled in by an unknown hand, and it was cataloged as a type when the Rothschild Collection came to AMNH. However, it has no standing as a type. Because the specimen bears a Rothschild type label, it remains in the type collection but with an added label to explain the situation. For the spelling of Z. citrinellus, see above.

Zosterops palpebrosa harterti Stresemann

Zosterops palpebrosa harterti Stresemann, 1912b: 347 (Alor).

Now Zosterops citrinellus harterti 364365Stresemann, 1912. See Mees, 1961a: 26–27, White and Bruce, 1986: 414, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 683–684, and van Balen, 2008: 454.


AMNH 700173, adult male, collected on Alor Island, 08.15S, 124.45E (White and Bruce, 1986: 490), Lesser Sunda Islands, Indonesia, on 30 March 1897, by Alfred Everett. From the Rothschild Collection.


In the original description, Stresemann designated as type the only male specimen collected by Everett on Alor. It bears in addition to Everett's label, a Rothschild type label, and was listed as the type by Hartert (1920: 435) and later by Mees (1961a: 27) with its AMNH number. Stresemann (1912b: 347) gave measurements for five males and one female; the female specimen came to AMNH with the Rothschild Collection and is a paratype: AMNH 700174, adult female, collected on Alor in March 1897 by Everett. For the spelling of Z. citrinellus, see above.

Zosterops subatrifrons A.B. Meyer and Wiglesworth

Zosterops subatrifrons A.B. Meyer and Wiglesworth, 1896: 17 (Insula Peling).

Now Zosterops atrifrons subatrifrons A.B. Meyer and Wiglesworth, 1896. See Mees, 1961a: 71–72, White and Bruce, 1986: 416, and van Balen, 2008: 455–456.


AMNH 700370, AMNH 700371, AMNH 700372, AMNH 700373 (immature), all collected on Peleng Island, 01.20S, 123.10E (White and Bruce, 1986: 491), Banggai Islands, Indonesia, in May–August 1895, by collectors for C.W. Cursham. From the Rothschild Collection.


No type was designated in the original description; the number of specimens was not given and Cursham's name was not mentioned, yet the dates May–August 1895 were provided, and all of these specimens were labeled “Cotypus” on the original label. Meyer and Wiglesworth (1898: 9) noted that Charles W. Cursham, a merchant at Menado, north Sulawesi, had been “engaged by A.B. Meyer and the Hon. W. Rothschild” to collect in Minahassa and on small neighboring islands. They then noted that “in our work [Meyer and Wiglesworth, 1895, 1896] specimens from this source are marked: ‘native collectors’ or ‘native hunters’ (‘nat. coll.’, ‘nat. hunt.’) and some of these skins have passed into other museums also.” Meyer and Wiglesworth (1898: pl. 30) illustrated Z. subatrifrons.

Meyer and Wiglesworth (1898: 490) listed only one adult by number, C 14535, but did not give it type status, adding that their series of eight specimens was in Dresden and the Tring Museum (= Rothschild Collection). Eck and Quaisser (2004: 298) listed three syntypes still in SMTD and syntype C 14535 as having been exchanged with BMNH. Together with the four syntypes from the Rothschild Collection listed above, all of the eight original specimens are accounted for. These specimens had not been included previously in the AMNH type series, and AMNH type labels have been added to confirm their status.

Zosterops minor rothschildi Stresemann and Paludan

Zosterops minor rothschildi Stresemann and Paludan (in Stresemann et al.), 1934: 44 (Mt. Derimapa, Gebroeders).

Now considered an intergrade between Zosterops minor minor and Z. m. chrysolaemus. See Mees, 1961a: 81–82, 1969: 282, Dickinson, 2003: 627, and van Balen, 2008: 457.


AMNH 303041, adult female, collected on Mount Derimapa, 5000 ft, Gebroeders Range, 03.39S, 135.56E (USBGN, 1982a), Kobowre (= Weyland) Mountains, Papua Province, Indonesia, on 29 June 1930, by Fred Shaw Mayer (no. 86).


Shaw Mayer collected the single specimen; his expedition was jointly sponsored by L.C. Sanford for AMNH and Rothschild, and the specimens were divided between the two collections. This specimen came directly to AMNH, the label stamped with an “S” within a circle indicating Sanford's share. It had been seen to differ and was listed as Zosterops minor subsp? by Rothschild (1931: 259), who refrained from naming it on the basis of a single specimen. It was not collected by Stein (Hartert et al., 1936) in the Weyland Mountains and the specimen remains unique. The subspecies was recognized as valid by Dickinson (2003: 627). Mees (1961a: 81, 1969: 282) raised the possibility that the specimen might represent intergradation between Zosterops atrifrons minor and Z. a. chrysolaemus, and van Balen (2008: 457) agreed with this, although he put both subspecies in the species Z. minor.

Zosterops meeki Hartert

Zosterops meeki Hartert, 1898a: 528 (Sudest).

Now Zosterops meeki 100Hartert, 1898. See Mees, 1961a: 91, and van Balen, 2008: 457.


AMNH 700582, adult male, collected on Tacuta (= Sudest or Tagula) Island, 11.20S, 153.10E (PNG, 1984), Louisiade Archipelago, Milne Bay Province, Papua New Guinea, on 18 April 1898, by Albert S. Meek (no. 1753). From the Rothschild Collection.


Hartert did not designate a type in the original description, saying only that he had a male and a female specimen. Later, Rothschild and Hartert (1903c: 452) listed the type as the male with Meek's field number “1753,” thereby designating the above specimen the lectotype. The paralectotype is AMNH 700586 (Meek no. 1754) collected on the same day.

Zosterops minor ultima Mayr

Zosterops minor ultima Mayr, 1955: 45 (New Hanover).

Now Zosterops hypoxanthus ultimus Mayr, 1955. See Mees, 1961a: 94–95, Mayr and Diamond, 2001: 396, and van Balen, 2008: 457–458.


AMNH 700443, adult male, collected on New Hanover Island, 02.35S, 150.10E (PNG, 1984), New Ireland Province, Papua New Guinea, on 12 February 1923, by Albert F. Eichhorn (no. 8164). From the Rothschild Collection.


Mayr cited the AMNH number of the holotype in the original description and gave the range of ultimus as New Hanover and New Ireland. Eichhorn collected eight specimens on New Hanover (Hartert, 1924b: 211) and seven (actually eight) specimens on New Ireland (Hartert, 1925: 133); in addition, there are two specimens collected by Captain Caley Webster on New Hanover (ex spirits) and one without date from the Curtis Collection. The 18 paratypes, AMNH 700428–700442, 700444–700446, came to AMNH with the Rothschild Collection and would have been available to Mayr. Mayr and Diamond (2001: 396) listed ultimus as a subspecies of Zosterops atrifrons.

Zosterops admiralitatis Rothschild and Hartert

Zosterops admiralitatis Rothschild and Hartert, 1914d: 108 (Manus).

Now Zosterops hypoxanthus admiralitatis 324325326Rothschild and Hartert, 1914. See Mees, 1961a: 95, Mayr and Diamond, 2001: 396, and van Balen, 2008: 457–458.


AMNH 700448, adult male, collected on Manus, Admiralty Islands, Manus Province, Papua New Guinea, on 23 September 1913, by Albert F. Eichhorn for Albert S. Meek (no. 6132). From the Rothschild Collection.


Rothschild and Hartert cited Meek's unique field number of the holotype in the original description. In their report on the expedition, Rothschild and Hartert (1914c: 298) listed 12 specimens, giving the Meek numbers for each. Ten of these, including the type, came to AMNH; the other two were perhaps exchanged to another collection by Rothschild prior to that. The nine paratypes in AMNH are: AMNH 700447 (Meek no. 6164), 700449 (6146), 700450 (5960), 700451 (5984), 700452 (6057), 700453 (6060), 700454 (6122), 700455 (6133), 700456 (6141). The two missing specimens bear Meek nos. 6159 and 6165.

Rothschild and Hartert (1914c: 282) noted that Eichhorn's party camped close to the German settlement on Manus Island. In the draft annual report of German New Guinea for 1913–1914 (Sack and Clark, 1980: 61), the following appears with reference to Manus: “An Australian spent the period from September to October near the Imperial Station, engaged in collecting birds and butterflies for the Tring Museum (Rothschild) in London.” The Manus Station was opened in October 1911, on Seeadler Harbour (Firth, 1983: 103) and is now known as Lorengau, 02.01S, 147.13E (Times Atlas).

Mayr and Diamond (2001: 396) and other authors have included this form in Z. atrifrons.

Zosterops fuscicapilla crookshanki Mayr and Rand

Zosterops fuscicapilla crookshanki Mayr and Rand, 1935: 16 (Goodenough Island, D'Entrecasteaux Archipelago).

Now Zosterops fuscicapilla crookshanki Mayr and Rand, 1935. See Mees, 1961a: 100–101, Coates, 1990: 329–330, and van Balen, 2008: 458.


AMNH 222112, adult female (not male), collected on Goodenough Island, D'Entrecasteaux Archipelago, Milne Bay Province, Papua New Guinea, on 20 November 1928, by Hannibal Hamlin on the Whitney South Sea Expedition (no. 36032).


The AMNH number of the holotype was cited in the original description. As noted by Mees (1961a: 101), due to a typographical error, the holotype was incorrectly listed as a male. The type series comprised two female specimens. The paratype is AMNH 222113 (Whitney no. 36028), female, collected on the same day.

During Hamlin's stay on Goodenough Island, the expedition ship France was anchored in Mud Bay, 09.25S, 150.20E (PNG, 1984). From 19–23 November 1930, Hamlin and collector, David, camped at 1900 ft, apparently at the same site used by the Eichhorn brothers when they collected for Rothschild four or five years previously. The Eichhorns had not collected this form. Crookshank was Captain of the France. (Hamlin, unpublished journal, Whitney South Sea Expedition, volume T, Department of Ornithology Archives, AMNH).

Zosterops kühni Hartert

Zosterops kühni Hartert, 1906: 82 (Amboina).

Now Zosterops kuehni Hartert, 1906. See Mees, 1961a: 104–105, White and Bruce, 1986: 417, and van Balen, 2008: 461.


AMNH 700396, adult male, collected on Ambon (= Amboina) Island, 03.40S, 128.10E (White and Bruce, 1986: 490), Moluccas, Indonesia, on 16 February 1906, by Heinrich Kühn (no. 7280). From the Rothschild Collection.


In the original description, Hartert cited Kühn's unique field number of the holotype, indicating more than one specimen but not saying how many he examined. Five specimens came to AMNH with the Rothschild Collection; the four paratypes in AMNH are: AMNH 700394 (Kühn no. 7149), male; AMNH 700395 (7276), male; AMNH 700397 (7279), female; AMNH 700398 (7277), female, all collected between 10 and 16 February 1906 on Ambon.

Zosterops novaeguineae wuroi Mayr and Rand

Zosterops novaeguineae wuroi Mayr and Rand, 1935: 16 (Wuroi, Oriomo River, Western Division, Territory of Papua).

Now Zosterops novaeguineae wuroi Mayr and Rand, 1935. See Mees, 1961a: 111–112, Coates, 1990: 330–332, and van Balen, 2008: 461.


AMNH 422406, adult male, collected at Wuroi, 08.50S, 143.07E (Deignan, 1964a: 234), Oriomo River, Western Province, Papua New Guinea, on 7 February 1934, by Richard Archbold and Austin L. Rand, on the 1933–1934 Archbold Expedition to New Guinea (no. 2784).


The AMNH number of the holotype was cited in the original description and three specimens from Wuroi comprised the type series. The two paratypes are: AMNH 422405 (Archbold no. 2575), immature male and AMNH 422407 (2574), immature female, both collected at Wuroi on 25 January 1934.

A summary and itinerary of this expedition by Archbold and Rand (1935: 576) identified Wuroi as the landing place on the Oriomo River for the oil-drilling company that had been working at Dogwa. Mayr and Rand (1937) published on the birds collected in 1933–1934.

Zosterops novaeguineae wahgiensis Mayr and Gilliard

Zosterops novaeguineae wahgiensis Mayr and Gilliard, 1951: 14 (Nondugl, Wahgi Valley, Central Highlands, Mandated Territory of New Guinea).

Now Zosterops novaeguineae wahgiensis Mayr and Gilliard, 1951. See Mees, 1961a: 112–115, Coates, 1990: 330–332, and van Balen, 2008: 461.


AMNH 348223, adult male, collected at Nondugl, 5200 ft, 05.50S, 144.45E (PNG, 1984), Wahgi Valley, Simbu Province, Papua New Guinea, on 28 April 1950, by E. Thomas Gilliard on the Gilliard Mount Hagen Expedition.


The AMNH number of the holotype was cited in the original description and the range of the subspecies was said to be the south slopes of the Bismarck Mountains. The following specimens, all collected in 1950, are paratypes: males, AMNH 705996, Base Camp, Mount Hagen, 24 July; AMNH 705997, Nondugl, 24 April; AMNH 705998, Nondugl, 26 April; females, AMNH 705999, Nondugl, 24 April; AMNH 706000, Nondugl, 24 April; unsexed, AMNH 706001, Nondugl, 27 April, AMNH 706002, Nondugl, 1 May. AMNH 706002 was sent to AM in 1953.

Mayr and Gilliard (1954) published the results of the Gilliard 1950 and 1952 expeditions to New Guinea.

Zosterops novaeguineae shaw-mayeri Mayr and Gilliard

Zosterops novaeguineae shaw-mayeri Mayr and Gilliard, 1951: 14 (Yandara, north slope of Mt. Wilhelm, Central Hightlands, Mandated Territory of New Guinea).

Now Zosterops novaeguineae wahgiensis Mayr and Gilliard, 1951. See Mees, 1961a: 112–115, Coates, 1990: 330–332, and van Balen, 2008: 461.


AMNH 348224, adult male, collected at Yandara, 6000 ft, on the north slope of Mount Wilhelm, 05.45S, 145.00E (PNG, 1984), Bismarck Range, Simbu-Madang provincial border, Papua New Guinea, on 28 April 1950, by Fred Shaw Mayer (no. 707).


This single specimen was collected by Shaw Mayer and was a gift to the 1950 Gilliard Expedition. Mees (1961a: 113–115) considered wahgiensis and shawmayeri synonyms and, as first revisor, selected wahgiensis as the valid name of the subspecies on the basis of line priority.

For information on Fred Shaw Mayer, see Peckover and George (1992).

Zosterops metcalfii exigua Murphy

Zosterops metcalfii exigua Murphy, 1929: 5 (Shortland Island, Solomon Group).

Now Zosterops metcalfii exiguus Murphy, 1929. See Mees, 1961a: 154–156, Mayr and Diamond, 2001: 396, and van Balen, 2008: 461.


AMNH 220057, male, collected on Shortland Island, 07.05S, 155.45E (Times Atlas), Solomon Islands, on 13 December 1927, by Rollo H. Beck on the Whitney South Sea Expedition (no. 29941).


The AMNH number of the holotype was cited in the original description and the range was given as Shortland, Choiseul, Bougainville, and Buka islands. Paratypes are: Choiseul Island, males, AMNH 220050–220054, females, AMNH 220055, 220056, 221931–221933; Shortland Island, males, AMNH 220058–220073, females, AMNH 220074–220080; Bougainville Island, males, AMNH 221934–221950, females, AMNH 221951–221959; Buka Island, males, AMNH 221960, 221961, females, AMNH 221962–221964. Of these, the following were exchanged: AMNH 220064 and 220080 to CM; AMNH 220067 and 220071 to NRM; AMNH 221939 to ANSP, AMNH 221946 to ZIN. Ten specimens were exchanged with Rothschild and when that collection came to AMNH, the specimens were renumbered: AMNH 220054 (to 700646), 220060 (to 700642), 220065 (to 700643), 220076 (to 700644), 220079 (to 700645), 221935 (to 700635), 221937 (to 700636), 221947 (to 700637), 221953 (to 700638).

Mayr and Diamond (2001: 396) did not recognize exiguus, synonymizing it with the nominate subspecies.

Zosterops floridana Rothschild and Hartert

Zosterops floridana Rothschild and Hartert, 1901b: 180 (Florida Island).

Now Zosterops metcalfii floridanus 310Rothschild and Hartert, 1901. See Mees, 1961a: 156–157, Mayr and Diamond, 2001: 396, and van Balen, 2008: 461.


AMNH 700653, adult male, collected on Nggela Sule (= Florida) Island, 09.05S, 160.15E (USBGN, 1974b), Solomon Islands, on 28 December 1900, by Albert Eichhorn for Albert S. Meek (no. 2704). From the Rothschild Collection.


No type was designated in the original description nor was the number of specimens examined given, although measurements were published for more than one of each sex. Hartert (1920: 436) listed the type as specimen no. 2704, thus designating it the lectotype. Paralectotypes in AMNH, all collected on Nggela Sula, are: AMNH 700654 (Meek no. 2706), male, 28 December 1900; AMNH 700655 (2719), male, 31 December 1900; AMNH 700656 (2715), male, 29 December 1900; AMNH 700657 (2737), male, 22 January 1901; AMNH 700660 (2705), female, 28 December 1900.

Zosterops lutea tribulationis Mathews

Zosterops lutea tribulationis Mathews, 1912a: 384 (North-West Australia (Point Torment)).

Now Zosterops luteus balstoni Ogilvie-Grant, 1909. See Mees, 1961a: 125–131, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 685–686, and van Balen, 2008: 462.


AMNH 700483, adult male, collected at Point Torment, 17.15S, 123.44E (USBGN, 1957), King Sound, west Kimberley, Western Australia, Australia, on 14 January 1911, by J.P. Rogers (no. 1146). From the Mathews Collection (no. 8264) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews cited his catalog number of the holotype in the original description and gave the range of the form as “northwest Australia.” Paratypes are specimens in the Mathews Collection from Point Torment, collected by Rogers in January through April 1911: males, AMNH 700484 (Mathews no. 8260, Rogers no. 1144), AMNH 700485 (8261, 1127), AMNH 700486 (8266, 1071), AMNH 700487 (8263, 1130), AMNH 700488 (8262, 1110), AMNH 700489 (8265, 1066), AMNH 700490 (8445, 1353); females, AMNH 700491 (8257, 1153), AMNH 700492 (8258, 1143), AMNH 700493 (8259, 1145), AMNH 700494 (8667, 1524).

Zosterops lutea headlandi Mathews

Zosterops lutea headlandi Mathews, 1923b: 36 (Point Headland [sic], North Mid-west Australia).

Now Zosterops luteus balstoni Ogilvie-Grant, 1909. See Mees, 1961a: 125–131, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 685–686, and van Balen, 2008: 462.


AMNH 700479, unsexed, collected at Port Hedland (not Headland), 20.19S, 118.34E (USBGN, 1957), Western Australia, Australia, in October 1907. From the Mathews Collection (no. 2839) via the Rothschild Collection.


In the original description, Mathews gave only the type locality of Point Hedland and mentioned no additional range or his catalog number of the type. AMNH 700479 bears a Rothschild Collection label, a Mathews Collection label, marked “Type of headlandi” by Mathews, and a “Figured” label, indicating that the specimen was illustrated in Mathews (1923a: pl. 506, bottom right fig., opp. p. 156, text p. 165), where the specimen bearing only the month and year, October 1907, is said to be the type of headlandi, thereby designating it the lectotype. Mathews had two additional specimens from Port Hedland, paralectotypes: AMNH 700477, female, collected 7 October 1914 and AMNH 700478, female, collected 27 October 1914. Both of these, collected by F.L. Whitlock, were originally in the H.L. White Collection, and were probably acquired from White during 191Mathews' 1914 visit to Australia; they were not cataloged by Mathews.

Zosterops lutea hecla Mathews

Zosterops lutea hecla Mathews, 1912b: 48 (Hecla Island, Parry Harbour).

Now Zosterops luteus luteus Gould, 1843. See Mees, 1961a: 124–125, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 685–686, and van Balen, 2008: 462.


AMNH 700495, adult male, collected on Hecla Island, 13.58S, 126.00E (USBGN, 1957), Parry Harbour, Northern Territory, Australia, on 14 November 1909, by G.F. Hill. From the Mathews Collection (no. 5658) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews cited his catalog number of the holotype in the original description. In addition to Hill's original label, the holotype bears Mathews and Rothschild type labels and a “Figured” label, indicating that the specimen was illustrated in Mathews (1923a: pl. 506, lower left fig., opp. p. 156, text p. 165), where it was confirmed as the type of hecla. Mathews cataloged the single specimen.

Zosterops aignani Hartert

Zosterops aignani Hartert, 1899b: 210 (St. Aignan Island, in the Louisiade Archipelago).

Now Zosterops griseotinctus griseotinctus 102103Hartert, 1899. See Mees, 1961a: 131–137, Coates, 1990: 333, Dickinson, 2003: 628, and van Balen, 2008: 262–263.


AMNH 700680, adult male, collected on Kimuta Island, 10.50S, 152.55E (PNG, 1984), (not St. Aignan = Misima), Louisiade Archipelago, Milne Bay Province, Papua New Guinea, on 7 December 1897, by Albert S. Meek (no. 1132). From the Rothschild Collection.


In the original description, Hartert did not designate a type. Later, Rothschild and Hartert (1903c: 453) listed Meek's specimen no. 1132 as the type, thereby designating it the lectotype. LeCroy and Peckover (1998: 227–228) gave reasons why Hartert probably only studied specimens in this collection purchased by Rothschild and not others turned over to a dealer for sale; paralectotypes in AMNH, all collected in 1897, are: AMNH 700681 (Meek no. 1057), male, 30 November; AMNH 700682 (969), male, 5 September; AMNH 700683 (968), male, 5 September; AMNH 700684 (973), female, 5 September; AMNH 700685 (971), female, 5 September; AMNH 700686 (923), female, 31 July; AMNH 700687 (1197), female, 17 December. Of these, AMNH 700683 and 700685 were exchanged to FMNH in the early 1960s.

LeCroy and Peckover (1998: 232) found that the type specimen of Zosterops aignani, labeled as having come from Misima (= St. Aignan), was actually collected on the small island of Kimuta, offshore from Misima, that Meek's 5 September specimens could have been collected either on Misima or Kimuta, that his 31 July specimen was probably collected on a small island on his way to Misima, and that his 17 December specimen was from Kimuta. We did not see it on Misima nor has it been reported there by others. Mees (1961a: 135–137) and Mayr (1967: 311) considered aignani a synonym of Z. g. griseotinctus, but Coates (1990: 333) and Dickinson (2003: 628) recognized it. More recently, van Balen (2008: 462) again synonymized it with nominate griseotinctus. Z. griseotinctus is a small island specialist; the source of these island populations and the subspecies limits among them need to be reexamined.

Benson (1999: 139) did not accept Hartert's (1920: 436) listing of the type as a lectotypification and cited a “syntype” in UMZC; however, Rothschild and Hartert (1903c: 453) had also earlier designated this same specimen as the lectotype. Hartert's (1918: 4, 1919a: 123) purpose in publishing on the Rothschild types was to “fix” the type specimen, when that specimen was in the Rothschild Collection. Warren and Harrison (1971: 9) accepted this designation and did not list “St. Aignan” specimens in BMNH. The “paralectotype” that Benson cited was collected on 17 December on Kimuta Island; it probably was not in Hartert's hand when this subspecies was named.

Zosterops eichhorni Hartert

Zosterops eichhorni Hartert, 1926a: 48 (Nissan Island).

Now Zosterops griseotinctus eichhorni 125Hartert, 1926. See Mees, 1961a: 139–142, Mayr and Diamond, 2001: 396, Hadden, 2004: 219–220, and van Balen, 2008: 462–463.


AMNH 700705, adult male, collected on Nissan Island, 04.25S, 154.10E, Bougainville Province, Papua New Guinea, on 16 August 1924, by Albert F. Eichhorn (no. 9577). From the Rothschild Collection.


Hartert cited Eichhorn's unique field number of the holotype in the original description and noted (Hartert, 1926a: 46) that he collected eight specimens, all in 1924. Only seven of these specimens came to AMNH; the six paratypes are: male, AMNH 700704 (Eichhorn no. 9472), 29 July; females, AMNH 700706 (9539), 11 August; AMNH 700707 (9467), 29 July; AMNH 700708 (9591), 20 August; AMNH 700709 (9578), 16 August; AMNH 700710 (9463), 28 July.

Zosterops rennelliana Murphy

Zosterops rennelliana Murphy, 1929: 10 (Rennell Island, Solomon Group).

Now Zosterops rennellianus Murphy, 1929. See Mees, 1961a: 142–143, Mayr and Diamond, 2001: 397, and van Balen, 2008: 463.


AMNH 222138, adult male, collected on Rennell Island, Solomon Islands, on 28 April 1928, by Hannibal Hamlin on the Whitney South Sea Expedition (no. 35299).


Murphy cited the AMNH number of the holotype in the original description and said that six males and two females were collected 27–30 August 1928. Paratypes are: males, AMNH 222136, 222137, 222139222141; females, AMNH 222142, 222143. AMNH 222141 had been exchanged to Rothschild and when his collection came to AMNH in 1932, it was renumbered 700711. Other Rennell specimens were collected after the publication date of the name.

During the Whitney Expedition's stay on Rennell in 1928, its vessel, France, was anchored in Lughu (= Kungava or Kunggava) Bay (Mayr and Hamlin, 1931: 3), 11.40S, 160.17E (USBGN, 1974b).

Zosterops vellalavella Hartert

Zosterops vellalavella Hartert, 1908: 106 (Vella Lavella I., Central Group of the Solomon Islands).

Now Zosterops vellalavella Hartert, 1906. See Mees, 1961a: 143–145, Mayr and Diamond, 2001: 396, and van Balen, 2008: 463.


AMNH 700719, adult male, collected on Vella Lavella Island, 07.45S, 156.35E (Times Atlas), Solomon Islands, on 26 February 1908, by Albert S. Meek (no. 3856). From the Rothschild Collection.


In the original description, Hartert said that the type in the Rothschild Collection was a male with Meek's no 3858, collected on 26.ii.08; Meek's number on the above specimen is 3856. That the number listed in the description was a typographical error is confirmed by Hartert (1920: 436), who cited the number as 3856 without comment. There is no specimen of Z. vellalavella bearing the Meek no. 3858; that number is borne instead by a specimen of Myiagra ferrocyanea feminina (T. Trombone, personal commun.). The holotype bears in addition to Meek's label and a Rothschild Collection label, a Rothschild type label on which Hartert has written “no. 3856.” It is also cited as the type by Mees (1961a: 144). Hartert (1908: 106) did not say how many specimens he examined, but Rothschild and Hartert (1908: 358) listed four males and two females, with their Meek numbers. The following paratypes, all collected by Meek on Vella Lavella in 1908, came to AMNH: males, AMNH 700718 (Meek no. 3861), 26 February; AMNH 700720 (3848), 25 February; AMNH 700721 (3799), 20 February; female, AMNH 700722 (3857), 26 February. A female specimen bearing Meek's number 3819 is also a paratype, if found.

Zosterops luteirostris Hartert

Zosterops luteirostris Hartert, 1904b: 61 (Insula Salomonis Gizo dicta).

Now Zosterops luteirostris 110Hartert, 1904. See Mees, 1961a: 145–146, Mayr and Diamond, 2001: 396–397, Dickinson, 2003: 628, and van Balen, 2008: 463–464.


AMNH 700727, adult male, collected on Gizo Island, 08.04S, 156.45E (Times Atlas), Solomon Islands, on 2 November 1903, by Albert S. Meek (no. A724). From the Rothschild Collection.


In the original description, Hartert gave Meek's unique field number of the holotype but no indication of how many specimens he examined. Rothschild and Hartert (1905: 266) reported that Meek had collected five males and five females, giving Meek's field numbers for them. Eight of the nine paratypes came to AMNH with the Rothschild Collection; they were all collected by Meek on Gizo in 1903 (not 1902, as in Hartert, 1904b: 61): females, AMNH 700723 (Meek no. A606), 23 October; AMNH 700724 (A761), 5 November; AMNH 700725 (A748), 4 November; AMNH 700726 (A633), 26 October; males, AMNH 700728 (A795), 8 November; AMNH 700729 (A855) 14 November; AMNH 700730 (A803), 9 November; AMNH 700731 (A840), 13 November. The ninth paratype should have Meek's no. A631.

Various authors have considered this population and the next either as separate species (Mees, 1961a: 145–147; van Balen, 2008: 463), as species in the superspecies luteirostris (Mayr and Diamond, 2001: 396–397), or as subspecies in Z. luteirostris (Mayr, 1967: 312; Dickinson, 2003: 628).

Zosterops splendida Hartert

Zosterops splendida Hartert, 1929: 12 (Island of Ganonga, Solomon Islands).

Now Zosterops splendidus Hartert, 1929. See Mees, 1961a: 146–147, Mayr and Diamond, 2001: 396–397, Dickinson, 2003: 628, and van Balen, 2008: 463.


AMNH 220020, adult male, collected on Ganongga (= Ganonga) Island, Solomon Islands, on 24 October 1927, by Rollo H. Beck on the Whitney South Sea Expedition (no. 28852).


Hartert gave the AMNH number of the holotype in the original description and said that he had examined four males and one female. Only part of the specimens collected on Ganongga was sent to Hartert for study and only those specimens comprise his type series. They are identifiable because someone in hand unknown has written on them in black ink “splendidus [sic] Hart.” The paratypes are: AMNH 220014, male, 19 October 1927; AMNH 220023, male, 25 October 1927; AMNH 220024, male, 25 October 1927; AMNH 220025, female, 22 October 1927.

On 24 October 1927, the expedition vessel, France, was anchored at the Ganongga village of Kumbokota, now called Pienuna, 08.02S, 156.36E (USBGN, 1974b), and expedition personnel collected from there to Mount Kela, 08.03S, 156.34E (USBGN, 1974b), according to Hamlin's Journal S, unpublished journals of the Whitney South Sea Expedition in the Archives, Department of Ornithology, AMNH.

As noted above, splendidus is variously regarded as a full species or a subspecies of Zosterops luteirostris.

Zosterops kulambangrae Rothschild and Hartert

Zosterops kulambangrae Rothschild and Hartert, 1901b: 180 (Kulambangra).

Now Zosterops kulambangrae kulambangrae 310Rothschild and Hartert, 1901. See Mees, 1961a: 147–149, and van Balen, 2008: 464.


AMNH 700752, adult male, collected on Kolombangara (= Kulambangra) Island, 08.00S, 157.10E (Times Atlas), Solomon Islands, on 13 March 1901, by Albert S. Meek (no. 2875). From the Rothschild Collection.


No type was designated in the original description, but male and female were described and the type series was said to comprise four skins collected on Kolombangara in January, February, and March 1901. Hartert (1920: 436) listed Meek's specimen no. 2875 as the type, thereby designating it the lectotype. The three paralectotypes are: males, AMNH 700751 (Meek no. 2881), 14 March; AMNH 700753 (2842), 7 March; female, AMNH 700754 (2795), 25 February. None was collected in January.

I have followed Mees (1961a: 147–151) and van Balen (2008: 464) in using kulambangrae as the species name for this taxon and for tetiparius (below). For discussions of Tristram's name rendovae, see Mees (1961a: 147–150, 1969: 293), Mayr (1967: 312–313), and van Balen (2008: 464) and included references.

Zosterops rendovae tetiparia Murphy

Zosterops rendovae tetiparia Murphy, 1929: 7 (Tetipari).

Now Zosterops kulambangrae tetiparius Murphy, 1929. See Mees, 1961a: 147–149, and van Balen, 2008: 464.


AMNH 222074, adult male, collected on Tetepare (= Tetipari) Island, 08.45S, 157.30E (Times Atlas), Solomon Islands, on 7 August 1928, by Hannibal Hamlin on the Whitney South Sea Expedition (no. 35095).


Murphy cited the AMNH number of the holotype in the original description and said that he had 11 males and five females collected on Tetepare, 6–8 August 1928. There were, however, 11 males and five females in addition to the holotype. The paratypes are: males, 6 August, AMNH 222070; 7 August, AMNH 222071–222073; 8 August, AMNH 222075–222080; females, 7 August, AMNH 222081, 222082; 8 August, AMNH 222083–222085. Of these, AMNH 222070 was exchanged to NRM in June 1929, and AMNH 222076 and 222085 were exchanged with Rothschild; when the last two were returned to AMNH with the Rothschild Collection, they were renumbered 700747 and 700748, respectively. On 7 August 1928, the expedition vessel, France, was anchored off the Tetepare Plantation (Hamlin's Journal S, unpublished journals of the Whitney South Sea Expedition, Archives, Department of Ornithology, AMNH).

See previous entry for discussion of the species name Z. rendovae vs Z. kulambangrae for this form, and relevant references.

Zosterops murphyi Hartert

Zosterops murphyi Hartert, 1929: 11 (Kulambangra).

Now Zosterops murphyi Hartert, 1929. See Mees, 1961a: 151–152, Mayr and Diamond, 2001: 397, and van Balen, 2008: 464.


AMNH 220087, adult male, collected on Kolombangara (= Kulambangra) Island, Solomon Islands, on 13 October 1927, by Joe Hicks on the Whitney South Sea Expedition (no. 28564).


Hartert gave the AMNH number of the holotype in the original description and examined three males and two females collected on the Whitney South Sea Expedition. The four paratypes from Hartert's type series, labeled in ink as “murphyi Hart.,” are: AMNH 220082, male, 12 October 1927; AMNH 220085, male, 12 October 1927; AMNH 220090, female, 11 October 1927, AMNH 220091, female, 11 October 1927. Of these, AMNH 220082 was exchanged to Rothschild and when it returned to AMNH, was renumbered AMNH 700764. Other specimens of Z. murphyi collected by the Whitney Expedition are not paratypes.

According to Hamlin's journal volume S, unpublished journals of the Whitney South Sea Expedition, Archives, Department of Ornithology, AMNH, the expedition vessel, France, was anchored on 13 October 1927 in what was then known as Ariel Cove; it is now called Meresu Cove, 08.02S, 156.57E (USBGN, 1974b). Joe Hicks was a member of the crew of the France.

Zosterops alberti Rothschild and Hartert

Zosterops alberti Rothschild and Hartert, 1908b: 364 (San Cristobal).

Now Zosterops rendovae rendovae Tristram, 1882. See Mees, 1961a: 157–162, Mayr, 1967: 313, Mayr and Diamond, 2001: 397, and van Balen, 2008: 464.


AMNH 700667, adult male, collected on Anuta (= Yanuta) Island, 10.20S, 161.21E (USBGN, 1974b), Makira (= San Cristobal) Island, Solomon Islands, on 25 April 1908, by Albert S. Meek (no. 4078). From the Rothschild Collection.


In the original description, Rothschild and Hartert designated as the holotype the specimen bearing Meek's unique number 4078. Their type series comprised three males and three females from Anuta and Makira, with Meek's numbers listed. Paratypes, all collected in 1908, are: Makira, females, AMNH 700665 (Meek no. 4124), 1 May; AMNH 700666 (4123), 1 May; Anuta, males, AMNH 700668 (4086), 26 April; AMNH 700669 (4102) 27 April; female, AMNH 700670 (4103), 27 April. The entire island of San Cristobal is today called Makira, but there is a Makira Harbor in the northwest part of the island within which is the island of Anuta. This is undoubtedly where Meek anchored his boat.

Mees (1961a: 157–162) and van Balen (2008: 464) correctly used Z. r. rendovae for the Makira subspecies as it was shown that the original description of rendovae applied to the Makira bird.

Zosterops alberti oblita Hartert

Zosterops alberti oblita Hartert, 1929: 10 (Guadalcanar).

Now Zosterops rendovae oblitus Hartert, 1929. See Mees, 1961a: 162–164, Mayr, 1967: 313, Mayr and Diamond, 2001: 397, and van Balen, 2008: 464.


AMNH 218110, adult male, collected on Guadalcanal (= Guadalcanar) Island, Solomon Islands, on 30 May 1927, by Rollo H. Beck on the Whitney South Sea Expedition (no. 26467).


Hartert gave the AMNH number of the holotype in the original description and examined two males and three females from Guadalcanal. The paratypes are: AMNH 218114, female, 31 May 1927; AMNH 218115, female, 2 July 1927; AMNH 220101, male, 22 July 1927; AMNH 220103, female, 22 July 1927. The specimens that Hartert examined are labeled in ink “alberti oblita Hart.” The other specimens collected by the Whitney Expedition on Guadalcanal are not paratypes. Among the paratypes, AMNH 220101 and 220103 were exchanged to Rothschild and when they returned to AMNH they were renumbered AMNH 700672 and 700675, respectively.

According to Beck's Journal D, unpublished journals of the Whitney South Sea Expedition, Archives, Department of Ornithology, AMNH, the expedition vessel, France, was anchored on 30 May 1927 in Doma Cove, now called Ndoma Cove, 09.19S, 159.48E (USBGN, 1974b) and its staff collected from there up to about 3500 ft in the hills.

Zosterops alberti hamlini Murphy

Zosterops alberti hamlini Murphy, 1929: 3 (Bougainville Island, Solomon Group).

Now Zosterops rendovae hamlini Murphy, 1929. See Mees, 1961a: 164, Schodde, 1977: 87–88, Mayr and Diamond, 2001: 397, Hadden, 2004: 218–219, and van Balen, 2008: 464.


AMNH 222098, adult male, collected on Bougainville Island, North Solomons Province, Papua New Guinea, on 27 January 1928, by Frederick P. Drowne (no. 562) on the Whitney South Sea Expedition.


Murphy cited the AMNH number of the holotype in the original description and said that he examined 14 males and seven females collected 31 December 1927–29 (not 25) January 1928. Paratypes are: males, AMNH 222086–222097, 222099; females, AMNH 222100–222106. Of these, AMNH 222087 was exchanged to NRM in June 1929. The following were exchanged to Rothschild and renumbered when they returned to AMNH: AMNH 222089 (700677), AMNH 222091 (700678), AMNH 222095 (700676), and AMNH 222102 (700679).

According to Drowne's journal, volume Q, unpublished journals of the Whitney South Sea Expedition, Archives, Department of Ornithology, AMNH, the base camp in January 1928 was at Kupei, 06.15S, 155.25E (PNG, 1984).

Zosterops stresemanni Mayr

Zosterops stresemanni Mayr, 1931b: 26 (Malaita Island, British Solomon Islands).

Now Zosterops stresemanni 215216217Mayr, 1931. See Mees, 1961a: 164–165, Mayr and Diamond, 2001: 397, and van Balen, 2008: 464.


AMNH 227362, adult male, collected on Malaita Island, Solomon Islands, on 6 February 1930, by William F. Coultas, Hannibal Hamlin, Walter J. Eyerdam, and Ernst Mayr on the Whitney South Sea Expedition (no. 39129).


In the original description, Mayr cited the AMNH number of the holotype; he did not say how many specimens he examined but gave measurements for adult and immature males and females. The following specimens are paratypes of stresemanni: males, AMNH 227358–227361, 227363–227388; females, AMNH 227389–227411. The following were exchanged: AMNH 227360 to ZMB, AMNH 227371 to Berlioz (probably now in MHNP), AMNH 227376 to ANSP, AMNH 227388 to ZMB, AMNH 227405 to ANSP. I did not find AMNH 227358 and 227407; they were perhaps exchanged without the catalog having been so marked.

On 6 February 1930, the expedition vessel, France, was anchored at Su'u Harbour, 09.10S, 160.56E (USBGN, 1974b), according to Coultas' journal V, unpublished journals of the Whitney South Sea Expedition, Archives, Department of Ornithology, AMNH.

Zosterops samoensis Murphy and Mathews

Zosterops samoensis Murphy and Mathews, 1929: 11 (Savaii Island, Samoa).

Now Zosterops samoensis Murphy and Mathews, 1929. See Mees, 1969: 141–142, Watling, 2001: 165–166, and van Balen, 2008: 465.


AMNH 206312, adult female, collected on Savai'i Island, Western Samoa, on 23 May 1924, by Rollo H. Beck on the Whitney South Sea Expedition (no. 12729).


Murphy and Mathews gave the AMNH number of the holotype in the original description and said that they examined 24 specimens collected on Savai'i on 19 and 23 May 1924. The paratypes are: AMNH 206301–206311, 206313–206321, 206423, 222154, 222155. Of these, AMNH 206317 was exchanged to ZMB; AMNH 206319 was exchanged to NRM; and AMNH 206320 and 222154 were exchanged to ANSP. Four specimens were exchanged to Rothschild and renumbered when they returned to AMNH: AMNH 206303 (700785); AMNH 206309 (700787); AMNH 206313 (700786); and AMNH 206321 (700788).

According to Beck's journal volume F, unpublished journals of the Whitney South Sea Expedition, Archives, Department of Ornithology, AMNH, the expedition vessel, France, was anchored at Salailua Bay, 13.39S, 172.33W (Times Atlas), on 23 May 1924.

For a study of genetic and phenotypic divergence within and among populations of Zosterops flavifrons in Vanuatu, see Phillimore et al. (2008).

Zosterops flavifrons gauensis Murphy and Mathews

Zosterops flavifrons gauensis Murphy and Mathews, 1929: 5 (Gaua Island, in the Banks Group of the New Hebrides).

Now Zosterops flavifrons gauensis Murphy and Mathews, 1929. See Mees, 1969: 129–130, Bregulla, 1992: 250–251, and van Balen, 2008: 465.


AMNH 216131, adult male, collected on Gaua Island, 14.17S, 167.30E (USBGN, 1974c), Banks Islands, Vanuatu, on 22 November 1926, by Jose G. Correia on the Whitney South Sea Expedition (no. 23973).


Murphy and Mathews cited the AMNH number of the holotype and said that they had 11 specimens. The ten paratypes are: AMNH 216129, 216130, 216132–216139.

Zosterops flavifrons perplexa Murphy and Mathews

Zosterops flavifrons perplexa Murphy and Mathews, 1929: 3 (Ambrym Island, New Hebrides Group).

Now Zosterops flavifrons perplexus Murphy and Mathews, 1929. See Mees, 1969: 128–129, Bregulla, 1992: 250–251, and van Balen, 2008: 465.


AMNH 212600, adult male, collected on Ambrym Island, Vanuatu (= New Hebrides), on 14 August 1926, by Jose G. Correia on the Whitney South Sea Expedition (no. 22057).


Murphy and Mathews cited the AMNH number of the holotype and listed 12 islands and dates for which they had specimens: Paratypes are: Aoba Island, AMNH 216160, 216161, 218134–218138, 218142, 218143; Pentacost Island, AMNH 216157, 216158; Meralav Island, AMNH 214073; Aurora Island, AMNH 218139–218141; Ambrym Island, AMNH 212599, 212614; Pauuma Island, AMNH 212606, 212625; Lopevi Island, AMNH 212607; Epi Island, AMNH 212608, 212626, 212627, 216150, 216151, 218132; Tongoa Island, AMNH 212609, 212610, 212620; Tongariki Island, AMNH 222156; Mai Island, AMNH 212601–212604, 212621–212624; Vanua Lava Island, AMNH 216140–216148, 216154. Of these, AMNH 218135 was exchanged to ZMB; AMNH 218143 was exchanged to ANSP; AMNH 212624 was exchanged to NRM; AMNH 216143 was exchanged to CM; and AMNH 216146 was exchanged to ANSP. The following were exchanged to Rothschild and were renumbered when they returned to AMNH: AMNH 218139 (700773), AMNH 212603 (700772), AMNH 216145 (700774).

According to Beck's journal Volume D, unpublished journals of the Whitney South Sea Expedition, Archives, Department of Ornithology, AMNH, the expedition vessel, France, was anchored in Craig Cove, 16.16S, 167.55E (USBGN, 1974c) when this holotype was collected on 14 August 1926.

Zosterops flavifrons brevicauda Murphy and Mathews

Zosterops flavifrons brevicauda Murphy and Mathews, 1929: 3 (Malo Island, New Hebrides Group).

Now Zosterops flavifrons brevicauda Murphy and Mathews, 1929. See Mees, 1969: 130–131, Bregulla, 1992: 250–251, and van Balen, 2008: 465.


AMNH 213604, adult male, collected on Malo Island, 15.41S, 167.10E (USBGN, 1974c), Vanuatu (= New Hebrides), on 27 August 1926, by Jose G. Correia on the Whitney South Sea Expedition (no. 22378).


Murphy and Mathews cited the AMNH number of the holotype in the original description and said that they had four specimens from Malo and three from Espiritu Santo. The paratypes are: Malo, males, AMNH 213603, 213605, female, AMNH 213613; Espiritu Santo, males, AMNH 214071, 215882 (juvenile), 216153.

Zosterops flavifrons efatensis Mayr

Zosterops flavifrons efatensis Mayr, 1937: 2 (Efate Island, New Hebrides).

Now Zosterops flavifrons efatensis Mayr, 1937. See Mees, 1969: 132–134, Bregulla, 1992: 250–251, and van Balen, 2008: 465.


AMNH 212597, adult male, collected on Efate Island, Vanuatu (= New Hebrides), on 4 June 1926, by Rollo H. Beck on the Whitney South Sea Expedition (no. 21040).


Mayr cited the AMNH number of the holotype and published measurements for nine specimens; however, there were 10 specimens available to him. The nine paratypes of Z. f. efatensis are: Efate, AMNH 212596, 212598, 212615–212619, three males and four females, June and July 1926, AMNH 216156, male, 20 December 1926.; Nguna, male, AMNH 212611, July 1926.

Earlier, Murphy and Mathews (1929: 1–2), having no material from Tanna Island, had relied on Sharpe's (1900: 346) statement that Tanna and Efate birds did not differ and had identified the Efate birds as Z. f. flavifrons. They (Murphy and Mathews, 1929: 2) noted that 10 specimens from Efate and one from Nguna had been collected. Of these 11 specimens, AMNH 216155, a male from Efate, was exchanged to NRM in June 1929 and was not available to Mayr for his description of this form. AMNH 216156 was exhanged to Rothschild and returned to AMNH in 1932 with the Rothschild Collection, when it was renumbered AMNH 700770; it was available to Mayr.

According to Beck's journal D, unpublished journals of the Whitney South Sea Expedition, Archives, Department of Ornithology, AMNH, Beck was staying in Port-Vila, 17.44S, 168.19E (USBGN, 1974c) when this holotype was collected.

Zosterops flavifrons majuscula Murphy and Mathews

Zosterops flavifrons majuscula Murphy and Mathews, 1929: 5 (Aneiteum Island, New Hebrides Group).

Now Zosterops flavifrons majusculus Murphy and Mathews, 1929. See Mees, 1969: 135–136, Bregulla, 1992: 250–251, and van Balen, 2008: 465.


AMNH 212612, adult male, collected on Aneityum (= Aneiteum) Island, 20.12S, 169.49E (USBGN, 1974c), Vanuatu (= New Hebrides), on 10 June 1926, by Jose G. Correia on the Whitney South Sea Expedition (no. 20918).


Murphy and Mathews cited the AMNH number of the holotype in the original description and said that they had two specimens from Aneityum. The paratype is AMNH 212613, female.

Zosterops gouldi warreni Mathews

Zosterops gouldi warreni Mathews, 1916a: 62 (Warren River, South-west Australia).

Now Zosterops lateralis chloronotus Gould, 1841. See Mees, 1969: 12–29, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 687–691, and van Balen, 2008: 467–468.


AMNH 700844, adult male, collected on the Warren River, 34.36S, 115.50E (Johnstone and Storr, 2004: 514), Western Australia, Australia, on 12 February 1910, by Thomas Carter. From the Mathews Collection (no. 6111) via the Rothschild Collection.


In the original description, Mathews said only that the type was from the Warren River. Carter's original label for the above specimen was labeled “warreni Type” by Mathews and his catalog number was written on the label, although this was not given in the description. Mees (1969: 20) listed AMNH 700844 as the type, thereby designating it the lectotype. Mathews had a second specimen, paralectotype AMNH 700845, female, collected on the Warren River on 13 February 1910 by Carter. I did not find it listed in Mathews' catalog, but by the time warreni was published on 7 April 1916, Mathews' (1942: 54) collection was complete.

Even though listed as the type by Mees, the lectotype had not been included in the AMNH type collection; it now bears an AMNH type label and is housed with the types.

Zosterops australasiae edwini Mathews

Zosterops australasiae edwini Mathews, 1923b: 36 (Carnarvon, West Australia).

Now Zosterops lateralis chloronotus Gould, 1841. See Mees, 1969: 12–29, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 687–691, and van Balen, 2008: 467–468.


AMNH 700904, adult male, 2 October 1913; AMNH 700905, female, 10 August 1916; AMNH 700906, female, 6 August 1911, all collected at Carnarvon, 24.51S, 113.45E (Times Atlas), Western Australia, Australia, by Thomas Carter. From the Mathews Collection via the Rothschild Collection.


In the original description, Mathews said that his type was from Carnarvon, West Australia, but gave no information on how many specimens he had; however, by 1923, when this form was named, Mathews' collection was complete. I found only one of the above specimens in Mathews' catalog, Mathews no. 9747, with date 6 August 1911. A second specimen was cataloged there, Mathews no. 9748, a male collected at Carnarvon on 27 August 1911, but this specimen did not come to AMNH and there is no way of knowing whether Mathews exchanged it before naming edwini.

All three of the specimens listed above bear Carter's original label and a Rothschild Collection label printed “Ex. Coll. G.M. Mathews,” but there is no indication on the labels that they should have type status. Z. a. edwini was one of the subspecies hurriedly named by Mathews in 1923, and it is not apparent that he had his own collection at hand when he described it. Mathews (1923a: 160) wrote that Ashby had “recently confirmed my conclusion that the Carnarvon form was separable, writing ‘The birds at Geraldton are smaller and brighter in tint than birds observed at Perth’.” However, this observation by Ashby (1921: 136) was published before Mathews named edwini. Despite the fact that the name apparently refers to Edwin Ashby, the type of the name is from Carnarvon and is not one of Ashby's specimens. So it is reasonable to assume that the three specimens from Carnarvon that were in Mathews' collection may be the ones Mathews had in mind when he named edwini. They had not previously been included in the AMNH type collection.

Zosterops lateralis tasmanica Mathews

Zosterops lateralis tasmanica Mathews, 1912a: 385 (Tasmania).

Now Zosterops lateralis lateralis (Latham, 1801). See Mees, 1969: 30–70, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 687–691, and van Balen, 2008: 467–468.


AMNH 701090, adult male, collected at Devonport, 41.10S, 146.21E (USBGN, 1957), Tasmania, Australia, on 12 February 1909, by T[homas] C[arter]. From the Mathews Collection (no. 2840) via the Rothschild Collection.


In the original description, Mathews gave his catalog number of the holotype and the range of tasmanica as “Tasmania.” AMNH 701090 bears, in addition to the field label, a Mathews type label with his catalog number, and a Rothschild type label; a description of it was included in Mathews (1923a: 138), where it was confirmed as the type of tasmanica. It was also listed by Mees (1969: 60) as the type of tasmanica. Four additional Mathews Collection specimens from Tasmania came to AMNH, but label data are minimal and I was unable to determine when Mathews received them. I do not consider them paratypes. Another specimen was collected on Mount Arthur, Tasmania, on 3 December 1912, after the publication of tasmanica.

The collecting locality of the holotype was miscopied onto the Rothschild label as “Davenport.” For use of 180l as the date of Latham's Supplementum Indicis Ornithologici see Schodde et al. (2010).

Zosterops lateralis investigator Mathews

Zosterops lateralis investigator Mathews, 1923a: 153 (New Zealand).

Now Zosterops lateralis lateralis (Latham, 1801). See Mees, 1969: 30–70, van Balen, 2008: 467–468, and Checklist Committee, 2010: 309–310.


collected at Katikati, 10 m, 37.32S, 175.58E (Times Atlas), Tauranga Harbour, AMNH 701115, female, 2 August 1914, by Robin Kemp (no. 4690); collected at Lucas Creek, Waitemata, AMNH 701119, male, 2 March 1915, AMNH 701120, male, 3 February 1915, AMNH 701121, female, 27 January 1915, AMNH 701122, sex?, 25 February 1915, by Robin Kemp (nos. 4796, 4776, 4771, 4794, respectively); collected at Oneroa, Waitemata Co., AMNH 701123, juvenile sex?, 23 February 1915, by Robin Kemp (no. 4790). All were collected on the North Island, New Zealand. From the Mathews Collection via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews (1923a: 153) did not designate a type but introduced this name with the following comments: “The New Zealand form is credited with arriving from Australia and spreading all over New Zealand. When Iredale and I (Mathews and Iredale, 1913) drew up the Reference List of the Birds of New Zealand we noted that all the New Zealand birds were like Tasmanian ones and used the name of the Tasmanian subspecies. The green of the head is becoming more restricted, the grey on the back less, the flanks darker, the breast paler, the black lores more pronounced, the throat scarcely tinged with yellow, the bill longer. Whether these changes have taken place in the last sixty years or not I cannot say, but it is necessary to provide a name to attract attention to the fact that, according to the birds examined a distinct form appears to be evolving. As above noted, only one stage of plumage has been seen, as yet, from New Zealand, viz., the so-called winter plumage.” This implies that the changes Mathews envisioned had occurred between 1913 and the 1923 description of investigator. The six specimens from the Mathews Collection listed above were all collected after 1913, on Kemp's second visit to New Zealand, and I consider them syntypes; by 1914 Mathews had essentially stopped adding specimens to his catalog and none of these syntypes was found there.

Zosterops lateralis norfolkensis Mathews

Zosterops lateralis norfolkensis Mathews, 1929: 10 (Near Kingston, Norfolk I.).

Now Zosterops lateralis lateralis (Latham, 1801). See Mees, 1969: 30–70, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 687–691, van Balen, 2008: 467–468, and Checklist Committee, 2010: 309–310.


AMNH 701145, adult male, collected near Kingston, 29.04S, 167.57E (Times Atlas), Norfolk Island, Australia, on 8 April 1913, by Roy Bell (no. 930). From the Mathews Collection via the Rothschild Collection.


In the original description, Mathews gave Bell's unique field number of the holotype. Mathews' collection had already been purchased by Rothschild when this subspecies was named, and Mathews listed the type as in the Rothschild Collection “ex Mathews Collection.” The Mathews Collection had held a large number of specimens collected on Norfolk in December 1912 through June 1913 by Bell, and all of these would have been available to Mathews in 1929; they were not entered in his catalog. Paratypes in AMNH are: AMNH 701138–701144, 701146–701176; I did not find AMNH 701139 in the collection.

Zosterops westernensis vegeta Hartert

Zosterops westernensis vegeta Hartert, 1899c: 425 (Cape York).

Now Zosterops lateralis vegetus 102103Hartert, 1899. See Mees, 1969: 80–86, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 687–691, and van Balen, 2008: 467–468.


AMNH 700950, adult male, collected on “Cape York,” northern Queensland, Australia, on 15 July 1898, by collectors for Albert S. Meek (no. 1941). From the Rothschild Collection.


No type was designated in the original description, Hartert only saying that the types were shot in July, without mentioning the number of specimens taken. Six syntypes came to AMNH. Hartert (1920: 433) listed the specimen bearing Meek's number 1941 as the type, thereby designating it the lectotype. The five paralectotypes are: males, AMNH 700948, 700949, 700951; females, AMNH 700952, 700953, all collected on Cape York in July 1898.

Mees (1969: 80) discussed this population under the name Z. l. ramsayi; however, Schodde and Mason (1999: 690–691), in their more recent study, have recognized vegetus, and this has been followed by van Balen (2008: 467).

Parker (1966: 121–122) showed that in July 1898, Meek's collectors were on the Chester River, 13.42S, 143.33E.

Zosterops lateralis cornwalli Mathews

Zosterops lateralis cornwalli Mathews, 1912a: 385 (Mackay, Queensland).

Now Zosterops lateralis vegetus 102103Hartert, 1899. See Mees, 1969: 80–86, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 687–691, and van Balen, 2008: 467–468.


AMNH 700958, adult female, collected at Mackay, 21.10S, 149.10E (Times Atlas), Queensland, Australia, undated. From the Mathews Collection (6505) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews gave his catalog number of the holotype in the original description, but did not mention how many specimens he examined. The holotype bears a Mathews Collection label, Mathews and Rothschild type labels, and a “Figured” label, indicating that the specimen was illustrated in Mathews (1923a: pl. 505, upper figure, opp. p. 136, text p. 139), where the illustrated female is confirmed as the type of cornwalli. Mathews' “no. 6505” is a single specimen of “Zosterops vegeta” which he had purchased from the dealer Gerrard. The number “716” which appears on his collection label refers to the number of the species in Mathews (1908).

Mathews (1912a: 386) gave the range of cornwalli as “Mid Queensland.” The following specimens are paratypes: Barron River, AMNH 700966 (Mathews no. 9556), female, 27 May 1911; Cairns, AMNH 700967 (2847), male, November 1908. The following specimens are probable paratypes; they were cataloged on 17 February 1912, shortly after Mathews description was published on 31 January 1912: Cairns, AMNH 700968 (10327), male, November 1911; AMNH 700969 (10325), male, October 1911; AMNH 700970 (10326), male, October 1911; AMNH 700971 (10328), female, November 1911; Tolga, AMNH 700973 (10323), female, August 1911; Malanda, AMNH 700974 (10324), female, August 1911. AMNH 700972 is not a paratype; even though it was collected at Cairns on 9 June 1884, it was not cataloged by Mathews until May 1913. Other specimens were either never in Mathews' collection or were collected after the date of publication of cornwalli.

Zosterops chlorocephalus A.J. Campbell and S.A. White

Zosterops chlorocephalus A.J. Campbell and S.A. White, 1910: 196 (North-West and Tryon Islands, Capricorn Group).

Now Zosterops lateralis chlorocephalus A.J. Campbell and S.A. White, 1910. See Mees, 1969: 86–88, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 687–691, and van Balen, 2008: 467–468.


AMNH 700957, adult male, collected on North-West Island, 10.40S, 142.07E (USBGN, 1957), Capricorn Group, Queensland, Australia, on 9 October 1910, by S.A. White. From the Mathews Collection (10378) via the Rothschild Collection.


In the original description, no type was designated but white-eyes were said to be in great numbers on North-West and Tryon Islands. “Several skins were procured–the first by Mr. J.W. Mellor.” Mathews had three North-West Island specimens that were syntypes of chlorocephalus.

AMNH 700957, adult male, collected on 9 October 1910, bears four labels. The first is White's field label, with the original data on the front of the label; on the reverse is “to be returned” in White's hand and “afterwards given me by S.A. White” in Mathews' hand, Mathews annotations “wing 69” and “middle Fig.” The second label is a Rothschild type label bearing Mathews' catalog number and a citation to the original description. The third label is Mathews' type label, with his catalog number “10378,” which was not elsewhere cited, and a reference to the Campbell and White description; opposite Mathews' catalog entry the specimen is credited to White and was cataloged between 20 and 24 February 1912. The fourth label is Mathews' “Figured” label, indicating that it was illustrated in Mathews (1923a: pl. 505, middle figure, opp. p. 136, text p. 139), where the illustrated male with the correct data and a wing of 69 [mm] is said to be the type of chlorocephalus. That is an unequivocal designation of a lectotype. Mees (1969: 86–87) was thus in error when he reported that the Mellor specimen, AMNH 700956, was the lectotype designated by Mathews, perhaps as a result of looking only at specimens in the general collection. AMNH 700957 was marked as the type when the Rothschild Collection was cataloged at AMNH and has always been separated in the type collection.

With Mathews' designation of a lectotype, the two additional AMNH specimens become paralectotypes: AMNH 700956, adult male, collected in October 1910 by J.W. Mellor, whose name appears on the original label. This specimen was cataloged by Mathews as his no. 10379, attributed to Mellor. There is no indication on any of the labels that this was the first specimen collected. AMNH 700958, adult female, collected on 11 October 1910, apparently by White, as the handwriting on the field label matches that on the lectotype and the reverse is annotated “to be returned.” There is no additional note here that the specimen was given to Mathews by White, only “wing 63[mm]” appears. I did not find it in Mathews' catalog. An additional paralectotype is in SAMA, collected in October 1910 by S.A. White, and labeled “Co-type” by him (B. Blaylock, personal commun.). As the exact number of specimens was not given, other paralectotypes of chlorocephalus from North-West and Tryon islands may be held in other institutions.

Zosterops lateralis macmillani Mayr

Zosterops lateralis macmillani Mayr, 1937: 2 (Tanna, New Hebrides).

Now Zosterops lateralis macmillani Mayr, 1937. See Mees, 1969: 97–100, Bregulla, 1992: 252, Dickinson, 2003: 629, and van Balen, 2008: 467–468.


AMNH 330518, adult male, collected at Whitesands (= White Sands, as on label), ca. 19.31S, 169.26E, eastern Tanna Island, Vanuatu (= New Hebrides), on 11 October 1935, by Lindsay Macmillan (no. 20), on the Whitney South Sea Expedition.


Mayr gave the AMNH number of the holotype in the original description and measurements for seven male and seven female specimens. Only specimens from Macmillan's 1935 collection were available when Mayr published macmillani, and there were, in fact, 16 specimens. The 15 paratypes are: males, AMNH 336870–336875, Tanna; AMNH 336876, 336877, Aniwa; females, AMNH 336880–336884, Tanna; AMNH 336885, 336886, Aniwa. Whitesands was the British administrative headquarters during the period of the New Hebrides Condominium.

Mees (1969: 97–100) synonymized macmillani with vatensis but restricted the range of vatensis to the southern islands of Vanuatu and this was apparently followed by van Balen (2008: 467); Bregulla (1992: 252) listed the Tanna and Aniwa birds under Z. l. tropicus and omitted macmillani without comment. Dickinson (2003: 629) continued to recognize macmillani, and I agree with him. A check of the specimens in AMNH shows that the characters given by Mayr for macmillani are valid and, in addition, that the tarsus may be longer, heavier, and lighter in color.

Zosterops lateralis tropica Mees

Zosterops lateralis tropica Mees, 1969: 100 (Espiritu Santo).

Now Zosterops lateralis tropicus Mees, 1969. See Mees, 1969: 100–102, Bregulla, 1992: 252, Dickinson, 2003: 629, and van Balen, 2008: 467–468.


AMNH 214054, adult male, collected on Espiritu Santo Island, 15.15S, 166.50E (389390USBGN, 1974), Vanuatu, on 1 September 1926, by Rollo H. Beck on the Whitney South Sea Expedition (no. 22507).


Mees gave the AMNH number of the holotype in the original description and the range of tropica as “the northern New Hebrides: Malo, Espiritu Santo, Tongoa (off Espiritu Santo, not to be confused with Tongoa near Epi); Banks Group: Gaua, Melapav, Ureparapara or Blight (sic); Torres Group: Low Island, Toga.” Specimens other than the holotype that Mees examined from those islands are paratypes of tropica. Mees visited AMNH when working on this part of his Zosteropidae monograph and would have seen all of the specimens in the AMNH collection. Paratypes in AMNH are: Malo, males, AMNH 213597, 213598; Espiritu Santo, males, AMNH 214050–214053, female, AMNH 214065, juvenile sex?, AMNH 215883; Gaua, male, AMNH 214056; Melapav, female, AMNH 214064; Bligh, male, AMNH 216128; Low, males, AMNH 216115–216118, 216120, females, AMNH 216121, 216122, 216124, 216125; Toga, male, AMNH 216126, female, AMNH 216127. AMNH 216119 and AMNH 216123 had already been exchanged to NRM and CM, respectively, and would not have been seen at AMNH by Mees. AMNH 216116 had been exchanged to Rothschild and renumbered AMNH 459013 when that collection came to AMNH in 1932; it would have been part of Mees' type series.

Bregulla (1992: 252) listed Tanna and Aniwa birds as Z. l. tropicus without comment. The holotype of this taxon had not previously been included in the type collection at AMNH.

Zosterops lateralis valuensis Murphy and Mathews

Zosterops lateralis valuensis Murphy and Mathews, 1929: 10 (Valua Island, Banks Group, of the New Hebrides).

Now Zosterops lateralis valuensis Murphy and Mathews, 1929. See Mees, 1969: 102–103, Bregulla, 1992: 252, Dickinson, 2003: 629, and van Balen, 2008: 467–468.


AMNH 214063, adult female, collected on Mota Lava (= Valua Island), 13.40S, 167.40E (389390USBGN, 1974), Banks Islands, Vanuatu (= New Hebrides), on 17 September 1926, by Rollo H. Beck on the Whitney South Sea Expedition (no. 22738).


Murphy and Mathews gave the AMNH number of the holotype in the original description; they had eight specimens collected in September 1926. The seven paratypes are: AMNH 214057–214062, 214067, two males, two females, and three sex?.

[Zosterops lateralis mugga Mathews]

Z. l. mugga was introduced by Mathews (1925b: 86) as a replacement name for Z. flaviceps Finsch and Hartlaub, 1867, not Zosterops flaviceps Peale, 1848. However, Finsch and Hartlaub (1867: 52) did not introduce a new name, listing Peale as the author of Z. flaviceps. Mathews' name mugga has the same type as Zosterops flaviceps Peale, now in USNM (Deignan, 1961: 510). Mathews (1930: 710) listed mugga as a synonym of Z. flaviceps Peale.

Sanfordia lacertosa Murphy and Mathews

Sanfordia lacertosa Murphy and Mathews, 1929: 13 (Santa Cruz Island, Santa Cruz Group).

Now Woodfordia lacertosa (Murphy and Mathews, 1929). See Mees, 1969: 224–225, and van Balen, 2008: 479.


AMNH 222157, adult male, collected on Nendo (= Santa Cruz) Island, Santa Cruz Islands, Solomon Islands, on 26 February 1927 by Rollo H. Beck on the Whitney South Sea Expedition (no. 24822).


Murphy and Mathews cited the AMNH number of the holotype in the original description, noting that they had eight males and nine females collected on Nendo Island, 23–27 February 1927. The 16 paratypes are: AMNH 218167–218173, males; AMNH 218174–218182, females. Of these, AMNH 218173 was exchanged to NRM in June 1929, AMNH 218176 was exchanged to BMNH in November 1938, and AMNH 218181 was exchanged to ANSP in February 1938. AMNH 218171 and 218179 were exchanged to Rothschild and when that collection was cataloged at AMNH, these specimens were renumbered AMNH 701485 and 701486, respectively.

According to Beck's Journal D, unpublished journals of the Whitney South Sea Expedition, Archives, Department of Ornithology, AMNH, the expedition vessel, France, was anchored in Byron Bay, 10.40S, 165.59E (389390USBGN, 1974), on 26 February 1927, and expedition personnel collected from the bay to the top of the island.

Tephras ruki Hartert

Tephras ruki Hartert, 1897e: v (Ruk, in the Caroline group).

Now Rukia ruki (95969798Hartert, 1897). See Mees, 1969: 229–231, and van Balen, 2008: 479.


AMNH 701365, adult male, collected on Chuuk (= Truk = Ruk) Island, 07.28N, 151.51E (Times Atlas), Chuuk Islands, Caroline Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, on 23 November 1895, by collectors for Alan Owston (no. B 15). From the Rothschild Collection.


No type was designated in the original description, nor did Hartert say how many specimens he examined. Later, in reporting on the entire collection from Chuuk, he (Hartert, 1900a: 3) noted that eight specimens were obtained in November and December, but still did not mention a type. Hartert (1920: 438) listed a male specimen collected on 25 November 1895 as the type, also giving the Owston number “B 15.” None of the eight specimens in the type series was collected on 25 November and each bears the number “B 15.” The two male specimens collected in November are dated 23 and 28 November. The specimen that is now AMNH 701365 has the Owston label marked by Hartert “Tephras rucki Hartert. Type” and bears a Rothschild type label. In order to remove the confusion caused by Hartert's evident misprint (Hartert, 1920: 438) and to confirm his intended specimen as type, I hereby designate AMNH 701365 the lectotype of Tephras ruki.

Of the seven paralectotypes, there are only six in AMNH. One, listed by Mees (1969: 230) as BMNH, No., was exchanged by Rothschild to BMNH in 1898, and was collected on Chuuk by Owston's collectors (no. B 15) on 16 December 1895 (Mark Adams, personal commun.). Paralectotypes in AMNH, all collected in 1895, are: males, AMNH 701366, 28 November, AMNH 701367, 16 December, AMNH 701368, 21 December; sex?, AMNH 701369, 25 December; females, AMNH 701370, 16 December, AMNH 701371, 28 November.

Rhamphozosterops sanfordi Mayr

Rhamphozosterops sanfordi Mayr, 1931d: 182 (Ponape).

Now Rukia longirostra (Taka-Tsukasa and Yamashina, 1931). See Mees, 1969: 231–232, and van Balen, 2008: 479–480.


AMNH 329094, adult male, collected on Pohnpei (= Ponape) Island, Caroline Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, on 20 December 1930, by William F. Coultas on the Whitney South Sea Expedition (no. 40988).


Mayr cited the AMNH number of the holotype in the original description, but did not say how many specimens he examined. Twenty-one specimens were cataloged at AMNH; the 20 paratypes are: males, AMNH 329093, 329095–329105, 329110A; females, AMNH 329106–329110, 329111, 329112. Of these, the following were exchanged: AMNH 329095 and 329107 to ANSP; AMNH 329099 and 399110A to ZMB in October 1932; AMNH 329101 to UMMZ in September 1984.

Mayr's name Rhamphozosterops sanfordi (4 November 1931) and Cinnyrorhyncha longirostra Taka-Tsukasa and Yamashina (15 October 1931: 599) were published only about three weeks apart, and Mayr contended for some time that proof was lacking that longirostra was published first. By 1967, however, Mayr (1967: 321) had accepted the prior publication of longirostra. Mees (1969: 231–232) discussed this, and references to the dispute will be found there. In the original description of the genus, the generic name appeared as “Cinny orhyncha,” one of the rs apparently having fallen out after the type was set, because the authors commented on the new bird having a Cinnyris-like bill. A few lines later, the species was described as “Cynnirorhynchalongirostra, an obvious typographical error.

Coultas' collecting base on Pohnpei was at Rohnkite (= Ronkiti), 06.49N, 158.10E (Bryan, 1971), according to Coultas' journal volume W, unpublished journals of the Whitney South Sea Expedition, Archives, Department of Ornithology, AMNH.

Madanga ruficollis Rothschild and Hartert

Madanga ruficollis Rothschild and Hartert, 1923: 118 (Wa Fehat, Buru).

Now Madanga ruficollis Rothschild and Hartert, 1923. See Mees, 1969: 169–171, White and Bruce, 1986: 417, and van Balen, 2008: 481.


AMNH 701487, unsexed [male], collected at Wa Fehat, 2700 ft, Buru Island, Moluccas, Indonesia, on 14 April 1922, by the Pratt brothers. From the Rothschild Collection.


In the original description, the type was said to have been collected on 14 April 1922 at Wa Fehat; the above specimen is the only one of the four specimens comprising the type series that was collected on that date. The three paratypes, all collected in 1922 by the Pratts, are: AMNH 701488, unsexed, collected at Wa Fehat on 8 April; AMNH 701489, unsexed, collected at Wa Fehat on 11 April; AMNH 701490, female, collected on “Mada Range” on 9 April. The genus Madanga was described at the same time.

Hartert (1924a: 111), in his later paper on some of the unusual birds from the Pratts' collection on Buru, again said that four specimens were collected and noted that the “Mada Range” specimen was collected only one day after one of the Wa Fehat specimens. On AMNH 701490, someone has written “Mada Range” in ink over a pencilled name that is now indecipherable. All of the Pratts' collection was made in west central Buru, according to Joicey and Talbot (1924). Rothschild and Hartert (1923: 118) equate mountain ranges “Madang,” “Mada,” and “Fogha” with Mount Tomahu, 03.14S, 126.04E (USBGN, 1982a); whereas, Stresemann (1914b: 361) equated these mountains with Kapala Mada, which is probably the same as Kapalatmada, 03.15S, 126.09E (USBGN, 1982a). The latter seems more likely to me. Rothschild purchased only 32 of the approximately 200 bird specimens that the Pratts collected, the remainder going to BMNH (Hartert, 1924a: 104).

Oreosterops pinaiae Stresemann

Oreosterops pinaiae Stresemann, 1912c: 5 (Gŭnŭng Pinaia, 7500 feet).

Now Lophozosterops pinaiae (364365Stresemann, 1912). See Mees, 1969: 199–200, White and Bruce, 1986: 417–418, and van Balen, 2008: 481.


AMNH 701424, adult male, collected on Mount Binaiya (= Gunung Pinaia), 7500 ft, 03.11S, 129.26E (USBGN, 1982a), Seram (= Ceram) Island, Moluccas, Indonesia, on 17 August 1911, by Erwin Stresemann (no. 877), on the II. Freiburger Molukken-Expedition. From the Rothschild Collection.


In the original description, Stresemann cited his unique field number of the holotype but gave no information about how many specimens he collected. Later, he (Stresemann, 1914a: 138) listed seven specimens in his type series, five of which came to AMNH with the Rothschild Collection. The four paratypes in AMNH are: Mount Binaiya, 7000 ft, AMNH 701423 (Stresemann no. 874), male; AMNH 701425 (873), female, both collected on 15 August 1911; Mount Sofia, 4000 ft, AMNH 701426 (682), male, 25 June 1911; AMNH 701427 (640), female, 13 June 1911. The two paratypes that did not come to AMNH are both from Mount Sofia, a male collected on 13 June, now in RMNH (Dekker and Quaisser, 2006: 21), and a female collected on 25 June 1911, now in ZMA (Roselaar and Prins, 2000: 115).

Zosterops goodfellowi Hartert

Zosterops goodfellowi Hartert, 1903c: 13 (Apo Volcano, Mindanao, 8000 feet).

Now Lophozosterops goodfellowi goodfellowi (107108Hartert, 1903). See Mees, 1969: 192–193, Dickinson et al., 1991: 402, Kennedy et al., 2000: 337–338, and van Balen, 2008: 481.


AMNH 701415, adult female, collected on Mount Apo, 8000 ft, 06.59N, 125.16E (Dickinson et al., 1991: 415), Mindanao Island, Philippines, in April 1903, by Walter Goodfellow (no. 124A). From the Rothschild Collection.


In the original description, Hartert gave the Goodfellow number “124A” of the holotype, but did not say how many specimens he examined. AMNH 701414, female, collected on Mount Apo in April 1903 is a paratype. Both of Goodfellow's specimens were numbered “124,” but Hartert added the “A” to Goodfellow's label on the type and to the Rothschld type label. Another specimen, AMNH 701416, was collected on Mount Apo in February 1905, after the publication of the name.

Chlorocharis squamiceps Hartert

Chlorocharis squamiceps Hartert, 1896a: 70 (Bonthain Peak, Celebes).

Now Lophozosterops squamiceps squamiceps (9293Hartert, 1896). See Mees, 1969: 185–186, and van Balen, 2008: 481–482.


AMNH 701459, adult male, collected on Mount Lompobattang (= Bonthain Peak), 6000 ft, 05.22S, 119.58E (Times Atlas), southern Sulawesi (= Celebes) Island, Indonesia, in October 1895, by collectors for Alfred Everett. From the Rothschild Collection.


Hartert did not designate a type in the original description, only saying that he had a large series collected at 6000 ft and above. Hartert (1896c: 153) listed this new species again, when reporting on Everett's entire collection, but did not give further details. J.M. Dumas, Everett's assistant, and his helpers collected above the village of Tasoso, on the peak known as Buah Kraïing (Hartert, 1896c: 149). Six specimens, three males and three females collected in October 1895, came to AMNH with the Rothschild Collection. Hartert (1920: 437) later listed the type as a male, in the Rothschild Collection, an action that nevertheless did not distinguish among the three male specimens in that collection. However, Everett's label on AMNH 701459 has “Type” written on it in Hartert's hand, and it bears a Rothschild type label, indicating that this was the specimen Hartert intended as the type. It was cataloged as the type when the Rothschild Collection came to AMNH and has retained that status to the present. In order to confirm Hartert's intent and to avoid possible confusion in interpreting the older literature, I hereby designate AMNH 701459 the lectotype of Chlorocharis squamiceps. Paralectotypes in AMNH are: males, AMNH 701457, 701458; females, AMNH 701460–701462. AMNH 295145, female, from “Bonthain Peak,” 6000 ft, collected by Everett's collectors in October 1895, was purchased by L.C. Sanford for the Department of Ornithology from the dealer W.F.H. Rosenberg. Because there is no indication that this specimen was among the ones studied by Hartert, I have not considered it a paralectotype. There are two additional possible paralectotypes in BMNH (Mees, 1969: 186), but these were not listed as syntypes by Warren and Harrison (1971: 514) and they were perhaps purchased from a dealer. Benson (1999: 140) listed a “syntype” of C. squamiceps in UMZC, but no mention is made as to whether that specimen was obtained from Rothschild or from a dealer. It was also said to be from 5000 ft, whereas, Hartert (1896a: 70) said that all of his specimens were from 6000 ft and above. All of the six specimens of the type series now in AMNH are labeled 6000 feet by Everett on the original label.

Pseudozosterops squamiceps stachyrina Stresemann

Pseudozosterops squamiceps stachyrina Stresemann, 1932b: 107 (Latimodjong-Gebirge 2200 m).

Now Lophozosterops squamiceps stachyrinus (374Stresemann, 1932). See Mees 1969: 186–187, White and Bruce, 1986: 418, and van Balen, 2008: 481–482.


AMNH 461240, adult male, collected in the Latimojong (= Latimodjong) Mountains, 2200 ft, 03.30S, 120.05E (USBGN, 1982a), south central Sulawesi, on 24 June 1930, by Gerd Heinrich (no. 583).


Stresemann cited Heinrich's unique field number of the holotype in the original description but did not indicate the size of his type series. Later, he (Stresemann, 1940: 67) noted that he had five male, three female, and one juvenile specimens from Latimojong. Support for Heinrich's expedition came from L.C. Sanford for AMNH and from ZMB; primary types came to AMNH and the remainder of the collection was divided between the two institutions (Stresemann, 1931b: 7–9). Five paratypes are in AMNH: males, AMNH 293127, 293128; females, AMNH 293129–293131. The remaining paratypes are probably in ZMB.

Pseudozosterops squamiceps analoga Stresemann

Pseudozosterops squamiceps analoga Stresemann, 1932b: 107 (Tanke Salokko, 2000 m).

Now Lophozosterops squamiceps analogus (374Stresemann, 1932). See Mees, 1969: 188–189, White and Bruce, 1986: 418, and van Balen, 2008: 481–482.


AMNH 300339, adult male, collected on Tanke Salokko, 1500 m, Mekongga (= Mengkoka) Mountains, 03.35S, 121.15E (USBGN, 1982a), southeastern Sulawesi Island, Indonesia, on 5 January 1932, by Gerd Heinrich (no. 6399).


Stresemann cited Heinrich's unique field number of the holotype in the original description but did not mention the size of his type series. Later, he (Stresemann, 1940: 67) said that he had eight male and seven female specimens, but this probably refers to the number of specimens for which he published measurements; Stresemann had the entire collection in hand when he studied it. As in the case of the type series of Lophozosterops squamiceps stachyrinus (above), the type came to AMNH and the remainder of the specimens were divided between AMNH and ZMB; paratypes at AMNH, all collected at Tanke Salokko, are: males, AMNH 296564, 300334–300338, 300340, 300341; immature male, AMNH300342; females, AMNH 300343–300349; immature female, AMNH 300350. AMNH 296564 was sent to Professor Sarasin in Basel in 1932 and may now be in NMB.

Pseudozosterops squamiceps heinrichi Stresemann

Pseudozosterops squamiceps heinrichi Stresemann, 1931c: 82 (Matinang-Gebirge: Ile-Ile, 1700 m).

Now Lophozosterops squamiceps heinrichi (371372Stresemann, 1931). See Mees, 1969: 189–190, White and Bruce, 1986: 418, and van Balen, 2008: 481–482.


AMNH 293138, adult male, collected at Ile-Ile, 1700 m, 01.04N, 121.40E (USBGN, 1982a), Matinan (= Matinang) Mountains, Sulawesi (= Celebes) Island, Indonesia, on 9 November 1930, by Gerd Heinrich (no. 2566).


In the original description, Stresemann noted the Heinrich field number of the holotype as “2466.” This was apparently a typographical error as AMNH 293138 bears a ZMB type label filled in by Stresemann, and the data on Heinrich's field label otherwise agree with those given in the original description. Mees (1969: 191) listed the Heinrich number of the type as “2566” without comment, and no specimen of heinrichi with the number “2466” was among the specimens that came to AMNH. Roselaar and Prins (2000: 116) listed the holotype of P. s. heinrichi in ZMB in error (Roselaar, personal commun.) and S. Frahnert (personal commun.) confirmed that no specimen of P. s. heinrichi came to ZMB bearing Heinrich's number “2466.”

As in the case of the above two forms, the specimens of heinrichi were divided between AMNH and ZMB, with primary types to come to AMNH. Stresemann (1931c: 83) did not say how many specimens he examined. Later, he (Stresemann, 1940: 68) listed 18 specimens, but this undoubtedly refers only to specimens for which he gave measurements, as he had the entire collection in hand when this form was described. Paratypes in AMNH are: males, of which four are immature, AMNH 293132–293137, 293139–293151; females, AMNH 293152–293162, 293166; unsexed, AMNH 293163–293165. Of these, AMNH 293145 was originally identified as P. s. heinrichi by Stresemann and was part of his type series, but, according to an unsigned entry in the AMNH catalog, it later was found to be a specimen of Phylloscopus trivirgatus capitalis. It is a male, bearing Heinrich's field number 2798. Other paratypes are in ZMB (Frahnert, personal commun.), RMNH (Dekker and Quaisser, 2006: 21), and ZGMA (Roselaar and Prins, 2000: 116.

Oreosterops javanica elongata Stresemann

Oreosterops javanica elongata Stresemann, 1913: 366 (Gunung Bratan (Bali), 4000 f.).

Now Lophozosterops javanicus elongatus (Stresemann, 1913). See Mees, 1969: 181–183, Mackinnon, 1988: 337, and van Balen, 2008: 482.


AMNH 701406, adult male, collected on Mount Bratan, 4000 ft, 08.15S, 115.12E (USBGN, 1982a), Bali Island, Indonesia, on 17 January 1911, by Erwin Stresemann (no. 211) on the II Freiburger Molukken-Expedition. From the Rothschild Collection.


In the original description, Stresemann cited his unique field number of the holotype and listed three males and two females in his type series. The four paratypes are: Danau Bratan, male, AMNH 701405; Mount Bratan, 4000 ft, male, AMNH 701407, females, AMNH 701408, 701409.

Zosterops superciliaris Hartert

Zosterops superciliaris Hartert, 1897b: 172 (South Flores).

Now Lophozosterops superciliaris superciliaris (95969798Hartert, 1897). See Mees, 1969: 196–198, White and Bruce, 1986: 418, and van Balen, 2008: 482.


AMNH 701420, female, collected in southern Flores, above 3000 ft, in October 1896, by J.M. Dumas for Alfred Everett. From the Rothschild Collection.


Hartert did not designate a type in the original description or give the size of his type series. Later, reporting on Everett's entire collection, he (Hartert, 1897d: 520) again did not mention a type or the number of specimens, only saying that he had a series. Hartert (1920: 437) listed as the type a female with the data given above for the lectotype. There are, however, two such specimens. AMNH 701420 bears a Rothschild type label, and on Everett's field label on the same specimen Hartert has written “Type of species”; this specimen was his intended type and was so cataloged when the Rothschild Collection came to AMNH. In order to formalize Hartert's intent and prevent misinterpretation of the older literature, I hereby designate AMNH 701420 the lectotype of Zosterops superciliaris. Paralectotypes in AMNH, all collected in southern Flores in 1896 by Everett's collectors, are: males, AMNH 701417, 701418, November, 3500 ft; AMNH 701419, October, 3300 ft; females, AMNH 701421, October, above 3000 ft, AMNH 701422, November, 3500 ft.

Typification of this taxon offers an example of why it is important to make sure that the appropriate specimen is chosen as the type. All types of forms named by Rothschild and/or Hartert were in the Rothschild Collection unless stated otherwise by them, and Hartert's various lists of types were intended to make certain that such types were established, whether or not they had been specifically designated in the original description. For example, Hartert (1918: 4) wrote “The fixing of the types in the Brehm Collection has not been easy. … Only a careful comparison of the descriptions with the specimens in the collection could in some cases decide whether a specimen could be regarded as ‘type’ or not.” And again, he (Hartert, 1919a: 123) wrote “The majority of the birds described from the Tring Museum are naturally named by Lord Rothschild and myself, and next to ourselves by those ornithologists who have temporarily worked here … but there are altogether also a good many types made by other ornithologists in the collection, partly purchased with smaller collections or allowed to be described when already in the Tring Museum. … A critical examination of all types is not always easy and my judgment may not be correct in every case, but I trust that it is so in nearly all instances.” These statements make it quite clear that Hartert was attempting to “fix” the types present in the Rothschild Collection, to avoid questions about them in the future. In most cases this provided effective lectotypification of a particular specimen if a type had not been designated in the original description, but because the Rothschild Collection was not cataloged, there was sometimes no unique number that could be specified for a type. This introduced ambiguity into Hartert's lists when several specimens in AMNH bear the same label data, and in those instances, it is important to give valid standing to the specimens that Hartert intended to fix as the types, especially as some of the collections were widely scattered via dealers. In a confusing manner, Mees (1957, 1961a, 1969) sometimes accepted the type listed by Hartert as the lectotype when no holotype had been designated, but in other cases, he did not. In the case of Z. superciliaris, he did not.

Hartert (1920: 437) listed a type (= lectotype) of Z. superciliaris, and the data on the specimen bearing the Rothschild type label agree with the data published by Hartert for the type; Everett's label is marked “Type of the species” in Hartert's hand. Certainly, specimens in other collections would not have type status; nor is such status claimed by Warren and Harrison (1971: 545) for specimens in BMNH mentioned by Mees (1969: 197). Therefore there does not appear to be any evidence for Mees' (1969: 197) statement that all of the specimens collected by Everett and his hunters in October–November are cotypes (= syntypes).

As noted by Miriam Rothschild (1983: 158), Rothschild usually purchased up to six specimens of any form offered him by collectors. Any remaining specimens were then sent to dealers to be sold for the collector. It appears that this is what occurred in the case of Z. superciliaris, but it is unclear whether Hartert used all of the specimens or only the ones purchased by Rothschild for his description. However, the specimens Hartert used would comprise his type series and specimens other than the lectotype therefore become paralectotypes. Information I supplied to Dekker and Quaisser (2006: 22) caused them to list Everett's specimen of Z. superciliaris that is now in RMNH as a paralectotype. And because we do not know whether or not Hartert used all of the specimens Everett collected at that time, Dekker and Quaisser's decision was correct.

I did not at that time recognize the ambiguity in Hartert's (1920: 437) listing of the type and considered it a valid designation of a lectotype because the data for the type published by Hartert (1920: 437) agreed with the data on the specimen. Ambiguity arises, however, in cases where more than one specimen in AMNH has the same collection data as “the type.” In this case, there are two, and I have removed the ambiguity by designating as lectotype the specimen that Hartert intended as the type, which now has a unique AMNH catalog number.

Lophozosterops dohertyi Hartert

Lophozosterops dohertyi Hartert, 1896b: 568 (Volcano of Tambora, 1000–3000 feet high).

Now Lophozosterops dohertyi dohertyi 9293Hartert, 1896. See Mees, 1969: 201–202, White and Bruce, 1986: 419, and van Balen, 2008: 482–483.


AMNH 701428, adult male, collected on Mount Tambora, 1000 ft, 08.14S, 117.55E (USBGN, 1982a), Sumbawa (= Sambawa, as on label) Island, Lesser Sunda Islands, Indonesia, in April–May 1896, by William Doherty.


Hartert did not designate a type in the original description or say how many specimens he examined. Eight specimens came to AMNH with the Rothschild Collection; Hartert (1920: 438) designated as lectotype the only specimen that was collected at 1000 ft. The paralectotypes at AMNH, all collected on Mount Tambora in April–May 1896, are: AMNH 701429–701435, four males, two females, one female?, all collected at 3000 ft except for two for which no altitude was given. Of these, AMNH 701435 was exchanged to ANSP in June 1944.

The genus Lophozosterops was described at the same time, with L. dohertyi the type species. The species is figured in Rothschild (1897: 169, pl. 2, fig. 1).

Lophozosterops (an potius Zosterops) subcristatus Hartert

Lophozosterops (an potius Zosterops) subcristatus Hartert, 1897b: 171 (hills of South Flores).

Now Lophozosterops dohertyi subcristatus 95969798Hartert, 1897. See Mees, 1969: 202–204, White and Bruce, 1986: 419, and van Balen, 2008: 482–483.


AMNH 701436, adult male, collected on southern Flores Island, above 3000 ft, Lesser Sunda Islands, Indonesia, in October 1896, by collectors for Alfred Everett. From the Rothschild Collection.


Hartert did not designate a type in the original description or say how many specimens he examined. Five specimens came to AMNH with the Rothschild Collection; Hartert (1920: 438) designated as lectotype the only male specimen marked as having come from above 3000 ft. The four paralectotypes in AMNH, all from southern Flores and collected in October 1896, are: male, AMNH 701437, 3300 ft; sex?, AMNH 701438, 3300 ft; females, AMNH 701439, 701440, above 3000 ft.

Zosterops crassirostris Hartert

Zosterops crassirostris Hartert, 1897b: 172 (South Flores).

Now Heleia crassirostris (95969798Hartert, 1897). See Mees, 1969: 209–211, White and Bruce, 1986: 419, and van Balen, 2008: 483.


AMNH 701445, adult male, collected in southern Flores, 3500 ft, on 28 October 1896, by collectors for Alfred Everett. From the Rothschild Collection.


Hartert did not designate a type in the original description or say how many specimens he examined; nor did he (Hartert, 1897d: 519–520) later add information, except to say that Everett sent a “fine series.” Seven specimens came to AMNH; Hartert (1920: 437) designated as lectotype the single specimen with the date 28 October and altitude 3500 feet. The paralectotypes in AMNH, all collected in southern Flores in October 1896 (with no day or altitude given), are: males, AMNH 701441–701444; females, AMNH 701446, 701447. The species is illustrated in Hartert (1897d: pl. III, fig. 2).

Chlorocharis emiliae Sharpe

Chlorocharis emiliae Sharpe, 1888a: 392 (Kina Balu, Northern Borneo).

Now Chlorocharis emiliae emiliae 347Sharpe, 1888. See Mees, 1969: 212–217, Smythies, 2000: 597–598, and van Balen, 2008: 483–484.


AMNH 701481, female, collected on Mount Kinabalu, 8000 ft, 06.03N,116.32E (Times Atlas), Sabah, Malaysia, on 27 February 1888, by John Whitehead (no. 2077). From the Rothschild Collection.


In the original description, Sharpe did not designate a type but had two specimens for which he listed Whitehead's numbers 2077 and 2079. Hartert (1920: 437) listed as the type of emiliae Whitehead's specimen no. 2077, thereby designating it the lectotype; it bears a Rothschild type label. Whitehead's label on this specimen was marked “Type RBS[harpe]” by Sharpe. This is one of the cases where Whitehead sent ahead to Sharpe “a pair of most birds I thought would be new” (Whitehead, 1893: 185). Because Sharpe described both male and female, no. 2079 must be a male, but no other information was given; specimen 2079 did not come to AMNH.

When Sharpe (1889: 63) published his account of the birds of northern Borneo collected by Whitehead on all of his trips there, he listed four specimens of emiliae, all collected 28 January–1 March 1888 and labeled a–d. Because Sharpe did not list Whitehead's numbers, matching these specimens with the seven now in AMNH is not possible; some of the dates match and some do not. However, only the two specimens listed in the original description comprise the type series of emiliae, and number 2079, if found, would be the paralectotype.

The genus Chlorocharis was described by Sharpe (1888a: 392, pl. XI, fig. 1) at this time, with the type species Chlorocharis emiliae.

Hypocryptadius cinnamomeus Hartert

Hypocryptadius cinnamomeus Hartert, 1903c: 13 (Mt. Apo, 8000 feet, Mindanao).

Now Hypocryptadius cinnamomeus 107108Hartert, 1903. See Mees, 1969: 238–240, Dickinson et al., 1991: 403, van Balen, 2008: 485, and Fjeldså et al., 2010: 747–760.


AMNH 701496, adult female, collected on Mount Apo (= Apo Volcano, as on label), 8000 ft, 06.59N, 125.16E (Dickinson et al., 1991: 415), Mindanao Island, Philippines, in April 1903, by Walter Goodfellow (no. 121). From the Rothschild Collection.


In the original description, Hartert listed “Types ♂♀, No. 121, Goodfellow Coll..” Only the female specimen, AMNH 701496, bears the number “121” and Mees (1969: 239) considered this specimen the holotype. Dickinson et al. (1991: 403) also considered it the holotype, and I agree. Hartert (1920: 438) listed it as the type, with no mention of the male specimen. AMNH 701491, male, collected on Mount Apo in April 1903 by Goodfellow (no number) is a paratype, as is AMNH 216472, female, collected on Mount Apo in April 1903 by Goodfellow (no. 122). This latter specimen was exchanged to AMNH by Rothschild on 10 September 1927.

Hypocryptadius was considered genus incertae sedis by Mayr (1967: 325). Recent molecular and morphological studies by Fjeldså et al. (2010: 747–760 indicate that Hypocryptadius is a member of the radiation of granivorous passeroid birds. They suggest a basal position for this genus and that it should be retained in a monotypic subfamily, Hypocryptadiinae Hachisuka, 1930.

Zosterops abyssinica socotrana Neumann

Zosterops abyssinica socotrana Neumann, 1908: 59 (Dahamis, Sokotra).

Now Zosterops abyssinicus socotranus Neumann, 1908. See Fry et al., 2000: 314–315, Kirwan, 2007: 141–142, and van Balen, 2008: 469–470.


AMNH 699559, adult male, collected at Dahamis, 350 ft, Socotra Island, 12.30N, 54.00E (USBGN, 1976), Yemen, on 20 December 1898, by W.R. Ogilvie-Grant and H.O. Forbes (no. 190). From the Rothschild Collection.


In the original description, Neumann said that the type, in the Rothschild Collection, was a male collected at Dahamis on 20 December 1898. AMNH 699559 is the only Rothschild specimen in AMNH bearing those data. Three additional specimens are paratypes: AMNH 699558 (field no. 419), female, collected at Adho Diemellus, 3500 ft, on 10 February 1899; AMNH 699560 (193) female, collected at Dahamis, 350 ft, on 20 December 1898; AMNH 699561 (232) female, collected at Thlütied, 1200 ft, on 7 January 1899.

Kirwan (2007: 141–142) discussed the various characters attributed to Z. a. socotranus by various authors and found it to be “only very doubtfully recognisable”; van Balen recognized it.

Zosterops omoensis Neumann

Zosterops omoensis Neumann, 1904b: 162 (Senti-Tal zwischen Uba und Gofa).

Now Zosterops abyssinicus omoensis 264Neumann, 1904. See Fry et al., 2000: 314–315, Kirwan, 2007: 140–141, and van Balen, 2008: 469–470.


AMNH 699556, adult male, collected in the Senti Valley between Uba and Gofa, Ethiopia, on 28 January 1901, by Oscar Neumann (no. 690). From the Rothschild Collection.


In the original description, the adult male from the Senti Valley was designated the holotype, and a second specimen, a female from Alesa in Koscha, was mentioned. Neumann (1906: 242) listed the same two specimens, giving his field number for each. The paratype is AMNH 699557, female, collected at Alesa in Koscha on 23 February 1901 by Neumann (no. 921).

The Zagē Shet' (= Senti) flows into the Omo River at 06.39N, 37.12E (USBGN, 1982b). This stream is also shown on the map in Neumann (1902c), spelled “Zenti.”

Zosterops smithi Neumann

Zosterops smithi Neumann, 1902b: 139 (Sillul, Bodele, Somali Land).

Now Zosterops abyssinicus jubaensis Erlanger, 1901. See Moreau, 1967: 327, Fry et al., 2000: 324–315, and van Balen, 2008: 469–470.


AMNH 699310, adult male, collected at Wadi Sillul (= Selou, as on label), Bodele, Ethiopia, on 7 August 1894, by A. Donaldson Smith (no. 140). From the Rothschild Collection.


In the original description, Neumann designated as syntypes a male and a female in the Rothschild Collection, collected at [Wadi] Sillul by Donaldson Smith. Hartert (1920: 432) listed the male as the type, thereby designating it the lectotype. The paralectotype is AMNH 699311, female, collected at Wadi Sillul on 7 August 1894 by Donaldson Smith (no. 141). Neumann (1902b: 139) listed two additional specimens in BMNH, but because he designated syntypes in the original description, those specimens have no nomenclatural standing (ICZN, 1999: 77, Art. 72.4.6).

Sharpe (1895) reported on this, the first Donaldson Smith expedition to the area, and later noted (Sharpe, 1906: 277) that the 23 types of new forms that he had named had been presented to BMNH by Donaldson Smith. Apparently, those were the only specimens from this first expedition that went to BMNH. Sharpe (1895: 475–476), in his report on the collection, listed as Zosterops flavilateralis a male specimen bearing the same data as the lectotype of Z. smithi and in addition recorded the iris as “light brown” and feet as “dark grey,” both noted on the original label of the lectotype. I believe it was indeed this specimen but that it did not remain in BMNH; the female was not listed.

The date of collection of the lectotype appears to be 1 August; however, careful examination with a magnifying glass shows that part of the “7” was overwritten by Neumann with his new name, and the lectotype was collected on the same date as the paralectotype. A search of Sharpe (1895) for collecting dates provided 5–7 August for Wadi Sillul and 7–9 August for Selou (probably an alternative spelling). This agrees with map sheet 1 in Donaldson Smith (1896) where the Wadi Sillul crosses the expedition route at ca. 08.10N, 43.17E.

Zosterops massaica van Someren

Zosterops massaica van Someren, 1922: 192 (Sagala).

Now Zosterops abyssinicus flavilateralis Reichenow, 1892. See Moreau, 1967: 328, Fry et al., 2000: 314–315, and van Balen, 2008: 469–470.


AMNH 699291, adult male, collected at Sagala, 03.31S, 38.35E (Polhill, 1988), Teita, Kenya, on 8 August 1918. From the V.G.L. van Someren Collection via the Rothschild Collection.


In the original description, van Someren designated as the type a male in the Rothschild Collection collected at Sagala on 8 August 1918. AMNH 699291 is the only Rothschild specimen bearing those data. There are three paratypes at AMNH, all females from Sagala: AMNH 699292–699294.

Zosterops superciliosa Reichenow

Zosterops superciliosa Reichenow, 1892: 192 (Wadelai (Kiri und Fadjulli)).

Now Zosterops senegalensis senegalensis Bonaparte, 1850. See Chapin, 1954b: 180, Mackworth-Praed and Grant, 1960: 736, Fry et al., 2000: 306–310, Carswell et al., 2005: 414, and van Balen, 2008: 470–471.


AMNH 699282, adult male, collected at Pajule (= Fadjulli), 02.58N, 32.57E (Times Atlas), Uganda, undated, by Emin Pasha. From the Rothschild Collection.


Reichenow (1892: 192) based his description on two specimens from Wadelai (Kiri and Fadjulli) collected by Emin Pasha, but did not designate a type. The Fadjulli specimen came to AMNH with the Rothschild Collection and Hartert (1920: 433) listed it as either a type or cotype, depending on whether or not Reichenow had actually seen the second specimen in BMNH. That specimen is not listed by Warren and Harrison (1971: 546) but may lie unrecognized in the collection. Neumann (1904a: 111) said that only the two specimens existed, both collected by Emin. According to Hartert (1920: 433), Reichenow had probably borrowed the above specimen from Hartlaub before Rothschild bought part of the Emin collection from him, and it was Neumann who marked the above specimen as the type. Actually, the specimen has been marked both “Typus” and “Cotypus,” and variously overwritten. It does not have the original Emin label, but its label is marked “Emin coll. ex Hartlaub.”

Mackworth-Praed and Grant (1960: 736) considered superciliosa a synonym of Z. s. senegalensis; it was omitted from the synonymy by Moreau (1967: 329).

Zosterops elgonensis van Someren

Zosterops elgonensis van Someren, 1922: 191 (Bukedi).

Now Zosterops senegalensis jacksoni Neumann, 1899. See Moreau, 1967: 330, Fry et al., 2000: 306–310, and van Balen, 2008: 470–471.


AMNH 699455, adult male, collected at Bukedi, Mount Elgon, 01.08N, 34.32E (Carswell et al., 2005: 512), Uganda, on 13 January 1916, from the V.G.L. van Someren Collection via the Rothschild Collection.


In the original description, van Someren listed the unique date of 13 January 1916 for his type of elgonensis in the Rothschild Collection. Paratypes in AMNH are: Bumasifa, Mount Elgon, AMNH 699456, male, 8 March 1916; AMNH 699457, female, 8 February 1916; Mount Elgon, AMNH 699458, female, March 1915; Maroto, AMNH 699459, male, and AMNH 699460, female, collected by J. Allen Turner, in December 1917.

Zosterops yalensis van Someren

Zosterops yalensis van Someren, 1922: 191 (Kaimosi).

Now Zosterops senegalensis jacksoni Neumann, 1899. See Moreau, 1967: 330, Fry et al., 2000: 306–310, and van Balen, 2008: 470–471.


AMNH 699436, adult male, collected at Kaimosi, 00.08N, 34.47E (Chapin, 1954a: 671), Kenya, on 22 January 1917, by J. Allen Turner (no. 614) for Meinertzhagen. From the Rothschild Collection.


In the original description, van Someren only said that the type, a male from Kaimosi collected by Allen Turner, was in the Rothschild Museum. Hartert (1928: 207) designated the above specimen the lectotype by citing the unique collecting date of 22 January 1917. It bears the original Meinertzhagen label, marked “Type” by van Someren, a Rothschild type label, and a Rothschild Collection label. The range of yalensis was given by van Someren (1922: 191) as Yala, Mumias, Nyarondo, and Kaimosi. Paralectotypes in AMNH, all collected by Turner, are: AMNH 699426–699428, one male and two females from Yala River; AMNH 699429, 699430, male and female from Lucosi Road; AMNH 699431, 699432, females from Kakamega Road; AMNH 699433, 699434, male and unsexed from Kabrass; AMNH 699435, 699437–699440, two males and three females from Kaimosi; AMNH 699441–699444, four females from Lerundo. There are also three paralectotypes in RMCA (Louette et al., 2002: 70).

Zosterops stenocricotus kasaicus Chapin

Zosterops stenocricotus kasaicus Chapin, 1932: 15 (Luluabourg, Kasai district, Belgian Congo).

Now Zosterops senegalensis kasaicus Chapin, 1932. See Fry et al., 2000: 306–310, and van Balen, 2008: 470–471.


AMNH 258612, adult male, collected at the Mission of St. Joseph, Luluabourg, 05.53S, 22.26E (Times Atlas), Kasai District, Congo (Kinshasa), on 5 December 1925, by R. Callewaert.


Chapin cited the AMNH number of the holotype in the original description; his type series comprised the six specimens in AMNH collected by Callewaert at Luluabourg, two specimens from Luluabourg in ANSP, and specimens collected by H. Schoutenden at Macaco near Luebo (which Chapin had not seen). The five paratypes in AMNH are: AMNH 258608–258611, 258613, three males, one unsexed but marked [male], and one female. Other specimens collected by Callewaert at Luluabourg and sold to Rothschild, later came to AMNH at about the time the description was published, but they were not available to Chapin for the description.

Zosterops poliogastra erlangeri Neumann

Zosterops poliogastra erlangeri Neumann, 1908: 60 (Gadat in Gofa).

Now Zosterops poliogastrus poliogastrus Heuglin, 1861. See Moreau, 1967: 331–332, Fry et al., 2000: 316–317, and van Balen, 2008: 473.


AMNH 699580, adult male, collected at Gadat, Gamu-Gofa (= Gofa), Ethiopia, on 31 January 1901, by Oscar Neumann (no. 733). From the Rothschild Collection.


In the original description, Neumann listed as his type a male in the Rothschild Collection collected at Gadat on 31 January 1901. There were two such specimens, but Hartert (1920: 432), in listing types in the Rothschild Collection, gave Neumann's unique field number of the type, thereby designating it the lectotype. Neumann (1908: 60) gave the range of erlangeri as Shoa, Harar, Arussi mountains and the Omo Region. Paralectotypes in AMNH are: AMNH 699578 (Neumann no. 583), male, collected at Gardula, on 13 January 1901; AMNH 699579 (729), male, collected at Gadat, Gamu-Gofa, 31 January 1901; AMNH 699581 (404), female, Alata, Sidamo, 13 December 1900; AMNH 699582 (397), male, Habela, Sidamo, 12 December 1900. Earlier, these specimens were all listed as Z. p. poliogastrus by Neumann (1906: 241–242).

Gadat is shown on the map in Neumann (1902c) at ca. 06.20N, 36.50E.

Zosterops kaffensis Neumann

Zosterops kaffensis Neumann, 1902a: 10 (Kaffa).

Now Zosterops poliogastrus kaffensis 260261Neumann, 1902. See Fry et al., 2000: 316–317, and van Balen, 2008: 473.


AMNH 699419, adult male, collected at Anderacha (= Anderatscha, as on label), 07.11N, 36.17E (Times Atlas), Kaffa, Ethiopia, on 11 March 1901, by Oscar Neumann (no. 994). From the Rothschild Collection.


In the original description, Neumann designated as type his specimen collected at Anderacha on 11 March 1901, adding that he had a number of examples from Kaffa. Neumann (1906: 243) confirmed that the type was his specimen no. 994, the only one collected on 11 March 1901, and listed six specimens that comprised his type series. Four paratypes came to AMNH with the Rothschild Collection: Anderacha, AMNH 699418 (no Neumann number), male, March–April 1901; AMNH 699420 (1003), male, 16 March 1901; AMNH 699421 (no Neumann number), female, March–April 1901; Buka-wori, AMNH 699422 (973), male, 4 March 1901. The remaining paratype is Neumann's no. 1002, male, Anderacha, 16 March 1901.

Zosterops schoana Neumann

Zosterops schoana Neumann, 1903: 185 (Abuje, (Provinz Gindeberat) Schoa).

Now Zosterops poliogastrus kaffensis Neumann, 1903. See Fry et al., 2000: 316–317, and van Balen, 2008: 473.


AMNH 699424, adult female, collected at Abuye (= Abuje), 09.44N, 37.46E (USBGN, 1982b), Anato, Gindeberat Province, Schoa, Ethiopia, on 3 October 1900, by Oscar Neumann (no. 134). From the Rothschild Collection.


In the original description, Neumann designated as type a female collected at Abuye on 3 October 1900; however, his two specimens of schoana both bore the same data and he did not cite his field number. Neumann (1906: 242) later listed both of his specimens with their field numbers but did not indicate there which one was his type. Hartert (1920: 433), by citing Neumann's specimen no. 134 as the type, thereby designated it the lectotype. It bears the original field label marked “Typus” by Neumann and Rothschild Collection and type labels. The paralectotype is AMNH 699423 (Neumann no. 135), female, collected at Abuye on 3 October 1900.

Zosterops virens somereni Hartert

Zosterops virens somereni Hartert, 1928: 207 (Mount Kenya, above Chuka).

Now Zosterops poliogastrus kikuyuensis Sharpe, 1891. See Moreau, 1967: 332, Fry et al., 2000: 316–317, and van Balen, 2008: 473.


AMNH 699402, adult male, collected above Chuka, 00.20S, 37.38E (Polhill, 1988), Mount Kenya, Kenya, on 15 January 1921, by Noel van Someren. From the Rothschild Collection.


In the original description, Hartert designated as type the only male specimen in the Rothschild Collection collected at Chuka on 15 January and noted that he had 12 specimens collected by Noel van Someren and two collected by J. Makinder (so spelled on his own label). There were, in fact, 12 specimens in addition to the holotype collected by Noel van Someren. The 14 paratypes are: above Chuka, AMNH 699401, 699403–699406, collected 15–17 January 1922, by Noel van Someren; Mount Kenya, 10,000 ft, west slope, AMNH 699407, 699408, collected 10 September 1899, by H.J. Makinder (nos. 72 and 73); Meru, AMNH 699409–699415, collected 22 December 1920–10 January 1921, by Noel van Someren.


Because the genera Epthianura and Ashbyia were included Incertae sedis at the end of the Acanthizidae in Mayr and Cottrell (1986: 461–464) and because the AMNH type list follows the “Peters Check-list” order, these two genera were treated in LeCroy (2008: 184–188). “A Monograph of the Meliphagidae,” promised by the late F. Salomonsen (1967: 338) was never published; however, he worked extensively at AMNH while preparing the Meliphagidae section of the Check-list of Birds of the World (Salomonsen, 1967), and the AMNH collections were available to him. Driskell and Christidis (2004), Christidis and Boles (2008: 185–191), and Gardner et al. (2010) have provided an extensive survey of recent treatments of Australian meliphagids, including recent molecular studies and phylogenetic analyses. In the recently published volume 13 of the Handbook of birds of the world the Meliphagidae were treated to subspecies level by Higgins et al. (2008: 402–485).

Timeliopsis fulvigula montana Mayr

Timeliopsis fulvigula montana Mayr, 1931c: 659 (Mount Goliath).

Now Timeliopsis fulvigula meyeri (Salvadori, 1896). See Diamond, 1972: 350–351, Coates, 1990: 299, and Higgins et al., 2008: 629.


AMNH 691147, adult male, collected on Mount Goliath, 04.40S, 139.52E (USBGN, 1982a), Papua Province, Indonesia, on 28 (not 20) January 1911, by Albert S. Meek (no. 5229). From the Rothschild Collection.


Mayr gave Meek's unique field number of the holotype in the original description, but miscopied the date; he did not say how many specimens he examined. Two paratypes, both collected on Mount Goliath, came to AMNH with the Rothschild Collection: AMNH 691148 (Meek no. 5300), adult male, collected 5 February 1911; AMNH 691149 (5138), adult male, collected 20 January 1911.

These three specimens are the ones Rothschild and Hartert (1913: 515) reported that Meek collected on Mount Goliath.

Melilestes megarhynchus brunneus Salomonsen

Melilestes megarhynchus brunneus Salomonsen, 1966a: 1 (Siwi, Arfak Mountains, New Guinea).

Now Melilestes megarhynchus megarhynchus (G.R. Gray, 1858). See Gilliard and LeCroy, 1970: 22–23, and Higgins et al., 2008: 630.


AMNH 294369, adult male, collected at Siwi, 01.30S, 134.02E (USBGN, 1982a), Arfak Mountains, Papua Province, Indonesia, on 2 May 1928, by Ernst Mayr (no. 355).


Salomonsen gave the AMNH number of the holotype in the original description and defined the range as Misol and Salawati islands in the western Papuan Islands and the Vogelkop and Onin Peninsula in northwestern New Guinea. Specimens in AMNH from those areas are paratypes: AMNH 693689–693691 from Misol; AMNH 693692 from Andai; AMNH 693693, 693694 from Mount Arfak; AMNH 693695 from Mount Moari; AMNH 693696 from Siwi; and AMNH 693697–693700 from Kapaur.

Mayr's 1928 expedition to New Guinea was jointly sponsored by L.C. Sanford for AMNH and Rothschild, and his collection was divided between the two museums, with a subset sent to MZB (Hartert, 1930a: 18–19). The Rothschild portion of the collection came to AMNH in 1932, when that collection was purchased. Salomonsen's type series thus included both the Rothschild and AMNH portions of the collection, but he would not have seen any specimens sent to MZB unless he visited that collection.

Melilestes megarhynchus stresemanni Hartert

Melilestes megarhynchus stresemanni Hartert, 1930b: 45 (Hollandia).

Now Melilestes megarhynchus stresemanni Hartert, 1930. See Higgins, et al., 2008: 630.


AMNH 294370, adult male, collected at Jayapura (= Hollandia), 02.32S, 140.42E (USBGN, 1982a), Papua Province, Indonesia, on 13 October 1928, by Ernst Mayr (no. 2835).


Hartert cited Mayr's unique field number of the holotype in the original description, noting that Mayr collected two males at Hollandia and a female in the Cyclops Mountains; he also included in his type series Doherty's specimens from Takar in the Rothschild Collection. As explained under the previous form, all of Mayr's specimens are now in AMNH. Paratypes of stresemanni are: AMNH 693735–693738, three males and one female from Takar collected by Doherty; AMNH 693739, male from Terfia (= Tarfia, near Takar) collected by Doherty; AMNH 693740, female from the Cyclops Mountains collected by Mayr; AMNH 693741, male from Hollandia collected by Mayr.

Lichmera bougainvillei Mayr

Lichmera bougainvillei Mayr, 1932: 16 (Bougainville Island, Solomon Islands).

Now Stresemannia bougainvillei (Mayr, 1932). See Schodde, 1977: 82–83, Mayr and Diamond, 2001: 398, and Higgins et al., 2008: 630–631.


AMNH 221797, adult male, collected on Bougainville Island, North Bougainville Province, Papua New Guinea, on 13 January 1928, by Frederick P. Drowne (no. 232) on the Whitney South Sea Expedition.


Mayr gave the AMNH number of the holotype in the original description and measurements for 13 adult males, six immature males, six adult females, and two immature females. The 26 paratypes, all from Bougainville and collected between 31 December 1927 and 30 January 1928, are: AMNH 221792–221796, 221798–221818. Of these, I did not find AMNH 221792 in the collection; AMNH 221793 was exchanged to ZMB; and AMNH 221796 and 221811 were exchanged to ANSP.

The expedition base camp on Bougainville was at Kupei, 06.15S, 155.25E (PNG, 1984), according to Drowne's journal volume Q, unpublished journals of the Whitney South Sea Expedition, Archives, Department of Ornithology, AMNH.

Melilestes novae-guineae flaviventris Rothschild and Hartert

Melilestes novae-guineae flaviventris Rothschild and Hartert, 1911a: 44 (Tungei Bark, Kobrur, Aru Islands).

Now Toxorhamphus novaeguineae flaviventris (319320Rothschild and Hartert, 1911). See Salomonsen, 1967: 341, Dickinson, 2003: 452, and Gregory, 2008: 338.


AMNH 693603, adult male, collected at Tungei Bark, Kobroor (= Kobrur) Island, 06.12S, 134.32E (USBGN, 1982a), Aru Islands, Papua Province, Indonesia, on 27 August 1900, by Heinrich Kühn (no. 2380). From the Rothschild Collection.


In the original description, Rothschild and Hartert gave Kühn's unique field number of the holotype and said that the form occurred on Kobrur, Trangan, and Wokan islands in the Aru Islands. Paratypes in AMNH are: collected by Capt. Caley Webster, Wokan Island, AMNH 693599, female, 2 June 1896; collected by H. Kühn, Trangan Island, AMNH 693600, male, 14 September 1900; Tungei Bark, Kobror Island, AMNH 693601, 693602, males, 24–26 August 1900; Wokan Island, AMNH 693604–693606, two males, one female, 26 September–1 October 1900.

In Dickinson (2003: 452) and Gregory (2008: 338), the genus Toxorhamphus was included in the Melanocharitidae.

Toxorhamphus poliopterus maximus Rand

Toxorhamphus poliopterus maximus Rand, 1941: 13 (15 kilometers southwest of Bernhard Camp, Idenburg River, Netherland [sic] New Guinea, altitude 1500 meters).

Now Toxorhamphus poliopterus maximus Rand, 1941. See Dickinson, 2003: 452, and Gregory, 2008: 338.


AMNH 305909, adult male, collected 15 km southwest of Bernhard Camp, 1500 m, ca 03.30S, 139.15E (Archbold et al., 1942, map 1), Taritatu (= Idenburg) River, Papua Province (= Netherlands New Guinea), Indonesia, on 29 January 1939, by Richard Archbold, Austin L. Rand, and W.B. Richardson on the 1938–1939 Archbold Expedition.


Rand cited the AMNH number of the holotype in the original description and gave the range of the form as the north slopes of the Snow Mountains, between 1200 and 1500 m, west to the Weyland Mountains, between 1200 and 1700 m. Paratypes in AMNH are: Mount Kunupi, Weyland Mountains, AMNH 302484, adult female, AMNH 302485, adult female [immature male?], both 9 September 1931; 6–15 km sw Bernhard Camp, AMNH 342600, adult male, 2 February 1939, AMNH 342601, male?, 23 February 1939, AMNH 342602, adult female, 27 February 1939, AMNH 342603, adult female, 4 March 1939. Of these, AMNH 342603 was sent to MZB.

For a complete account of the birds collected on this expedition, see Rand (1942b), and for a summary of the expedition, see Archbold et al. (1942). This Third Archbold Expedition was a joint expedition with Netherlands Indies authorities and was also known as the Indisch-Amerikaansche Expeditie. The genus Toxorhamphus is now included in the Melanocharitidae.

Toxorhamphus poliopterus septentrionalis Mayr and Rand

Toxorhamphus poliopterus septentrionalis Mayr and Rand, 1935: 14 (Huambon [= Hompua], altitude 3000 feet, Saruwaged Mountains, Huon Peninsula, New Guinea).

Now Toxorhamphus poliopterus poliopterus Sharpe, 1882). See Diamond, 1972: 353–355, Coates, 1990: 312–313, Dickinson, 2003: 452, and Gregory, 2008: 338.


AMNH 267876, adult male, collected at Hompua, 06.21S, 147.43E (USBGN, 1956), 3000 ft, Saruwaget (= Saruwaged) Mountains, Huon Peninsula, Papua New Guinea, on 12 February 1929, by Rollo H. Beck (no. 1010).


Mayr and Rand gave the AMNH number of the holotype in the original description, noted that they had one male and three female specimens collected by Beck, and also included three specimens collected by Mayr (1931c: 657) on the Huon Peninsula. Paratypes in AMNH are: three females, AMNH 267877 (Beck's no. 1445), Sevia, 18 March 1929; AMNH 267878 (1663), Zakaheme, 8 April 1929; AMNH 367879 (1742), Hompua, 9 April 1929. The paratypes collected by Mayr are in ZMB.

Both Diamond (1972: 353) and Coates (1990: 313) considered septentrionalis doubtfully distinct; Dickinson (2003: 452) and Gregory (2008: 338) did not recognize it. The genus Toxorhamphus is now included in the Melanocharitidae.

Toxorhamphus iliolophus cinerascens Stresemann and Paludan

Toxorhamphus iliolophus cinerascens Stresemann and Paludan (in Rothschild et al.), 1932a: 144 (Waigeu).

Now Oedistoma iliolophus cinerascens (Stresemann and Paludan, 1932). See Salomonsen 1967: 342, Beehler and Finch, 1985: 554, Beehler et al., 1986: 196, Coates, 1990: 313–315, Dickinson, 2003: 451, and Gregory, 2008: 336.


AMNH 301058, adult male, collected on Waigeo (= Waigeu) Island, Papua Province, Indonesia, on 11 May 1931, by Georg Stein (no. 1318) on the Expedition G. Stein.


Stresemann and Paludan cited Stein's unique field number of the holotype in the original description but did not list the number of specimens examined. The Stein expedition was jointly sponsored by L.C. Sanford for AMNH, Rothschild, and ZMB. Most of the collection is now in AMNH, but part is in ZMB. Paratypes in AMNH, all collected in May and June 1931 on Waigeo by Stein, are: AMNH 301059–301061, 301061bis, 301062–301068, five males, one male juvenile?, three females, two sex?, corresponding to Stein numbers 1304–1309, 1313, 1315–1317, 1319.

The Steins' base on Waigeo was at Warmek, Mayalibit (= Majalibit) Bay, 00.13S, 130.45E (USBGN, 1982a), from 9–19 May 1931 (Rothschild et al., 1932a: 129, Stein, 1933: 260–264), around which place they collected the representative lowland fauna. Stein's observations were never published in full, as his home and notes were destroyed in World War II (Stresemann, 1967: 186).

Beehler and Finch (1985:554) noted that the species name, iliolophus, should be treated as a noun, thus is gender invariable. According to Jobling (1991: 114) the specific name is a combination of a Latin noun, ilium (“flank”), and a Greek noun, lophos (“crest”); but, contra Jobling, who listed the name as Oedistoma iliolophum, it was introduced as Melilestes iliolophus Salvadori, 1876. The Code (ICZN, 1999: 38, Art. 31.2.1) states that a species-group name that is a compound noun in apposition need not agree in gender with the generic name with which it is combined and the original spelling is to be retained. In this case, iliolophus is correct. This was followed by Beehler et al. (1986: 196), Coates (1990: 313–315), and Gregory (2008: 336), who also discussed placement of Oedistoma in the Melanocharitidae. Salomonsen (1967: 342) and Dickinson (2003: 451), both of whom included iliolophus in the neuter genus Oedistoma, used a neuter ending.

Toxorhamphus iliolophus flava Mayr and Rand

Toxorhamphus iliolophus flava Mayr and Rand, 1935: 13 (Wuroi, Oriomo River, Western Division, Territory of Papua).

Now Oedistoma iliolophus flavum (Mayr and Rand, 1935). See Dickinson, 2003: 451, and Gregory, 2008: 337.


AMNH 422311, adult male, collected at Wuroi, 08.50S, 143.07E (Deignan, 1964a: 234), Oriomo River, Western Province, Papua New Guinea, on 7 February 1934, by Richard Archbold and Austin L. Rand on the 1933–1934 (First) Archbold Expedition to New Guinea (no. 2791).


The AMNH number of the holotype was cited in the original description, with 16 specimens comprising the type series. Southeastern New Guinea specimens were included in flavum with doubt. The 15 paratypes are: Mafulu, AMNH 421075–421082, 421084, five males, three females, one sex?; Kubuna, AMNH 421083, female; Wuroi, AMNH 422308–422310, 422312, 422313, three males, two females.

See previous form for treatment of iliolophus when included in the neuter genus Oedistoma.

For an account of the birds collected on this expedition, see Mayr and Rand (1937), and for a summary of the expedition, see Archbold and Rand (1935).

Melilestes fergussonis Hartert

Melilestes fergussonis Hartert (in Rothschild and Hartert), 1896b: 237 (Fergusson Island).

Now Oedistoma iliolophus fergussonis (9293Hartert, 1896). See Salomonsen, 1967: 343, Coates, 1990: 313–315, Dickinson, 2003: 451, and Gregory, 2008: 337.


AMNH 693665, adult male, collected on Fergusson Island, D'Entrecasteaux Archipelago, Milne Bay Province, Papua New Guinea, in October 1894, by Albert S. Meek (no. 15). From the Rothschild Collection.


No type was designated in the original description, and the number of specimens was not specified. Rothschild and Hartert (1903b: 438) listed as the type Meek's specimen number 15, thereby designating it the lectotype. There are four paralectotypes in AMNH: AMNH 693664, 693666–693668, two males and two females collected by Meek on Fergusson Island in 1894. His base was near Nade (= Nadi, as spelled by Meek), ca. 09.40S, 150.42E, on the southwest coast of Fergusson (Meek, 1913: 45).

Dickinson (2003: 451) used the adjectival neuter fergussone. Gregory (2008: 337), however, noted that the subspecific name fergussonis is not “demonstrably adjectival and should be treated as a noun in genitive case, therefore invariable.”

Oedistoma pygmaeum waigeuense Salomonsen

Oedistoma pygmaeum waigeuense Salomonsen, 1966a: 2 (Waigeu Island).

Now Oedistoma pygmaeum waigeuense 336Salomonsen, 1966. See Dickinson, 2003: 451, and Gregory, 2008: 337–338.


AMNH 301021, adult male, collected on Waigeo (= Waigeu) Island, Papua Province, Indonesia, on 5 June 1931, on the Expedition Georg Stein 1931–1932 (no. 1472).


Salomonsen cited the AMNH number of the holotype in the original description, but made no mention of how many specimens he examined. Rothschild et al. (1932a: 146) listed six specimens collected by the Steins on Waigeo; however, only four of those specimens came to AMNH. The three paratypes in AMNH are: males collected 3 June 1931, AMNH 301019 (Stein no. 1473), AMNH 301020 (1474); female collected 22 May 1931, AMNH 301022 (1475). Stein's expedition was jointly sponsored by L.C. Sanford for AMNH, Rothschild, and ZMB. By the time this collection was distributed, the Rothschild Collection had been purchased by AMNH and two-thirds of the specimens came directly to AMNH; the other two specimens would have been retained in ZMB, and I do not know whether they were seen by Salomonsen.

On 5 June 1931, the Steins were collecting in the mountains between Mayalibit Bay and Fofak Bay, inland from Lam-Lam (Rothschild et al., 1932a: 129, Stein, 1933: 260–264), 00.05S, 130.44E (Times Atlas).

Oedistoma pygmaeum flavipectus Salomonsen

Oedistoma pygmaeum flavipectus Salomonsen, 1966a: 2 (Wuroi, Oriomo River, British Papua (western division), southern New Guinea).

Now Oedistoma pygmaeum pygmaeum Salvadori, 1876. See Mayr and Rand, 1937: 213, Diamond, 1969: 45, Diamond, 1972: 357, Dickinson, 2003: 451, and Gregory, 2008: 337–338.


AMNH 422241, adult male, collected at Wuroi, 08.50S, 143.07E (Deignan, 1964a: 234), Oriomo River, Western Province, Papua New Guinea, on 10 February 1934, by Richard Archbold and Austin L. Rand, on the 1933–1934 Archbold Expedition to New Guinea (no. 2824).


Salomonsen cited the AMNH number of the holotype in the original description and gave the range as southern New Guinea from Etna Bay to Milne Bay. Paratypes: AMNH 295665, Galley Reach; AMNH 421189–421197, Mafulu; AMNH 422242, 422243, Wuroi, Oriomo River; AMNH 427744–427753, Fly River; AMNH 427754–427757, Wassi Kussa River; AMNH 691192–691196, Upper Setekwa River and southern Snow Mountains; AMNH 691198, Mount Gayata; AMNH 216409 (exchange from Rothschild), AMNH 691199–691203, Aroa River; AMNH 691204, Mount Cameron, Owen Stanley Mountains.

For a summary of the 1933–1934 Archbold Expedition, see Archbold and Rand (1935).

Anthreptes meeki Hartert

Anthreptes meeki Hartert (in Rothschild and Hartert), 1896b: 239 (Ins. Fergusson).

Now Oedistoma pygmaeum meeki (9293Hartert, 1896). See Hartert, 1919a: 174, Dickinson, 2003: 451, and Gregory, 2008: 337–338.


AMNH 691209, adult male, collected on Fergusson Island, on 6 October 1894, by Albert S. Meek. From the Rothschild Collection.


In the original description, Hartert cited the unique collection date of 6 October 1894 for the type specimen but did not say how many specimens he examined. There are four paratypes collected by Meek on Fergusson in 1894 now in AMNH: males, AMNH 691208, 691210, 5 and 22 October; females, AMNH 691211, 691214, – September and 4 October.

On Fergusson, Meek (1913: 45, 58) had his base near Nade (Nadi in Meek, 1913), ca. 09.40S, 150.42E, on the southwest coast, and stayed there four months in 1894.

Glycichaera fallax pallida Stresemann and Paludan

Glycichaera fallax pallida Stresemann and Paludan, 1932: 15 (Waigeu).

Now Glycichaera fallax pallida Stresemann and Paludan, 1932. See Schodde and Mason, 1999: 340, Dickinson, 2003: 443, Driskell and Christidis, 2004, and Higgins et al., 2008: 654.


AMNH 301014, adult male, collected on Waigeo (= Waigeu) Island, Papua Province, Indonesia, on 26 May 1931, by Georg Stein (no. 1322) on the Expedition Stein.


Stresemann and Paludan gave Stein's unique field number of the holotype in the original description, but did not say how many specimens they examined. Rothschild et al. (1932a: 146) later listed seven specimens, giving Stein's field numbers. The expedition was jointly supported by Rothschild, L.C. Sanford for AMNH, and ZMB; all types were to come to AMNH and the rest of the collection was to be divided among the three collections. By the time the division was made, the Rothschild Collection had been purchased by AMNH, and two-thirds of the collection came directly to AMNH. Paratypes in AMNH, all collected on Waigeo in 1931, are: females, AMNH 301015 (Stein no. 1323), 16 May; AMNH 301016 (1325), 16 May; AMNH 301017 (1324), 2 June; AMNH 301018 (1320), 11 June. Paratypes bearing Stein's nos. 1321 and 1326 are probably in ZMB.

Stein did not publish his fieldnotes from this expedition, as his home and all of his notebooks were destroyed during World War II (Stresemann, 1967: 186). In his brief notes concerning his collecting localities, Stein (1933: 260–264, and in Rothschild et al., 1932a: 129–130) noted that on 20–28 May he and his wife were camped in the mountainous area behind Warmek, on Mayalibit Bay, 00.13S, 130.45E (USBGN, 1982a), at an altitude of about 300 m.

Molecular analysis by Driskell and Christidis (2004) did not support the close relationship between the genera Timeliopsis and Glycichaera proposed by Schodde and Mason (1999: 340).

[Macgillivrayornis claudi Mathews]

Macgillivrayornis claudi Mathews, 1914a: 12 (Claudie River, North Queensland).

Now Glycichaera fallax claudi (191Mathews, 1914). See Schodde and Mason, 1999: 339–340, Dickinson, 2003: 443, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 654.


W.D.K. MacGillivray (1917: 65) joined W.R. McLennan for fieldwork on the Claudie River, 12.45S, 143.17E (Storr, 1984: 181), northern Queensland, Australia, from November 1913 to January 1914, mentioning the new honeyeater in a letter to editors of The Emu (MacGillivray, 1914b) and later (MacGillivray, 1917, 1918), writing a full account of the trip. Collecting was partly financed by Mathews (1915b: 81), and he examined the entire collection with MacGillivray when he visited Australia in 1914, publishing the description of Macgillivrayornis claudi in the South Australian Ornithologist in April 1914, while he was still in Australia. In the original description, Mathews only said that the type was from the Claudie River, and gave measurements taken in the flesh, presumably of the type: total length 116 mm, wing 55, culmen 14, tarsus 18, middle toe and claw 12. Nowhere have I found a statement as to the number of specimens collected, but based on the published measurements, the description was of the female, the males being considerably larger. Of the collection made by MacGillivray and McLennan on the Claudie River, there are two female and three male specimens in SAMA and one female, two male, and one unsexed [but male based on measurements] cataloged by Mathews and now in AMNH. In each institution there is a female specimen with the same measurements as those published by Mathews in the description written on the original label in what is apparently MacGillivray's hand. These two specimens, bearing data indicated by Mathews to be those of the “type,” collectively constitute the name-bearing type of Macgillivrayornis claudi (ICZN, 1999: 81, Art. 73.2) and are syntypes. Other specimens in the type series have no standing as types.

B1380 was deposited in SAMA by MacGillivray probably some time after Mathews' visit, therefore seen by Mathews when he visited MacGillivray (Brian Blaylock and Philippa Horton, personal commun.). This female specimen bears the date 10 November 1913 in addition to the collecting locality and measurements cited in the original description. In 1915, MacGillivray (1915: 77–78) published his fieldnotes on the new bird, citing Mathews' description and name and the measurements of the type, collected on 10 November 1913. In so doing, he designated the specimen that is now SAMA no. B1380 the lectotype of Macgillivrayornis claudi.

AMNH 691184, collected on 20 December 1913, had been in Mathews' collection (no. 18466) and came to AMNH with the Rothschild Collection. This specimen bears five labels: (1) MacGillivray's (no. 84) original label with the date 20 December 1913 clearly written and the measurements cited in the original description written on the field label, presumably by MacGillivray; (2) a Rothschild type label, filled in by hand unknown (i.e., not by Hartert); (3) a Mathews Collection label with sex, place and date of collection, and Mathews' catalog number (although this was nowhere cited); (4) a Mathews type label, with reference to the description and Mathews' catalog number; and (5) a “Figured” label, indicating that it was the model for Mathews (1923a: pl. 526, opp. p. 411, text p. 411) where he stated that the female specimen collected on 20 December 1913 was the type of claudi. There, however, he gave measurements that are slightly different (wing 57, culmen 13, tarsus 18, tail 40), indicating that he had remeasured the skin. Because MacGillivray had already designated the specimen now in SAMA the lectotype, the specimen now AMNH 691184 is the paralectotype of Macgillivrayornis claudi.

Even though MacGillivray (1915: 77) stated that the type was collected by both MacGillivray and McLennan, I think that the lectotype and paralectotype were both collected by MacGillivray himself because the field labels were not tied on the specimens above the tibiotarsal joint, as was McLennan's habit (see Tricodere [sic] cockerelli jardinei). McLennan was credited with the discovery of the bird by recognizing its call as one he was unfamiliar with and did collect some of the specimens (MacGillivray, 1915: 77). The two females pictured in Mathews (1924: pl. 526, opp. p. 411) may represent two views of Mathews' paralectotype of M. claudi, as the lectotype was presumably in Australia when the illustration was made.

W. Longmore (personal commun.) found no MacGillivray or McLennan specimens of G. fallax claudi in the H.L. White collection in NMV. However, one specimen collected by Kershaw on the Claudie in April 1914 is in the general collection. According to MacGillivray (1917: 65), Kershaw was collecting for NMV during his stay in northern Queensland, and the April collecting date is after MacGillivray's departure. The specimen apparently was not part of Mathews' type series.

The molecular analysis by Driskell and Christidis (2004) did not support the proposal by Schodde and Mason (1999: 339–340) that Glycichaera should be included in the genus Timeliopsis.

[Meliphaga lombokia Mathews]

This name was proposed by Mathews (1926: 60) as a “new name” for Ptilotis virescens Wallace, 1864 (then included in Meliphaga), not Melithreptus virescens Vieillot, 1817 (= Meliphaga virescens). Wallace (1864: 494) did not designate a type, so Mathews' name would apply to Wallace's original type series (see Warren and Harrison, 1971: 585). See Duncan (1937: 72) for date of publication of Wallace's name as 1864. Now Lichmera lombokia (Mathews, 1926). See Higgins et al. (2008: 660).

Stigmatops argentauris patasiwa Stresemann

Stigmatops argentauris patasiwa Stresemann, 1912a: 345 (Lusaolate (Nordküste von Ceram)).

Now Lichmera argentauris (Finsch, 1870). See White and Bruce, 1986: 399, and Higgins et al., 2008: 660.


AMNH 694334, adult male, collected on Lusaolate Island, off the north coast of Seram (= Ceram), Moluccas, Indonesia, on 27 August 1911, by Erwin Stresemann (no. 869) on the II Freiburger Molukken-Expedition. From the Rothschild Collection.


In the original description, Stresemann gave his unique field number of the holotype; later, he (Stresemann, 1914a: 141) listed his type series of one male and four females, all collected on 27 August. The three paratypes in AMNH are: AMNH 694335 (Stresemann no. 866), AMNH 694336 (870), AMNH 694337 (868); the fourth paratype is in RMNH (Dekker and Quaisser, 2006: 27). Neither White and Bruce (1986: 490) nor I were able to find Lusaolate Island. However, Stresemann (1914a: 141) noted that Lusaolate Island was close to the north coast of Seram, east of Sawai Bay, 02.52S, 129.12E (USBGN, 1982a).

Stigmatops indistincta rufescens Mathews

Stigmatops indistincta rufescens Mathews, 1912a: 402 (Northern Territory (Crawford Springs)).

Now Lichmera indistincta indistincta (Vigors and Horsfield, 1827). See Salomonsen, 1967: 346, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 305–306, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 661–662.


AMNH 694094, adult female, collected at Crawford Springs, Northern Territory, Australia, on 4 July 1902, by J.T. Tunney (no. R. 664). From the Mathews Collection (no. 5344) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews cited his catalog number of the holotype in the original description and gave the range of the form as “Northern Territory.” Mathews apparently did not have other Northern Territory specimens when he named rufescens because specimens collected there by K. Dahl in 1894 were not sent to him by Professor R. Collett, ZMO, until after its publication (Mathews, 1912b: 25). The holotype was one of a number of specimens of various species that Mathews acquired from the WAM and cataloged in September 1910. The number “7721” on the original label is probably a WAM number; the significance of the number “821” on this label is not known. It bears, in addition to the original label, Mathews and Rothschild type labels with Mathews' catalog number, and a “Figured” label, indicating that it was illustrated in Mathews (1924: pl. 527, opp. p. 419, text p. 421), where it is confirmed as the type of rufescens.

Tunney's complete collection was reported on by Hartert (1905a), where this specimen is listed under Stigmatops ocularis (No. R. 664). After publication of Hartert's article, the collection was divided among WAM, Rothschild, and BMNH. Mathews' specimen came from the WAM portion of this collection. A Rothschild specimen in AMNH collected by J.T. Tunney on the Alligator River was never in the Mathews Collection.

According to Storr (1966: 63), Tunney was at Crawford Springs, 16.16S, 130.57E, on 4 July, which locality is 9 miles NNW of Victoria River Downs. This is the same locality listed as Crawford Waterhole (USBGN, 1957).

Deignan (1964b: 419–420) discussed this type specimen, noting that it had been preserved in alcohol and had lost lipochrome pigmentation.

Stigmatops indistincta media Mathews

Stigmatops indistincta media Mathews, 1912a: 403 (Parry's Creek, North-West Australia).

Now Lichmera indistincta indistincta (Vigors and Horsfield, 1827). See Salomonsen, 1967: 346, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 305–306, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 661–662.


AMNH 694119, adult male, collected at Parry Creek, 15.36S, 128.17E (Johnstone and Storr, 2004: 512), 5 miles west of Trig. station HJ9, East Kimberley, Western Australia, Australia, on 9 October 1908, by J.P. Rogers (no. 162). From the Mathews Collection (no. 3133) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews cited his catalog number of the holotype in the original description and gave the range as “North-West Australia (Wyndham).” Other specimens from Parry Creek collected in 1908 by J.P. Rogers are paratypes: AMNH 694118 (Mathews no. 3134), male, 2 September; AMNH 694120 (3138), male, 24 October; AMNH 694121 (3136, entered as 8 September), male, 8 October; AMNH 694122 (3137), male, 15 October; AMNH 694123 (3135), male, 14 October; AMNH 694124 (not found in catalog), female, 5 September; AMNH 694125 (3130), female, 8 September; AMNH 694126 (3131), female, 30 September; AMNH 695127 (3132), female, 8 October. Two specimens collected on the King River, south of Wyndham, were cataloged prior to the publication of the name on 31 January 1912; they are also paratypes: AMNH 694162 (Mathews no. 9858), male, 4 July, 50 miles south of Wyndham, by Conigrave; AMNH 695163 (9859), male, 6 July, by Burns. Other specimens collected by Burns and Conigrave in the area were not cataloged by Mathews until 24 February 1912, at which time the first two collections made by Rogers on Melville Island were also cataloged. Mathews (1912b: 26) said that the Rogers specimens had arrived after the publication of his (Mathews, 1912a) reference list, wherein media was published.

Stigmatops indistincta perplexa Mathews

Stigmatops indistincta perplexa Mathews, 1912a: 403 (Marble Bar, North-West Australia).

Now Lichmera indistincta indistincta (Vigors and Horsfield, 1827). See Salomonsen, 1967: 346, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 305–306, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 661–662.


AMNH 694177, adult male, collected at Marble Bar, 21.11S, 119.44E (USBGN, 1957), Pilbarra Goldfields, Western Australia, Australia, on 21 June 1908, by F.L. W[hitlock]. From the Mathews Collection (no. 3123) via the Rothschild Collection.


In the original description, Mathews gave his catalog number of the holotype and said that the range was from the Coongan River to Derby in northwest Australia. Paratypes in AMNH: Derby, AMNH 694133 (Mathews no. 8877), female, 8 May; Point Torment, AMNH 694144 (8728), female, 10 April; AMNH 694145 (8493), 10 February; AMNH 694146 (8727), male, 15 April; AMNH 694147 (8494), male, 16 February; AMNH 694148 (8497), male, 9 February; AMNH 694149 (8495), male, 10 February; AMNH 694150 (8496), male, 10 February; AMNH 694151 (8498), female, 10 February, all collected by Rogers in 1911; Marble Bar, AMNH 694178 (3124), male, 25 June; AMNH 694179 (5345), female, 21 May (obtained from WAM), both collected by Whitlock in 1908.

[Lichmera indistincta yorki Mathews]

Mathews (1923b: 37) named Lichmera indistincta yorki, type from York, Western Australia, and noted that it differed from Lichmera i. indistincta “in being more rufous above.”

There is no specimen from York, Western Australia, in AMNH. It appears that Mathews based this name on a bird collected by Ashby. Mathews (1924: 427), after giving the seven subspecies he included in his 1913 list (Mathews, 1913a), added: “… but it will be noted that more are indicated by Ashby's note that the York bird differed from the Perth one, and the type locality is King George's Sound in West Australia. As Perth birds are commonly different from Albany ones, three forms are suggested in this south-west corner. Those I have named. Also the Sterling [sic] Ranges bird I regarded as differing slightly from the Swan River one.” I interpret this as meaning that the “three forms” in the “south-west corner” are Lichmera i. indistincta (Vigors and Horsfield), the type locality of which is King George Sound (= Albany); L. i. perthi (see below), type locality Perth (= Swan River), and L. i. yorki, type locality York (based on Ashby's note). Mathews also named L. i. milligani (see below), type locality Stirling Range.

In his article on the birds he collected in Western Australia, Ashby (1901: 134), under the name Glyciphila ocularis Gould (but which Mathews considered to be L.i. indistincta) said: “Guilford, near Perth. One male. This skin is considerably more grey in plumage than is a skin I have from York, W.A., collected by myself in 1889. The York skin is decidedly more rufus in coloration, the underside of the head markedly so. The York skin is not sexed. …” The whereabouts of this skin is unknown. It is not in SAMA (P. Horton, personal commun.) or ANSP (N. Rice, personal commun.) and may have have been destroyed in the fire that burned Ashby's home (Whittell, 1954: 19).

Lichmera indistincta perthi Mathews

Lichmera indistincta perthi Mathews, 1923b: 37 (Perth, West Australia).

Now Lichmera indistincta indistincta (Vigors and Horsfield, 1827). See Salomonsen, 1967: 347, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 305–306, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 661–662.


AMNH 694220, male, Perth, 31.57S, 115.52E (Johnstone and Storr, 2004: 512), Western Australia, Australia, on 8 September 1909, purchased from Roland Ward; AMNH 694221 and 694222, two specimens bearing only Rothschild Collection labels printed “Ex. coll. G.M. Mathews” with the identity and “Perth” filled in by Hartert; AMNH 694223, unsexed, collected at Perth (Claremont), in April 1906, Mathews no. 3118. From the Mathews Collection via the Rothschild Collection.


This subspecies was one of a number of forms that Mathews rushed to name in his Austral Avian Record so that mention of them could be made in Mathews' Birds of Australia (1924: 427), where he added a brief, confusing note (see above under yorki). In the original description the type is said to be from Perth, and by 1923, this would include all of the Perth specimens in Mathews' collection. None of these specimens has any indication of type status. Only one of them has a Mathews catalog number, but no. 3119 in the catalog is a dataless “Perth” specimen and may refer to one or both of the above specimens without date. Mathews may have also considered Ashby's (1901: 134) specimen from Guilford, near Perth, to be part of his type series.

Lichmera indistincta milligani Mathews

Lichmera indistincta milligani Mathews, 1923b: 37 (Stirling Ranges, South-west Australia).

Now Lichmera indistincta indistincta (Vigors and Horsfield, 1827). See Salomonsen, 1967: 347, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 305–306, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 661–662.


AMNH 694212, female, and 694213, unsexed, collected in the Stirling Range, 34.24S, 118.02E (Johnstone and Storr, 2004), Western Australia, Australia, on 21 August 1911, by F.L. W[hitlock]. From the Mathews Collection (nos. 10608 and 10607, respectively) via the Rothschild Collection.


As was the case with perthi, above, the only information given for the type of milligani was the type locality. The syntypes are the only two specimens in AMNH from the Mathews Collection collected in the Stirling Range.

Stigmatops indistincta ouida Mathews

Stigmatops indistincta ouida Mathews, 1912d: 98 (Cairns).

Now Lichmera indistincta ocularis (Gould, 1838). See Salomonsen, 1967: 347, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 305–306, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 661–662.


AMNH 694187, adult male, collected on the Barron River, Queensland, Australia, on 1 June 1912, by the Dodds. From the Mathews Collection (no. 13840) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews gave his catalog number of the holotype in the original description. Mathews consistently recorded the locality as “Cairns” for specimens labeled “Barron River” and it is not certain exactly where they were collected. The Barron River enters the ocean at Cairns, but the family home of the Dodds was on the Atherton Tableland at Kuranda, on the middle Barron. The holotype bears the original label and Mathews and Rothschild type labels. There are seven paratypes in AMNH: collected on the Barron River by the Dodds in 1912, AMNH 694186 (Mathews no. 13252), male, 1 June; AMNH 694188 (13253), male, 1 June; AMNH 694189 (13255), female, 7 May; AMNH 694190, 694191 (13839), females, 20 June; collected at Cairns by P. Schraeder in 1908, AMNH 694193 (3121), male; AMNH 694194 (3122), female. In Mathews' catalog, no. 13254 is a female listed as collected on 1 June; this could be an error in copying the date and might apply to one of the females collected on 20 June, for which there is only one number, or might refer to an additional specimen that was later exchanged by Mathews.

Stigmatops indistincta melvillensis Mathews

Stigmatops indistincta melvillensis Mathews, 1912b: 50 (Melville Island, Northern Territory).

Now Lichmera indistincta melvillensis (181182183184185Mathews, 1912). See Salomonsen, 1967: 347, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 305–306, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 661–662.


AMNH 694082, adult female, collected at Coopers Camp, Apsley Strait, Melville Island, Northern Territory, Australia, on 25 October 1911, by J.P. Rogers (no. 2271). From the Mathews Collection (no. 10679) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews gave his catalog number of the holotype in the original description and said (Mathews, 1912b: 26) that he had received two shipments of Melville Island birds from Rogers since the publication of his reference list (published 31 January 1912). Paratypes are birds collected at Coopers Camp by Rogers in October, November, and December 1911: AMNH 694074 (Mathews no. 10677), male; AMNH 694075 (10676), male; AMNH 694076 (10683), male; AMNH 694078 (11608), male; AMNH 694079 (11607), male; AMNH 694080 (10678), male; AMNH 694083 (11609), female; AMNH 694084 (11610), female; AMNH 694085 (10680), female; AMNH 694087 (10682), unsexed. An unsexed specimen collected at Coopers Camp on 25 October 1911 was cataloged as no. 10681 by Mathews but did not come to AMNH. If found, it is also a paratype.

Coopers Camp was named for Joe Cooper, an Australian buffalo hunter, who lived on Melville Island from about 1900 to 1916. His home was on the eastern end of Apsley Strait, across from the Mission Station (Hart and Pilling, 1964: 101). The Bathurst Island Mission Station is at 11.45S, 130.41E (Times Atlas).

Stigmatops indistincta nupta Stresemann

Stigmatops indistincta nupta Stresemann, 1912a: 344 (Manien (Aru-Inseln)).

Now Lichmera indistincta nupta (364365Stresemann, 1912). See Salomonsen, 1967: 347, and Higgins et al., 2008: 661–662.


AMNH 694058, adult male, collected on Manien Island, 05.45S, 134.45E (USBGN, 1943), Aru Islands, Papua Province, Indonesia, on 19 November 1897, by Heinrich Kühn. From the Rothschild Collection.


In the original description, Stresemann said that the type, in the Rothschild Collection, was collected on Manien Island on 19 November 1897. The range was said to be the Aru Islands. Six specimens, including the type, came to AMNH with the Rothschild Collection. The five paratypes in AMNH are: AMNH 694053, male, AMNH 694054, female, collected on Dobbo Island in February 1897 by W. Doherty; AMNH 694055, male, collected on Wokan Island on 7 October 1900 by Kühn; AMNH 694056, male, AMNH 694057, female, collected at Afara, Barkey Island, on 25 November 1897 by Kühn. Of these, AMNH 694057 was exchanged to FMNH in the early 1960s. Stresemann (1912a: 345) gave measurements for 12 specimens, but did not indicate where they were housed.

Lichmera incana mareensis Salomonsen

Lichmera incana mareensis Salomonsen, 1966a: 2 (Maré Island, Loyalty Islands).

Now Lichmera incana mareensis 336Salomonsen, 1966. See Dickinson, 2003: 439, and Higgins et al., 2008: 662.


AMNH 337641, adult male, collected on Maré Island, 21.30S, 168.00E (USBGN, 1974a), Loyalty Islands, New Caledonia, on 8 November 1937, by Lindsay Macmillan (no. 50) on the Whitney South Sea Expedition.


Salomonsen gave the AMNH number of the holotype in the original description. Other specimens collected by Macmillan on Maré are paratypes: males, AMNH 337637–337640, 337642; females, AMNH 337643, 337644.

Macmillan (vol. DD, p. 96, Maré Island fieldnotes and log, unpublished journal of the Whitney South Sea Expedition, Archives, Department of Ornithology, AMNH) noted that he was on the plateau and coastal plain east of Tedine on 8 August 1937. Tedine, now Tadine or Tadinou, is at 21.33S, 167.52E (USBGN, 1956).

Lichmera incana griseoviridis Salomonsen

Lichmera incana griseoviridis Salomonsen, 1966a: 3 (Lopevi Island, New Hebrides).

Now Lichmera incana griseoviridis 336Salomonsen, 1966. See Dickinson, 2003: 439, and Higgins et al., 2008: 662.


AMNH 212924, adult male, collected on Ulveah (= Lopevi) Island, 16.30S, 168.21E (USBGN, 1974c), Vanuatu (= New Hebrides), on 9 August 1926, by Jose G. Correia on the Whitney South Sea Expedition.


Salomonsen cited the AMNH number of the holotype in the original description, giving the range as Efate, Makura, Mai, Tongoa, Epi, Lopevi, Pauuma, Ambrym, and Malekula islands, Vanuatu. The following specimens are paratypes: AMNH 212903–212923, 212925–212932, 213646–213650, 214122, 216205, 218413, 221788. Of these, AMNH 212908 from Efate Island was exchanged to UMZC; AMNH 212915 from Mai Island was exchanged to ZMB.

Lichmera alboauricularis olivacea Mayr

Lichmera alboauricularis olivacea Mayr (in Mayr and Camras), 1938: 468 (Ifar, Sentani Lake, northern New Guinea).

Now Lichmera alboauricularis olivacea Mayr, 1938. See Coates, 1990: 297–298, and Higgins et al., 2008: 662–663.


AMNH 450933, adult male, collected at Ifaar (= Ifar), 02.34S, 140.31E (USBGN, 1982a), Sentani Lake, Papua Province, Indonesia, on 24 (not 27) September 1928, by Ernst Mayr (no. 2558). From the Rothschild Collection.


Mayr gave the AMNH number of the holotype in the original description, and listed his type series as three adult males from the type locality, two adult males from Marienberg, and two males and one female from the lower Ramu River, both latter localities in Papua New Guinea. Of the seven paratypes, three are in AMNH: Ifaar, collected by Mayr, AMNH 294335, male, 2 October 1928; AMNH 694232, sex? [male], 1 October 1928; Ramu River, collected by E. Tappenbeck, AMNH 694233, male, 14 January 1899. The Tappenbeck specimen had undoubtedly been exchanged to Rothschild from ZMB, and the other paratypes from the lower Ramu are probably in ZMB; the Marienberg specimens were collected on the Crane Pacific Expedition (Mayr and Camras, 1938: 463) and are in FMNH. See Hartert (1930b: 48) and Mayr (1930: 24–26) for an account of Mayr's expedition; Stresemann (1923: 56) discussed Tappenbeck's specimens.

Stigmatops deningeri Stresemann

Stigmatops deningeri Stresemann, 1912c: 6 (Gŭnŭng Fogha, N.W. Buru, 4500 feet).

Now Lichmera deningeri (364365Stresemann, 1912). See White and Bruce, 1986: 400, and Higgins et al., 2008: 663.


AMNH 694344, adult male, collected on Mount Fogha, 4500 ft, Buru Island, Moluccas, Indonesia, on 25 February 1912, by Erwin Stresemann (no. 1104) on the II. Freiburger Molukken-Expedition. From the Rothschild Collection.


Stresemann cited his unique field number of the holotype in the original description without saying how many specimens he studied. In his (Stresemann, 1914b) account of his entire collection on Buru, he listed two male and five female specimens. There are five paratypes in AMNH: AMNH 694345, male, AMNH 694346–694349, females, collected 26–28 February 1912 on Mount Fogha. The sixth paratype is in RMNH (Dekker and Quaisser, 2006: 27). Stresemann (1914b: 361) equated Mount Fogha, Mount Mada, and Mount Madang with Kapala Mada; This is probably Kapalatmada, 03.15S, 126.09E (USBGN, 1982a), although Rothschild and Hartert (1923: 118) thought that they were the same as Mount Tomahu, 03.14S, 126.04E (USBGN, 1982a).

Stigmatops monticola Stresemann

Stigmatops monticola Stresemann, 1912c: 5 (Gŭnŭng Sofia, Middle Ceram, 4000 feet).

Now Lichmera monticola (364365Stresemann, 1912). See White and Bruce, 1986: 400, and Higgins et al., 2008: 663.


AMNH 694354, adult male, collected on Mount Sofia, 4000 ft, Seram (= Ceram) Island, Moluccas, Indonesia, on 27 June 1911, by Erwin Stresemann (no. 696) on the II. Freiburger Molukken-Expedition. From the Rothschild Collection.


Stresemann cited his unique field number of the holotype in the original description but did not mention the number of specimens examined. In his report on the entire collection (Stresemann, 1914a: 141), he listed a total of ten; this species was also illustrated in pl. 4, fig. 2. Paratypes in AMNH, all collected on Seram in 1911: Mount Hoale, AMNH 694350 (Stresemann no. 653), male, AMNH 694351 (656), female, 7 July; AMNH 694352 (674), female, 5 July; Mount Sofia, AMNH 694353 (693), AMNH 694355 (686), males, AMNH 694356 (695), female, 26 June. The paratypes from Manusela (one sex?, 10 June), Mount Pinaia (one male, 14 August) did not come to AMNH. The paratype from Mount Sofia (female, 28 June) is in RMNH (Dekker and Quaisser, 2006: 27).

Tricodere [sic] cockerelli jardinei Mathews

Tricodere [sic] cockerelli jardinei Mathews, 1917: 71 (Jardine Creek, North Queensland).

Now Trichodere cockerelli (Gould, 1869). See Salomonsen, 1967: 349, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 307, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 669.


AMNH 695119, adult male, collected on the Jardine River, 10.55S, 142.13E (USBGN, 1957), Cape York Peninsula, Queensland, Australia, on 30 April 1911, by William R. McLennan. From the Mathews Collection via the Rothschild Collection.


In the original description, Mathews identified his type as a male collected on 30 April 1911 on Jardine “Creek.” AMNH 695119 is the only Mathews specimen collected on that date that came to AMNH. It bears McLennan's original label, a Mathews type label, and a Mathews label marked “Figured” in Mathews' hand. It is figured in Mathews (1924: pl. 535, lower fig., opp. p. 498, text p. 498) and is there confirmed as the type of jardinei. An AMNH type label has been added, as it had not previously been included in the AMNH type collection. My measurements of this holotype are almost exactly the same as those published by Mathews (1924: 498) except for wing length. My measurement of 78 mm for the wing compares with 66 mm given by Mathews, an obvious error. The published measurements were not written on the specimen label, nor were measurements written on any of the other specimens.

In the original description, there was no suggestion of a range larger than the type locality or an indication of how many specimens Mathews examined. Four Jardine River specimens collected in 1911 by McLennan in addition to the holotype came to AMNH. The fledgling female described but not figured by Mathews (1924: 499–500) is now AMNH 695123, juvenile female, collected on 14 May 1911, and cataloged by Mathews as no. 17314 on 2 June 1913, obtained from MacGillivray, for whom McLennan collected. It is definitely a paratype. I did not find the other three specimens in Mathews' catalog, but they are also probably paratypes: AMNH 695120, immature male, 12 May; AMNH 695121, adult female, 9 May; AMNH 695122, immature female, 26 April. It is likely that Mathews obtained them, along with the holotype, from MacGillivray during his visit to Australia in 1914. He obtained other specimens at that time, including the type series of Macgillivrayornis claudi (see above), but he cataloged few specimens after 1913.

The holotype of jardinei bears a Mathews Collection label that I can only explain as an error on Mathews' part. Written on it in ink by Mathews, is his catalog number “12631,” the locality “Somerset, Cape York,” and “Ptilotis cockerelli,” with “jardinei” and “type” added in pencil in the same hand. Opposite no. 12631 in his catalog, Mathews entered a specimen from “Cape York,” without further data, that was listed as having been acquired from BMNH. There is nothing on this holotype to indicate that it came from BMNH, nor are there Mathews specimens of T. cockerelli in AMNH that have only the locality “Cape York.” There is one specimen from “Somerset, Cape York,” AMNH 695156, that Mathews obtained from Rothschild and cataloged as his no. 4168, properly attributed to Rothschild. Because Mathews mentioned no locality other than “Jardine Creek” for T. c. jardinei, the “Somerset” label does not appear to have anything to do with the holotype of jardinei or with the taxon. On the other hand, there is no question that the holotype of T. c. jardinei was collected by McLennan. Unlike most collectors who tie field labels on the tarsometatarsus, McLennan frequently attached them to his specimens by tying both legs together above the tibiotarsal joint. The result of this is that the legs are splayed outward below this joint, not crossed as is characteristic of most specimens. All five AMNH specimens from the type series have McLennan's labels attached in this way.

North (1912: 120) introduced the genus Trichodere with Ptilotis cockerelli as the type species, and based his decision to introduce a new generic name on specimens seen by him that had been collected by McLennan for MacGillivray on the Jardine River. Mathews (1912f: 127) considered this name a homonym of Trichoderes and provided the replacement name Hemiptilotis with the same type species. Under the international rules of nomenclature in effect in 1912, as well as those in effect today, these two names would not have been considered homonyms. Nevertheless, Mathews (1912f: 127) added the caveat excusing his introduction of the new name: “For the benefit of those who would prefer the slightly differing rules accepted by the American Ornithologists' Union.” The name Trichoderes was neither introduced by Gmelin in 1843 (Mathews 1912f: 127) nor by Guerin in 1843 (Mathews, 1924: 496), but by Chevrolat in 1843 in a work on the Coleoptera of Mexico (Sherborn, 1932: 6581). Further confounding this unnecessary introduction of a new generic name, Mathews (1917: 71) used and misspelled Trichodere when naming the subspecies jardinei (long after he had introduced Hemiptilotis in 1912) and used Hemiptilotis in “Birds of Australia” (Mathews, 1924: 496).

MacGillivray (1914a: 179) reported on the specimens of this species collected by McLennan on the Jardine River, which included the 1911 specimens examined by North and those Mathews obtained from MacGillivray, but he did not say how many specimens were collected.

Myzomela albigula Hartert

Myzomela albigula Hartert, 1898b: 20 (Rossel Island).

Now Myzomela albigula albigula 100Hartert, 1898. See Coates, 1990: 240, and Higgins et al., 2008: 637.


AMNH 692661, adult male, collected on Yela (= Rossel) Island, 11.20S, 154.10E (PNG, 1984), Louisiade Archipelago, Milne Bay Province, Papua New Guinea, on 27 January 1898, by Albert S. Meek (no. 1306). From the Rothschild Collection.


Hartert did not designate a type in the original description nor did he mention one in the following publication (Hartert, 1899a: 79) in which he reported on the entire first collection by Meek from Rossel. Only later did Rothschild and Hartert (1903a: 224) cite Meek's specimen no. 1306 as the type, thereby designating it the lectotype, and list the other specimens collected by Meek on Rossel as well, together with field numbers. Paralectotypes are: AMNH 692662–692668, three males and four females, collected in January–February 1898. Of these, AMNH 692668 was exchanged to FMNH in the 1960s.

Myzomela pallidior Hartert

Myzomela pallidior Hartert, 1898b: 21 (St. Aignan Island).

Now Myzomela albigula pallidior 100Hartert, 1898. See Coates, 1990: 240, and Higgins et al., 2008: 637.


AMNH 692674, adult male, said to have been collected on Misima (= St. Aignan) Island but probably in the Engineer or Conflict Group, Milne Bay Province, Papua New Guinea, on 31 July 1894, by Albert S. Meek (no. 725). From the Rothschild Collection.


Hartert did not designate a type in the original description, mentioning only one male with wing measuring 73 mm and the single female, both therefore syntypes; nor did he mention one in the following publication on Meek's entire “Misima” collection (Hartert, 1899b: 210). Rothschild and Hartert (1903a: 224) later listed Meek's specimen, male no. 725 as the type, thereby designating it the lectotype. This specimen, with wing measuring 73 mm, also bears a Rothschild type label. There were six specimens collected, but because syntypes were designated in the original description (ICZN, 1999: 77, Art. 72.4.6), only the female listed there is a paralectotype: AMNH 692673, female, collected on Kimuta Island (not on St. Aignan = Misima Island), on 13 December 1897, by collectors for A.S. Meek (no. 1178).

LeCroy and Peckover (1998) investigated specimens supposedly collected on Misima by Meek that had not been found there by subsequent visitors and found that specimens collected on 31 July and after 11 September were collected on smaller islands near Misima; the 31 July specimens probably came from the Engineer group west of Misima and the ones after 11 September from Kimuta Island just off the eastern end of Misima. This form has been collected by others on other small islands near Misima but not on Misima itself. While it is not certain that it was the Engineer Group from which this type specimen was secured, it is known from Meek's correspondence that he collected birdwing butterflies there on his way to Misima; but the butterfly specimens have no exact date. The Conflict Group, the closest group of islands west of Misima, is also another possible stop; we know that Meek collected on Misima on 2 August and that there is no specimen recorded for 1 August (LeCroy and Peckover, 1998: 226, 228), suggesting that he could have been en route on that date.

Myzomela cineracea rooki Hartert

Myzomela cineracea rooki Hartert, 1926b: 142 (Rook Island).

Now Myzomela cineracea Sclater, 1879. See Coates, 1990: 241–242, Mayr and Diamond, 2001: 397, Dickinson, 2003: 441, and Higgins et al., 2008: 638.


AMNH 692646, adult male, collected on Umboi (= Rook) Island, 05.40S, 148.00E (PNG, 1984), Siassi Archipelago, Morobe Province, Papua New Guinea, on 24 July 1913, by Albert F. Eichhorn for Albert S. Meek (no. 5810). From the Rothschild Collection.


Hartert cited Meek's unique field number of the holotype in the original description, but gave no number of specimens examined. This form was named in a report on a collection of birds made on the Talasea Peninsula of New Britain; in the original report on the birds collected on Umboi (Rothschild and Hartert, 1914b: 217), a total of eight male and four female specimens was listed, including their Meek field numbers. Of these, four male and four female specimens came to AMNH with the Rothschild Collection. I think that the description of rooki probably was based on the eight specimens now in AMNH. Rothschild frequently had first choice of specimens sent to him by collectors, from which he chose those he wanted and sent the rest to a dealer to sell for the collector (M. Rothschild, 1983: 158). In this case, he would have sent the other specimens to a dealer long before the 1926 paper was published. Paratypes, all collected in July 1913, are: males, AMNH 692645 (Meek no. 5784), AMNH 692647 (5863), AMNH 692648 (5880); females, AMNH 692649 (5811), AMNH 692650 (5719), AMNH 692651 (5718), AMNH 692652 (5876).

Mayr and Diamond (2001: 397) and Higgins et al. (2008: 638) did not recognize rooki, but Dickinson (2003: 441) did. The differences in wing measurements used to separate Umboi birds from those from Talasea, New Britain, with which they were compared, were slight. My measurements of the four male and four female Umboi birds and ten male and nine female specimens from various parts of New Britain show almost complete overlap: males, Umboi, 76–78 mm, New Britain, 74–77; females, Umboi, 63–64.5, New Britain, 61–66. Hartert also mentioned the weaker bill in the Umboi birds. My measurements of bill length (from base) of the same specimens also show overlap: males, Umboi, 25.0–25.5, New Britain, 26.0–28.5; females, Umboi, 23.5–25.0, New Britain, 24.0–26.0. There appears to be considerable individual variation in the thickness of the bill and too much overlap in size for recognition of rooki.

Rothschild and Hartert (1914b: 207) pointed out that the island was named for Sir George Rook and the spelling “Rooke” that is sometimes seen, is incorrect.

Myzomela eques karimuiensis Diamond

Myzomela eques karimuiensis Diamond, 1967: 8 (Karimui, Eastern Highlands District, Mandated Territory of New Guinea, 3650 feet).

Now Myzomela eques karimuiensis Diamond, 1967. See Coates, 1990: 239–240, and Higgins et al., 2008: 637–638.


AMNH 786038, adult male, collected at Karimui, 3650 ft, 06.30S, 144.50E (PNG, 1984), Simbu Province, Papua New Guinea, on 3 July 1965, by Jared M. Diamond (no. 702).


Diamond gave the AMNH number of his unique specimen in the original description and further observations on this form in his report on the entire collection (Diamond, 1972: 358).

Myzomela eques nymani Rothschild and Hartert

Myzomela eques nymani Rothschild and Hartert, 1903a: 223 (Simbang).

Now Myzomela eques nymani 312313Rothschild and Hartert, 1903. See Coates, 1990: 239–240, and Higgins et al., 2008: 637–638.


AMNH 692634, adult female, collected at Simbang, 06.35S, 147.50E (USBGN, 1943), Morobe Province, Papua New Guinea, on 26 August 1899, by E. Nyman. From the Rothschild Collection.


In the original description, Rothschild and Hartert designated their single specimen from Simbang as holotype. They had four additional specimens in their type series, all of them listed as males, apparently based on plumage. All four of these came to AMNH with the Rothschild Collection and are paratypes: AMNH 692619, low country near Port Moresby, 1898, purchased from a dealer; AMNH 692626 [said to be from the upper Aroa River], August–September 1899, collected by Weiske; AMNH 692629, Eafa District, 3000 ft, 1898; AMNH 692630, no data. AMNH 692630 was sent to PNGM. The specimen from the Eafa District was probably collected by A.S. Anthony (Rothschild and Hartert, 1901a: 61).

Myzomela obscura harterti Mathews

Myzomela obscura harterti Mathews, 1911b: 100 (Cairns, N. Queensland).

Now Myzomela obscura harterti 179Mathews, 1911. See Schodde and Mason, 1999: 337–338, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 638–639.


AMNH 692518, adult male, collected at Cairns, 16.51S, 145.43E (Times Atlas), northern Queensland, Australia, in July 1908, by P. Schraeder. From the Mathews Collection (no. 3036) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews cited his catalog number of the holotype in the original description; the only locality mentioned was Cairns. In addition to Mathews' collection label and Mathews and Rothschild type labels, the holotype also bears a “Figured” label, indicating that it served as the model for Mathews (1924: pl. 517, opp. p. 330, text p. 331), where it is confirmed as the type of M. o. harterti. Mathews had three additional specimens collected by Schraeder at Cairns, paratypes AMNH 692516 (Mathews no. 3038), sexed as a female, but label changed to male, August 1908; AMNH 592517 (3037), male, August 1908; AMNH 592519 (3039), female, July 1908. AMNH 692520 (16883) collected by T.H. Bowyer Bower at Cairns on 14 January 1885, was not cataloged by Mathews until 15 May 1913, long after the publication of harterti, and it is not a paratype.

Myzomela obscura munna Mathews

Myzomela obscura munna Mathews, 1912a: 397 (North Queensland (Cape York)).

Now Myzomela obscura harterti 179Mathews, 1911. See Schodde and Mason, 1999: 337–338, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 638–639.


AMNH 692573, adult male, Cape York, Queensland, on 22 June 1898, by Albert S. Meek (no. 1853). From the Mathews Collection (no. 3040) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews cited his catalog number of the holotype in the original description and gave the range as “Cape York”. AMNH 692570, male, collected on Cape York, 30 August 1911 by J.P. Rogers (no. 1997) and cataloged by Mathews (no. 9809) on 27 November 1911, is a paratype. AMNH 692574, male, collected on Cape York, 18 July 1898 by Meek (no. 1964) may also be a paratype, but I was unable to find it in Mathews' catalog. Other Meek specimens collected on Cape York were never part of the Mathews Collection.

Parker (1966) showed that Meek's collectors were on the Chester River, 13.42S, 143.33E, when this holotype was collected.

Myzomela obscura grisescens Hartert

Myzomela obscura grisescens Hartert, 1905a: 235 (Brock's Creek).

Now Myzomela obscura obscura Gould, 1843. See Salomonsen, 1967: 352, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 337–338, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 638–639.


AMNH 692480, adult male, collected at Brocks Creek, 13.28S, 131.25E (USBGN, 1957), Northern Territory, Australia, on 9 August 1902, by J.T. Tunney (no. R.635). From the Rothschild Collection.


Hartert gave Tunney's field number of the holotype in the original description and listed six additional specimens, which are paratypes. Of those, four are in AMNH: Brocks Creek, AMNH 692478 (Tunney no. R.633), male, 7 August 1902; AMNH 692479 (R. 637), male, 5 August 1902; AMNH 692481 (R.636), female [changed to male on label], 7 August 1902; east of Mary River, AMNH 692482 (736), male, 16 September 1902. Tunney's collection was studied by Hartert and most of the specimens were divided between WAM and Rothschild, with a selection going to BMNH (Hartert, 1905a: 194). Of the four paratypes in AMNH, two had been in the Mathews Collection. Mathews obtained AMNH 692479 from WAM (it bears their number 7711) and cataloged it as his no. 5322. AMNH 692482 had also been in the Mathews collection, but it is not clear from whom he obtained it. The two paratypes still unaccounted for bear Tunney numbers 634 from Brocks Creek and no. 735 from the South Alligator River.

Myzomela obscura apsleyi Mathews

Myzomela obscura apsleyi Mathews, 1912b: 48 (Melville Island, Northern Territory).

Now Myzomela obscura obscura Gould, 1843. See Salomonsen, 1967: 352, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 337–338, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 638–639.


AMNH 692487, adult male, collected at Coopers Camp, Apsley Strait, Melville Island, Northern Territory, Australia, on 17 October 1911, by J.P. Rogers (no. 2200). From the Mathews Collection (no. 10665) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews cited his catalog number of the holotype in the original description and gave the range of the form as “Melville Island.” The holotype bears, in addition to Rogers' original label and Mathews and Rothschild type labels, a “Figured” label, indicating that it was illustrated in Mathews (1924: pl. 317, opp. p. 330, text p. 331) where it is confirmed as the type of apsleyi. Mathews (1912b: 26) noted that he had received from Rogers two shipments of birds from Melville Island; these comprised specimens collected at Coopers Camp in October–December 1911. Paratypes are: males, AMNH 692484 (Mathews no. 11604), AMNH 692488 (11606), AMNH 692489 (11605), AMNH 692490 (10667); females, AMNH 692491 (10664), AMNH 692492 (11602), AMNH 692493 (11601), AMNH 692495 (10666), AMNH 692496 (10668). Two paratypes that were cataloged by Mathews did not come to AMNH: no. 10663, female, 17 October 1911, and no. 11603, male, 10 November 1911.

Coopers Camp was situated across Apsley Strait from the mission on Bathurst Island (Hart and Pilling, 1964: 101). Bathurst Island Mission Station, 11.45S, 130.41E (Times Atlas).

Myzomela obscura meeki Rothschild and Hartert

Myzomela obscura meeki Rothschild and Hartert, 1907: 479 (Upper Aroa River).

Now Myzomela obscura fumata (Bonaparte, 1850). See Salomonsen, 1967: 352, Coates, 1990: 240–241, and Higgins et al., 2008: 638–639.


AMNH 692590, female, collected on the Aroa River, Central Province, Papua New Guinea, on 6 February 1905, by Albert S. Meek (no. B.208). From the Rothschild Collection.


Rothschild and Hartert gave Meek's unique field number of the holotype in the original description and said that they had three males and two females, including the type. The paratypes, all labeled Aroa River, are: males, AMNH 692587 (Meek no. B.71), 30 November 1904, AMNH 692588 (B.59), 27 November 1904, and AMNH 692589 (B.64), 28 November; female, AMNH 692591 (B.122), 31 December 1904

On this, Meek's second trip to the Aroa River, he himself camped at high altitudes (Rothschild and Jordan, 1905: 448–454). Most of the specimens from high altitudes have field numbers beginning with “A.” The ones beginning with “B,” and usually said by Rothschild and Hartert (1907) to be from the Upper Aroa River, are actually only labeled “Aroa River” in a hand that is not Meek's. Rothschild and Jordan (1905: 449) quote a letter from Meek: “I am also taking a new assistant, though I have as yet my doubts whether he will be of much good to me.” And later (p. 450) “A white man, a prospector, accompanied me to the Aroa River, where I had to leave him. He seemed too scared of the natives to bring him along to places where there is a chance of the natives being bad.” The “B” specimens always seem to be lowland or hill forms and collected on dates that Meek was himself in the mountains. So it seems possible that the “new assistant” remained in the lowlands and collected birds. Meek, on this trip, was collecting mainly lepidoptera.

Myzomela simplex mortyana Hartert

Myzomela simplex mortyana Hartert, 1903b: 56 (Morty Island).

Now Myzomela obscura mortyana 107108Hartert, 1903. See White and Bruce, 1986: 401, and Higgins et al., 2008: 638–639.


AMNH 692586, [male], Morotai (= Morty) Island, 02.20N, 128.25E (White and Bruce, 1986: 491), Moluccas, Indonesia, undated, by J.M. Dumas (no. M.59). From the Rothschild Collection.


Hartert had a single specimen of this form. It bears, in addition to the Rothschild type label, only a Rothschild Collection label marked “Type,” giving Dumas as the collector and his number. Rothschild noted in his partial list of purchases (Archives, Department of Ornithology) that on 8 March 1899 he purchased 109 specimens of birds from “Morty.” The collection was probably made in late 1898. J.M. Dumas had been Alfred Everett's assistant and he continued to collect after Everett's death.

Myzomela cruentata lavongai Salomonsen

Myzomela cruentata lavongai Salomonsen, 1966b: 122 (New Hanover (= Lavongai)).

Now Myzomela cruentata lavongai 336Salomonsen, 1966. See Hartert, 1924b: 210, Mayr, 1955: 43, Mayr and Diamond, 2001: 397, and Higgins et al., 2008: 639.


AMNH 693102, female [Salomonsen considered this a juvenile], collected on New Hanover Island, 02.35S, 150.10E (PNG, 1984), New Ireland Province, Papua New Guinea, on 6 February 1923, by Albert F. Eichhorn (no. 8119). From the Rothschild Collection.


Salomonsen cited the AMNH number of the holotype in the original description and noted that he had five adult males, one juvenile male, and two juvenile females (one of them his type). He based his identification of the females as juveniles on his belief that the adult females of his erythrina group (subspecies erythrina from New Ireland, lavongai from New Hanover, cantans from Tabar, and vinacea from Dyaul) were similar to adult males but duller (Salomonsen, 1966b: 120). This is based on two birds sexed as females by Salomonsen but similar to males in plumage, one from New Ireland and one from Dyaul Island (Salomonsen, 1966b: 121, 122). I think that this needs to be reexamined with fresh material, as does the validity of lavongai. The specimens in Salomonsen's type series of lavongai are the same New Hanover specimens that were part of Mayr's type series of cantans (see below). I list Salomonsen's paratypes as they were sexed by Eichhorn: AMNH 693095–693098, males; AMNH 693099, immature male; AMNH 693100, female [Salomonsen considered this a juvenile]; AMNH 693101, male; AMNH 693103, 693104, unsexed. The unsexed birds were not mentioned by Salomonsen, but were available to him.

Hartert (1924b) does not say exactly where on New Hanover Eichhorn collected. Lavongai was a plantation on New Hanover but I find no evidence that it was ever used as a name for the entire island.

Myzomela cruentata cantans Mayr

Myzomela cruentata cantans Mayr, 1955: 43 (Tabar Island, Tabar group).

Now Myzomela cruentata cantans Mayr, 1955. See Mayr and Diamond, 2001: 397, and Higgins et al., 2008: 639.


AMNH 335582, adult female, collected on Tabar Island, Tabar Islands, New Ireland Province, Papua New Guinea, on 21 January 1935, by William F. Coultas on the Whitney South Sea Expedition (no. 45266).


Mayr cited the AMNH number of the holotype in the original description and included Tabar Island and New Hanover Island specimens in cantans. He gave measurements for five males, two females, and one male juvenile from New Hanover, and eight males, three females, and one juvenile male from Tabar. In the following list of paratypes, I have indicated the sex as it appears on the collectors' labels, but in the case of female-plumaged specimens from Tabar, I have remeasured the wings and put in brackets the sex that Mayr assigned them. Contra Salomonsen (1966b: 122), Mayr did not refer to any of these specimens as juvenile females. Paratypes: Tabar, AMNH 335571, 335572, adult males, AMNH 335573, immature male [immature male, 60.5 mm], AMNH 335574, immature male [female, 57.5], AMNH 335575, immature male [female, 58], and AMNH 335576–335581, males; New Hanover, AMNH 693095–693098, males, AMNH 693099, immature male, AMNH 693100, female, AMNH 693101, male, and AMNH 693102, female. AMNH 693103 and 693104, unsexed, from New Hanover, were not mentioned by Mayr but were available to him and are considered paratypes. AMNH 693102 is also the holotype of M. c. lavongai (see above), and the other New Hanover specimens are paratypes.

According to Coultas' volume Y, unpublished journals of the Whitney South Sea Expedition, Archives, Department of Ornithology, AMNH, his base camp on Tabar Island was at Lumburu Village, ca. 02.57S, 152.00E, on the west coast of Tabar.

Myzomela nigrita steini Stresemann and Paludan

Myzomela nigrita steini Stresemann and Paludan, 1932: 14 (Waigeu).

Now Myzomela nigrita steini Stresemann and Paludan, 1932. See Dickinson, 2003: 441, and Higgins et al., 2008: 639.


AMNH 301045, adult male collected on Waigeo (= Waigeu) Island, Papua Province, Indonesia, on 2 June 1931, by Georg Stein (no. 1299).


Stresemann and Paludan gave Stein's unique field number of the holotype in the original description and said that he collected two males, two females, and one immature male on Waigeo. The Steins' expedition was sponsored jointly by L.C. Sanford for AMNH, Rothschild, and ZMB and was to be divided three ways, with types coming to AMNH. By the time the results were published, the Rothschild Collection had been purchased by AMNH, and the type and two paratypes came directly to AMNH; the remaining two paratypes are in ZMB. Paratypes in AMNH: AMNH 301044 (Stein no. 1302), male?, 1 June 1931; AMNH 301046 (1301), female, 2 June 1931.

Stein (1933: 260–264, 1936: 29) wrote several preliminary accounts of his stay on Waigeo, including a description of the Lam-Lam Mountains (Lamlam is at 00.03S, 130.44E (USBGN, 1982a)) where he and his wife were collecting in early June (Rothschild et al., 1932a: 129–130). A full account of the Waigeo expedition was never published as Stein's home and all of his notes were destroyed in WWII (Stresemann, 1967: 186–187).

[Myzomela pluto Forbes]

Forbes (1879: 266) reluctantly introduced the name Myzomela pluto, saying that Count Salvadori (in litt.) was “inclined” to separate specimens of nigrita from Yapen and Mios Nom (islands in Geelvink Bay, Papua Province, Indonesia) as a new species, M. pluto, on the basis of larger size. But Forbes himself considered it better to keep only one species. He then did not mention pluto again except for giving some measurements labeled “pluto.” AMNH received via the Rothschild Collection three specimens from Mios Num that had come to Rothschild from Salvadori and were considered syntypes of pluto by Arbocco et al. (1986: 23). Salvadori (1881: 292) had specimens d through p of pluto, but he listed separately the specimens that had been included by Forbes in his description of pluto as Salvadori specimens d, f, i, and p; the three specimens in AMNH are Salvadori specimens k, l, and m, and should not be considered syntypes.

Myzomela nigrita louisiadensis Hartert

Myzomela nigrita louisiadensis Hartert, 1898a: 527 (Sudest Island).

Now Myzomela nigrita louisiadensis 100Hartert, 1898. See Coates, 1990: 243, and Higgins et al., 2008: 639.


AMNH 693193, adult male, collected on Tacuta (= Tagula = Sudest) Island, 11.30S, 153.30E (PNG, 1984), Louisiade Archipelago, Milne Bay Province, Papua New Guinea, on 8 April 1898, by Albert S. Meek (no. 1690). From the Rothschild Collection.


Hartert did not designate a type in the original description, only saying that Meek sent a series of specimens; later Rothschild and Hartert (1903a: 221) listed Meek's specimen no. 1690 as the type, thereby designating it the lectotype. It bears Meek's original label and a Rothschild type label. Paratypes in AMNH are: AMNH 693192, 693194–693197, males, collected in April 1898, Meek nos. 1677, 1609, 1713, 1665, and 1664, respectively.

Myzomela nigrita hades Meise

Myzomela nigrita hades (ex. Stresemann ms) Meise, 1929b: 84 (St. Matthias).

Now Myzomela pammelaena hades 246Meise, 1929. See Diamond, 1976: 4–6, Coates, 1990: 243–245, Mayr and Diamond, 2001: 398, and Higgins et al., 2008: 650–651.


AMNH 693218, immature female, collected on Mussau (= St. Matthias) Island, 01.30S, 149.40E (PNG, 1984), St. Matthias Group, New Ireland Province, Papua New Guinea, on 20 June 1923, by Albert F. Eichhorn (no. 8571). From the Rothschild Collection.


In the original description, Meise cited Eichhorn's unique number of the holotype and noted that he had examined eight specimens. The age and sex of specimens listed by Meise do not correspond to their appearance or agree with the data on the original labels. Hartert (1924c: 274) had first reported on Eichhorn's collection, listing this form as Myzomela nigrita ramsayi and saying that Eichhorn had sent four adult males, one juvenile male (in molt), one adult female, and two juvenile females. This is in agreement with the specimens themselves, and accordingly, the seven paratypes, all collected by Eichhorn in 1923, are: AMNH 693211 (Eichhorn no. 8483), adult male, 31 May; AMNH 693212 (8585), adult male, 23 June; AMNH 693213 (8598), adult male, 26 June; AMNH 693214 (8611), adult male, 29 June; AMNH 693215 (8675), immature male, 24 July; AMNH 693216 (8663), immature female, 18 July; AMNH 693217 (8560), female, 16 June. Hartert (1924c: 274) had called attention to differences in this form but lacked comparative material.

Myzomela nigrita nigerrima Salomonsen

Myzomela nigrita nigerrima Salomonsen, 1966a: 3 (Long Island, off the northeastern coast of New Guinea).

Now Myzomela pammelaena nigerrima 336Salomonsen, 1966. See Diamond, 1976: 4–6, Coates, 1990: 243–245, Mayr and Diamond, 2001: 398, and Higgins et al., 2008: 650–651.


AMNH 422677, adult male, collected on Long Island, Vitiaz Strait, Madang Province, Papua New Guinea, on 2 December 1933, by William F. Coultas on the Whitney South Sea Expedition (no. 44805).


Salomonsen gave the AMNH number of the holotype in the original description and the range as Long Island. Paratypes are: AMNH 422678–422683, three males and three females, all collected by Coultas on Long Island on 1 and 2 December 1933.

According to Coultas' journal volume Y, unpublished journals of the Whitney South Sea Expedition, Archives, Department of Ornithology, AMNH, the expedition vessel, France, was anchored at Malala Bay on the northern end of Long Island, and the base camp was in the village of Malala, 05.15S, 147.10E (PNG, 1984).

Myzomela kuehni Rothschild

Myzomela kuehni Rothschild, 1903: 42 (Wetter).

Now Myzomela kuehni Rothschild, 1903. See White and Bruce, 1986: 401, and Higgins et al., 2008: 649.


AMNH 692692, adult male, collected on Wetar (= Wetter) Island, 07.48S, 126.18E (White and Bruce, 1986: 491), Lesser Sunda Islands, Indonesia, on 5 October 1902, by Heinrich Kühn (no. 5693). From the Rothschild Collection.


In the original description, Rothschild gave Kühn's original field number of the holotype and said that he sent nine specimens. Paratypes are: AMNH 692688–692691, 692693–692696, four males, one immature male, and three females, collected on Wetar in September and October 1902 by Kühn. Hartert (1904a) prepared a report on Kühn's collections from Wetar, Romang, Kisar, Leti, and Moa islands.

Myzomela erythrocephala melvillensis Mathews

Myzomela erythrocephala melvillensis Mathews, 1912b: 48 (Melville Island, Northern Territory).

Now Myzomela erythrocephala erythrocephala Gould, 1840. See Salomonsen, 1967: 356, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 335–336, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 648–649.


AMNH 692764, adult male, collected at Coopers Camp, Apsley Strait, Melville Island, Northern Territory, Australia, on 18 October 1911, by J.P. Rogers (no. 2213). From the Mathews Collection (10736) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews cited his catalog number of the holotype in the original description and gave the range of melvillensis as “Melville Island.” When he described this form, Mathews (1912b: 26) had received two shipments of Melville Island specimens from Rogers, including those specimens collected before the end of 1911. The following specimens are paratypes: AMNH 692762 (Mathews no. 10735), male, 1 November; AMNH 692763 (10734) male, 30 October; AMNH 692765 (11598), male, 11 December; AMNH 692769 (10742), female, 2 October; AMNH 692770 (11600), female, 25 October; AMNH 692771 (?), female, 28 November; AMNH 692772 (11597), female, 22 November; AMNH 692773 (10740), female, 1 November; AMNH 692774 (11599), female, 20 November; AMNH 692776 (10741), sex?, 12 October; AMNH 692777 (10739), sex?, 4 October. AMNH 692771 bears a “Figured” label indicating that it was illustrated in Mathews (1924: pl. 515, opp. p. 305, text p. 312). Two specimens listed in Mathews' catalog did not come to AMNH, and if found, are paratypes: Mathews no. 10737, female, 25 December 1911 (this entry was written over by data for another specimen, indicating that Mathews had exchanged it); and Mathews no. 10738, female, 12 October 1911.

Coopers Camp was across Apsley Strait from the mission station on Bathurst Island (Hart and Pilling, 1964: 101). Bathurst Island Mission Station, 11.45S, 130.41E (Times Atlas).

Myzomela erythrocephala derbyi Mathews

Myzomela erythrocephala derbyi Mathews, 1912a: 396 (North-West Australia (Derby)).

Now Myzomela erythrocephala erythrocephala Gould, 1840. See Salomonsen, 1967: 356, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 335–336, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 648–649.


AMNH 692732, adult male, collected at Point Torment, 17.15S, 123.44E (USBGN, 1957), King Sound, West Kimberley, northern Western Australia, Australia, on 17 January 1911, by J.P. Rogers (no.1164). From the Mathews Collection (no. 8268) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews cited his catalog number of the holotype in the original description and gave the range as “North-West Australia.” In addition to Rogers' label, the holotype bears Mathews and Rothschild type labels. The following specimens were cataloged by Mathews prior to the publication of the name and are paratypes: Point Torment, males, AMNH 692730 (Mathews' no. 8724), AMNH 692731 (8482), AMNH 692733 (8481), AMNH 692734 (8725), AMNH 692735 (8267), AMNH 692736 (8270); females, AMNH 692737 (8483), AMNH 692738 (8484), AMNH 692739 (8485), all collected by Rogers; Napier Broome Bay, males, AMNH 692740 (5772), AMNH 692741 (5771), AMNH 692742 (6237), AMNH 692743 (6238), AMNH 692744 (5774); female, AMNH 692745 (5773), all collected by G.F. Hill. All of Rogers' specimens are labeled Point Torment, King Sound, although Mathews gave “Derby” as the type locality. While the two localities are closely adjacent, “Derby” does not appear on any of Rogers' labels. Mathews (1924: 312), in his later description of the adult male of M. erythrocephala, said that the described (but not figured) specimen was “Collected at Point Torment, North-west Australia, on the 17th of January, 1911, and is M. e. derbyi.” While he did not say that it was the type, that was his only specimen collected on that date, and it shows that he equated Point Torment with Derby.

Myzomela erythrocephala kempi Mathews

Myzomela erythrocephala kempi Mathews, 1912a: 396 (North Queensland (Cape York)).

Now intergradient between M. e. erythrocephala Gould, 1840 and M. e. infuscata Forbes, 1879. See Ford, 1983: 394–395, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 335–336, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 648–649.


AMNH 692789, adult male, collected on Cape York, northern Queensland, Australia, on 14 June 1898, by Albert S. Meek (no. 1798). From the Mathews Collection (3022) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews gave his catalog number of the holotype in the original description and the range of kempi as “North Queensland”; the holotype bears, in addition to Meek's label, Mathews Collection and type labels. An AMNH type label has been added. Apparently, Mathews had only two specimens from Queensland when he named this form. The paratype is AMNH 692793, female, collected on Cape York on 17 June 1898 by Meek (no. 1818). The other specimens in AMNH collected by Meek were never in Mathews' collection and other Mathews specimens from Cape York were collected after the publication of the name. Parker (1966) found that Meek's collectors were based on the Chester River, 13.42S, 143.33E when these specimens were collected.

Myzomela chloroptera charlottae Stresemann

Myzomela chloroptera charlottae Stresemann, 1932a: 45 (Latimodjong-Gebirge 2200m.).

Now Myzomela boiei chloroptera Walden, 1872. See White and Bruce, 1986: 402, Coates et al., 1997: 479–480, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 333–334, Dickinson, 2003: 442, and Higgins et al., 2008: 641–642.


AMNH 300043, adult male, collected in the Latimojong (= Latimodjong) Mountains, 2200 m, 03.30S, 120.05E (USBGN, 1982a), Sulawesi Island, Indonesia, on 18 June 1930, by Gerd Heinrich (no. 454).


Stresemann gave Heinrich's field number of the holotype in the original description and included in the range of charlottae three male specimens from the Matinan Mountains as well as those from the Latimojong Mountains. Stresemann (1940: 45) listed his material as nine males and one female from the Latimojong Mountains and two males from Tanke Salokko. Paratypes in AMNH are: Latimojong Mountains, males, AMNH 300044–300048; Tanke Salokko, males, AMNH 300051, 300052. Collecting by Heinrich was jointly supported by L.C. Sanford for AMNH and ZMB and the collection was divided between the two institutions, with types coming to AMNH and a subset sent to MZB. The remaining paratypes are probably in ZMB or MZB.

See Schodde and Mason (1999: 334) for a discussion of the various treatments of the Wallacean forms often considered subspecies of the species M. sanguinolenta. Higgins et al. (2008: 641) considered M. chloroptera a separate species and charlottae a synonym of nominate chloroptera.

Myzomela chloroptera eva Meise

Myzomela chloroptera eva Meise, 1929a: 443 (Djampea).

Now Myzomela boiei eva 246Meise, 1929. See White and Bruce, 1986: 402, Coates et al., 1997: 479–480, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 333–334, Dickinson, 2003: 442, and Higgins et al., 2008: 641–642.


AMNH 266615, adult male, collected on Tanahjampea (= Djampea) Island, 07.05S, 120.42E (White and Bruce, 1986: 491), Lesser Sunda Islands, Indonesia, on 25 July 1927, by Baron Victor von Plessen (no. 476).


Meise had two specimens from Tanahjampea, both males and collected on the same day. He gave von Plessen's field number of the holotype in the original description and said that it was in AMNH. Besides von Plessen's specimens, Meise also saw two adult males from Tanahjampea and one from Salayar (= Saleyer) in the Rothschild Collection and one Salayar specimen from SNSD. Von Plessen's collection was divided between AMNH and ZMB, and the Rothschild Collection specimens are now in AMNH. Paratypes in AMNH are: Tanahjampea, males, AMNH 692675, 692676 (labeled “eva Meise” by Meise, with a reference to the description); and Salayar, male, AMNH 692677. Also considered a paratype is a second Salayar specimen, AMNH 692678 that would have been available to Meise in the Rothschild Collection, but because it is an immature male, it was not mentioned in his comparisons.

See Schodde and Mason (1999: 334) for a discussion of the various treatments of the Wallacean forms often considered subspecies of the species M. sanguinolenta. Higgins et al. (2008: 641) treated eva as a subspecies of the separate species M. chloroptera.

Myzomela batjanensis Hartert

Myzomela batjanensis Hartert, 1903b: 56 (In montibus insulae Batjan).

Now Myzomela boiei batjanensis 107108Hartert, 1903. See White and Bruce, 1986: 402, Coates et al, 1997: 479–480, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 333–334, Dickinson, 2003: 442, and Higgins et al., 2008: 641–642.


AMNH 692726, adult male, collected on Bacan (= Batjan) Island, 5000–7000 ft, 00.35S, 127.30E (White and Bruce, 1986: 490), Moluccas, Indonesia, in June 1902, by Johannes Waterstradt (no. B.579). From the Rothschild Collection.


Hartert listed Waterstradt's field number of the holotype in the original description, but did not say how many specimens he collected. Later, Rothschild and Hartert (1903a: 218) listed six males and one female in addition to the holotype. The paratypes, all collected by Waterstradt on Bacan in June and July 1902, are: males, AMNH 692722–692725, 692727, 692728; female, AMNH 692729.

See Schodde and Mason (1999: 334) for a discussion of the various treatments of the Wallacean forms often considered subspecies of the species M. sanguinolenta. Higgins et al. (2008: 641) considered batjanensis a subspecies of M. chloroptera.

Myzomela sanguinolenta stephensi Mathews

Myzomela sanguinolenta stephensi Mathews, 1912a: 395 (North Queensland (Cooktown)).

Now Myzomela sanguinolenta sanguinolenta Latham, 1801. See Salomonsen, 1967: 359, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 333–334, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 642.


AMNH 692865, adult male, collected at Cooktown, 15.28S, 145.19E (USBGN, 1957), Queensland, Australia, on 16 May 1900, by E.A.C. Olive (no. 172). From the Mathews Collection (no. 5912) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews cited his catalog number of the holotype in the original description; it bears Olive's original label and Mathews' collection, type and “Figured” labels, indicating that it was illustrated in Mathews (1924: pl. 515, opp. p. 305, text p. 306), where the described and figured adult male is confirmed as the type of stephensi. An AMNH type label has been added. The following birds were in Mathews' possession when stephensi was named and are considered paratypes: collected by W. Stalker, Beach Mount, males, AMNH 692836 (Mathews no. 3016), AMNH 692837 (3018), AMNH 692838 (3017); unsexed, AMNH 692839 (3020); Mount Elliot, immatures, AMNH 692840 (3019), AMNH 692841 (3021). Collected by the Dodds, Barron River, males, AMNH 692842 (8035), AMNH 692843 (8980); Kuranda, male, AMNH 692859 (no. not found); collected by Olive, Cooktown, males, AMNH 692864 (no. not found), AMNH 692866 (5913), AMNH 692867 (no. not found); male?, AMNH 692868 (5911, entered as female); females, AMNH 692869 (5909), AMNH 692870 (5910). Two specimens collected by T.H. Bowyer Bower at Cairns in 1885 were not cataloged by Mathews until 1913, after the publication of stephensi and are not paratypes.

Olive's name does not appear on the labels of the Cooktown specimens; however, Olive collected for H.C. Robinson, from whom Mathews undoubtedly purchased this collection. Mathews (1942: 53) noted that he bought Olive's bird skins “at a sale in London,” and in his catalog he noted that the specimens came from “Robinson.” Robinson and Laverock (1900) reported on Olive's two collections from Cooktown and Cairns.

Schodde and Mason (1999: 334) recognized the single subspecies M. s. sanguinolenta in Australia; whereas, Higgins et al. (2008: 642) considered M. sanguinolenta monotypic. For use of Latham, 1801, see Schodde et al. (2010).

Myzomela splendida Tristram

Myzomela splendida Tristram, 1879: 191 (Tanna).

Now Myzomela cardinalis cardinalis (Gmelin, 1788). See Hartert, 1919a: 172–173, Bregulla, 1992: 247–249, and Higgins et al., 2008: 645–646.


AMNH 692886, adult male, AMNH 692887, adult male, collected at Port Resolution, 19.32S, 169.29E (USBGN, 1974c), Tanna Island, Vanuatu (= New Hebrides), in July 1878, by E.L. Layard. From the Rothschild Collection.


Tristram did not designate a type in the original description or say how many specimens he had; therefore, all of Layard's July 1878 specimens from Tanna are syntypes. AMNH 692886 was not marked “Type” and was not listed as a “Cotype” by Hartert (1919a: 173), perhaps either because it was not marked “Type” or because the Rothschild Collection label was dated 1879 in error; the date on the original label is “July 1878.” AMNH 692887 was marked “Type” by Tristram(?) and was considered a “cotype” (= syntype) by Hartert (1919a: 173). However, both were collected in July 1878 at Port Resolution and are syntypes. There are, additionally, two Layard syntypes in LIVCM (Wagstaffe, 1978: 22), one in BMNH (Warren and Harrison, 1971: 523), one in MSNM (Leonardi et al., 1995: 282), and one in RMNH (Dekker and Quaisser, 2006: 30).

Myzomela cardinalis tenuis Mayr

Myzomela cardinalis tenuis Mayr, 1937: 3 (Epi Island, New Hebrides).

Now Myzomela cardinalis tenuis Mayr, 1937. See Bregulla, 1992: 247–249, and Higgins et al., 2008: 645–646.


AMNH 212936, adult male, collected on Epi Island, 16.43S, 168.15E (USBGN, 1974c), Vanuatu (= New Hebrides), on 4 August 1926, by Virginia (Mrs. J.G.) Correia on the Whitney South Sea Expedition (no. 21778).


Mayr cited the AMNH number of the holotype in the original description and gave the range of tenuis as the “Northern New Hebrides from Efate Island northward and Banks Islands.” Because of the huge range of this subspecies, there is a large number of paratypes from the following 20 islands: Efate, Nguna, Makura, Emae (= Mai), Tongariki, Tongoa, Epi, Lopevi, Paama, Ambrym, Malekula, Malo, Pentecost, Aoba, Santo, and the Banks Islands of Meralav, Gaua, Vanua Lava, Malapov, and Valua. Paratypes of tenuis are: AMNH 212933–212935, 212937–212947, 212949, 212950, 212953–212971, 212972, 212975, 212977–212992, 212994, 213651–213655, 213657–212659, 214123–214132, 214134, 214136, 216230, 216231, 216234–216236, 216238–216240, 216242–216244, 216246–216251, 216255–216257, 216260–216264, 218337–218341, 218343–218346, 224209. Nine specimens from these islands that were exchanged to other institutions in the early 1930s are not paratypes as they would not have been available to Mayr when this subspecies was named. AMNH 212970, exchanged to ZMUC in 1959, is a paratype, and is included in the paratypes listed above.

Myzomela cardinalis tucopiae Mayr

Myzomela cardinalis tucopiae Mayr, 1937: 4 (Tucopia Island).

Now Myzomela cardinalis tucopiae Mayr, 1937. See Salomonsen, 1967: 360, Dickinson, 2003: 442, and Higgins et al., 2008: 645–646.


AMNH 216265, adult male, collected on Tikopia (= Tucopia) Island, 12.19S, 168.49E (USBGN, 1974c), Solomon Islands, on 11 February 1927, by Rollo H. Beck on the Whitney South Sea Expedition (no. 24661).


Mayr cited the AMNH number of the holotype in the original description; he had a single specimen. Because Tikopia is sometimes cited as an outlier of the Banks Islands in Vanuatu and sometimes as an outlier of the Santa Cruz Islands in the Solomon Islands, this subspecies is easily overlooked in regional lists. Tikopia is currently part of the Solomon Islands. M. c. tucopiae is listed as “doubtfuly distinct from tenuis” by Salomonsen (1967: 360), and certainly more material is needed. It was recognized by Dickinson (2003: 442) and by Higgins et al., 2008: 646.

Myzomela cardinalis sanfordi Mayr

Myzomela cardinalis sanfordi Mayr, 1931a: 27 (Rennell Island).

Now Myzomela cardinalis sanfordi 215216217Mayr, 1931. See Mayr and Diamond, 2001: 397, and Higgins et al., 2008: 645–646.


AMNH 226534, adult male, collected on Rennell Island, Solomon Islands, on 22 May 1930, by Hannibal Hamlin, William F. Coultas, and W.J. Eyerdam on the Whitney South Sea Expedition (no. 40158).


Mayr cited the AMNH number of the holotype in the original description but did not give the number of specimens examined. The following specimens from Rennell taken by the Whitney Expedition are paratypes of sanfordi: males, AMNH 226364–226375, 226528, 226529, 226531–226533, 226536; females, AMNH 226376–226379, 226530, 226535. Of these, AMNH 226365 and 226379 were exchanged to ZMB in 1936, AMNH 226370 was exchanged to USNM in 1932, and AMNH 226374 was exchanged to BBM in 1932.

The expedition vessel, France, anchored in Lughu (= Kunggava or Kungava) Bay, 11.40S, 160.17E (USBGN, 1974b), during the time spent on Rennell. Further information on the birds of Rennell is given in Mayr and Hamlin (1931).

Myzomela cardinalis asuncionis Salomonsen

Myzomela cardinalis asuncionis Salomonsen, 1966a: 3 (Asuncion Island, in the northern Marianas Islands).

Now Myzomela rubratra asuncionis 336Salomonsen, 1966. See Pratt et al., 1987: 277, Dickinson, 2003: 442, and Higgins et al., 2008: 644–645.


AMNH 692934, unsexed [adult female], collected on Asuncion Island, 19.34N, 145.24E (Times Atlas), Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands, in June 1904, by Owston's Japanese Collectors. From the Rothschild Collection.


In the original description, Salomonsen gave the AMNH number of the holotype, noting that the type was the only adult female ever collected. However, this specimen had not been sexed by the collector. He considered the range of asuncionis to be the Northern Mariana Islands of Asuncion, Agrihan, Pagan, and Alamagan. Without citing the number of male specimens he examined, Salomonsen said that the male differed from the male of the allied subspecies saffordi in having larger proportions. The only male paratype in AMNH is AMNH 692933, collected on Agrihan (Agrigan on label) in December 1888 by A. Marche (no. 5717). Specimens from Saipan were considered intermediate between saffordi and asuncionis by Salomonsen. Pratt et al. (1987: 277) omitted asuncionis, apparently including it in saffordi; Dickinson (2003: 442) and Higgins et al. (2008: 644) listed it without comment.

Myzomela eichhorni Rothschild and Hartert

Myzomela eichhorni Rothschild and Hartert, 1901b: 181 (Kulambangra).

Now Myzomela eichhorni eichhorni 310Rothschild and Hartert, 1901. See Mayr and Diamond, 2001: 398, and Higgins et al., 2008: 651–652.


AMNH 692976, adult male, collected on Kolombangara (= Kulambangra) Island, 08.00S, 157.10E (Times Atlas), Solomon Islands, on 26 February 1901, by one of the Eichhorn brothers for Albert S. Meek (no. 2799). From the Rothschild Collection.


No type was designated in the original description but five adult males and one female were collected. Rothschild and Hartert (1903a: 220) listed Meek no. 2799 as the type of eichhorni, thereby designating it the lectotype. Paralectotypes are: males, AMNH 692977 (Meek no. 2801), AMNH 692978 (2773), AMNH 692979 (2786), AMNH 692980 (2772); female, AMNH 692981 (2787).

Myzomela eichhorni interposita Rothschild and Hartert

Myzomela eichhorni interposita Rothschild and Hartert, 1917: 38 (New Georgia).

Now Myzomela eichhorni eichhorni 310Rothschild and Hartert, 1901. See Mayr, 1932: 27–28, Mayr and Diamond, 2001: 398, and Higgins et al., 2008: 651–652.


AMNH 693001, adult male, collected on New Georgia Island, 08.20S, 157.30E (Times Atlas), Solomon Islands, on 15 March 1904, by A.S. Meek (no. A.1465). From the Rothschild Collection.


Rothschild and Hartert gave Meek's unique field number of the holotype in the original description and had eight male and four female specimens, including the type, from New Georgia and Rendova islands. Paratypes are: Rendova, February 1904, males, AMNH 692990 (Meek no. A.1217), AMNH 692991 (A.1292), AMNH 692992 (A.1208), AMNH 692993 (A.1229), AMNH 692994 (A.1221); females, AMNH 692995 (A.1211), AMNH 692996 (A.1242), AMNH 692997 (A.1164); New Georgia, March 1904, males, AMNH 692998 (A.1463), AMNH 692999 (A.1407), AMNH 693000 (A.1453).

Myzomela eichhorni ganongae Mayr

Myzomela eichhorni ganongae Mayr, 1932: 28 (Ganonga Island, British Solomon Islands).

Now Myzomela eichhorni ganongae Mayr, 1932. See Mayr and Diamond, 2001: 398, Dickinson, 2003: 442, and Higgins et al., 2008: 651–652.


AMNH 220206, adult male, collected on Ghanongga (= Ganonga) Island, Solomon Islands, on 20 October 1927, by Frederick P. Drowne on the Whitney South Sea Expedition (no. 28778).


Mayr cited the AMNH number of the holotype in the original description and said that he had six male and two female specimens from Ghanongga, including the type. Paratypes are: males, AMNH 220207–220211; females, AMNH 220212, 220213. Mayr (1932: 28) mentioned that Hartert (1929: 10) had examined only two of these specimens and, based on his limited material, identified them as M. e. atrata; those two specimens are marked atrata by Hartert and are AMNH 220206 (the holotype of ganongae) and AMNH 220212.

On 20 October, the expedition vessel, France, was anchored at the village of Kumbokota, now called Pienuna, 08.02S, 156.36E (USBGN, 1974b), and expedition personnel collected between there and Mount Kela, 08.03S, 156.34E (USBGN, 1974b), according to Hamlin's Journal S, unpublished journals of the Whitney South Sea Expedition in Archives, Department of Ornithology, AMNH.

Myzomela eichhorni atrata Hartert

Myzomela eichhorni atrata Hartert, 1908: 105 (Vella Lavella I., Central Group of the Solomon Islands).

Now Myzomela eichhorni atrata Hartert, 1908. See Mayr and Diamond, 2001: 398, and Higgins et al., 2008: 651–652.


AMNH 693004, adult male, collected on Vella Lavella Island, 07.45S, 156.35E (Times Atlas), Solomon Islands, on 28 February 1908, by Albert S. Meek (no. 3884). From the Rothschild Collection.


In the original description, Hartert cited Meek's field number of the holotype without mentioning the size of his type series. Later, Rothschild and Hartert (1908a: 358) listed four male and two female specimens of this form, including the holotype. The five paratypes, all collected on Vella Lavella in February and March 1908, are: males, AMNH 693002 (Meek no. 3890), AMNH 693003 (3761), AMNH 693005 (3795); females, AMNH 693006 (3885), AMNH 693007 (3925).

Myzomela cardinalis malaitae Mayr

Myzomela cardinalis malaitae Mayr, 1931b: 25 (Malaita Island, British Solomon Islands).

Now Myzomela malaitae 215216217Mayr, 1931. See Mayr and Diamond, 2001: 398, and Higgins et al., 2008: 652.


AMNH 227476, adult male, collected on Malaita Island, Solomon Islands, on 9 February 1930, by Ernst Mayr, Hannibal Hamlin, William Coultas, and Walter Eyerdam on the Whitney South Sea Expedition (no. 39197).


Mayr cited the AMNH number of the holotype in the original description; paratypes, collected on Malaita in January through April 1930, are: males, AMNH 227454–227475, 227477–227500; females, AMNH 227501–227514; unsexed specimens, AMNH 227515–227517. Of these, the following were exchanged in 1932: AMNH 227459, 227478, 227483, 227496, 227509 to the Cleveland Museum; AMNH 227462, 227465, 227480 to ZMB; AMNH 227467, 227495, 227507, 227510 to BBM; AMNH 227477, 227513 to CM; AMNH 227479, 227499, 227503 to USNM; and AMNH 227489 to Berlioz, whose collection is now in MHNP.

On 9 February 1930, the expedition vessel, France, was anchored in Su'u Harbour, 09.10S, 160.56E (USBGN, 1974b), according to Coultas' journal, volume V, unpublished journals of the Whitney South Sea Expedition, Archives, Department of Ornithology, AMNH.

Myzomela rosenbergii longirostris Mayr and Rand

Myzomela rosenbergii longirostris Mayr and Rand, 1935: 12 (Goodenough Island, D'Entrecasteaux Archipelago).

Now Myzomela rosenbergii longirostris Mayr and Rand, 1935. See Coates, 1990: 249–250, LeCroy and Peckover, 1999: 62–65, and Higgins et al., 2008: 653–654.


AMNH 224215, adult male, collected on Goodenough Island, D'Entrecasteaux Archipelago, Milne Bay Province, Papua New Guinea, on 23 November 1928, by Hannibal Hamlin on the Whitney South Sea Expedition (no. 36010).


Mayr and Rand cited the AMNH number of the holotype in the original description and a type series comprising one adult male, four immature males, and one immature female. The five paratypes are: immature males, AMNH 224216–224219; immature female, AMNH 224220.

According to Hamlin's journal, volume T, unpublished journals of the Whitney South Sea Expedition, Archives, Department of Ornithology, AMNH, the expedition vessel, France, was anchored in Mud Bay, 09.25S, 150.20E (PNG, 1984), and Hamlin and collector David camped inland at 1900 ft from 19–23 November.

Myzomela nigra westralensis Mathews

Myzomela nigra westralensis Mathews, 1912a: 396 (West Australia).

Now Sugomel niger (Gould, 1838). See Salomonsen, 1967: 364, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 331, Driskell and Christidis, 2004: 955, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 186, 188, and Higgins et al., 2008: 636–637.


AMNH 693407, adult male, collected at Day Dawn, 1400 ft, 27.29S, 117.51E (USBGN, 1957), Western Australia, Australia, on 25 July 1903, by F.L. [Whitlock] (no. 282). From the Mathews Collection (no. 5321) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews cited his catalog number of the holotype in the original description; the specimen bears, in addition to Whitlock's label and Mathews and Rothschild type labels, a “Figured” label, indicating that it was illustrated in Mathews (1924: pl. 516, opp. p. 317, text p. 323) where it is confirmed as the type of westralensis. This single specimen of niger was acquired from WAM (no. 5828) in 1910. Mathews (1912a: 396) gave the range of westralensis as “Western Australia.” Three additional Western Australian specimens from the Mathews collection came to AMNH and I consider them paratypes: AMNH 693403 (Mathews no. 3942), immature, Bore Well, East Murchison, 8 September 1909; AMNH 693404 (3941), adult male, East Murchison, 27 September 1909; AMNH 693405 (no. not found), nestling, East Murchison, September 1909.

Although this species was included in the genus Certhionyx by Schodde and Mason (1999: 331), they suggested the subgenus Sugomel, a generic name introduced by Mathews (1922a: 7), with type “Myzomela nigra ashby [sic].” Subsequently, Mathews (1924: 328) referred to this species as Sugomel niger, showing that he considered it masculine. Molecular studies by Driskell and Christidis (2004) found that the three species included in Certhionyx by Schodde and Mason fell into three different clades, and Christidis and Boles (2008: 186, 188) adopted for niger the monotypic genus Sugomel. Higgins et al. (2008: 636) suggested that Sugomel is neuter because it ends in a Latin neuter noun, without explaning this. Mathews might have been equally likely to have based his name on Greek roots meaning either “black” (melas) or “honey” (meli). Because the derivation of Sugomel is questionable and because Mathews considered the name masculine, Art. 30.2.3 of the Code (ICZN, 1999: 36) is applicable and the species name should be S. niger, as was correctly listed by Christidis and Boles (2008: 186. 188).

Myzomela nigra ashbyi Mathews

Myzomela nigra ashbyi Mathews, 1912d: 98 (Mount Barker, South Australia).

Now Sugomel niger (Gould, 1838). See Salomonsen, 1967: 364, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 331, Driskell and Christidis, 2004: 955, Christidis and Boles, 2009: 186, 188, and Higgins et al., 2008: 636–637.


AMNH 693417, adult male, collected at Mount Barker, 35.06S, 138.52E (Times Atlas), South Australia, Australia, in December 1888, by Edwin Ashby (no. 344). From the Mathews Collection (no. 3025) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews cited his catalog number of the holotype in the original description and gave the range of ashbyi as “South Australia to Queensland.” The holotype bears Mathews and Rothschild type labels in addition to Ashby's original label. The following paratypes are in AMNH: AMNH 155647, adult male, Mount Barker, December 1888, collected by Ashby and received by AMNH directly from him in exchange, marked “Co-type” (Ashby often loaned specimens to Mathews, and this is probably why the specimen from Ashby's collection is so marked); AMNH 693418 (Mathews no. 3026), female, Mount Barker, December 1888, also from the Ashby Collection; AMNH 693419 (3024), adult male, Pine Plains, Victoria, 15 October 1880, no original label. Mathews' label of the last specimen is marked “doubtful ??” by him, but it is not clear to what the annotation refers. There may be additional paratypes in SAMA or ANSP.

Mathews (1922a: 7) named the genus Sugomel, with “Myzomela nigra ashby [sic]” given as the type species. See above for discussion regarding Sugomel as masculine.

[Certhionyx variegatus neglecta Mathews]

Mathews (1916a: 62) named C. v. neglecta, with a type from New South Wales. No Mathews specimens of C. variegatus from New South Wales came to AMNH and it is not clear that Mathews actually had specimens. Mathews (1924: 402) mentioned that MacGillivray had found it in New South Wales and that S.A. White had found it throughout the interior.

For a recent DNA analysis of relationships among the Australo-Papuan species in the genus Meliphaga, see Norman et al. (2007).

Meliphaga mimikae rara Salomonsen

Meliphaga mimikae rara Salomonsen, 1966a: 4 (Bernhard Camp, Idenburg River, 50 meters altitude, northwestern New Guinea).

Now Meliphaga analoga flavida Stresemann and Paludan, 1932. See Diamond, 1972: 370–371, and Higgins et al., 2008: 592.


AMNH 342965, adult male, collected at Bernhard Camp, 50 m., ca. 03.30S, 139.15E (Archbold et al., 1942: map 1), Taritatu (= Idenburg) River, Papua Province, Indonesia, on 26 April 1939, by Richard Archbold, W.B. Richardson, and A.L. Rand on the 1938–1939 Archbold Expedition (no. 11002).


Salomonsen (1966a: 4) named this form, based on a single specimen, as a subspecies of M. mimikae. Rand (1942b: 508) had merely called attention to the fact that this individual differed from an otherwise uniform series of specimens of M. analoga flavida but included it in flavida. Diamond (1972: 370–371) discussed this type, providing a cogent argument based on size, altitude, and distribution of the two species against using this “single specimen as evidence for a new race and large range extension of M. mimikae.Higgins et al. (2008: 592) considered rara of “doubtful validity.”

Meliphaga mimikae bastille Diamond

Meliphaga mimikae bastille Diamond, 1967: 12 (Karimui, Eastern Highlands District, Mandated Territory of New Guinea, 3650 feet).

Now Meliphaga mimikae bastille Diamond, 1967. See Coates, 1990: 287, and Higgins et al., 2008: 592–593.


AMNH 786039, adult female, collected at Karimui, 3600 ft (as on label), 06.30S, 144.50E (PNG, 1984), Simbu Province, Papua New Guinea, on 14 July 1965, by Jared M. Diamond (no. 1191).


The AMNH number of the holotype was cited in the original description, and a large number of paratypes were listed. Only the following paratypes are in AMNH: AMNH 809440–809463, three females and one unsexed specimen from Bomai; one male, three females, and one unsexed specimen from Soliabeda (= Soriabida, as on label); five males, five females, and one unsexed specimen from Karimui; three males and one female from Camp 1, Mount Karimui. Skeletons, also paratypes, in AMNH are: AMNH 6884–6888, one sex?, three males, one female, all from Karimui, July 1965.

Meliphaga mimikae granti Rand

Meliphaga mimikae granti Rand, 1936: 4 (Mafulu, alt. 1250 meters, Central Division, Territory of Papua).

Now Meliphaga mimikae granti Rand, 1936. See Coates, 1990: 287, and Higgins et al., 2008: 592–593.


AMNH 421092, adult male, collected at Mafulu, 1250 m, 08.31S, 147.01E (Frith and Beehler, 1998: 569, converted to degrees and minutes), Central Province, Papua New Guinea, on 11 November 1933, by Richard Archbold and Austin L. Rand on the 1933–1934 Archbold Expedition (no. 2123).


Rand cited the AMNH number of the holotype in the original description and listed two males (including the type) and four females from Mafulu, one male from the Aroa River, and one immature female from the Hydrographer Range. Paratypes in AMNH are: Mafulu, females, AMNH 421093, collected 24 October 1933; AMNH 421348, collected 8 October 1933; AMNH 421349, collected 1 November 1933; head of Aroa River, male, AMNH 695829, collected 15 May 1905; Hydrographer Range, female, AMNH 695830, collected 25 February 1918.

Rand did not give AMNH catalog numbers for specimens other than the type, and I have not found, in either the collection or the catalog, one male and one female paratype listed for this subspecies from Mafulu.

For a summary of the 1933–1934 Archbold Expedition, see Archbold and Rand (1935), and for an account of all of the birds collected, see Mayr and Rand (1937).

Meliphaga montana auga Rand

Meliphaga montana auga Rand, 1936: 6 (Mafulu, alt. 1250 meters, Central Division, Territory of Papua).

Now Meliphaga albonotata (Salvadori, 1876). See Diamond, 1972: 367–370, Coates, 1990: 284–286, and Higgins et al., 2008: 591.


AMNH 421337, adult male, collected at Mafulu, 1250 m, 08.31S, 147.01E (Frith and Beehler, 1998: 569, converted to degrees and minutes), Central Province, Papua New Guinea, on 3 November 1933, by Richard Archbold and Austin L. Rand on the 1933–1934 Archbold Expedition (no. 2026).


Rand cited the AMNH number of the holotype in the original description and said that he had two males from Bella Vista and four males, three females, and three immatures from Mafulu. The 11 paratypes are: Bella Vista, males, AMNH 421094, 421342; Mafulu, males, AMNH 421333, 421334, 421335, 421336 (immature); females, AMNH 421095, 421338, 421339 (immature), 421340 (immature), 421341. Of these, AMNH 421339 was exchanged to FMNH in the 1960s and is now FMNH 280975 (D. Willard, personal commun.).

All of the birds collected on the 1933–1934 Archbold Expedition were reported on by Mayr and Rand (1937), and a summary of the expedition was given by Archbold and Rand (1935).

Meliphaga montana setekwa Rand

Meliphaga montana setekwa Rand, 1936: 6 (Upper Setekwa River, Dutch New Guinea).

Now Meliphaga albonotata (Salvadori, 1876). See Diamond, 1972: 367–370, and Higgins et al., 2008: 591.


AMNH 448978, adult female, collected on the upper Setekwa River, Papua Province (= Dutch New Guinea), Indonesia, on 12 July 1910, by Albert S. Meek (no. 4345). From the Rothschild Collection.


Rand cited the AMNH number of the holotype in the original description, saying that his type series comprised two adult female specimens. The paratype is AMNH 695813, also collected by Meek on the upper Setekwa River.

Meek's upper Setekwa River collection was reported on by Rothschild and Hartert (1913); the Setekwa River is at 04.54S, 137.19E (USBGN, 1982a).

Meliphaga montana margaretae Greenway

Meliphaga montana margaretae Greenway, 1966: 22 (2800 feet, near the summit of Mt. Besar, Batanta, off western New Guinea [West Irian]).

Now Meliphaga montana margaretae Greenway, 1966. See Diamond, 1972: 367–370, Dickinson, 2003: 433, and Higgins et al., 2008: 593.


AMNH 789558, adult male, collected on Mount Batanta (= Mt. Besar), 2800 ft, 00.53S, 130.36E (USBGN, 1982a), Batanta Island, Papua Province (= West Irian), Indonesia, on 30 June 1964, by E. Thomas Gilliard.


Greenway gave the AMNH number of the holotype in the original description and listed the eight male, one female, and one unsexed paratypes by AMNH number. Paratypes are: Mount Batanta, males, AMNH 789559–789566; female, AMNH 789567; unsexed, AMNH 789568 (the last two numbers were reversed in the original description). “Besar” means “big” in Indonesian; this mountain is usually referred to as Mount Batanta.

Meliphaga montana sepik Rand

Meliphaga montana sepik Rand, 1936: 7 (Hunsteinspitze, Sepik District, New Guinea).

Now Meliphaga montana sepik Rand, 1936. See Diamond, 1972: 367–370, Dickinson, 2003: 433, and Higgins et al., 2008: 593.


AMNH 448977, adult male, collected on Hunstein Peak (= Huntsteinspitze), 04.30S, 142.40E (USBGN, 1943), Hunstein Mountains, East Sepik Province, Papua New Guinea, on 2 March 1913, by Joseph Bürgers (no. 1364). From the Rothschild Collection.


Rand gave the AMNH number of the holotype in the original description and noted that he based his description on eight males and three females from Hunstein Peak. The holotype came to AMNH via the Rothschild Collection but was cataloged separately as Rand named this form before the Rothschild specimens of Meliphagidae were cataloged. However, no other Hunstein Peak specimens of this form came to AMNH. Perhaps Rand borrowed specimens from ZMB, where the bulk of the Bürgers Collection is housed. Stresemann (1923: 58) reported that one specimen of Meliphaga montana was collected at Maeanderberg and 22 specimens on Hunstein Peak. The holotype of sepik is also a paratype of germanorum, see below.

Meliphaga montana steini Stresemann and Paludan

Meliphaga montana steini Stresemann and Paludan (in Rothschild et al.), 1932b: 222 (Jobi, 850 m.).

Now Meliphaga montana steini Stresemann and Paludan, 1932. See Diamond, 1972: 367–370, Dickinson, 2003: 433, and Higgins et al., 2008: 593.


AMNH 302684, adult male, collected on Yapen (= Jobi) Island, 850 m., Papua Province, Indonesia, on 12 March 1931, by Georg Stein (no. 508).


Stein (in Rothschild et al., 1932b: 209–210) collected the single specimen in the mountains near Serui (= Seroi), 01.53S, 136.14E (USBGN, 1982a).

Meliphaga montana germanorum Hartert

Meliphaga montana germanorum Hartert, 1930b: 47 (Cyclops Mountains).

Now Meliphaga montana germanorum 129Hartert, 1930. See Diamond, 1972: 367–370, Dickinson, 2003: 433, and Higgins et al., 2008: 593.


AMNH 695818, adult male, collected in the Cycloop (= Cyclops) Mountains, 02.32S, 140.36E (USBGN, 1982a), Papua Province, Indonesia, on 30 August 1928, by Ernst Mayr (no. 2097). From the Rothschild Collection.


Hartert cited Mayr's unique field number of the holotype in the original description. In addition to Mayr's single specimen, he also included in his new subspecies a specimen collected by C. Wahnes on the Sattelberg and a specimen collected by J. Bürgers on the Huntsteinspitze, as well as by inference, specimens collected by Mayr “on the Sattelberg and in another locality in the ‘Mandated Territory’.” The Aicora River specimens (see below) were mentioned but not included in germanorum. Paratypes in AMNH are: AMNH 695819, female, Sattelberg, 22 March, by Wahnes (no. 191); AMNH 448977, male, Hunsteinspitze, 2 March 1913, by Bürgers (no. 1364). This latter specimen is also the holotype of sepik, see above. The specimens collected by Mayr (1931c: 662) at Junzaing and on the Sattelberg, housed in ZMB, are also paratypes of germanorum.

Meliphaga montana aicora Rand

Meliphaga montana aicora Rand, 1936: 9 (Aicora River, Northern Division, Territory of Papua).

Now Meliphaga montana aicora Rand, 1936. See Diamond, 1972: 367–370, Dickinson, 2003: 433, and Higgins et al., 2008: 593.


AMNH 448976, adult male, collected on the Aikora (= Aicora) River, Oro Province, Papua New Guinea, on 16 October 1905, by collectors for Albert S. Meek (no. 42). From the Rothschild Collection.


Rand cited the AMNH number of the holotype in the original description and noted that he had three male specimens. The two paratypes are: AMNH 695820, 695821, males, Aikora River, 19 October and 21 November 1905, Meek nos. 46 and 68. The Aikora River is one of the tributaries of the Gira River that reaches the coast at 08.00S, 147.55E (PNG, 1984).

Rothschild and Hartert (1914a: 10–12) reported on this small collection, listing only two specimens (under Ptilotis montana) but noting the larger bills.

Meliphaga orientalis becki Rand

Meliphaga orientalis becki Rand, 1936: 17 (Zakaheme, 4000 ft. (= 1219 meters), Huon Peninsula, New Guinea).

Now Meliphaga orientalis becki Rand, 1936. See Coates, 1990: 287–289, and Higgins et al., 2008: 590–591.


AMNH 267970, adult male, collected at Zagahemi (= Zakaheme), 4000 ft, 06.20S, 147.40E (USBGN, 1943), Huon Peninsula, Papua New Guinea, on 5 April 1929, by Rollo H. Beck (no. 1703).


Rand cited the AMNH number of the holotype in the original description and listed one male (the holotype), two females from Zagahemi; two males, six females from Junzaing; and nine males, three females from Wau. Paratypes in AMNH are: AMNH 267971, 267972, females, Zagahemi, 23 February and 1 March 1929, by Rollo Beck. Mayr's (1931c: 662) specimens from Junzaing are in ZMB, and Stevens' (Greenway, 1935: 100) specimens from Wau on the main cordillera south of the Huon Peninsula are in MCZ.

In 1928–1929, after leaving the Whitney South Sea Expedition, Beck collected on the Huon Peninsula and in the Adelbert Mountains in Papua New Guinea for AMNH.

Meliphaga orientalis facialis Rand

Meliphaga orientalis facialis Rand, 1936: 16 (Siwi (Berge b. Siwi), Arfak Mts., New Guinea).

Now Meliphaga orientalis facialis Rand, 1936. See Diamond, 1969: 38–46; Diamond, 1972: 371–373, and Higgins et al., 2008: 590–591.


AMNH 294338, adult female, collected on the mountain near Siwi (= Berge b. Siwi), 01.30S, 134.02E (USBGN, 1982a), Arfak Mountains, Papua Province, Indonesia, on 29 April 1928, by Ernst Mayr (no. 378).


Rand gave the AMNH number of the holotype in the original description and said that he had three females, one sex? from the Arfak Mountains (Siwi and Ditschi); two males, one female from the Weyland Mountains; and one male, two females from the Snow Mountains. Specimens collected by Mayr in the Arfak Mountains came to AMNH partly directly and partly with the Rothschild Collection. G. Stein's Weyland Mountains collection also was to be divided between the two collections, but before this occurred, AMNH purchased the Rothschild Collection and the specimens came directly to AMNH. Specimens collected by Mayr and Stein that went to ZMB were not available to Rand and would not form part of his type series. A.S. Meek's Snow Mountains material came to AMNH with the Rothschild Collection in 1932. The following specimens would have been available to Rand and I consider them paratypes although the sexing of the specimens on the labels, as here given, does not entirely correspond with Rand's listing: Arfak Mountains, AMNH 294337, male, Siwi; AMNH 294339, sex?, Siwi; AMNH 695853, female, Ditschi; AMNH 695854, female, Siwi; Weyland Mountains, AMNH 302565, male; AMNH 302566, female; AMNH 302567, female; Snow Mountains, AMNH 695855, male; AMNH 695856, female; AMNH 695857, female.

Ptilotis aruensis sharpei Rothschild and Hartert

Ptilotis aruensis sharpei Rothschild and Hartert, 1903b: 442 (Dorey).

Now Meliphaga aruensis sharpei (312313Rothschild and Hartert, 1903). See Rand, 1936: 10–11, Coates, 1990: 283–284, and Higgins et al., 2008: 590.


AMNH 695788, adult male, collected at Doreh Bay (= Dorey), 00.55S, 134.04E (USBGN, 1982a), Vogelkop Peninsula, Papua Province, Indonesia, in October 1896, by William Doherty. From the Rothschild Collection.


Rothschild and Hartert designated as type the single specimen collected by Doherty at Doreh Bay, and they listed 15 additional specimens in their type series. There are actually 17 specimens that would have been in the Rothschild Collection when the name was published, AMNH 695784 and 695809 being the additional specimens. Paratypes are: Waigeo Island (= Waigeu), male and female, AMNH 695784, 695785; Batanta Island, male and female, AMNH 695786, 695787; Arfak, sex?, AMNH 695789; Ansus, Yapen Island (= Jobi), male, AMNH 695790; Keboi Island, near Yapen, male, AMNH 695791; Takar, sex?, AMNH 695792; Goodenough Island, females, AMNH 695804, 695805; Fergusson Island, four males, three females, AMNH 695806–695812. Rothschild and Hartert also included specimens in the HNHM from Erima (southern Astrolabe Bay) in their type series; however, this collection was entirely destroyed by fire in 1956 (Horváth, 1970: 363).

Meliphaga analoga papuae Salomonsen

Meliphaga analoga papuae Salomonsen, 1966a: 4 (Wuroi, Oriomo River, British Papua (western division), southern New Guinea).

Now Meliphaga analoga analoga (Reichenbach, 1852). See Diamond, 1969: 45, 1972: 373, Coates, 1990: 289–291, and Higgins et al., 2008: 591.


AMNH 422342, adult male, collected at Wuroi, 08.50S, 143.07E (Deignan, 1964a: 234), Oriomo River, Western Province, Papua New Guinea, on 28 January 1934, by Richard Archbold and Austin L. Rand on the 1933–1934 Archbold New Guinea Expedition (no. 2620).


Salomonsen cited the AMNH number of the holotype in the original description and gave the range as “from the Fly River district eastward to Hall Sound.” Paratypes are: Oriomo River: Wuroi, AMNH 422339–422341; Fly River: below junction of Palmer and Black rivers, AMNH 428001, 428005–428030; above D'Albertis Junction, AMNH 428031–428033; Lake Daviumbu, AMNH 428034–428047, 428133; east bank, opposite Sturt Island, AMNH 428048–428054; east bank, Gaima, AMNH 428055–428076; and Wassi Kussa River: AMNH 428077–428085. Of these, AMNH 428012 and 428016 were exchanged to FMNH, and AMNH 428067 was sent to PNGM.

Meliphaga analoga flavida Stresemann and Paludan

Meliphaga analoga flavida Stresemann and Paludan (in Rothschild et al.), 1932a: 147 (Japen, 450 m.).

Now Meliphaga analoga flavida Stresemann and Paludan, 1932. See Diamond, 1969: 38–46, and Higgins et al., 2008: 591.


AMNH 302685, adult male, collected on Yapen (= Japen) Island, Papua Province, Indonesia, on 6 March 1931, by Georg Stein (no. 421).


Stresemann and Paludan cited Stein's unique number of the holotype in the original description and said that flavida occurred on Yapen and along the north coast of New Guinea between the Mamberamo (= Mamberano) River and Astrolabe Bay. It is not clear from the publication whether Stein's collection other than the Psittacidae, which was studied by Rothschild, was worked on in Rothschild's Collection or in ZMB, and it is uncertain, therefore, which specimens in addition to those collected by Stein on Yapen might be paratypes. Stein collected under the auspices of L.C. Sanford for AMNH, Rothschild, and ZMB. Because AMNH purchased the Rothschild Collection in 1932, two-thirds of Stein's collection came to AMNH and one-third went to ZMB, with a subset sent to MZB. Paratypes of flavida from Stein's Yapen collection now in AMNH are: AMNH 302686–302694; of these, AMNH 302687 was exchanged to UMZC, and AMNH 302688 was sent to PNGM.

The Steins collected in the vicinity of Serui (= Seroei), 01.53S, 136.14E (USBGN, 1982a) on Yapen and their entire collection was studied by Rothschild et al. (1932b: 207–247). See also, Stein (1933: 256–258, 1936) for additional information on this expedition.

Meliphaga analoga citreola Rand

Meliphaga analoga citreola Rand, 1941: 14 (Bernhard Camp, 6 km. southwest, Idenburg River, altitude, 1200 meters, Netherland [sic] New Guinea).

Now Meliphaga orientalis citreola Rand, 1941. See Diamond, 1969: 39–46, Coates, 1990: 287–289, and Higgins et al, 2008: 591.


AMNH 306377, adult male, collected 6 km southwest of Bernhard Camp, 1200 m, ca. 03.30S, 139.15E (Archbold et al., 1942, map 1), Taritatu (= Idenburg) River, Papua Province (= Netherlands New Guinea), Indonesia, on 5 March 1939, by Richard Archbold, Austin L. Rand, and W.B. Richardson on the 1938–1939 Archbold Expedition to New Guinea (no. 9838).


Rand cited the AMNH number of the holotype in the original description and gave measurements for 10 males and three females from between 850 and 1200 m altitude on the slopes above the Idenburg River. However, additional males were collected that were not measured and were also part of the type series. Paratypes are: males, 1200 m, AMNH 342928–342939; males, 850 m, AMNH 342941, 342942; females, 1200 m, AMNH 342952–342954. Of these, AMNH 342928 and 342953 were sent to MZB in May 1957.

This expedition was also known as the Indisch-Amerikaansche Expeditie. For a summary of the expedition, see Archbold et al. (1942); and for an account of all of the birds, see Rand (1942b). See Diamond (1969: 39–46) for transfer of this subspecies to M. orientalis.

Meliphaga analoga connectens Salomonsen

Meliphaga analoga connectens Salomonsen, 1966a: 5 (Madang, Astrolabe Bay, northeastern New Guinea).

Now Meliphaga analoga flavida Stresemann and Paludan, 1932. See Diamond, 1969: 38–46, Coates, 1990: 289–291, and Higgins et al., 2008: 591.


AMNH 267966, adult male, collected at Madang, 05.14S, 145.45E (Times Atlas), Astrolabe Bay, Madang Province, Papua New Guinea, on 30 August 1928, by Rollo H. Beck.


Salomonsen gave the AMNH number of the holotype in the original description and the range as the northern New Guinea lowlands from Wewak to Huon Gulf. Specimens from these areas that would have been available to Salomonsen when he worked at AMNH in the early 1960s are considered paratypes: Wewak, AMNH 766475–766477; Kanganaman, Sepik River, AMNH 466478, 466479; Keku, AMNH 267959–267965; Madang, AMNH 267967–267969; Simbang, AMNH 695969. Gilliard specimens from the Adelbert Mountains taken in 1959, and from Aiome, Ramu River in 1964, were not available to Salomonsen.

Meliphaga gracilis cinereifrons Rand

Meliphaga gracilis cinereifrons Rand, 1936: 20 (Rona, Central Division, Territory of Papua).

Now Meliphaga gracilis cinereifrons Rand, 1936. See Coates, 1990: 292–294, Dickinson, 2003: 434, and Higgins et al., 2008: 592.


AMNH 421327, adult male, collected at Rouna (= Rona), 450 m, ca. 09.24S, 147.22E, Central Province, Papua New Guinea, on 11 March 1933, by Richard Archbold and Austin L. Rand on the 1933–1934 Archbold Expedition to New Guinea (no. 55).


Rand gave the AMNH number of the holotype in the original description and said that he had 17 specimens, including the type. I did not find one of the females from Rouna mentioned by Rand in either the collection or the catalog. The 15 paratypes in AMNH are: Samarai, male, AMNH 267973; Port Moresby, males, AMNH 295693–295696; Orangerie Bay, female, AMNH 295698; Papuan mainland opposite Samarai, male, AMNH 330236; Baroka, male, AMNH 421323, females, AMNH 421324, 421325, sex?, AMNH 421326; Rouna, male, AMNH 421091, female, AMNH 421327A, sex?, AMNH 421328; Nicura, male, AMNH 695911. See Mayr and Rand (1937) for an account of the birds collected and Archbold and Rand (1935) for a summary of the expedition. Higgins et al. (2008: 592) treated cinereifrons as a monotypic species with treatment of subspecies stevensi unresolved.

Ptilotis analoga vicina Rothschild and Hartert

Ptilotis analoga vicina Rothschild and Hartert, 1912: 203 (Sudest Islands).

Now Meliphaga vicina (Rothschild and Hartert, 1912). See Rand, 1936: 21, Coates, 1990: 294, and Higgins et al., 2008: 591–592.


AMNH 695918, adult male, collected on Tacuta (= Tagula = Sudest) Island, 11.30S, 153.30E (PNG, 1984), Louisiade Archipelago, Milne Bay Province, Papua New Guinea, on 8 April 1898, by A.S. Meek (no. 1696). From the Rothschild Collection.


Rothschild and Hartert cited Meek's unique field number of the holotype in the original description but did not mention other specimens. However, Hartert (1898a: 527), in his account of Meek's 1898 collection from Tacuta, reported under Ptilotis notata that Meek sent a series of seven specimens. Only six of those specimens came to AMNH with the Rothschild Collection. The five paratypes in AMNH are: males, AMNH 695917 (Meek no. 1723), AMNH 695919 (1712); females, AMNH 695927–695929 (1603, 1743, 1785).

Ptilotis gracilis imitatrix Mathews

Ptilotis gracilis imitatrix Mathews, 1912a: 403 (North Queensland (Cairns)).

Now Meliphaga gracilis imitatrix (181182183184185Mathews, 1912). See Schodde and Mason, 1999: 261–262, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 592.


AMNH 695868, adult male, collected at Cairns, 16.51S, 145.43E (Times Atlas), Queensland, Australia, in October 1909, by P. Schraeder. From the Mathews Collection (no. 3157) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews gave his catalog number of the holotype in the original description and the range of imitatrix as “North Queensland.” In addition to the Mathews Collection label, the holotype bears Mathews and Rothschild type labels and a “Figured” label indicating that it was illustrated in Mathews (1924: pl. 528, upper fig., opp. p. 430, text p. 434) where it is confirmed as the type of imitatrix. The following specimens were in the Mathews Collection before imitatrix was published on 31 January 1912 and are paratypes: AMNH 695859, female, Johnstone River on 22 June 1900, by E. Olive; AMNH 695865 (Mathews' no. 9537), female, Barron River, 26 July 1910, by the Dodds; AMNH 695869 (3158), female, Cairns, July 1908, by P. Schraeder. AMNH 695867 (10285), sex?, Barron River, 26 July 1910, by the Dodds, was perhaps in Mathews' hands when the name was published, but it was not cataloged until 13 February 1912. I have considered AMNH 695859 a paratype, although I did not find it in Mathews' catalog; Mathews purchased Olive's collection from Robinson and cataloged it in 1910. AMNH 695870, collected at Cairns in 1888 by T.H. Bowyer Bower was not cataloged by Mathews until 1913. Other specimens of this form now in AMNH, either were never in Mathews' Collection or were collected after the date of publication of the name.

Ptilotis analoga mixta Mathews

Ptilotis analoga mixta Mathews, 1912a: 403 (North Queensland (Johnston [sic] River)).

Now Meliphaga notata mixta (181182183184185Mathews, 1912). See Schodde and Mason, 1999: 259–260, Christidis and Boles, 2008 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 589–590.


AMNH 695989, adult male, collected on the Johnstone (not Johnston) River, 17.31S, 146.03E (Storr, 1984: 183), Queensland, Australia, by E. Olive, on 22 June 1900. From the Mathews Collection (no. 4247) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews cited his catalog number of the holotype in the original description, giving the range of the form as “North Queensland.” The holotype bears, in addition to Olive's original label, Mathews and Rothschild type labels and a “Figured” label, indicating that it was illustrated in Mathews (1924: pl. 528, lower fig., opp. p. 430, text p. 430) where it is confirmed as the type of mixta. Paratypes in AMNH are: AMNH 695998 (Mathews no. 3154), female, Cairns, 10 November 1904, apparently received on exchange from the Royal Scottish Museum in 1908; AMNH 696003 (5040), sex?, Kuranda, 13 May 1910, by the Dodds; AMNH 696004 (3156), male, Cooktown, 31 May 1898, by Olive. Other specimens either were not in Mathews' Collection or were collected after the publication date of mixta on 31 January 1912. AMNH 695997, collected on the Barron River in 1884 by T.H. Bowyer Bower was not cataloged by Mathews until 1913. One additional paratype that did not come to AMNH was cataloged by Mathews as no. 5041, collected on the Barron River on 7 June 1910 by the Dodds.

Ptilotis lewinii mab Mathews

Ptilotis lewinii mab Mathews, 1912a: 404 (Queensland).

Now Meliphaga lewinii mab (181182183184185Mathews, 1912). See Schodde and Mason, 1999: 257–258, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 589.


AMNH 694707, adult male, collected at Inkerman, 19.45S, 147.29E (USBGN, 1957), Queensland, Australia, on 18 March 1907, by Wilfred Stalker (no. 317). From the Mathews Collection (3170) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews cited his catalog number of the holotype in the original description and gave the range of the form as “Queensland (Inkerman).” I suppose that Mathews transposed the type locality and the range, but technically the type series comprises Mathews' single specimen from Inkerman. The holotype bears, in addition to Stalker's original label, a Mathews and a Rothschild type label. It is also a paratype of ivi, see below.

Salomonsen (1967: 372) synonymized mab with nominate lewinii, but Schodde and Mason (1999: 258) recognized mab and, as first revisers, selected it over ivi as the name for the northeast Queensland form.

Stalker collected at Inkerman Station for Sir William Ingram, the collection reported on by his son, Collingwood Ingram (1908), and later acquired by Mathews. Ingram (1908: 460) reported that Inkerman Station was approximately 50 miles southwest of Townsville and about 10 miles from the banks of the Burdekin River.

Ptilotis lewinii ivi Mathews

Ptilotis lewinii ivi Mathews, 1912a: 405 (Barron River, Queensland).

Now Meliphaga lewinii mab (181182183184185Mathews, 1912). See Schodde and Mason, 1999: 257–258, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 589.


AMNH 694711, adult sex?, collected on the Barron River, on 7 June 1910, by the Dodds (no. 20). From the Mathews Collection (no. 5041) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews gave his catalog number of the holotype in the original description; it bears, in addition to the Dodds original label, Mathews and Rothschild type labels. The Dodds lived at Kuranda, 16.49S, 145.39E (USBGN, 1957), which is on the middle Barron River, and the type was probably collected near their home. Mathews noted the range as “Queensland”; therefore all of the Queensland specimens in Mathews' collection when this form was described comprise his type series. Paratypes in AMNH are: AMNH 694707 (Mathews no. 3170, also the holotype of mab, see above), AMNH 694708 (3171), adult male, collected on Mount Elliot by W. Stalker; AMNH 694709 (3169), female, collected on Mount Elliot by Stalker; AMNH 694712 (8039), sex?, collected on the Barron River on 30 July 1910 by the Dodds. A specimen collected at Gracemere in 1881 by C. Lumholtz was not acquired from R. Collett, ZMO, by Mathews (1912b: 25) until after the publication of ivi on 31 January 1912, and other Queensland specimens were not collected until after that date. The specimen cataloged by Mathews as no. 5040, a Dodd specimen from Kuranda, 13 May 1910, did not come to AMNH and is a paratype, if found.

Ptilotis lewinii nea Mathews

Ptilotis lewinii nea Mathews, 1912a: 404 (Victoria).

Now Meliphaga lewinii lewinii (Swainson, 1837). See Salomonsen, 1967: 372, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 257–258, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 589.


AMNH 694673, unsexed, collected at The Basin, Dandenong Range, 37.50S, 145.21E (USBGN, 1957), Victoria, Australia, in 1901, by Thomas H. Tregellas (no. 329). From the Mathews Collection (no. 1378), via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews did not designate a type in the original description, only giving the range as Victoria, and later (Mathews, 1913a: 273) restricting the type locality to “Dandenong.” In fact, there are only two Victorian specimens, both from The Basin, Dandenong Range, that might have been in Mathews' Collection when nea was published on 31 January 1912; I only found one of them in Mathews' catalog. AMNH 694673 bears Tregellas' original label, and a Mathews and a Rothschild type label, both labeled “nea.” Mathews' catalog number 1378 appears on both type labels, although it is not listed in the original description. This specimen is labeled “female” both in Mathews' catalog and on the Rothschild type label, but not on the field label or on Mathews' type label, although a wing measurement of 102 [mm] appears there. The second specimen, AMNH 694672, adult male, collected at The Basin, Dandenong Ranges in October 1902 by L.G. Chandler (no. 770), was collected early enough, but I was unable to find it listed in Mathews' catalog and do not know when Mathews received it. Mathews (1942: 54) listed Chandler as one of the collectors who sent him specimens at “irregular intervals during many years.” Because of uncertainty as to when this second specimen came into Mathews' hands and because Mathews' type label marked “nea” on AMNH 694673 indicated his chosen type, I hereby designate AMNH 694673 the lectotype of Ptilotis lewinii nea. The probable paralectotype is AMNH 694672.

Salomonsen (1967: 372) recognized nea; Schodde and Mason (1999: 258) and Higgins et al. (2008: 589) considered it a synonym of nominate lewinii.

The International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature (1966: 225–226) suppressed the specific name Certhia chrysotis Latham, 1801, “for the purposes of the Law of Priority, but not for those of the Law of Homonymy.” Meliphaga chrysotis Lewin, 1808, which applies to this species, is a homonym of the Latham name, and as Swainson's name, lewinii (proposed as a replacement), is the next available name, it now becomes the valid name.

Ptilotis flava addenda Mathews

Ptilotis flava addenda Mathews, 1912a: 412 (Queensland (Inkerman)).

Now Lichenostomus flavus addendus (181182183184185Mathews, 1912). See Schodde and Mason, 1999: 239, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 602.


AMNH 695703, adult male, collected at Inkerman, 19.45S, 147.29E (USBGN, 1957), Queensland, Australia, in September 1907, by Wilfred (not William) Stalker. From the Mathews Collection (no. 3284) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews cited his catalog number of the holotype in the original description and gave the range of the form as “Queensland (Inkerman).” The holotype bears Stalker's original label (the number “790” on this label refers to the number of the species in Mathews, 1908) and a Mathews and a Rothschild type label. The type series comprised the three specimens collected by Stalker at Inkerman and reported on by Ingram (1908: 477). The two paratypes are: AMNH 695702 (Mathews no. 3285), adult male, collected on 9 October 1907 (misread as 3 October by Ingram); AMNH 695704 (3286), female, collected on 2 April 1907.

See Schodde and Mason (1999: 234) for a summary of use of the generic name Lichenostomus. Salomonsen (1967: 373) included flava in the genus Meliphaga.

Broadbentia flava assimilis Mathews

Broadbentia flava assimilis Mathews, 1924: 562 (near Cairns, North Queensland).

Now from an area of intergradation between Lichenostomus f. flavus and L. f. addendus. See Schodde and Mason, 1999: 239, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 602.


AMNH 695705, adult male, collected at Cairns, 16.51S, 145.43E (Times Atlas), Queensland, Australia, in July 1911, by P. Schraeder. From the Mathews Collection via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews named assimilis in volume 11, part 9, p. 562 of his Birds of Australia, which was published on 22 December 1924 (date on wrapper in AMNH Library, also Stone, 1927: 440). Mathews (1930: 783) himself first miscited the publication date as 1925 and various authors, including Salomonsen (1967: 373) have followed this citation. Mathews had a single specimen from Cairns collected in July 1911; it does not bear a Mathews or a Rothschild type label, but on the Rothschild Collection label, printed “Ex. coll. G.M. Mathews,” Mathews has written “Figured.” The specimen was figured in Mathews (1924: pl. 541, opp. p. 562, right fig., text p. 562), where it is described and said to be the type of assimilis. An AMNH type label has been added. I did not find this specimen listed in Mathews' catalog and he may have received it after he no longer entered specimens. There are four additional Mathews specimens collected by Schraeder in August 1908 at Cairns, the only location mentioned in the description. These are paratypes: males, AMNH 695706 (Mathews no. 3290), AMNH 695707 (3289); females, AMNH 695708 (3288), AMNH 695709 (3287).

See Joseph and Wilke (2007) for a comparison of apparent Pleistocene population expansion and mitochondrial DNA diversity in Lichenostomus virescens.

Ptilotis sonora walgetti Mathews

Ptilotis sonora walgetti Mathews, 1912a: 405 (New South Wales).

Now Lichenostomus virescens sonorus (Gould, 1841). See Schodde and Mason, 1999: 234–235, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 598.


AMNH 694813, adult female, collected at Walgett, 30.03S, 148.10E (Times Atlas), New South Wales, Australia, in October 1908. From the Mathews Collection (no. 3200) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews cited his catalog number of the holotype in the original description and gave the range of walgetti as “New South Wales.” The holotype bears Mathews Collection and type labels and a Rothschild type label; the number “772” on Mathews' collection label refers to the number of this species in Mathews (1908). In addition to the type, Mathews had two other New South Wales specimens, both from Walgett: paratypes, AMNH 694814 (Mathews no. 3199), female?, October 1908; and AMNH 694815 (3198), male, March 1906. A specimen collected by J.B. Cleland on 14 September 1911 was cataloged by Mathews on 27 February 1912 and is not a paratype. This specimen was cataloged between specimens from Melville Island collected by J.P. Rogers and specimens received from R. Collett, two collections that Mathews (1912b: 25–26) said had arrived after the publication of Mathews (1912a) in which walgetti was named.

Salomonsen (1967: 374) included virescens in the genus Meliphaga and considered walgetti a synonym of M. v. virescens.

Ptilotis sonora broomei Mathews

Ptilotis sonora broomei Mathews, 1912a: 405 (South-West Australia).

Now Lichenostoma virescens virescens (Vieillot, 1817). See Schodde and Mason, 1999: 234–235, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 598.


AMNH 694826, adult male, collected at Broomehill, 33.51S, 117.38E (Johnstone and Storr, 2004: 504), Western Australia, Australia, on 13 August 1906, by Thomas Carter. From the Mathews Collection (no. 3201) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews cited his catalog number of the holotype in the original description and gave the range of the form as “West Australia (Broome Hill),” thus only specimens from Broome Hill would have paratype status. Paratypes are: AMNH 694829 (Mathews no. 3202), immature female, 17 February 1907; AMNH 694830 (3204), female, 23 June 1908; AMNH 694831 (3203), female, 14 July 1907; AMNH 694832 (3205), juvenile, 18 January 1907, all collected by Carter. Two additional specimens were collected early enough, but I did not find them in Mathews catalog. Because Carter frequently sent Mathews small numbers of specimens at a time, apparently not always cataloged, I was not able to confirm that AMNH 694827, male, 30 July 1910 and AMNH 694818, male, 10 November 1910 should be considered paratypes.

Salomonsen (1967: 373–374) included virescens in the genus Meliphaga and considered broomei a synonym of M. v. virescens.

Meliphaga virescens hartogi Mathews

Meliphaga virescens hartogi Mathews, 1920: 76 (Dirk Hartog Island, West Australia).

Now Lichenostomus virescens virescens (Vieillot, 1817). See Schodde and Mason, 1999: 234–235, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 598.


AMNH 694756, adult male, collected on Dirk Hartog Island, 25.50S, 113.05E (USBGN, 1957), Western Australia, Australia, on 26 April 1916, by Thomas Carter. From the Mathews Collection via the Rothschild Collection.


In the original description, Mathews said that the type of hartogi was collected on Dirk Hartog Island on 26 April 1916. Two specimens from the Mathews collection were collected on that date. AMNH 694756 bears a Rothschild type label and Carter's original label, marked “hartogi Type” by Mathews. It was cataloged as the type when the Rothschild Collection came to AMNH. In order to remove the ambiguity arising from two specimens bearing the same date, I hereby designate AMNH 694756 the lectotype of Meliphaga virescens hartogi, thereby confirming as type the specimen so indicated by Mathews. Paralectotypes in AMNH, all collected on Dirk Hartog Island in 1916, are: AMNH 694757, male, 23 April; AMNH 694758, male, 26 April; AMNH 694759, male, 30 September; AMNH 694760, female, 30 September. All of these specimens were collected after Mathews stopped cataloging specimens.

A specimen from the H.L. White Collection is listed in the NMV type list as the holotype of M. v. hartogi, but Wayne Longmore (personal commun.) informs me that this specimen bears a different collection date and is not a type specimen.

Carter (1917: 609; 1921: 72) reported collecting this form on Dirk Hartog Island. Mees (1961b: 121) treated the taxonomy of this species, and he and Salomonsen (1967: 374) listed this form in the synonymy of nominate virescens in the genus Meliphaga.

Ptilotis sonora westwoodia Mathews

Ptilotis sonora westwoodia Mathews, 1913d: 77 (Westwood, Queensland).

Now Lichenostomus virescens sonorus (Gould, 1841). See Schodde and Mason, 1999: 234–235, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 598.


AMNH 694911, adult male, collected at Westwood, 23.37S, 150.09E (USBGN, 1957), Queensland, Australia, in October 1881, by Carl Lumholtz. From the Mathews Collection (no. 11079) via the Rothschild Collection.


In the original description, Mathews listed the type of westwoodia as a specimen collected at Westwood in October 1881 and gave no range. The holotype is the only specimen that Mathews had from Westwood and was from the collection mostly made by C. Lumholtz and K. Dahl that he obtained from R. Collett, ZMO. It bears Lumholtz's original label, a Mathews Collection label marked “Type” by Mathews, and a Rothschild type label. Mathews' catalog number is written on the Mathews label but was not cited in the original description.

Salomonsen (1967: 374) recognized westwoodia as a subspecies of Meliphaga virescens.

Ptilotis forresti Ingram

Ptilotis forresti Ingram, 1906: 116 (Alexandria).

Now Lichenostomus virescens forresti (Ingram, 1906). See Schodde and Mason, 1999: 234–235, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 598.


AMNH 694789, AMNH 694790, adults, collected at Alexandria, 19.00S, 136.42E (Times Atlas), Northern Territory, Australia, in July 1905, by Wilfred Stalker. From the Mathews Collection (nos. 3207 and 3206, respectively) via the Rothschild Collection.


No type was designated in the original description, where Ingram said that he had two specimens and that a Gould specimen in BMNH agreed “fairly well” with the two Alexandria specimens. Hartert (1919a: 177) listed as type the specimen, now AMNH 694790, bearing the Rothschild type label and two additional labels. One of the latter is a small tag printed “MUS. BRIT.” and “SEEBOHM COLL.,” both marked out, and bearing the name Ptilotis sonora, with sonora marked out and forresti written in and with “TYPE” written on the reverse. The other label on this specimen is a Mathews Collection label with the place and date of collection filled in and marked “Type” by Mathews. The number “773” on this label refers to the number of this form in Mathews (1908). Despite the fact that this was the specimen that Ingram intended as his type and the specimen Hartert intended to fix as the lectotype, the information given by Hartert (1919a: 177) is ambiguous and applies as well to the second specimen of the type series, now AMNH 694789 (Mathews no. 3207), also collected in July 1905 at Alexandria by Stalker; an AMNH type label has been added to it. The third specimen in the type series is the Gould specimen in BMNH, Reg. no. 1881.5.1.5575, which Warren and Harrison (1971: 188) listed as a syntype of forresti.

By the time Ingram (1907) reported on the entire collection, he had discovered a third specimen, now AMNH 694791; it has no Mathews catalog number, was not cataloged by Mathews at the same place as the others, and has no date on the original label, only “Alexandria” and “Stalker.” The date of July 05 has been added on the Rothschild label. It was not part of the type series.

Ptilotis sonora murchisoni Mathews

Ptilotis sonora murchisoni Mathews, 1912a: 405 (West Australia (East Murchison)).

Now Lichenostomus virescens forresti (Ingram, 1906). See Salomonsen, 1967: 375, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 234–235, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 598.


AMNH 694751, adult male, collected at “Lake Way,” East Murchison, Western Australia, Australia, on 3 July 1909, by F.L. W[hitlock]. From the Mathews Collection (no. 3191) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews cited his catalog number of the holotype in the original description and gave the range of the form as “Mid Westralia.” There are six paratypes in AMNH, all collected by Whitlock: Borewell, East Murchison, AMNH 694749 (Mathews no. 3195), male, AMNH 694650 (3194), female, 11 August 1909; Lake Way, East Murchison, AMNH 694752 (3192), male, AMNH 694753 (3193), female, 16 July 1909; East Murchison, AMNH 694754 (3916), male, 28 October 1909, AMNH 694755 (3915), female, 4 November 1909.

During the early days of July 1909, Whitlock (1910: 185–186) was collecting around Lake Violet, 26.39S, 120.16E (Johnstone and Storr, 2004: 509), the name given to the northern part of the double lake, the southern part of which is known as Lake Way.

Ptilotis sonora decipiens Mathews

Ptilotis sonora decipiens Mathews, 1912a: 406 (North-West Australia (Mungi)).

Now Lichenostomus virescens forresti (Ingram, 1906). See Salomonsen, 1967: 375, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 234–235, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 598.


AMNH 694860, adult female, collected at Mungi Rockhole, 18.45S, 123.44E (Johnstone and Storr, 2004: 511), 8 miles southeast of Mount Alexander, West Kimberley, Western Australia, Australia, on 21 June 1911, by J.P. Rogers (no. 1793). From the Mathews Collection (no. 9269) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews cited his catalog number of the holotype in the original description and gave the range as “Interior North-West Australia.” When this specimen was cataloged at AMNH, an incorrect AMNH catalog number (695860) was put on both the Rogers label and the Rothschild type label. The correct AMNH number of this holotype is AMNH 694860. In addition to Rogers' original label, it bears Mathews and Rothschild type labels. There are five specimens from interior West Kimberley, cataloged by Mathews as “Fitzroy River” and collected by J.P. Rogers, that I consider paratypes: Mungi Rock Hole, males, AMNH 694857 (Mathews no. 9266), AMNH 694858 (9270), 17 June 1911; females, AMNH 694859 (9271), 17 June 1911, AMNH 694861 (9264), 26 June 1911; 14 miles northwest of Mount Alexander, male, AMNH 694872 (9268), 12 June 1911.

Ptilotis sonora rogersi Mathews

Ptilotis sonora rogersi Mathews, 1912a: 406 (North-West Australia (Wyndham)).

Now Lichenostomus virescens forresti (Ingram, 1906). See Salomonsen, 1967: 375, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 234–235, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 598.


AMNH 694878, adult male, collected 5 miles west of Trig. station HJ9, Parry Creek, East Kimberley, Western Australia, Australia, on 14 December 1908, by J.P. Rogers (no. 424). From the Mathews Collection (no. 3186) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews gave his catalog number of the holotype in the original description. Even though he gave the type locality and the range of rogersi as “North-West Australia (Wyndham),” Mathews did not actually have a specimen labeled Wyndham (15.28S, 128.06E, Johnstone and Storr, 2004: 515), all of Rogers' specimens from this area being labeled Parry Creek (15.36S, 128.17E, Johnstone and Storr, 2004: 512). There are six paratypes in AMNH, all collected by Rogers at the same locality as the holotype: males, AMNH 694879 (Mathews no. 3187), AMNH 694880 (3185), AMNH 694881 (3184), AMNH 694882 (3188); females, AMNH 694883 (3190), AMNH 694884 (3189).

Dorothina virescens everardi Mathews

Dorothina virescens everardi Mathews, 1916b: 91 (Everard Ranges, Central Australia).

Now Lichenostomus virescens forresti (Ingram, 1906). See Salomonsen, 1967: 375, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 234–235, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 598.


AMNH 694837, female, collected at Carmeena (= Carminia, as on label), 27.08S, 132.27E (USBGN, 1957), Everard Range, South Australia, Australia, on 11 August 1914, by S.A. White (no. 1640). From the Mathews Collection via the Rothschild Collection.


In the original description, Mathews gave 11 August 1914 as the date on which the type was collected. AMNH 694837 is the only Mathews specimen of virescens from the Everard Range collected on that date that is now in AMNH, and White's original label on it is marked “everardi TYPE” by Mathews. The specimen also bears a Rothschild Museum label printed “Ex. coll. G.M. Mathews” and a Rothschild type label. No mention was made by Mathews in the original description of the range of the form, only the type locality and date being listed, and no further information is given by Mathews (1924: 458–469) concerning the type of everardi. Mathews was no longer making entries in his catalog when this specimen was collected. A second syntype is present in SAMA, B53643, an adult female, collected in the Everard Range, South Australia, on 11 August 1914, by S.A. White. “Co-type” is written on the reverse of the specimen label (B. Blaylock, personal commun.).

Because syntypes for D. v. everardi were nominated by Mathews in the original description by listing the collecting date, other specimens collected on this expedition on other dates in July and August have no standing as types (ICZN, 1999: 77, 81, Arts. 72.4.6, 73.2.1). If other S.A. White specimens from the Everard Range collected on 11 August 1914 are found, they are also syntypes. For a report on this expedition, see White (1915a, 1915b, 1915c).

In his description of this form, Mathews refers to his List of the birds of Australia (Mathews, 1913a: 274) where D. v. everardi is to be added under Meliphaga virescens. When one consults that work, only Meliphaga sonora is listed. Tracing Mathews' nomenclatural statements concerning the species virescens, one finds that he (Mathews, 1914b: 101) noted that he had listed M. virescens in Appendix B of his 1913 List (Mathews, 1913a: 329) and that he now thought that all of the forms that he (Mathews, 1913a: 274) had referred to as Meliphaga sonora should now be referred to as M. virescens. Later, Mathews (1916a: 67, published 7 April 1916) introduced the generic name Dorothina to replace “Meliphaga Lewin, 1808, not Melophagus Latreille, 1802,” on the misapprehension that the two latter names were homonyms. The result is that when Mathews (1916b: 91, published 7 July 1916) introduced D. v. everardi it was to be included in what he (1913a: 274) had called Meliphaga sonora.

Ptilotis sonora cooperi Mathews

Ptilotis sonora cooperi Mathews, 1912b: 50 (Melville Island, Northern Territory).

Now Lichenostomus virescens cooperi (181182183184185Mathews, 1912). See Schodde and Mason, 1999: 234–235, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 598.


AMNH 694886, adult male, collected at Coopers Camp, Apsley Strait, Melville Island, Northern Territory, Australia, on 29 October 1911, by J.P. Rogers (no. 2298). From the Mathews Collection (no. 10743) via the Rothschild Collection.


In the original description, Mathews gave his catalog number of the holotype and the range of the form as “Melville Island.” The holotype bears in addition to Rogers' original label, a Rothschild type label, and Mathews type and “Figured” labels, the latter indicating that the type is illustrated in Mathews (1924: pl. 531, right hand fig., opp. p. 458, text p. 460) where the figured male is confirmed as the type of P. s. cooperi.

Mathews (1912b: 26) noted that he had received two shipments of Melville Island specimens from Rogers; these included specimens collected in October and November 1911 and cataloged by Mathews on 24 February and 20 March 1912. There is a single paratype: AMNH 694887 (Mathews no. 10744), female, collected at Coopers Camp on 28 October 1911 by Rogers (no. 2299).

Coopers Camp was on Melville Island, across Apsley Strait from the Bathurst Island Mission Station (Hart and Pilling, 1964: 101), 11.45S, 130.41E (Times Atlas).

Meliphaga versicolor vulgaris Salomonsen

Meliphaga versicolor vulgaris Salomonsen, 1966a: 5 (Finschhafen, Huon Peninsula, northeastern New Guinea).

Now Lichenostomus versicolor vulgaris (336Salomonsen, 1966). See Coates, 1990: 278–279, Dickinson, 2003: 432, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 601.


AMNH 268962, adult male, collected at Finschhafen, 06.35S, 147.51E (Times Atlas), Huon Peninsula, Morobe Province, Papua New Guinea, on 7 February 1929, by Rollo H. Beck (no. 996).


Salomonsen gave the AMNH number of the holotype in the original description and said that the range was Yapen (= Japen) Island, coastal northern New Guinea from Geelvink Bay to Huon Gulf, and Fergusson Island. Paratypes are: Seroi, Yapen Island, AMNH 303191–303195, two males, three females, collected by G. Stein in February 1931; Hollandia, AMNH 342905, female, collected by R. Archbold, A.L. Rand, and W.B. Richardson in July 1938; Madang, AMNH 267979–267982, one immature male, two adult males, one female, collected by Beck in October and December 1928; Finschhafen, AMNH 267983–267987, five males, collected by Beck in February 1929; Fergusson Island, AMNH 330251, male, collected by H. Hamlin on the Whitney South Sea Expedition in January 1929, AMNH 695741, male, collected by A.S. Meek in May 1913; Hosken Island, Huon Gulf, AMNH 695740, female, collected by Meek in July 1913.

Higgins et al. (2008: 601) tentatively synonymized vulgaris with sonoroides.

Meliphaga virescens intermedia Mayr and Rand

Meliphaga virescens intermedia Mayr and Rand, 1935: 15 (Samarai Island, Papua).

Now Lichenostomus versicolor intermedius (Mayr and Rand, 1935). See Coates, 1990: 278–279, Dickinson, 2003: 432, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 601.


AMNH 330252, adult male, collected on Samarai Island, 10.36S, 150.39E (Times Atlas), Milne Bay Province, Papua New Guinea, on 5 July 1929, by Hannibal Hamlin on the Whitney South Sea Expedition.


Mayr and Rand, in the original description, cited the AMNH number of the holotype and listed their type series of nine specimens. The eight paratypes are: Doini Island, AMNH 295688–295691, three males, one female, 7 November–2 December 1920, J.T. Zimmer; Samarai Island, AMNH 330253–330256, two males, two females, 5 July 1929, H. Hamlin.

Higgins et al. (2008:601) tentatively synonymized intermedia with sonoroides.

Meliphaga versicolor clelandi Mathews

Meliphaga versicolor clelandi Mathews, 1915a: 132 (Cairn Cross Island, Barrier Reef).

Now Lichenostomus versicolor versicolor (Gould, 1843). See Salomonsen, 1967: 376, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 236, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 601.


AMNH 694715, unsexed, collected on Cairncross Island, Cairncross Islets, 11.15S, 142.56E (USBGN, 1957), Queensland, Australia, in April 1902. From the Mathews Collection (no. 3208) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews had the single specimen from the Cairncross Islets, and he gave no further range in the original description. There is no original label on the type; the Mathews Collection label bears his catalog number, although this was not mentioned in the original description, but there is no information either on the label or in the catalog concerning the collector. The number 774 that appears on this label refers to the number of the species in Mathews (1908). The holotype also bears a Rothschild type label, filled in by hand unknown.

Ptilotis fasciogularis brunnescens Mathews

Ptilotis fasciogularis brunnescens Mathews, 1912a: 407 (North Queensland).

Now Lichenostomus fasciogularis (Gould, 1854). See Salomonsen, 1967: 376, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 237, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 601.


AMNH 694919, [male], collected in Queensland, in November 1892. From the Mathews Collection (no. 7772) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews cited his catalog number of the holotype in the original description, where he gave both the collecting locality and the range of the form as “North Queensland.” The original label on the holotype gives the locality as “(Cape York) Queensland,” but there is no indication of the collector. Catalog no. 7772 was part of the Thorpe Collection, which Mathews (1942: 53) purchased from T. Thorpe in England and cataloged in February 1911. The holotype bears in addition Rothschild and Mathews type labels, and a “Figured” label, indicating that it was illustrated in Mathews (1924: pl. 532, upper fig., opp. p. 470, text p. 473), where it is confirmed as the type of brunnescens and where Mathews restricted the type locality to the Burnett River. A possible source of this restriction is a statement in Mathews (1924: 474–475) that Campbell had received a specimen, nest, and eggs from G.A. Young, who said that the species “is plentiful in the mangroves bordering the Burnett River. …” Mathews apparently never cited “Cape York” with regard to the collecting locality of his holotype, and the species does not reach Cape York. The true collecting locality of the holotype remains unknown.

In addition to the holotype, Mathews had three specimens collected by W. Stalker (Ingram, 1908: 476) at Inkerman. These are paratypes of brunnescens: AMNH 694916 (Mathews no. 3221), male, 18 April 1907; AMNH 694917 (3219), unsexed; AMNH 694918 (3220), unsexed. Of these three, only the first has Stalker's original label and it is dated 1907(although this is incorrectly listed as “1908” in Mathews' catalog and copied as “1908” on the Rothschild label. The other two have only Mathews Collection labels, and they are dated April 1908. They were probably all collected in April 1907, as Ingram (1908: 458) said that Stalker began collecting at Inkerman in early 1907, and all of the dates cited by Ingram are in 1907. Ford (1978) considered these specimens intermediate between L. versicolor versicolor and L. fasciogularis but closer to fasciogularis.

Guadalcanaria inexpectata Hartert

Guadalcanaria inexpectata Hartert, 1929: 8 (Guadalcanar).

Now Guadalcanaria inexpectata Hartert, 1929. See Mayr and Diamond, 2001: 399, Dickinson, 2003: 433, and Higgins et al., 2008: 588–589.


AMNH 220323, adult male, collected on Guadalcanal (= Guadalcanar) Island, Solomon Islands, on 25 July 1927, by Ida (Mrs. Rollo H.) Beck, on the Whitney South Sea Expedition (no. 26871).


Hartert (1929: 8) introduced the genus Guadalcanaria at this time, with inexpectata as the type species. He gave the AMNH number of the holotype in the original description and noted that his type series comprised four male and two female specimens. The five paratypes are: AMNH 218408, male, AMNH 218410, female, AMNH 220322, male, AMNH 220326, male, AMNH 220327, female, collected 25–27 July 1927. Only these specimens, labeled in permanent ink, were examined by Hartert and thus are his type series. Other specimens, collected at the same time but labeled in pencil, were not sent to Hartert and are not paratypes, e.g., Dekker and Quaisser (2006: 29).

The expedition ship France was anchored in a bay near Cape Hunter, Guadalcanal, in late July 1927, and the collecting party went inland from the mouth of the Itina (or Ithina) River (09.48S, 159.51E, USBGN, 1974b) to a height of 4000 ft (R.H. Beck, unpublished Journal D of the Whitney South Sea Expedition, Archives, Department of Ornithology, AMNH).

Salomonsen (1967: 376) included inexpectata in the genus Meliphaga, but relationships of Guadalcanaria are uncertain (Higgins et al., 2008: 588), and Guadalcanaria is retained pending further studies.

Ptilotis fusca dingi Mathews

Ptilotis fusca dingi Mathews, 1912a: 404 (South Australia).

Now Lichenostomus fuscus fuscus (Gould, 1837). See Salomonsen, 1967: 377, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 251–252, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 607–608.


AMNH 694541, adult female, collected on Murray Flats, 14 miles west of Blanchetown, 8 ft, 34.21S, 139.38E (Times Atlas), South Australia, Australia, on 30 May 1911, by J.B. Cleland (no. 12). From the Mathews Collection (no. 8950) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews cited his catalog number of the holotype in the original description, giving the range of the form as “South Australia, Victoria.” The holotype bears in addition to the original label, Mathews and Rothschild type labels and a Mathews “Figured” label, indicating that the specimen was the model for Mathews (1924: pl. 529, upper fig., opp. p. 438, text p. 439), where it is confirmed as the type of dingi. This is apparently the “specimen (a)” for which Cleland (1912: 16) reported the stomach contents. A paratype is AMNH 694560 (Mathews no. 3164), female, collected at Stawell, Victoria on 29 September 1908. AMNH 694548–694550 are possible paratypes, collected at Melton, Victoria, in June 1908 and 1910 by L.G. Chandler, but I did not find them in Mathews catalog. Other specimens were either collected after the publication of dingi or were never in the Mathews Collection.

Ptilotis fusca dawsoni Mathews

Ptilotis fusca dawsoni Mathews, 1912a: 404 (Dawson River, Queensland).

Now intergradient between Lichenostomus fuscus fuscus and L. f. subgermanus. See Salomonsen, 1967: 377, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 251–252, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 607–608.


AMNH 694590 [not 654590, as on label], adult female, collected at Coomooboolaroo, 23.53S. 149.34E (USBGN, 1957), Dawson River, Queensland, Australia, on 29 August 1909. From the Mathews Collection (no. 4728) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews cited his catalog number of the holotype in the original description and gave the range of dawsoni as “Queensland.” The holotype was described, but not figured, in Mathews (1924: 439), where it is confirmed as the type of dawsoni. His catalog shows that he obtained it from [H.G.] Barnard. Other specimens from Queensland in his catalog had been considered P. flavescens by Mathews. A second specimen from Coomooboolaroo was collected in August 1913, after the publication of dawsoni.

Ptilotis flavescens subgermana Mathews

Ptilotis flavescens subgermana Mathews, 1912a: 411 (North Queensland (Cairns)).

Now Lichenostomus fuscus subgermanus (181182183184185Mathews, 1912). See Salomonsen, 1967: 377, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 251–252, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 607–608.


AMNH 695543, adult male, collected at Cairns, 16.51S, 145.43E (Times Atlas), Queensland, Australia, in May 1905. From the Mathews Collection (no. 3283) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews cited his catalog number of the holotype in the original description and gave the range as “North Queensland.” The type bears a Mathews Collection label, on which the number “789” refers to the number of this species in Mathews (1908), and Mathews and Rothschild type labels. AMNH 695544 (Mathews no. 9538), female, collected at Herberton on 5 November 1910 by the Dodds and cataloged by Mathews as P. germana is a paratype. Specimens collected by T.H. Bowyer-Bower at Cairns in 1885, were not cataloged by Mathews until 1913, after the publication of subgermana.

Ptilotula flavescens zanda Mathews

Ptilotula flavescens zanda Mathews, 1913d: 77 (Normanton, Gulf of Carpentaria).

Now Lichenostomus flavescens flavescens (Gould, 1840). See Schodde and Mason, 1999: 253–254, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 608.


AMNH 695539, adult female, collected at Normanton, 17.40S, 141.05E (Times Atlas), Queensland, Australia, on 9 October 1913, by Robin Kemp (no. 3288). From the Mathews Collection (no. 18235) via the Rothschild Collection.


In the original description, Mathews gave Kemp as the collector and 9 October 1913 as the date of collection of the holotype. No other specimen of flavescens in the Mathews Collection has those data. The holotype bears, in addition to Kemp's original label and a Rothschild type label, a Mathews Collection label marked “Type” by Mathews and with the number 788, which refers to this species in Mathews (1908). No range was mentioned; accordingly, paratypes would be other Normanton specimens cataloged before the publication of zanda on 29 December 1913. Only one specimen is definitely a paratype: AMNH 695540 (Mathews no. 18234), female, collected on 8 October 1913 and cataloged on 16 December 1913, at the same time as the holotype. Three additional specimens were cataloged on 5 January 1914 and it is perhaps possible that they also should be considered paratypes: AMNH 695519 (18398), male, 11 October 1913; AMNH 695537 (18396), female?, 11 October 1913; AMNH 695538 (18397), female?, 10 October 1913.

Ptilotis flavescens wyndhami Mathews

Ptilotis flavescens wyndhami Mathews, 1912a: 411 (North-West Australia (Wyndham)).

Now Lichenostomus flavescens flavescens (Gould, 1840). See Salomonsen, 1967: 378, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 253–254, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 608.


AMNH 695484, adult male, collected at Parry Creek, 15.36S, 128.17E (Johnstone and Storr, 2004: 512), 5 miles west of Trig. station HJ9, East Kimberley, Western Australia, Australia, on 9 October 1908, by J.P. Rogers (no. 161). From the Mathews Collection (no. 3280) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews cited his catalog number of the holotype in the original description and gave the range of wyndhami as “North-West Australia, Northern Territory.” I interpret this to mean East Kimberley, as Mathews seemed to consider West Kimberley and the area around Derby as the range of the nominate form. Paratypes are: Parry Creek, collected by J.P. Rogers, AMNH 695483 (Mathews no. 3281), male, 30 September 1908; AMNH 695485 (3282), male, 27 October 1908; AMNH 695486 (3279), female, 6 November 1908; AMNH 695487 (3278), female, 28 October 1908; Georges Creek, Northern Territory, collected by J.T. Tunney, AMNH 695516 (5330), male, 8 July 1902, obtained from WAM Museum. This specimen was part of the Tunney collection reported on by Hartert (1905a: 234) and apparently had been among the WAM share of the collection. AMNH 695498, collected by K. Dahl on the Katherine River in 1895, was not received by Mathews from R. Collett, ZMO, until after the publication of wyndhami on 31 January 1912 (see Mathews, 1912b: 25), and specimens collected by L.M. Burns and C.P. Conigrave on the Barton and Forrest rivers in 1911 were not cataloged by Mathews until February and August 1912.

Meliphaga fusca deserticola Salomonsen

Meliphaga fusca deserticola Salomonsen, 1966a: 6 (Margaret River, Kimberley Division, northern Western Australia).

Now Lichenostomus flavescens flavescens (Gould, 1840). See Schodde and Mason, 1999: 253–254, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 608.


AMNH 695517, adult male, collected at Margaret River Crossing (= Margaret River), 18.29S, 126.36E (Storr, 1966: 61), Kimberley Division, Western Australia, Australia, on 20 April 1902, by J.T. Tunney (no. R435). From the Rothschild Collection.


Salomonsen cited the AMNH number of the holotype in the original description and gave the range as “Margaret River.” There is one paratype: AMNH 695518, male, collected on the Margaret River, 20 April 1902 by Tunney (no. R434). These two specimens had been in the Tunney collection reported on by Hartert (1905a: 234) and had been part of the Rothschild share of the collection; they had not been in the Mathews Collection. See Storr (1966: 59–65) for Tunney's itinerary.

Ptilotis flavescens melvillensis Mathews

Ptilotis flavescens melvillensis Mathews, 1912b: 50 (Melville Island, Northern Territory).

Now Lichenostomus flavescens melvillensis (181182183184185Mathews, 1912). See Schodde and Mason, 1999: 253–254, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 608.


AMNH 695503, adult male, collected at Coopers Camp, Apsley Strait, Melville Island, Northern Territory, Australia, on 24 October 1911, by J.P. Rogers (no. 2263). From the Mathews Collection (no. 10653) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews cited his catalog number of the holotype in the original description and (Mathews, 1912b: 26) noted that he had received two shipments of specimens from Melville Island. These include the specimens collected at Coopers Camp in September through December 1911. The holotype bears, besides Rogers' original label, Mathews and Rothschild type labels and a “Figured” label, indicating that it was illustrated in Mathews (1924: pl. 539, bottom fig., opp. p. 537, text p. 545), where it is confirmed as the type of melvillensis. The paratypes, all collected in 1911, are: males, AMNH 695501 (Mathews no. 10658), 30 September; AMNH 695502 (10657), 30 September; AMNH 695504 (10655), 1 November; AMNH 695505 (11620), 22 November; AMNH 695506 (11619), 8 December; AMNH 695507 (11617), 9 December; females, AMNH 695511 (11618), 5 December; AMNH 695512 (11621), 22 November; AMNH 695513 (10656), 18 October. The specimen that Mathews cataloged as no. 10654, male, collected on 1 November 1911, did not come to AMNH and if found is also a paratype.

Coopers Camp was across Apsley Strait from the Bathurst Island Mission Station (Hart and Pilling, 1964: 101), 11.45S, 130.41E (Times Atlas).

Ptilotis chrysotis ethelae Mathews

Ptilotis chrysotis ethelae Mathews, 1912a: 410 (South Australia (Port Augusta)).

Now Lichenostomus plumulus graingeri (181182183184185Mathews, 1912). See Schodde and Mason, 1999: 249–250, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 606–607.


AMNH 695427, adult male, collected on the western slopes of the Flinders Range, northeast of Port Augusta (as on original label), South Australia, Australia, on 10 October 1911, by S.A. White (no. 318). From the Mathews Collection (no. 9938) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews cited his catalog number of the holotype in the original description and gave the range of ethelae as “South Australia.” The holotype bears, in addition to White's original label, Mathews and Rothschild type labels. As pointed out by Schodde and Mason (1999: 250), the western slopes of the Flinders Range are in an area of intergradation between L. p. plumulus and specimens from eastern South Australia, and they have used the name L. p. graingeri for the population extending across New South Wales and into Queensland (see below). Specimens in AMNH from the western Flinders Range confirm the intergradient character of the population, although the holotype is very similar to the holotype of graingeri. There are three paratypes in AMNH collected by White on the western slopes of the Flinders Range on 10 and 11 October 1911: male, AMNH 695428 (Mathews no. 9941, White no. 313); females, AMNH 695429 (9940, 328); AMNH 695431 (9939, 247). Possible paratypes of ethelae are AMNH 695434, male, and AMNH 695435, female, collected at Port Pirie, South Australia, on 24 July 1908, by Mellor, but I did not find them in Mathews' catalog and do not know when they came into his possession. Other Mathews specimens of this species from South Australia were collected after the description of ethelae was published. There are also paratypes of ethelae in SAMA (B. Blaylock, personal commun.).

White (1912) published an account of his trip into the western Flinders Range.

Ptilotis chrysotis graingeri Mathews

Ptilotis chrysotis graingeri Mathews, 1912d: 99 (Mount Grainger, South Australia).

Now Lichenostomus plumulus graingeri (181182183184185Mathews, 1912). See Schodde and Mason, 1999: 249–250, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 606–607.


AMNH 695433, female, collected on Mount Grainger, between Peterborough (= Petersburg, as on label), 32.58S, 138.50E (USBGN, 1957), South Australia, and Broken Hill, 31.57S, 141.26E (USBGN, 1957), New South Wales, Australia, on 11 September 1911, from Edwin Ashby (no. 787). From the Mathews Collection (no. 11671) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews cited his catalog number of the holotype in the original description and gave the range as “adjoining parts of New South Wales and South Australia.” The holotype bears in addition to the original label, Mathews and Rothschild type labels and a Mathews “Figured” label, indicating that this specimen was illustrated in Mathews (1924: pl. 539, top fig., opp. p. 537, text p. 538) where it is confirmed as the type of graingeri. I did not find other specimens that might be considered paratypes of graingeri.

Lichenostomus plumulus gracemeri Mathews

Lichenostomus plumulus gracemeri Mathews, 1913d: 77 (Gracemere, Queensland).

Now Lichenostomus plumulus graingeri (181182183184185Mathews, 1912). See Schodde and Mason, 1999: 249–250, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 606–607.


AMNH 695452, female, according to the label collected at Gracemere, Queensland, Australia, on 14 May 1881, by Carl Lumholtz. From the Mathews Collection (no. 18203) via the Rothschild Collection.


In the original description, Mathews gave the collecting date of this single specimen from “Gracemere”; his catalog number was not cited, but it is noted on his type and collection labels. According to Mathews' catalog, the holotype was obtained from [Robert] Collett, ZMO, who sent Mathews specimens collected by K. Dahl and by C. Lumholtz in Australia. The specimen also bears an original label and an AMNH type label.

The exact locality at which this specimen was taken is uncertain, as this inland species is unlikely to have come from Gracemere. The specimen bears a folded blue paper label on which is written “♀, Gracemere, 14/5/81,” but there is no label on which Lumholtz's name appears. Furthermore, Mathews did not catalog it with the other specimens that he received from Collett, but as a single specimen, much later, attributed to Collett. On the other hand, Lumholtz was collecting other specimens in May 1881, which he labeled “Gracemere,” but which apparently came from farther west (see, for example, LeCroy, 2010: 123–124).

Lumholtz (1889: 17) had his base at Gracemere, a cattle station of the Messrs. Archer, situated 7 miles from Rockhampton, but said (Lumholtz, 1889: 27, 29): “My excursions extended not only to the immediate vicinity of Gracemere, but I made journeys of investigation to regions 200 miles away … At Peak Downs [22.56S, 148.05E, USBGN, 1957], situated about 200 miles west of Rockhampton, I received my first impression of genuine native Australian scenery.” It was not until July 1881 that Lumholtz prepared to leave on his long trip into western Queensland, so it appears likely that he collected this specimen on one of his shorter forays to the west.

In the original description, Mathews gave the range of gracemeri as Queensland and Northern Territory. There are two AMNH specimens from the Mathews Collection, collected at Alexandria, Northern Territory. AMNH 695419 (Mathews no. 3276), female, collected in July 1905 by Wilfred Stalker, is a paratype; AMNH 695420, an unsexed and undated specimen collected by Stalker, is also probably a paratype although I did not find it in Mathews' catalog. Ingram (1907, 1909), in his reports on Stalker's collection from Alexandria, did not list these specimens.

Ptilotis chrysotis andersoni Mathews

Ptilotis chrysotis andersoni Mathews, 1912a: 411 (Mount Anderson, North-West Australia).

Now Lichenostomus plumulus planasi (Campbell, 1910). See Salomonsen, 1967: 379, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 249–250, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 606–607.


AMNH 695404, adult male, collected on Mount Anderson, 18.02S, 123.55E (USBGN, 1957), West Kimberley, Western Australia, Australia, on 12 July 1911, by J.P. Rogers (no. 1871). From the Mathews Collection (no. 9441) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews cited his catalog number of the holotype in the original description, giving the range of the form as “Interior North-West Australia.” The holotype bears in addition to Rogers' original label, Mathews and Rothschild type labels and a Mathews “Figured” label, indicating that it was illustrated in Mathews (1924: pl. 539, next to top fig., opp. p. 537, text p. 538), where it is confirmed as the type of andersoni. AMNH 695406 (Mathews no. 9440), unsexed, collected on 12 July 1911 on Mount Anderson by Rogers, is a paratype. AMNH 695405, a female mummy, collected on Mount Anderson on 13 July 1911, by Rogers should also be considered a paratype, although Mathews apparently did not catalog it. Mathews also had a series collected at Parry Creek by Rogers, but I do not consider this locality to be in the interior.

Ptilotis chrysops barroni Mathews

Ptilotis chrysops barroni Mathews, 1912a: 406 (North Queensland, Cairns).

Now Lichenostomus chrysops barroni (181182183184185Mathews, 1912). See Schodde and Mason, 1999: 232–233, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 597–598.


AMNH 694630, unsexed, collected on the Barron River, Queensland, Australia, on 5 August 1910, by the Dodds. From the Mathews Collection (no. 8985) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews cited his catalog number of the holotype in the original description and gave the range as “North Queensland.” The following specimens, all collected by the Dodds, are paratypes: Herberton, AMNH 694615 (Mathews no. 9536), female, 22 January 1911; Barron River, male, AMNH 694624 (no. not found), 31 August 1910; unsexed, AMNH 694626 (8986), 1 September 1910; AMNH 694627 (8042), 6 August 1910; AMNH 694628 (9325), 9 July 1910; AMNH 694629 (8041), 4 July 1910. Although Mathews listed the type locality as Cairns, these specimens probably came from the Barron River in the vicinity of Kuranda, 16.46S, 145.37E (Times Atlas), where the Dodds lived, and where there is higher altitude habitat for this species.

Salomonsen (1967: 379) considered both barroni and beaconsfieldi synonyms of Meliphaga c. chrysops; Higgins et al. (2008: 597) considered barroni poorly differentiated.

Ptilotis chrysops beaconsfieldi Mathews

Ptilotis chrysops beaconsfieldi Mathews, 1912a: 407 (Victoria).

Now Lichenostomus chrysops chrysops (Latham, 1801). See Salomonsen, 1967: 379, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 232–233, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 597–598.


AMNH 694642, male, collected at Beaconsfield (as on label), 38.03S, 145.22E (USBGN, 1957), Victoria, Australia, undated, by F.E. Wilson and L.G. Chandler. From the Mathews Collection (no. 3213) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews cited his catalog number of the holotype in the original description and gave the range as “Victoria.” The number “775” that appears on the original label refers to the number of this species in Mathews (1908). The following six specimens are paratypes: Frankston, AMNH 694638 (catalog no. not found), male, 20 March 1908; AMNH 694640 (Mathews no. 384), female, 20 March 1908; AMNH 694641 (3214), female, 14 March 1908; Olinda, AMNH 694643 (5120), male, 1 February 1909; AMNH 694646 (9059), female, 17 April 1911; AMNH 694647 (8567), female, 11 February 1911. AMNH 694640 was received from T. Tregallas and cataloged 6 October 1910 in a space in the catalog that had been used previously to register a specimen of a different species, but the earlier specimen had apparently been exchanged by Mathews! Two Victorian specimens were cataloged by Mathews after the publication of beaconsfieldi on 31 January 1912: AMNH 694649 (10096), female, Olinda, 11 February 1911; AMNH 694654 (10350), male, Melton, 6 June 1910; they are not considered paratypes. Three other Victorian specimens in the Mathews Collection were collected early enough but I do not know when they were acquired by Mathews: AMNH 694639, male, Frankston, 1891; AMNH 694650, female, Bayswater, 6 April 1901; AMNH 649666, juv., Box Hill, 1 December 1895. They too are not considered paratypes. For the use of the date 1801 for Latham (1801), see Schodde et al. (2010).

Ptilotis chrysops samueli Mathews

Ptilotis chrysops samueli Mathews, 1912d: 99 (Ranges fifty miles north of Adelaide, South Australia).

Now Lichenostomus chrysops samueli (181182183184185Mathews, 1912). See Schodde and Mason, 1999: 232–233, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 597–598.


AMNH 694637, adult male, collected 50 miles northeast of Adelaide, 34.56S, 138.36E (Times Atlas), low ranges, South Australia, Australia, on 3 April 1912, by S.A. White (no. 675). From the Mathews Collection (no. 13094) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews cited his catalog number of the holotype in the original description and gave the range of samueli as “South Australia.” The type bears White's original label and Mathews and Rothschild type labels. Its locality must be close to the Barossa Range (Kaiser Stuhl-Pewsey Vale highlands) section of the central Mount Lofty Range (R. Schodde, personal commun.). Other South Australian specimens in Mathews' hand at that time are paratypes. Paratypes in AMNH: AMNH 694633 (Mathews no. 13098), male, 22 March; AMNH 694634 (13097), female, 20 March; AMNH 694635 (13095), female, 24 March; AMNH 694636 (13096) female, 22 March, all collected at Myponga in 1912.

Ptilotis cratitia howei Mathews

Ptilotis cratitia howei Mathews, 1912a: 409 (Kow Plains, Victoria).

Now Lichenostomus cratitius occidentalis Cabanis, 1851. See Salomonsen, 1967: 380, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 245–246, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 605.


AMNH 695260, adult male, collected at Kow Plains, Victoria, Australia, on 11 October 1909, by F. Erasmus Howe. From the Mathews Collection (no. 4554, not 5445) via the Rothschild Collection.


In his original description, Mathews gave Kow Plains as the collecting locality and 5445 as the catalog number of his type. In his catalog, however, the specimen registered at this number is Menura superba! The correct catalog number is 4554, for which 5445 seems to have been a simple error in transcription. The holotype of howei bears Mathews and Rothschild type labels and a Mathews “Figured” label, indicating that it was the model for Mathews (1924: pl. 537, top figure, opp. p. 515, text p. 516), where the male described and figured was collected on 11 October 1909 at Kow Plains and was said to be the type of howei, thereby confirming its status. The number “783” on Howe's label refers to this species in Mathews (1908).

Mathews gave the range of howei as “Victoria.” There are two paratypes in AMNH: AMNH 695261 (Mathews no. 4553), female, Kow Plains, 11 October 1909, collected by Howe; and AMNH 695262 (3243), female, Carina, 25 September 1908, also undoubtedly collected by Howe (1910: 227–234), although not so noted by Mathews. Kow Plains, in western Victoria, is 35 miles east of Pinnaroo, 35.18S, 140.54E (Times Atlas), South Australia.

See Schodde and Mason (1999: 246) concerning use of occidentalis for mainland populations of L. cratitius.

Ptilotis cratitia stirlingi Mathews

Ptilotis cratitia stirlingi Mathews, 1912a: 409 (West Australia, Stirling Ranges).

Now Lichenostomus cratitius occidentalis Cabanis, 1851. See Salomonsen, 1967: 380, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 245–246, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 605.


AMNH 695220, adult male, collected at Yetermirrup, Stirling Range, 34.24S, 118.02E (Johnstone and Storr, 2004: 513), Western Australia, Australia, on 28 September 1910, by F. Lawson Whitlock. From the Mathews Collection (no. 6183) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews cited his catalog number of the holotype in the original description and gave the range as “Stirling Range.” In addition to the original label and Mathews and Rothschild type labels, the holotype bears a “Figured” label, indicating that it was the model for Mathews (1924: pl. 537, middle fig., opp. p. 515, text p. 516) where it is confirmed as the type of stirlingi. The following specimens, all collected by Whitlock in the Stirling Range in 1910, are paratypes: AMNH 695218 (Mathews no. 6178), female, 11 September; AMNH 695219 (6176), male, 18 September; AMNH 695221 (6182), female, 20 September; AMNH 695222 (6181), male, 6 September; AMNH 695224 (6177), male, 19 October; AMNH 695226 (6179), female, 19 October; AMNH 695229 (6180), female, 19 October. Specimens collected in 1911 were not cataloged until 24 February 1912, after the publication of stirlingi on 31 January 1912.

Whitlock (1911) reported on this trip to the Stirling Range. See Schodde and Mason (1999: 246) concerning use of occidentalis for mainland populations of L. cratitius.

Ptilotis cratitia samueli Mathews

Ptilotis cratitia zarda Mathews

Ptilotis cratitia samueli Mathews, 1912d: 99 (Eyre's Peninsula, South Australia).

Ptilotis cratitia zarda Mathews, 1913b: 193, nom. nov.

Now Lichenostomus cratitius occidentalis Cabanis, 1851. See Salomonsen, 1967: 380, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 245–246, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 605.


AMNH 695267, adult male, collected on Warunda Creek, 34.26S, 135.38E (USBGN, 1957), Eyre Peninsula, South Australia, Australia, on 24 August 1911, by S.A. White (no. 29). From the Mathews Collection (no. 9657) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews cited his catalog number of the holotype in the original description of samueli, giving the range as “South Australia.” Mathews (1912d: 99) introduced two new taxa as samueli within the same genus and on the same page. He later realized his error and introduced zarda as a replacement name for Ptilotis cratitia samueli; the two names share the same type. There are four paratypes in AMNH, all from Eyre Peninsula: AMNH 695264 (Mathews no. 9658), male, 8 September 1911; AMNH 695265 (9481), female, July 1911, AMNH 695266 (9659), female, 8 September 1911, all from Arno Bay; AMNH 695268 (9480), male?, June 1911. There are also paratypes in SAMA (B. Blaylock, personal commun.).

Salomonsen (1967: 380) considered this form a synonym of Meliphaga cratitia cratitia. See Schodde and Mason (1999: 246) concerning the use of occidentalis for mainland populations of Lichenstomus cratitius.

Ptilotis cratitia halmaturina Mathews

Ptilotis cratitia halmaturina Mathews, 1912a: 409 (Kangaroo Island).

Now Lichenostomus cratitius cractitius (Gould, 1841). See Schodde and Mason, 1999: 245–246, Christidis and Boles, 2008, 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 605.


AMNH 695248, adult male, collected at Bell Manor, Kangaroo Island, 35.50S, 137.06E (USBGN, 1957), South Australia, Australia, on 25 March 1905, by Edwin Ashby. From the Mathews Collection (no. 3241) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews cited his catalog number of the holotype in the original description and gave “Kangaroo Island” as the range. In addition to Ashby's label and Mathews and Rothschild type labels, the holotype also bears a “Figured” label, indicating that it was illustrated in Mathews (1924: pl. 537, bottom fig., opp. p. 515, text p. 516) where, despite matching data, it is not cited as the type of halmaturina. There is only one paratype in AMNH: AMNH 695246 (Mathews no. 3242), male, Hog Bay, Kangaroo Island, 30 December 1897. Other specimens from Kangaroo Island were collected after publication of the name on 31 January 1912.

See Schodde and Mason (1999: 246) for use of L. c. cratitius for Kangaroo Island specimens.

Ptilotis keartlandi mungi Mathews

Ptilotis keartlandi mungi Mathews, 1912a: 409 (North-West Australia (Mungi)).

Now Lichenostomus keartlandi (North, 1895). See Salomonsen, 1967: 381, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 247, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 605–606.


AMNH 695284, adult male, collected at Mungi Rockhole, 18.45S, 123.44E (Johnstone and Storr, 2004: 511), 8 miles southeast of Mount Alexander, West Kimberley, Western Australia, Australia, on 18 June 1911, by J.P. Rogers (no. 1763). From the Mathews Collection (no. 9278) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews cited his catalog number of the holotype in the original description and gave the range of mungi as “North-West Australia, Interior.” The holotype bears, in addition to Rogers original label and Mathews and Rothschild type labels, a “Figured” label, indicating that it was illustrated in Mathews (1924: pl. 538, upper fig., opp. p. 524, text p. 525), where it is confirmed as the type of mungi. The catalog number written on the Rothschild type label is incorrect and refers to the number published for Ptilotis keartlandi alexandrensis (see below). Eleven additional specimens collected by Rogers at Mungi Rockhole in June 1911 are paratypes: five males, five females, one sex?, AMNH 695282, 695283, 695285–695293 (Mathews nos. 9272–9277, 9279–9282. Mathews did not catalog the unsexed specimen).

Ptilotis keartlandi alexandrensis Mathews

Ptilotis keartlandi alexandrensis Mathews, 1912a: 409 (Northern Territory (Alexandra)).

Now Lichenostomus keartlandi (North, 1895). See Salomonsen, 1967: 381, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 247, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 605–606.


AMNH 695296, male, collected at Alexandria (= Alexandra), 19.00S, 136.42E (Times Atlas), Northern Territory, Australia, in July [1905], by Wilfred Stalker. From the Mathews Collection (no. 3247) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews cited his catalog number of the holotype in the original description and gave the range of the form as “Alexandra.” In addition to Stalker's original label, the holotype bears Mathews and Rothschild type labels. In this case, the correct Mathews catalog number is written on both (see previous entry). Mathews cataloged four specimens of this form from Alexandria, but Ingram (1907, 1909) listed only three collected by Stalker. These three specimens are in AMNH, and the two additional to the holotype are paratypes: AMNH 695295 (Mathews no. 3254), male, May 1905; AMNH 695297 (3252), unsexed, July 1905. The specimen Mathews cataloged at 3253 was a female collected at Alexandria in 1905, but it did not come to AMNH.

Sacramela keartlandi cloatesensis Mathews

Sacramela keartlandi cloatesensis Mathews, 1923b: 37 (Point Cloates, Mid-west Australia).

Now Lichenostomus keartlandi (North, 1895). See Salomonsen, 1967: 381, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 247, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 605–606.


AMNH 695299, male, 9 September 1901; AMNH 695300, male, 24 June 1902; AMNH 695301, male 16 June 1902; AMNH 695302, male, 1 June 1902; AMNH 695303, female, 24 June 1902; AMNH 695304, female, 14 June 1900; AMNH 695305, female, 2 July 1900, all collected at Point Cloates, 22.41S, 113.41E (Times Atlas), Western Australia, Australia, by Thomas Carter. From the Rothschild Collection.


There are no specimens from Point Cloates in AMNH that had been in the Mathews Collection, but there are seven from that locality, collected by Carter in 1900–1902, that were part of the Rothschild Collection. One of these, AMNH 695305, was used by Mathews (1924: 525) for the description of the adult female of this form, and he noted that the described specimen was collected on “2 July 1900, and is cloatesensis.” He did not imply that it had type status. The Rothschild label on this specimen is marked “described” in Mathews' hand. Because at least this specimen must have been examined by Mathews in the Rothschild Collection, accepting the seven Rothschild specimens as syntypes of cloatesensis seems inevitable. However, it seems even more probable to me that Mathews, rushing to introduce names prior to publication of Volume 11 of Birds of Australia, based his name on information sent him by Carter, referred to in Mathews (1924: 525–526): “[Keartland's Honey-eater] is the typical Honey-eater, and common, all along the rugged ranges from Point Cloates to the North-west Cape. … In 1890 … I shot some of these birds, seeing that they differed from Ptilotis sonora, and sent a specimen to Mr. A.J. Campbell, who concluded it was only a variety of P. sonora. … In 1895 North described this bird as a new species.” A similar statement had been published by Carter (1900: 417). North's specimen of keartlandi was from the McMinns Range in central Australia, whereas Carter's specimens were from the coast. The 1890 specimen that Carter sent to A.J. Campbell is not present in NMV (W. Longmore, personal commun.) If found, it also should be considered a syntype of cloatesensis.

Sacramela keartlandi whiteorum Mathews

Sacramela keartlandi whiteorum Mathews, 1924: 529 (Musgrave and Everard Ranges, Central Australia).

Now Lichenostomus keartlandi (North, 1895). See Salomonsen, 1967: 381, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 247, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 605–606.


AMNH 695272, adult male, collected in the Everard Range, 27.05S, 132.28E (USBGN, 1957), South Australia, Australia, on 9 August 1914, by S.A. White (no. 1624); AMNH 695273, adult male, collected at Glen Ferdinand, 26.19S, 132.06E (USBGN, 1957), Musgrave Range, South Australia, on 19 July 1914, by S.A. White (no. 1622); AMNH 695274, female, collected in the Musgrave Range, on 18 July 1914, by S.A. White (no. 1625); AMNH 695281, adult male, collected at Wallinna Creek, 26.31S, 131.54E (USBGN, 1957), Musgrave Range, South Australia, on 26 July 1914, by S.A. White (no. 1623). From the Mathews Collection via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews (1924: 529) introduced this name by saying: “As noted by Capt. S.A. White this is much brighter than the preceding [nominate keartlandi].” White (1915c: 191), in his article on birds collected in the Musgrave and Everard ranges, stated: “The whole of the plumage, especially the yellow on breast and throat, is much brighter than that of the birds from the type locality.” This is also quoted by Mathews (1924: 528). No type was designated; therefore the type series would include specimens collected by White in the Musgrave and Everard ranges in 1914, four of which are in AMNH and are the syntypes listed above; they were not cataloged by Mathews. These specimens had not been previously recognized as types. There are four additional syntypes in SAMA (B. Blaylock, personal commun.). Mathews (1930: 780) restricted the type locality to the Musgrave Range and considered whiteorum a synonym of nominate keartlandi.

Ptilotis penicillata mellori Mathews

Ptilotis penicillata mellori Mathews, 1912a: 412 (Victoria).

Now Lichenostomus penicillatus penicillatus (Gould, 1837). See Salomonsen, 1967: 381, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 255–256, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 608–609.


AMNH 695638, adult male, collected at Templestowe, 37.45S, 145.07E (USBGN, 1957), Victoria, on 10 June 1901, by Thomas H. Tregellas (no. 346). From the Mathews Collection (no. 5123) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews cited his catalog number of the holotype in the original description and gave the range as “Victoria.” The holotype bears, in addition to Tregellas' original label and Mathews and Rothschild type labels, a “Figured” label, indicating that it was illustrated in Mathews (1924: pl. 540, bottom fig., opp. p. 548, text p. 549), where it is confirmed as the type of mellori. Mathews (1913a: 281) listed the type locality as “Templestown,” later correcting it (Mathews, 1924: 549) to Templestowe. The following specimens are paratypes: AMNH 695614 (Mathews no. 8152), unsexed, Frankston, 20 March 1908; AMNH 695615 (6275), male, Parwan, 14 August 1910; AMNH 695629 (5949), male juvenile, Auburn, 7 September 1910; AMNH 695630 (5950), female juvenile, Auburn, 13 September 1910, described in Mathews (1924: 550–551); AMNH 695639 (5122), female, Templestowe, 10 June 1901. The following specimens were collected early enough to have been in Mathews' hand when mellori was named, but I did not find them in Mathews' catalog and they could have reached him later: AMNH 695610, male, Frankston, 9 April 1910; AMNH 695611, male, Frankston, 19 December 1909; AMNH 695612, female, Frankston, 17 April 1908; AMNH 695613, female, Frankston, 21 April 1908; AMNH 695628, male immature, Auburn, 6 July 1905. Other Victorian specimens in AMNH were either collected too late or were never in Mathews' collection.

Ptilotis penicillata whitei Mathews

Ptilotis penicillata whitei Mathews, 1912a: 412 (South Australia (Murray Flats)).

Now Lichenostomus penicillatus penicillatus (Gould, 1837). See Salomonsen, 1967: 381, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 255–256, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 608–609.


AMNH 695602, adult male, collected on Murray Flats, 14 miles west of Blanchetown, 34.21S, 139.38E (Times Atlas), South Australia, Australia, on 30 May 1911, by J.B. Cleland. From the Mathews Collection (no. 8945) via the Rothschild Collection.


In the original description, Mathews cited his catalog number of the holotype and gave the range as “South Australia.” In addition to Cleland's original label, the holotype also bears Mathews and Rothschild type labels. This is probably the specimen reported by Cleland (1912: 17). The following specimens from South Australia were cataloged by Mathews prior to publication of the name on 31 January 1912 and are paratypes: AMNH 695594 (Mathews no. 9943), male, A. Gum Creek, Flinders Range, northeast of Port Augusta, 10 October 1911, by S.A. White (no. 336); AMNH 695595 (9942), male, Flinders Range, northeast of Port Augusta, 10 October 1911, by S.A. White (no. 248); AMNH 695596 (3295), unsexed, Adelaide, July 1902; AMNH 695597 (9704), male immature, Mount Lofty Range, east of Adelaide, 12 August 1911, by S.A. White (no. 96); AMNH 695598 (9705), male immature, Mount Lofty Range, east of Adelaide, 12 August 1911, by S.A. White (no. 51); AMNH 695599 (9703), female, Mount Lofty Range, east of Adelaide, 12 August 1911, by S.A. White (no. 142); AMNH 695604 (9478), male, Fulham, South Australia, January 1911, by Mellor; AMNH 695608 (9479), female, Fulham, January 1911, by Mellor. AMNH 695594 and 695595 are also, respectively, the paratype and holotype of P. p. rosinae (see below). AMNH 695605, 695606, and 695607 were collected at Fulham by Mellor in July 1910, but were not cataloged by Mathews until 24 February 1912, and were then incorrectly attributed to Whitlock in Mathews' catalog; I do not consider them paratypes. AMNH 695609 was collected at Golden Grove, South Australia, on 9 June 1900 by Ashby, but I did not find it in Mathews' catalog. Other specimens in AMNH were collected after the publication of whitei. There are also paratypes of this form in SAMA (B. Blaylock, personal commun.).

Meliphaga penicillata interioris Salomonsen

Meliphaga penicillata interioris Salomonsen, 1966a: 6 (Ward River, south of Charleville, southwestern Queensland, Australia).

Now considered intergradient between Lichenostomus p. penicillatus and L. p. leilavalensis. See Schodde and Mason, 1999: 255–256, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 608–609.


AMNH 343828, adult male, collected on the Ward River, south of Charleville, 26.25S, 146.13E (Times Atlas), Queensland, Australia, on 1 March 1940, by Lindsay Macmillan.


In the original description, Salomonsen gave the AMNH number of the holotype and the range of interioris as “northwestern New South Wales, northward to south-central Queensland,” with measurements for one female and at least two males. There are only three specimens among those in AMNH that were collected within that range, and, in fact, Salomonsen (1967: 382) later further restricted the range to between Bourke, New South Wales, and Charleville, Queensland. The two paratypes are: AMNH 695557, adult male, collected at Bourke in June 1910, by P. Schraeder (Mathews no. 6085); AMNH 343836, adult female, collected on the Ward River, south of Charleville, on 2 March 1940, by Macmillan. Salomonsen (1966a: 6) gave the wing length of the males as 83–85 mm, of the female as 76. My measurements are: male paratype, 84 mm; holotype, 86; female, 76. I believe that he based his description on these three specimens.

Lindsay Macmillan's collection in Queensland in 1940 was made using Whitney South Sea Expedition funds remaining from the sale of the expedition vessel France.

Ptilotis penicillata rosinae Mathews

Ptilotis penicillata rosinae Mathews, 1912a: 412 (Port Augusta, South Australia).

Now considered an intergrade between Lichenostomus p. penicillatus (Gould, 1837) and L. p. leilavalensis (North, 1899). See Salomonsen, 1967: 382, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 255–256, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 608–609.


AMNH 695595, adult male, collected in the Flinders Range, 31.25S, 138.45E (USBGN, 1957), northeast of Port Augusta, South Australia, Australia, on 10 October 1911, by S.A. White (no. 248). From the Mathews Collection (no. 9942) via the Rothschild Collection.


In the original description, Mathews cited his catalog number of the holotype and gave the range of rosinae as “Port Augusta, South Australia.” The holotype, from the Flinders Range, bears, in addition to White's label and Mathews and Rothschild type labels, a “Figured” label, indicating that it was illustrated in Mathews (1924: pl. 540, middle fig., opp. p. 548, text p. 550), where it is confirmed as the type of rosinae. Mathews had only one additional specimen from the type locality, paratype AMNH 695594 (Mathews no. 9943), male, collected on A. Gum Creek, Flinders Range, northeast of Port Augusta, on 10 October 1911, by S.A. White (no. 336). These two specimens are also paratypes of P. p. whitei (see above). White (1912) reported on this expedition.

Ptilotula penicillata centralia Mathews

Ptilotula penicillata centralia Mathews, 1923b: 37 (Central Australia).

Now considered to be from an area of intergradation between as many as three subspecies of Lichenostomus penicillata. See Schodde and Mason, 1999: 255–256.


AMNH 695646, immature male, Old Crown Point, on 28 September 1913 (S.A. White no. 1246); AMNH 695650, female, Apperina Bore, on 8 August 1913 (1252); AMNH 695651, male, between Horseshoe and Apperina Bore, on 8 August 1913 (1247); AMNH 695652, female, 16 miles north of Horseshoe Bore, on 5 September 1913 (1254); AMNH 695653 and AMNH 695654, males, Christmas Creek, on 12 August 1913 (1255 and 1249); AMNH 695656, female, Hamilton Bore, on 6 October 1913 (1198); AMNH 695657, male, 15 miles w. of Indulkana Spring, on 12 July 1914 (1628); AMNH 695658 and AMNH 695659, males, Lindsay Creek, on 3 October 1913 (1248 and 1250); AMNH 695660, male, Macumba, on 6 August 1913 (1245); AMNH 695661, female, Opossum Water Hole, on 8 August 1913 (1251); AMNH 695662, male, Running Water, on 27 August 1913 (1199); all collected by S.A. White. From the Mathews Collection via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews (1923b: 37) described Ptilotula penicillata centralia thus: “Differs from P. p. calconi Mathews in having the white ear-patch less noticeable and in being white on the under-surface and lighter above. Type, Central Australia.” There are in AMNH 13 specimens of penicillata collected in Central Australia in 1913 and 1914 by S.A. White, none of which have any indication that they were Mathews' selected type. Moreover, none of them are white below, all are darker above than calconi, and the size of the ear-patch depends on the “make” of the skin. The description was undoubtedly published after the text for this species in The Birds of Australia (Mathews, 1924: 548–560) was completed. On p. 549, centralia is listed, but the date of publication is incorrectly given as “Feb. 21st, 1913.”

In the text, Mathews (1924: 552) quoted White, who was writing about the geographical variation in color in this species: “… the lightest of all is a common bird in the interior and is what I call leilavalensis.” Additionally, White wrote (Mathews, 1924: 555): “This was an extremely common bird, and we collected it from around Oodnadatta, and then all through our journey.” Finally, Mathews (1924: 558–560) listed the eight subspecies of P. penicillata that he recognized, without mentioning centralia. By 1930, Mathews (1930: 783) had synonymized centralia with calconi.

Although centralia could be considered a nomen dubium (ICZN, 1999: 111, Glossary) with a description at variance with its type material, it was nevertheless published availably under the Code, with type locality specified as “Central Australia.” I therefore feel it advisable to treat all of the S.A. White specimens from “Central Australia,” collected pre-1923, as syntypes of centralia, but not the specimens from Oodnadatta sent to Mathews by White. Eight S.A. White specimens from Central Australia in SAMA are also syntypes (B. Blaylock, personal commun.).

White (1914b, 1915a, 1915b) reported on his 1913 and 1914 trips, and most of the collecting localities of the syntypes of centralia are shown on the accompanying maps.

Salomonsen (1967: 382) recognized centralia as a valid subspecies of Meliphaga penicillata.

Ptilotis penicillata ladasi Mathews

Ptilotis penicillata ladasi Mathews, 1912a: 413 (West Australia (East Murchison)).

Now Lichenostomus penicillatus carteri (Campbell, 1899). See Salomonsen, 1967: 382, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 255–256, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 608–609.


AMNH 695572, adult male, collected in East Murchison, Western Australia, Australia, on 22 September 1909, by F.L. W[hitlock]. From the Mathews Collection (no. 3936) via the Rothschild Collection.


In the original description, Mathews gave his catalog number of the holotype and the range as “Mid Westralia.” The holotype bears Whitlock's original label and Mathews and Rothschild type labels. Paratypes are: Lake Way, East Murchison, AMNH 695569 (Mathews no. 3301), male, 19 July 1909; East Murchison, AMNH 695570 (3937), male, 1 October 1909, AMNH 695571 (3938), male, 1 October 1909, AMNH 695573 (3935), female immature, 23 September 1909, AMNH 695574, female, 29 October 1909, all collected by F.L. Whitlock; Carnarvon, AMNH 695576 (9735), male juvenile, 18 September 1911, AMNH 695577, male, 11 August 1911, AMNH 695578 (9734), male, 6 August 1911, AMNH 695582 (9736), female, 6 August 1911, all collected by Thomas Carter. Other specimens from Carnarvon were collected after the publication of the name on 31 January 1912.

Whitlock (1910) reported on his 1909 collection, noting that on 17 September 1909, he prepared to set out from Wiluna, 26.36S, 120.13E (USBGN, 1957), to visit “Milly Pool, some 20 miles or thereabouts to the north-west of the township, and lying on the stock route from Peak Hill and the Gascoyne and Ashburton Rivers.” He stayed at Milly Pool until 6 November (Whitlock, 1910: 186–187), during which time the holotype of Ptilotis penicillata ladasi was collected.

Ptilotis penicillata calconi Mathews

Ptilotis penicillata calconi Mathews, 1912a: 413 (Mungi, North-West Australia).

Now Lichenostomus penicillatus calconi (181182183184185Mathews, 1912). See Salomonsen, 1967: 382, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 255–256, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 608–609.


AMNH 695673, adult male, collected at Mungi Rockhole, 18.45S, 123.44E (Johnstone and Storr, 2004: 511), 8 miles southeast of Mount Alexander, West Kimberley, Western Australia, Australia, on 1 July 1911, by J.P. Rogers (no. 1847). From the Mathews Collection (no. 9212) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews cited his catalog number of the holotype in the original description and gave the range of the form as “Interior of North-West Australia.” Paratypes, all collected by Rogers in 1911, are: 14 miles northwest of Mount Alexander, AMNH 695667 (Mathews no. 9210), AMNH 695668 (9209), AMNH 695669 (9208), AMNH 695670 (9211), AMNH 695671 (9207), AMNH 695672 (9213), two males and four females, 11–12 June; Jurgurra Creek (= Jegurra Creek, as on label), AMNH 695674, AMNH 695675, males, 8 July. AMNH 695668 is labeled “Figured” and was the model for Mathews (1924: pl. 540, top fig., opp. p. 548, text p. 550) but was not said to be a type.

Ptilotis ornata munna Mathews

Ptilotis ornata munna Mathews, 1912a: 410 (West Australia (Stirling Ranges)).

Now Lichenostomus ornatus (Gould, 1838). See Salomonsen, 1967: 383, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 248, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 606.


AMNH 695324, adult male, collected at Lake Balicup, 34.16S, 117.47E (USBGN, 1957), Stirling Range, Western Australia, Australia, on 12 September 1910, by F.L. W[hitlock]. From the Mathews Collection (no. 6175) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews cited his catalog number of the holotype in the original description and gave the range of munna as “Western Australia (Stirling Ranges).” The holotype bears in addition to Whitlock's label, Mathews and Rothschild type labels. Only the three specimens collected by Whitlock in the Stirling Range in 1910 were in Mathews' collection when munna was described. Other specimens collected in 1911 were not cataloged by Mathews until 24 February 1912, after the publication of munna on 31 January 1912. Paratypes are: Lake Balicup, Stirling Range, AMNH 695323 (Mathews no. 6174), female, 12 September 1910; Stirling Range, AMNH 695332 (6173), unsexed, 7 September 1910. Whitlock (1911) reported on this trip.

Ptilotis ornata tailemi Mathews

Ptilotis ornata tailemi Mathews, 1912a: 410 (Tailem Bend, South Australia).

Now Lichenostomus ornatus (Gould, 1838). See Salomonsen, 1967: 383, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 248, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 606.


AMNH 695373, adult male, collected at Tailem Bend, 35.17S, 139.27E (Times Atlas), South Australia, Australia, on 1 November 1909, by F. Erasmus Howe (no. 706). From the Mathews Collection (no. 4555) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews gave his catalog number of the holotype in the original description and the range of the form as “Victoria, South Australia.” The holotype bears Howe's original label and Mathews and Rothschild type labels. The following are paratypes: South Australia, Warunda Creek, Eyre Peninsula, males, AMNH 695363, 24 August 1911, AMNH 695364, 27 August 1911, AMNH 695365 (Mathews no. 9662), 24 August 1911, AMNH 695366 (9660), 27 August 1911, AMNH 695367 (9300), 9 October 1909; sex?, AMNH 695368 (9661), 5 September 1911; Tailem Bend, AMNH 695374 (3262), female 26 September 1908, AMNH 695375 (3261), sex?, 16 September 1908; Victoria, Underbool, males, AMNH 695381, 13 September 1910, AMNH 695382 (6276); South Australia, northeast of Bow Hill, females, AMNH 695383 (10132), 10 November 1911, AMNH 695384 (10131), 10 November 1911; juvenile, AMNH 695385 (10133), 10 November 1911; Victoria, Carina, female, AMNH 695386 (3256), 26 September 1908; Ouyen, male, AMNH 695389 (10101), 28 August 1911. Other specimens in AMNH were either not in Mathews' hand until after the publication of tailemi on 31 January 1912 or were never in his collection. Most of the above specimens are also in the type series of P. o. underbooli (see below).

Ptilotis ornata wesleydalei Mathews

Ptilotis ornata wesleydalei Mathews, 1913c: 68 (Broome Hill, South-west Australia).

Now Lichenostomus ornatus (Gould, 1838). See Salomonsen, 1967: 383, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 248, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 606.


AMNH 695336, adult male, collected at Broomehill, 33.51S, 117.38E (Johnstone and Storr, 2004: 504), Western Australia, Australia, on 16 June 1908, by Thomas Carter. From the Mathews Collection (no. 3260) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews cited his catalog number of the holotype in the original description and gave the range of wesleydalei as “Inland districts of South-west Australia.” The holotype bears, in addition to Carter's label and Mathews and Rothschild type labels, a “Figured” label, indicating that it was illustrated in Mathews (1924: pl. 538, lower fig., opp. p. 524, text p. 531) where it is confirmed as the type of wesleydalei. Paratypes, all collected at Broomehill by Carter, are: AMNH 695335 (Mathews no. 3258), male, 16 October 1905; AMNH 695337 (3259), male, 17 September 1906; AMNH 695344, female, 17 September 1906. Two additional specimens may be paratypes, but I did not find them in Mathews' catalog: AMNH 695333, male, 6 August 1910; AMNH 695334, male, 27 May 1910. Mathews often did not catalog specimens he received from Carter, perhaps because he received them frequently, a few at a time. Other specimens in AMNH from inland southwest Australia had never been in Mathews' collection.

Ptilotis ornata underbooli Mathews

Ptilotis ornata underbooli Mathews, 1913c: 68 (Underbool, Victoria).

Now Lichenostomus ornatus (Gould, 1838). See Salomonsen, 1967: 383, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 248, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 606.


AMNH 695382, female, collected at Underbool, 35.10S, 141.49E (USBGN, 1957), Victoria, Australia, on 12 September 1910, by F. Erasmus Howe. From the Mathews Collection (no. 6276) via the Rothschild Collection.


In the original description, Mathews cited his catalog number of the holotype and gave the range of underbooli as “Mallee country of Victoria and South Australia.” The holotype bears, in addition to Howe's label and Mathews and Rothschild type labels, a “Figured” label, indicating that it was illustrated in Mathews (1924: pl. 538, middle figure, opp. p. 524, text p. 531), where it is confirmed as the type of underbooli. In the original description, Mathews said that the type was collected by T. Tregellas; however, in his catalog he attributed the specimen to F.E. Howe and the handwriting on the label matches Howe's and is completely unlike the carefully hand-printed labels of Tregellas. The mallee specimens that were the holotype and paratypes of tailemi (above) are also paratypes of underbooli: AMNH 695373–695375, 695381, 695383–695386, 695389. An additional two specimens, both collected by Tregellas, are paratypes of underbooli, having been received by Mathews after tailemi was published but before underbooli: AMNH 695387 (Mathews no. 15261), female, collected at Daytrap, Victoria, on 9 September 1912; AMNH 695388 (15262), male, Gerahmin, Victoria, on 10 September 1912.

Ptilotis leucotis depauperata Mathews

Ptilotis leucotis depauperata Mathews, 1912a: 407 (Coonalpun, South Australia).

Now Lichenostomus leucotis novaenorciae (Milligan, 1904). See Salomonsen, 1967: 384, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 240–241, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 602–603.


AMNH 695033, female?, Coonalpyn (= Coonalpun), 35.42S, 139.51E (USBGN, 1957), South Australia, Australia, on 17 May 1911, by J.B. Cleland (no. 9). From the Mathews Collection (no. 8943) via the Rothschild Collection.


In the original description, Mathews gave his catalog number of the holotype, saying that the range of the form was “Victoria, South Australia.” The holotype bears in addition to the original label, Mathews and Rothschild type labels. Although Cleland's name does not appear as collector on the label, the specimen is credited to him in Mathews' catalog. Paratypes are specimens of P. leucotis from South Australia and Victoria that were in Mathews' collection when depauperata was published on 31 January 1912. I have only included specimens that were cataloged by Mathews before 1 January 1912, as specimens collected by S.A. White and cataloged in early January were among those that were described by Mathews (1912b) later. The following are definite paratypes: AMNH 695036 (Mathews no. 6274), female, Parwan, 26 June 1910; AMNH 695039 (4968), male, Frankston, 14 April 1909; AMNH 695042 (4969), male immature, Frankston, 9 April 1909; AMNH 695044 (4755), female, Beaconsfield, 26 March 1910; AMNH 695049 (9061), female, Olinda, 17 April 1911; AMNH 695050 (9060), female, Olinda, 13 May 1911; AMNH 695110 (5053), male, Mitcham, 30 March 1910. The following were collected early enough, but I did not find them in Mathews' catalog: AMNH 695041, male, Frankston, 14 April 1908; AMNH 695043, unsexed, Frankston, 9 March 1909; AMNH 695051, female, Olinda, 11 February 1911; AMNH 695063, female, Lang Lang, 13 April 1908; AMNH 695091, female, 2 August 1911; AMNH 695099, male, Mallee, 8 September 1911; AMNH 695106, unsexed, Fern Tree Guly, 3 July 1909; AMNH 695112, unsexed, Seville, 1884; AMNH 695113, male, Stony Point, 29 March 1899; AMNH 695115, male, Warburton, June 1903.

Ptilotis leucotis munna Mathews

Ptilotis leucotis thomasi Mathews

Ptilotis leucotis munna Mathews, 1912b: 50 (Kangaroo Island, South Australia).

Ptilotis leucotis thomasi Mathews, 1912d: 99 (new name for P. l. munna, preoccupied).

Now Lichenostomus leucotis thomasi (181182183184185Mathews, 1912). See Salomonsen, 1967: 384, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 240–241, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 602–603.


AMNH 695078, female, collected at Middle River, 35.41S, 137.03E (USBGN, 1957), Kangaroo Island, South Australia, Australia, on 2 December 1911, by S.A. White (no. 444). From the Mathews Collection (no. 10212) via the Rothschild Collection.


In his original description of P. leucotis munna, Mathews cited his catalog number of the holotype and gave the range of the form as “Kangaroo Island.” Mathews (1912d: 99) provided the new name P. l. thomasi, munna being preoccupied by his name Ptilotis ornata munna Mathews (1912a: 410). Paratypes are additional specimens from Kangaroo Island in Mathews' collection that were cataloged by him before the publication date of munna on 2 April 1912: AMNH 695075 (Mathews no. 3229), immature, near Hog Bay, 30 December 1897; AMNH 695079 (10213), male, Starvation Creek, 4 December 1911, by White (no. 399); AMNH 695080 (10214), male, Waterfall Creek, 8 December 1911, by White (no. 398); AMNH 695081 (10361), immature male, Waterfall Creek, 4 December 1911, by White (443). Other specimens were collected by White in 1912, after the publication of munna. AMNH 695075, 695079, and 695080 were marked “prob. female. J. Ford.”

Ptilotis leucotis torringtoni Mathews

Ptilotis leucotis torringtoni Mathews, 1912c: 80 (Torrington, New South Wales).

Now Lichenostomus leucotis novaenorciae (Milligan, 1904). See Salomonsen, 1967: 384, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 240–241, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 602–603.


AMNH 695083, unsexed, collected at Torrington, 29.19S, 151.42E (USBGN, 1957), New South Wales, Australia, in March 1909. From the Mathews Collection (no. 11674) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews cited his catalog number of the holotype in the original description and gave the range as “North New South Wales (Queensland?).” According to his catalog, Mathews received this specimen from Edwin Ashby; it bears an original label, on which Ashby's name does not appear, and Mathews and Rothschild type labels. This specimen has the obsolete cream tips on the rectrices characteristic of novaenorciae as defined by Schodde and Mason (1999: 240). There are two specimens that are questionably paratypes: AMNH 695085 (Mathews no. 3228), unsexed, Kurrajong, New South Wales, 31 March 1899, although this locality is hardly in the northern part of the state; and AMNH 695084, unsexed, Coomooboolaroo, Queensland, 1883, by C. Lumholtz, although Mathews questioned its occurrence in Queensland. Robert Collett, ZMO, probably would have sent this latter specimen to Mathews, who was cataloging specimens he received from Collett in early 1912; but I did not find this specimen in Mathews' catalog.

Salomonsen (1967: 384) synonymized torringtoni with nominate leucotis.

Ptilotis leucotis mallee Mathews

Ptilotis leucotis mallee Mathews, 1913b: 193 (Mallee, Victoria).

Now Lichenostomus leucotis novaenorciae (Milligan, 1904). See Salomonsen, 1967: 384, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 240–241, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 602–603.


AMNH 695098, adult male, collected at Ned's Well, 35.01S, 139.52E (USBGN, 1957), South Australia, Australia, on 10 November 1911, by S.A. White (no. 368). From the Mathews Collection (no. 10140) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews cited his catalog number of the holotype in the original description and gave the range as “Mallee.” The holotype bears, in addition to White's original label, Mathews and Rothschild type labels. The following specimens, cataloged by Mathews before the publication date of mallee on 20 March 1913, are paratypes: AMNH 695093 (Mathews no. 10138), male, collected 20 miles northeast of Bow Hill on 10 November 1911; AMNH 695094 (10137), unsexed, 20 miles northeast of Bow Hill, 10 November 1911; AMNH 695095 (10139), male, 30 miles northeast of Bow Hill, 10 November 1911, all by S.A. White; AMNH 695096 (15270), female, Day Trap, 9 September 1912, by T. Tregellas; AMNH 695100 (11675), unsexed, 6 miles from Schultz's (Schuteges, as on label) Landing, Mallee, on 6 January 1912, received from E. Ashby. Two additional specimens may also be paratypes, but I did not find them in Mathews' catalog: AMNH 695091, female, Kow Plains, 2 August 1911, by F.E. Wilson; AMNH 695099, male, Mallee, 8 September 1911, received from C.E. Cole, but Wilson's name is also on the label. There is also a paratype in SAMA (B. Blaylock, personal commun.)

S.A. White (1913a) wrote about this trip into the mallee.

[Nesoptilotis leucotis woolundra Mathews]

Mathews (1922b: 13) based his description of woolundra on a specimen collected at Woolundra, southwest Australia, by Thomas Carter on 28 March 1922, but did not say that the specimen was in his collection. No such specimen came to AMNH with the Rothschild Collection. Warren and Harrison (1971: 600) claim a holotype of this form in BMNH, purchased from the dealer Rosenberg in 1931; however, the date on that specimen is said to be 22 March 1922. This form is now considered a synonym of Lichenostomus leucotis novaenorciae.

Nesoptilotis flavicollis flindersi Mathews

Nesoptilotis flavicollis flindersi Mathews, 1916a: 62 (Flinders Island).

Now Lichenostomus flavicollis (Vieillot, 1817). See Salomonsen, 1967: 385, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 242, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 603–604.


AMNH 695001 (Mathews no. 16286), male juvenile, Lady Barron (40.12S, 148.14E, USBGN, 1957), 21 November, by J.B. Cleland (no. 271); AMNH 695002 (15717), adult male, 27 November, AMNH 695003 (15718), male, 22 November, AMNH 695004 (15715), female, 26 November, AMNH 695005 (15716), female, 27 November, all by S.A. White (nos. 1112, 1080, 1114, and 1113, respectively). All of the syntypes were collected on Flinders Island, 40.00S, 148.00E (USBGN, 1957), Furneaux Group, Tasmania, Australia, in 1912. From the Mathews Collection (no. 15717) via the Rothschild Collection.


In the original description, Mathews did not designate a type or indicate the number of specimens in his type series. There are five specimens in AMNH from the Mathews Collection and one specimen in SAMA in the S.A. White Collection that were collected on the Royal Australasian Ornithologists' Union camp-out on Flinders Island on 20–28 November 1912 (see Mellor and White, 1913, where this species is listed as Ptilotis flavigula). Even though AMNH 695002 is marked “Type” by Mathews and bears a Rothschild type label, I have found no indication that it was ever designated the lectotype. The divided present distribution of these specimens indicates that all six should be considered syntypes, and AMNH type labels have been added to the other four syntypes in AMNH. AMNH 695001 is described, but not figured, by Mathews (1924: 485).

Ptilotis melanops meltoni Mathews

Ptilotis melanops meltoni Mathews, 1912a: 408 (Victoria).

Now Lichenostomus melanops meltoni (181182183184185Mathews, 1912). See Salomonsen, 1967: 385, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 243–244, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 604–605.


AMNH 695203, adult female, collected at Melton, 37.41S, 144.35E (USBGN, 1957), Victoria, Australia, on 8 June 1908, by Thomas Tregellas. From the Mathews Collection (no. 1532) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews cited his catalog number of the holotype in the original description and gave the range of the form as “Victoria.” In addition to a small field tag and Tregellas' original label, the specimen bears Mathews and Rothschild type labels and a “Figured” label, indicating that the specimen was illustrated in Mathews (1924: pl. 536, upper fig., opp. p. 503, text p. 508), where it is confirmed as the type of meltoni. Paratypes are specimens collected in Victoria and cataloged before 31 January 1912, the publication date of meltoni: AMNH 695199 (Mathews no. 5121), male, Melton, 8 June 1908, received from Tregellas but collected by C. Cole; AMNH 695205, AMNH 695206 (3235), and AMNH 695207 (3234), females, Stawell, 15, 28, and 15 September 1908, respectively, by L.G. Chandler; AMNH 695215 (3236), female, Little River, 31 August 1908, by Chandler. One number in Mathews catalog probably represented both AMNH 695205 and 695206. A number of other specimens are probably paratypes, but I did not find them in Mathews' catalog: Melton, AMNH 695198, male, 6 June 1910, by Chandler; AMNH 695200, male, 8 June 1908, by Cole; AMNH 695201, male, 6 June 1910, by Wilson; AMNH 695202, male, 8 June 1908, by Cole; AMNH 695204, female, 8 June 1908, by Cole; Stawell, AMNH 695208, female, 13 September 1908, collector?.

W. Longmore (personal commun.) noted that suitable habitat for this form occurs north and west but not at Melton proper and that Melton, as a train stop, may represent only an approximate locality from which the holotype was collected.

Ptilotis unicolor darbiski Mathews

Ptilotis unicolor darbiski Mathews, 1912a: 413 (North-West Australia (Fitzroy River)).

Now Lichenostomus unicolor (Gould, 1843). See Salomonsen, 1967: 386, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 238, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 601–602.


AMNH 695723, adult male, collected at Udialla (= Eudialla Spring, as on label), 17.58S, 123.45E (USBGN, 1957), Fitzroy River, West Kimberley, Western Australia, on 7 June 1911, by J.P. Rogers (no. 1737). From the Mathews Collection (no. 9245) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews cited his catalog number of the holotype in the original description and said that the range of darbiski was “North-West Australia.” In addition to Rogers' label and Mathews and Rothschild type labels, the holotype bears a “Figured” label indicating that it was illustrated in Mathews (1924: pl. 541, left fig., opp. p. 562, text p. 566), where it is confirmed as the type of darbiski. Paratypes are Mathews specimens from northwestern Australian that were cataloged before publication of darbiski on 31 January 1912: 14 miles west of Mount Anderson, Fitzroy River, 1911, AMNH 695721 (Mathews no. 9243), AMNH 695722 (9244), females, 17 July; Napier Broome Bay, 1910, AMNH 695728 (5760), male, 20 February; AMNH 695729 (6239), male, 22 June; AMNH 695730 (5761), female, 20 February; AMNH 695731 (6240), female, 21 June; Parry Creek, 1908, AMNH 695732 (3306), AMNH 695733 (3307), males, 20 October; Parry Harbour, 1909, AMNH 695736 (5762), female, 16 November; Parry Creek, AMNH 695741 (3309), AMNH 695742 (3310), females, 23 October 1908; AMNH 695743 (3308), female, 12 October 1908; AMNH 695744 (3312), unsexed, 1 September 1908; AMNH 695745 (3311), unsexed, 8 February 1909.

Ptilotis unicolor yarra Mathews

Ptilotis unicolor yarra Mathews, 1912a: 413 (Queensland (Inkerman)).

Now Lichenostomus unicolor (Gould, 1843). See Salomonsen, 1967: 386, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 238, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 601–602.


AMNH 695776, adult male, collected at Inkerman, 19.45S, 147.29E (USBGN, 1957), Queensland, on 18 March 1907, by Wilfred Stalker (no. 316). From the Mathews Collection (no. 3305) via the Rothschild Collection.


In the original description, Mathews cited his catalog number of the holotype, giving the range of the form as “Queensland.” In addition to Stalker's label, the holotype bears Mathews and Rothschild type labels. Apparently, Mathews had the single specimen at that time. This specimen is discussed by Ingram (1908: 477–478).

Ptilotis unicolor brenda Mathews

Ptilotis unicolor brenda Mathews, 1912b: 50 (Melville Island, Northern Territory).

Now Lichenostomus unicolor (Gould, 1843). See Salomonsen, 1967: 386, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 238, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 601–602.


AMNH 695762, adult male, collected at Coopers Camp, Apsley Strait, Melville Island, Northern Territory, Australia, on 10 October 1911, by J.P. Rogers (no. 2155). From the Mathews Collection (no. 10746) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews gave his catalog number of the holotype in the original description and the range of the form as “Melville Island.” Mathews (1912b: 26) noted that Rogers had sent him two shipments of specimens from Melville Island; these would include specimens collected at Coopers Camp in 1911. Paratypes are: AMNH 695757–695761, 695763–695769 (Mathews nos. 10745, 10748, 10749, 11507–11515). The specimen cataloged by Mathews as no. 10747, female, collected 27 October 1911, did not come to AMNH and if found, is also a paratype.

Coopers Camp was said by Hart and Pilling (1964: 101) to have been across Apsley Strait from the Bathurst Island Mission Station, 11.45S, 130.41E (Times Atlas).

Xanthotis chrysotis mayeri Rothschild

Xanthotis chrysotis mayeri Rothschild, 1931: 258 (Gebroeders, 5,000 ft.).

Now Xanthotis flaviventer subspecies? See Schodde and Mason, 1999: 227–228.


AMNH 303031, adult male, collected in the Gebroeders Range, 5000 ft, 03.39S, 135.56E (USBGN, 1982a), Kobowre (= Weyland) Mountains, Papua Province, Indonesia, on 8 August 1930, by Fred Shaw Mayer (no. 285).


In the original description, Rothschild designated as type the unique specimen bearing the above data. A second specimen, also collected by Shaw Mayer, is a paratype: AMNH 303030, adult male, collected on Mount Derimapa, 5000 ft, Gebroeders Mountains, on 29 June 1930.

The Weyland Mountain population, named mayeri by Rothschild, was considered synonymous with rubiensis from the head of Geelvink Bay by Mayr (1941: 201). More recently, Diamond (1972: 374–375) identified his specimens from the Karimui and Okasa areas with rubiensis, “the Weyland Mountains race.” There are no topotypical rubiensis specimens in AMNH with which Diamond could compare them; the original type series of rubiensis is housed in SMTD and five of the original eight specimens were lost during WWII (Eck and Quaisser, 2004: 269). Schodde and Mason (1999: 228), in a study of southern New Guinea subspecies of X. flaviventer, considered rubiensis an intergradient population between X. f. flaviventer from the Vogelkop and X. f. saturatior from southern New Guinea, but they did not specifically address the Weyland population, the number of specimens of which had been considerably enlarged by the Steins' 1931 collection from the Gebroeders (Hartert et al., 1936). The subspecific status of the Weyland population remains uncertain until a revision is published including all New Guinea populations. It may, in fact, prove intergradient not only between flaviventer from the Vogelkop and saturatior from south New Guinea, but may also exhibit gene flow from meyeri from north New Guinea (R. Schodde, personal commun.).

Shaw Mayer's collecting in the Gebroeders was jointly sponsored by L.C. Sanford for AMNH and Rothschild. Since 1932, when the Rothschild Collection came to AMNH, the entire Shaw Mayer collection has been in AMNH. The Gebroeders comprise a group of mountains to the north of the main Weyland Range.

The specific name chrysotis in the binomen Certhia chrysotis Latham, 1801, was regarded as indeterminable (Vaurie, 1964: 240), was supressed under the plenary powers of the ICZN (1966: 225–226), and was placed on the Official Index of Rejected and Invalid Specific Names in Zoology with the Name Number 877. The supression was “for the purposes of the Law of Priority but not for those of the Law of Homonymy.” This name had blocked the use of two names that were homonyms of it, Meliphaga chrysotis Lewin, 1808, and Philedon chrysotis Lesson and Garnot, 1828 (March), and following the action by the ICZN, both needed replacement names. In the case of Philedon chrysotis, Lesson himself had proposed the replacement name, Myzantha flaviventer Lesson, 1828 (June). Salomonsen (1967: 386), under the heading Meliphaga flaviventer flaviventer, had listed the author of flaviventer as Lesson and Garnot, but this is incorrect.

Ptilotis chrysotis saturatior Rothschild and Hartert

Ptilotis chrysotis saturatior Rothschild and Hartert, 1903b: 445 (Wanambei, Kobroor).

Now Xanthotis flaviventer saturatior (312313Rothschild and Hartert, 1903). See Schodde and Mason, 1999: 227–228, and Higgins et al., 2008: 689–690.


AMNH 696101, adult male, collected on the Manambei Channel (= Wanambei = Sg [Sungai] Wanoembai, as on label), 05.57S, 134.34E (USBGN, 1982a), Kobroor Island, Aru Islands, Papua Province, Indonesia, on 1 September 1900, by Heinrich Kühn (no. 2425). From the Rothschild Collection.


Rothschild and Hartert gave Kühn's number of the holotype in the original description and listed the nine specimens in their type series. The eight paratypes are: Trangan Island, AMNH 696098, male, 16 September 1900, by Kühn (no. 260); Sungai Bark, AMNH 696099, female, 26 August 1900, by Kühn (no. 2428); Sg. Wanoembai, AMNH 696100, female, 2 September 1900, by Kühn (no. 2426), AMNH 696102, sex?, 22 June 1896, by Caley Webster (no. 193), from spirits; Wokan Island, AMNH 696103, male, 4 October 1900, by Kühn (no. 200), AMNH 696104, male, by Beccari (from spirits), AMNH 696105, sex?, by Beccari (from spirits), AMNH 696106, female, 26 September 1900, by Kühn (no. 201).

Meliphaga flaviventer tararae Salomonsen

Meliphaga flaviventer tararae Salomonsen, 1966a: 6 (Tarara, Wassi Kussa River, 90 miles west of Daru, British Papua (western division), southern New Guinea).

Now Xanthotis flaviventer saturatior (312313Rothschild and Hartert, 1903). See Rand, 1938: 14, Coates, 1990: 275–277, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 227–228, and Higgins et al., 2008: 689–690.


AMNH 428247, adult male, collected at Tarara, ca. 08.50S, 141.50E (see map in Rand and Brass, 1940), Wassi Kussa River, Western Province, Papua New Guinea, on 8 December 1936, by R. Archbold, A.L. Rand, and G.H.H. Tate on the 1936–1937 Archbold Expedition to New Guinea (no. 6321).


Salomonsen gave the AMNH number of the holotype in the original description and considered the range of tararae to be from the middle and lower Fly River west to about the Digul River. Paratypes in AMNH are: Wuroi, Oriomo River, AMNH 422314–422320, six males and one female; Daru, AMNH 425242, male; Mabaduan, AMNH 425243, 425244, two males; Tarara, Wassi Kussa River, AMNH 425245, 425246, 425248–425258, seven males and six females; Lake Daviumbu, AMNH 428198–428211, ten males and four females; Fly River, east bank opposite Sturt Island, AMNH 428212–428230, 14 males and five females; Gaima, AMNH 428231–428241, four males and seven females.

Rand (1938: 14) had included these specimens in saturatior, commenting that specimens from the middle Fly River showed evidence of gene flow between them and specimens from the upper Fly. Schodde and Mason (1999: 228) also included all of the Fly River specimens in saturatior, commenting that the slightly paler coloration of specimens from the lower Fly River may possibly be the result of past gene flow from filigera of Cape York Peninsula. See Rand and Brass (1940) for a summary of the expedition and description of the collecting localities.

Xanthotis chrysotis giulianettii Mayr

Xanthotis chrysotis giulianettii Mayr, 1931c: 663 (Avera, Aroa River).

Now Xanthotis flaviventer saturatior (Rothschild and Hartert). See Coates, 1990: 275–277, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 226–227, and Higgins et al., 2008: 689–690.


AMNH 696119, adult male, collected at Avera, ca. 08.38S, 147.05E, on the Aroa River, Central Province, Papua New Guinea, on 28 January 1903, by Albert S. Meek (no. A.134). From the Rothschild Collection.


Mayr gave Meek's unique field number of the holotype in the original description and the range of the form from Port Moresby to the Fly River. Paratypes are specimens from localities listed by Mayr that were collected before the publication of giulianettii in 1931: AMNH 696115, female, Nicura, 21 July 1893; AMNH 696116, male, Fly River, 30 June 1876; AMNH 696117, male, Fly River, 13 May 1877; AMNH 696118, sex?, Port Moresby; AMNH 696120, female, Avera, Aroa River, 9 March 1903; AMNH 696121, female, Avera, 23 February 1903; AMNH 696130, 696131, 696132, males, Naiabui, August 1875; AMNH 696135, male, Hall Bay, 11 May 1875; AMNH 696136, female, south New Guinea, 10 May 1875; AMNH 696160, sex?, Mount Gayata. Schodde and Mason (1999: 228) considered giulianettii an intergrading population between saturatior and visi. AMNH 696116, 696117, 696130–696132, 696135, and 696136 are also paratypes of visi, see below.

This new subspecies was described by Mayr when he was working in the Rothschild Collection before this collection came to AMNH in 1932.

Ptilotis visi Hartert

Ptilotis visi Hartert (in Rothschild and Hartert), 1896a: 15 (Mailu district).

Now Xanthotis flaviventer visi (9293Hartert, 1896). See Coates, 1990: 275–277, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 227–228, and Higgins et al., 2008: 689–690.


AMNH 696126, adult male, collected in the Mailu district, Central Province, Papua New Guinea, July–August 1895, by A.S. Anthony. From the Rothschild Collection.


In the original description, Hartert designated as the type of visi the single male of the four specimens collected by Anthony in the Mailu district. He listed other specimens that he included in his new species and, for Salvadori's specimens, gave the letters assigned by Salvadori (1881: 346). All of the paratypes are now in AMNH: Fly River, AMNH 696116, male, 30 June 1876, D'Albertis no. 258, AMNH 696117, male, 13 May 1877, D'Albertis no. 211; Mailu district, collected by Anthony in July–August 1895, AMNH 696127, female, AMNH 696128, sex?, AMNH 696129, sex?; Naiabui, AMNH 696130, male, August 1875, D'Albertis no. 420, “v” of Salvadori, AMNH 696131, male, August 1875, D'Albertis no. 413, “u” of Salvadori, AMNH 696132, male, September 1877, D'Albertis no. 568, “x” of Salvadori; South New Guinea (= Hall Sound), AMNH 696135, male, 11 May 1875, D'Albertis no. 158, “r” of Salvadori, AMNH 696136, female, 10 May 1875, D'Albertis no. 146, “q” of Salvadori. AMNH 696116, 696117, 696130–696132, 696135, and 696136 are also paratypes of giulianettii, see above.

Rothschild and Hartert (1896a: 8) gave an itinerary for Anthony during the period when the holotype was collected. Mailu Island (10.25S, 149.20E, USBGN, 1943) is in Amazon Bay.

Xanthotis chrysotis kumusii Mayr

Xanthotis chrysotis kumusii Mayr, 1931c: 663 (Kumusiriver[sic]).

Now Xanthotis flaviventer kumusii 215216217Mayr, 1931. See Coates, 1990: 275–277, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 227–228, and Higgins et al., 2008: 689–690.


AMNH 696142, adult male, collected on the Kumusi River, 08.30S, 148.10E (PNG, 1984), Oro Province, Papua New Guinea, on 19 May 1907, by Albert S. Meek (no. 2973). From the Rothschild Collection.


Mayr cited Meek's unique field number of the holotype in the original description and gave the range as the Aicora River, the Kumusi River, the Hydrographer Range, and specimens from Collingwood Bay. The following paratypes are in AMNH: Aicora River, AMNH 696137–696140, three males, one female, September–October 1905; Kumusi River, AMNH 696141, 696143, 696144, one male, two females, May 1907; Hydrographer Range, AMNH 696145–696152, six males, two females, January–April 1918; Haidana Island, Collingwood Bay, AMNH 696153, 696154, male and female, April 1907. Mayr described this form while working in the Rothschild Collection, prior to its coming to AMNH in 1932.

Salomonsen (1967: 387) and Coates (1990: 277) recognized kumusii, Schodde and Mason (1999: 228) suggested that it represents intergradation between visi and madaraszi, and it was included in visi by Higgins et al. (2008: 689). X. f. kumusii, as originally described, is a circumscribed population known from between Dyke Acland Bay and Mambare Bay (Aicora = Gira River). It is usually cited as occurring in Collingwood Bay, but it seems that this is based on Meek's specimens from “Haidana Island.” Despite intensive searching, I (LeCroy, 2008: 216) have been unable to find this locality and consider it dubious. The specimens from the Hydrographer Mountains are said on the Rothschild labels to come from west of Dyke Acland Bay. I think that more study is needed.

Ptilotis chrysotis madaraszi Rothschild and Hartert

Ptilotis chrysotis madaraszi Rothschild and Hartert, 1903b: 446 (Simbang).

Now Xanthotis flaviventer madaraszi (312313Rothschild and Hartert, 1903). See Coates, 1990: 275–277, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 227–228, and Higgins et al., 2008: 689–690.


AMNH 696156, adult male, collected at Simbang, 06.35S, 147.50E (USBGN, 1943), Morobe Province, Papua New Guinea, on 7 September 1899, by E. Nyman. From the Rothschild Collection.


In the original description, the only male collected on 7 September 1899 was designated as the type; three additional Simbang specimens collected by Nyman in August 1899 were listed as part of the type series, as was a specimen in HNHM, collected at Simbang by Biro. The HNHM collection was completely destroyed by fire in 1956 (Horváth, 1970). Paratypes in AMNH are: AMNH 696157, male, 21 August 1899; AMNH 696158, male, 3 August 1899; AMNH 696159, female, 3 August 1899. AMNH 696155, collected at Stephansort on 20 December 1899 by Nyman is not considered a paratype, as it was not included in the list of specimens given in the original description.

Xanthotis flaviventer watsoni Mathews

Xanthotis flaviventer watsoni Mathews, 1917: 71 (Watson River, North Queensland).

Now Xanthotis flaviventer filiger (Gould, 1851). See Salomonsen, 1967: 388, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 227–228, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 689–690.


AMNH 696194, female, collected on the Watson River, 13.20S, 141.47E (USBGN, 1957), northern Queensland, Australia, on 3 July 1914. From the Mathews Collection via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews apparently had two specimens of flaviventer from the Watson River and, in the original description, designated the specimen collected on 3 July 1914 as the type. He mentioned no other locality and did not catalog these specimens. The paratype in AMNH is: AMNH 696193, male juvenile, collected on 16 July 1914. Both of these specimens surely were collected by W.R. McLennan who was collecting for W.D.K. MacGillivray (1917: 76–79) on the Watson River in July 1914. The handwriting on both labels appears to be that of McLennan and the legs are tied together above the tibiotarsal joint, as is frequently characteristic of his specimens. MacGillivray (1918: 206–207, under Xanthotis filigera) said: “Mr. M'Lennan noted a few on the Archer.” The Watson River is a tributary of the Archer.

Xanthotis polygramma kuehni Hartert

Xanthotis polygramma kuehni Hartert, 1930b: 49 (Misol).

Now Xanthotis polygrammus kuehni 129Hartert, 1930. See Mees, 1965: 192, Salomonsen, 1967: 388, Dickinson, 2003: 431, and Higgins et al., 2008: 688–689.


AMNH 696238, female, collected on Misool (= Misol) Island, 01.52S, 130.10E (USBGN, 1982a), Papua Province, Indonesia, on 21 January 1900, by Heinrich Kühn. From the Rothschild Collection.


In the original description, Hartert designated as type a female collected on Misool on 21 January 1900. Unfortunately, the Rothschild type label was tied on the female specimen collected on 22 January 1900 (AMNH 696237), and because this form was described too late to be included in any of Hartert's lists of types in the Rothschild Collection, no correction of the date was made. It could have been simply a typographical error, but because there is a female specimen collected on 21 January, I have assumed the label to have been put on the wrong bird. AMNH 696237 has always been considered the type; I have added a label explaining the error and have left it with the types. An AMNH type label has now been attached to AMNH 696238. The five specimens listed by Hartert as in the Rothschild Collection are in AMNH and the four paratypes, all collected by Kühn on Misool, are: AMNH 696237, female, 22 January 1900 (Rothschild type label erroneously attached to this specimen); AMNH 696239, immature male, 18 January 1900; AMNH 696240, female, 8 February 1900; AMNH 696241, immature male, 19 January 1900. Hartert (1930b: 49) mentioned that there were four specimens of kuehni in BMNH, and they are also paratypes.

Gray (1862: 429) described Ptilotis polygramma based on A.R. Wallace's specimens from Waigeo Island, and Wallace's specimens from Misool were originally included in polygramma. Hartert (1930b: 48–49), deciding that the Misool birds differed from those from Waigeo, separated them as X. p. kuehni. Mees (1965: 192) found that Misool birds agreed with those from the Vogelkop and synonymized kuehni with poikilosternos. Mees (1965: 192), however, was in error when he said that Mayr and Meyer de Schauensee (1939b) had listed a specimen collected by Ripley on Misool as poikilosternos. Ripley did not collect this species on Misool when he visited there in 1937–1938 on the Denison-Crockett Expedition (Mayr and Meyer de Schauensee, 1939b: 152), only on Salawatti (p. 156), where it was identified as poikilosternos. A nestling, identified as poikilosternos, was collected on the Vogelkop on the same expedition (Mayr and Meyer de Schauensee, 1939a: 141). Later, Ripley (1964: 70) again visited Misool and collected two male specimens of X. polygrammus, which he identified as belonging to the subspecies kuehni.

The five specimens of kuehni in AMNH all appear to me to be immature, although Hartert (1930b: 49) considered two of the specimens adult. Mayr's single specimen from the Arfak Mountains on the Vogelkop is also immature and there is little other material of poikilosternos from the Vogelkop in AMNH; Mees (1965: 192) did not comment on the age of his specimens. Salomonsen (1967: 388), Dickinson (2003: 431), and Higgins et al. (2008: 688) all recognized kuehni.

Xanthotis polygramma candidior Mayr and Rand

Xanthotis polygramma candidior Mayr and Rand, 1935: 15 (Wuroi, Oriomo River, Western Division, Territory of Papua).

Now Xanthotis polygrammus candidior Mayr and Rand, 1935. See Salomonsen, 1967: 389, Coates, 1990: 278, and Higgins et al., 2008: 688–689.


AMNH 422322, female, collected at Wuroi, ca. 08.50S, 143.07E (Deignan, 1964a: 234), Oriomo River, Western Province, Papua New Guinea, on 7 February 1934, by Richard Archbold and Austin L. Rand on the 1933–1934 Archbold Expedition (no. 2790).


Mayr and Rand gave the AMNH catalog number of the holotype in the original description and noted that they had a single paratype: AMNH 422321, female, Wuroi, Oriomo River, 27 January 1934.

For a report on all of the birds collected on the 1933–1934 Archbold Expedition, see Mayr and Rand (1937), and for a summary of this expedition and a description of collecting localities, see Archbold and Rand (1935).

Caloptilotis macleayana johnstoni Mathews

Caloptilotis macleayana johnstoni Mathews, 1916a: 62 (Cairns, Queensland).

Now Xanthotis macleayanus (Ramsay, 1875). See Salomonsen, 1967: 390, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 226, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 689.


AMNH 694978, adult male, collected at Cairns, 16.51S, 145.43E (Times Atlas), Queensland, Australia, in October 1908, by P. Schraeder. From the Mathews Collection (no. 3174) via the Rothschild Collection.


In the original description, Mathews only said that the type was from Cairns, Queensland. AMNH 694978 bears no original label, but a Mathews Collection label on it is marked “Type” and “johnstoni” by Mathews. Mathews' catalog number “3174” appears on this label but was not mentioned in the description. This specimen also bears a Rothschild type label. Because there are three other specimens from the same locality, the original description is ambiguous with regard to their type status. Mathews' labeling of this specimen as the type of johnstoni shows that it was his intent to treat it as the type, and I hereby designate AMNH 695978 the lectotype of Caloptilotis macleayana johnstoni. The number “771” that appears on Mathews' label refers to this species in Mathews (1908). The paralectotypes in AMNH, all collected at Cairns by Schraeder in 1908, are: AMNH 694979 (Mathews no. 3175), male, July; AMNH 694980 (3177), female, July; AMNH 694981 (3176), female, August.

Meliphaga frenata petersoni Mathews

Meliphaga frenata petersoni Mathews, 1916a: 62 (Peterson's Pocket, Cairns).

Now Lichenostomus frenatus (Ramsay, 1874). See Salomonsen, 1967: 390, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 229–230, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 596–597.


AMNH 694949, female, collected at Peterson's Pocket, Cairns, 16.51S, 145.43E (Times Atlas), Queensland, Australia, on 27 December 1884. From the Mathews Collection (no. 16891) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews (1915c: 59) had the single specimen from Peterson's Pocket; it was collected by T.H. Bowyer-Bower (no. 99), a large portion of whose collection was given to Mathews after his death by Bowyer-Bower's mother. Bowyer-Bower's original label is missing from this specimen but it bears a small tag attached by a metal ring bearing the number “99,” confirming the number given by Mathews (1915c: 59). Mathews' collection label is marked “Type” and “petersoni” by him and his catalog number is written on the label, although it was not mentioned in the description. The holotype also bears a Rothschild type label. No range was given for petersoni.

Ptilotis salvadorii Hartert

Ptilotis salvadorii Hartert (in Rothschild and Hartert), 1896c: 531 (Mount Victoria, Owen Stanley Mountains).

Now Lichenostomus subfrenatus salvadorii (9293Hartert, 1896). See Coates, 1990: 280, and Higgins et al., 2008: 595–596.


AMNH 696057, sex ?, Mount Victoria, 08.52S, 147.32E (Times Atlas), Owen Stanley Mountains, 5000–7000 ft, Oro Province, Papua New Guinea, April–June 1896, by A.S. Anthony. From the Rothschild Collection.


Hartert did not designate a type in the original description, but noted that he had only two specimens. Both of these specimens are marked as having been collected by a native collector, but AMNH 696057 has Anthony's name added to the Rothschild label, which is marked “Type” by Hartert and bears a Rothschild type label. Hartert (1919a: 176) listed as the type of P. salvadorii the specimen collected by Anthony, thus designating it the lectotype. Rothschild and Hartert (1903b: 443) also listed the type of P. salvadorii, but this did not serve to designate a lectotype, as both of the specimens bear the date April–June 1896, and Anthony's name was not mentioned. The second specimen, AMNH 696056, bearing exactly the same data but without Anthony's name, is marked “paratype” by Hartert, and is the paralectotype. A.S. Anthony was a mixed-race collector from whom Rothschild obtained specimens from time to time. Judging by the “make” of the skin, both specimens were collected by him. His specimens from the Mount Victoria area were purchased in London and no further information is available concerning them (Rothschild and Hartert, 1896a: 8).

Xanthotis frenata olivascentior Rothschild

Xanthotis frenata olivascentior Rothschild, 1931: 258 (Mt. Derimapa, 5,000 ft.).

Now Lichenostomus subfrenatus utakwensis (Ogilvie-Grant, 1915). See Salomonsen, 1967: 391, and Higgins et al., 2008: 595–596.


AMNH 303033, female, collected on Mount Derimapa, 5000 ft, Gebroeders Range, 03.39S, 135.56E (USBGN, 1982a), Kobowre (= Weyland) Mountains, Papua Province, Indonesia, on 29 June 1930, by Fred Shaw Mayer (no. 88). From the Rothschild Collection.


Rothschild designated the female specimen collected by Shaw Mayer as the holotype in the original description and noted that he had one paratype, now AMNH 696052, adult, collected on Mount Kunupi, Kobowre (= Weyland) Mountains, 6000 ft, Papua Province, Indonesia, in November–December 1920, by the Pratt Brothers.

Rothschild (1931) published on the collection made by Shaw Mayer under the auspices of Rothschild and L.C. Sanford for AMNH. The “s” within a circle stamped on this type indicates that it was originally in Sanford's share of the collection, but all of the collection came to AMNH in 1932, with the purchase of the Rothschild Collection. Shaw Mayer collected a single specimen of this form.

For information on Fred Shaw Mayer, see Peckover and George (1992).

Ptilotis marchei Oustalet

Ptilotis marchei Oustalet, 1889: 260 (l'île Saypan).

Now Cleptornis marchei (Oustalet, 1889). See Salomonsen, 1967: 393, Slikas et al., 2000, and van Balen, 2008: 480.


AMNH 691132, adult male, collected on Saipan Island, 15.12N, 145.43E (Times Atlas), Northern Mariana Islands, in May 1887, by Alfred Marche (no. 5047). From the Rothschild Collection.


No type was designated in the original description, nor was a type mentioned by Oustalet (1895: 202–205) in his later paper. This AMNH syntype bears Marche's original label, an MNHN label with number C.G. 1888–132, and a Rothschild Collection label. The reverse of the MNHN label is annotated “Typical specimen from Prof. Oustalet, Paratype.” However, because no specimen in MNHN is marked as the type, nor is there any indication in the MNHN catalog regarding type status of any specimen (C. Voisin, personal commun.), all of the specimens should be regarded as syntypes. There are 25 specimens listed by Oustalet (1895: 202) in his later paper, with Marche's numbers given. The species is illustrated with its nest and eggs in Oustalet (1895: pl. 7).

This species was included in the Meliphagidae by Salomonsen (1967: 393) and, for that reason, is included in that family in the AMNH type list. However recent DNA studies by Slikas et al. (2000), confirming a suggestion by Pratt (in Pratt et al., 1987: 287), indicate that it is more closely related to the Zosteropidae and should be included in that family (van Balen, 2008: 480). The above specimen had not previously been included with the AMNH types, and an AMNH type label has been added.

Melithreptus atricapillus submagnirostris Mathews

Melithreptus atricapillus submagnirostris Mathews, 1912a: 393 (Victoria).

Now Melithreptus brevirostris brevirostris (Vigors and Horsfield, 1827). See Salomonsen, 1967: 394, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 279–281, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 673–674.


AMNH 691663, adult male, collected at Ringwood, 37.51S, 145.13E (Times Atlas), Victoria, Australia, on 8 August 1908, by Thomas Tregellas (no. 313). From the Mathews Collection (no. 9463) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews cited his catalog number of the holotype in the original description, giving the range of submagnirostris as “Victoria.” In addition to the original label, the holotype bears a Mathews and a Rothschild type label. The collector's name does not appear on the original label, but it was cataloged as coming from Tregellas and the handwriting on the original label is his. There are three paratypes in AMNH: AMNH 691660 (Mathews no. 4918), male, Frankston, 12 December 1908, by Tregellas; AMNH 691661 (4974), female, Frankston, 9 April 1909, by L.G. Chandler; AMNH 691665 (4917), female, Ringwood, 8 October 1908, by Tregellas. There are nine additional specimens from Victoria that were collected early enough but I did not find them in Mathews' catalog and have no way of knowing when they came into his possession. They are possible paratypes: AMNH 691657, immature male, Mornington, 9 April 1909; AMNH 691658, 691659, males, Frankston, 5 April 1908; AMNH 691666, female, Ringwood, 8 August 1908; AMNH 691667, 691668, females, Underbool, 13 September 1910 (both also possible paratypes of mallee, see below); AMNH 691680, female, Eltham, 26 July 1902; AMNH 691684, 691685, females, You Yangs, 31 October 1908.

Melithreptus atricapillus insularis Mathews

Melithreptus atricapillus insularis Mathews, 1912a: 394 (King Island).

Now Melithreptus brevirostris magnirostris North, 1905. See Schodde and Mason, 1999: 279–281, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 673–674.


AMNH 691686, unsexed, Point Morrison, 35.44S, 137.47E (USBGN, 1957), Kangaroo Island (not King Island), South Australia, Australia, on 27 December 1897. From the Mathews Collection (no. 3000) via the Rothschild Collection.


In the original description, Mathews gave his catalog number of the holotype but erroneously said that it was from King Island. The original label is not present on this specimen, but the locality is given on Mathews' collection label as “Pt. Morrison, King Is.” However, in his catalog, Mathews entered this specimen as from “Pt. Morrison, K.I.” and apparently made an erroneous assumption when he filled out a new label. In addition to Mathews' collection label, the specimen bears Mathews and Rothschild type labels. Abbott (1973: 139) was the first to call attention to this erroneous type locality.

Mathews (1924: 274) described, but did not figure, this specimen and noted that it was the type of insularis, without correcting the type locality.

Melethreptus (sic) atricapillus minnie Mathews

Melethreptus (sic) atricapillus minnie Mathews, 1913b: 192 (Central Queensland).

Now Melithreptus brevirostris pallidiceps 181182183184185Mathews, 1912. See Salomonsen, 1967: 395, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 279–281, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 673–674.


AMNH 691687, female, collected at Minnie Downs, 25.05S, 145.53E (Times Atlas), Queensland, Australia, on 11 January 1882, probably by Carl Lumholtz. From the Mathews Collection (no. 14600) via the Rothschild Collection.


In the original description, Mathews only gave “Central Queensland” as the type locality; subsequently, he (Mathews, 1913a: 261) listed Minnie Downs as the type locality. Even though his catalog number is written on both his and the Rothschild type label, it was not included in the original description. This seems to be the only specimen that Mathews considered when naming this form; I consider it the holotype. It was part of the collection that Robert Collett, ZMO, sent to Mathews (1912b: 25), which included specimens collected by C. Lumholtz and K. Dahl; the date of 1882 on this specimen indicates that Lumholtz was the collector as he was collecting in Queensland at that time.

Mathews did have a second specimen from Queensland, now AMNH 691688 (Mathews no. 2997), unsexed, from “Athelstone,” as written on the label by Mathews. The original label is missing from this specimen and no indication of the Australian state follows “Athelstone,” although someone has later pencilled in a “Q” on the Rothschild label. If Queensland is correct, the locality should probably have been Athelstane. Mathews did acquire the specimen early enough, but there is nothing to indicate that he considered it when naming minnie, especially as he misspelled the locality both on the label and in his catalog.

Salomonsen (1967: 394) listed minnie as a synonym of M. b. brevirostris, but see Schodde and Mason (1999: 280–281) for a discussion of the subspecies of M. brevirostris.

Melithreptus atricapillus augustus Mathews

Melithreptus atricapillus augustus Mathews, 1912a: 393 (Port Augusta, South Australia).

Now Melithreptus brevirostris intergrade between pallidiceps and leucogenys. See Salomonsen, 1967: 395, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 279–281, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 673–674.


AMNH 691647, adult male, collected on the western slopes of the Flinders Range, 31.25S, 138.45E (USBGN, 1957), northeast of Port Augusta, South Australia, Australia, on 10 October 1911, by S.A. White (no. 335). From the Mathews Collection (no. 10000) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews gave his catalog number of the holotype in the original description and the range as “Port Augusta.” In addition to White's original label, the holotype bears Mathews and Rothschild type labels. Three paratypes in AMNH are: AMNH 691645 (Mathews no. 9997), AMNH 691646 (9999), males, AMNH 691648 (9998), female, all collected at the type locality on 10 October 1911 by White. There are no additional specimens of this form in SAMA (B. Blaylock, personal commun.). White (1912: 129) found it to be the commonest bird in the Flinders Range.

Salomonsen (1967: 395) recognized augustus, but Schodde and Mason (1999: 281) considered augustus “unidentifiable or misapplied” as specimens from the Flinders Range are from an intergrade zone between pallidiceps and leucogenys.

Melithreptus atricapillus pallidiceps Mathews

Melithreptus atricapillus pallidiceps Mathews, 1912a: 394 (South Australia (90-Mile Desert)).

Now Melithreptus brevirostris pallidiceps 181182183184185Mathews, 1912. See Salomonsen 1967: 395, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 279–281, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 673–674.


AMNH 691651, female, collected at Coonalpyn, 35.41S, 139.52E (Times Atlas), 90 Mile Desert, South Australia, Australia, on 17 May 1911, by J.B. Cleland (no. 4). From the Mathews Collection (no. 8949, not 8904, as in description) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews cited his specimen no. 8904 as the type of pallidiceps; however, that number refers to a Norfolk Island specimen of Pachycephala pectoralis. The correct number “8949” is written on both the Mathews and the Rothschild type label. The original label is attached and Cleland (1912: 15) reported on the single specimen of M. brevirostris that he collected at Coonalpyn. Mathews (1924: 274) described, but did not figure, the type of pallidiceps, incorrectly listing the name as palliceps. The name is also incorrectly written on both type labels; the spelling in the original description is pallidiceps. The range of the form was given as “South Australia, Interior,” and the Coonalpyn specimen appears to be the only interior South Australian specimen Mathews had when pallidiceps was named.

Salomonsen (1967: 395) used augustus as the valid name of this form and considered pallidiceps a synonym, but see Schodde and Mason (1999: 280–281) for use of pallidiceps as the valid name.

Melethreptus (sic) atricapillus mallee Mathews

Melethreptus (sic) atricapillus mallee Mathews, 1913b: 192 (Mallee, Victoria).

Now Melithreptus brevirostris pallidiceps 181182183184185Mathews, 1912. See Salomonsen, 1967: 395, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 279–281, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 673–674.


AMNH 691669, adult female, collected at Turner's Well, mallee, South Australia (not Victoria), Australia, on 10 November 1911, by S.A. White (no. 376). From the Mathews Collection (10136) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews cited his catalog number of the holotype in the original description and gave the range as “Malee” (sic). The location of Turner's Well is described by White (1913a:180) as being 25 miles from Ned's Well (35.01S, 139.52E, USBGN, 1957). The holotype was the only mallee specimen collected by White that came to AMNH. I found only two additional mallee specimens in Mathews' catalog and they are paratypes: AMNH 691652 (Mathews no. 11659), female, collected at Schultz's (= Schuetze's, as on label) Landing, South Australia, on 5 January 1912, obtained from E. Ashby and cataloged by Mathews as from “Murray River”; AMNH 691671 (15263), female, collected at Day Trap, Victoria, on 7 September 1912, from T. Tregellas. There are three possible paratypes, but I did not find them in Mathews catalog and do not know when they came into his possession: AMNH 691667, 691668, females, 13 September 1910, Underbool, Victoria (both are also possible paratypes of submagnirostris, see above); AMNH 691670, female, near Kow, Victoria, on 9 September 1911, by F.E. Wilson.

Melithreptus atricapillus subleucogenys Mathews

Melithreptus atricapillus subleucogenys Mathews, 1912a: 394 (Lake Dundas, West Australia).

Now Melithreptus brevirostris leucogenys Milligan, 1903. See Salomonsen, 1967: 395, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 279–281, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 673–674.


AMNH 691623, adult male, collected at Lake Dundas, 850 ft, 32.25S, 121.50E (USBGN, 1957), Western Australia, Australia, on 24 June 1905, by F.L. W[hitlock] (no. 8011). From the Mathews Collection (no. 5325) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews had a single specimen and cited its catalog number in the original description, giving the range as “Lake Dundas.” The holotype bears, in addition to Whitlock's original label, Mathews and Rothschild type labels.

Salomonsen (1967: 395) synonymized subleucogenys with what he called augustus; Schodde and Mason (1999: 279–281) and Higgins et al. (2008: 673) included it in the range of leucogenys.

Melithreptus lunatus adelaidensis Mathews

Melithreptus lunatus adelaidensis Mathews, 1912a: 391 (Adelaide, South Australia).

Now Melithreptus lunatus lunatus (Vieillot, 1802). See Salomonsen, 1967: 395, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 284–285, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 675.


AMNH 691488, unsexed, collected at Adelaide, 34.56S, 138.36E (Times Atlas), South Australia, Australia, on 20 June 1897, collector unknown. From the Mathews Collection (no. 2938) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews included his catalog number of the holotype in the original description, giving the range of the form as South Australia. The original label is missing from the holotype. Mathews' collection label bears his catalog number, the number “733” on this label referring to the number of the species in Mathews (1908); Mathews and Rothschild type labels are also attached. Paratypes are: AMNH 691486 (Mathews no. 9699), adult male, AMNH 691487 (9700), female, Mount Lofty Range, 12 August 1911, S.A. White; AMNH 691489, 691490 (2939), unsexed, Adelaide, July 1902; AMNH 691497 (2940), 691498, unsexed, Scotts Creek, 29 January 1898. An additional paratype is in SAMA (B. Blaylock, personal commun.).

Melithreptus whitlocki Mathews

Melithreptus whitlocki Mathews, 1909: 24 (Wilson's Inlet, Western Australia).

Now Melithreptus lunatus chloropsis Gould, 1848. See Salomonsen, 1967: 396, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 284–285, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 675.


AMNH 691459, unsexed, Wilson Inlet, 35.00S, 117.22E (USBGN, 1957), Western Australia, Australia, on 21 December 1908, by F.L. W[hitlock]. From the Mathews Collection (no. 2967) via the Rothschild Collection.


In the original description, Mathews did not designate a type or indicate how many specimens he examined. The name was published on 30 November 1909, and only one of the 24 specimens at AMNH that Whitlock collected for Mathews at Wilson Inlet was collected before that date. The specimen was entered into his catalog by Mathews as a male, but there is no indication of sex on Whitlock's original label. This syntype had not been included in the AMNH type collection previously.

Additionally, in Mathews' catalog at no. 2968, there is evidence that Mathews had a second specimen collected in May 1909; this has been overwritten by Mathews with a specimen collected on 14 May 1910. The day for the earlier specimen may have been 16 May 1909, and it had been cataloged as a female. That specimen, if found, is also a syntype. Mathews often considered a catalog number again available if he had traded a specimen that had been entered earlier, particularly during the period in 1909–1910 when he was switching from cataloging his entire collection systematically to cataloging and dating each new collection as he acquired it.

Melithreptus lunatus gradus Mathews

Melithreptus lunatus gradus Mathews, 1912b: 48 (Melville Island, Northern Territory).

Now Melithreptus albogularis albogularis Gould, 1848. See Salomonsen, 1967: 396, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 282–283, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 674–675.


AMNH 691332, adult male, collected at Coopers Camp, Apsley Strait, Melville Island, Northern Territory, Australia, on 24 November 1911, by J.P. Rogers (no. 2512). From the Mathews Collection (no. 11336) via the Rothschild Collection.


In the original description, Mathews said that his type was from Melville Island, which was also given as the range of the form. AMNH 691332 bears, in addition to Rogers' original label, Mathews and Rothschild type labels and a Mathews “Figured” label indicating that it was the model for Mathews (1924: pl. 511, lower figure, opp. p. 241, text p. 243), where the figured male is said to be the type of gradus, thereby designating it the lectotype. While Mathews' catalog number is written on the type labels, it was not mentioned in the description. Mathews (1912b: 26) noted that he had received two shipments of birds collected on Melville Island prior to his description of this form. This included all of the specimens collected at Coopers Camp in 1911.There are six paralectotypes in AMNH: AMNH 691331 (Mathews no. 11337), male, 24 November; AMNH 691334 (10690), female, 3 October; AMNH 691335 (11615), female, 7 November; AMNH 691337 (11616), female, 7 November; AMNH 691338 (10689), female, 2 October; AMNH 691339 (10688), sex?, 13 October. A seventh paralectotype was cataloged by Mathews as no. 11338, male, collected 24 November 1911, but it did not come to AMNH.

Coopers Camp, according to Hart and Pilling (1964: 101), was across Apsley Strait from the Bathurst Island Mission Station, 11.45S, 130.41E (Times Atlas).

Melithreptus lunatus yorki Mathews

Melithreptus lunatus yorki Mathews, 1912b: 98 (Cape York).

Now Melithreptus albogularis albogularis Gould, 1848. See Salomonsen, 1967: 396, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 282–283, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 674–675.


AMNH 691395, adult male, collected at Utingu, Cape York, Queensland, Australia, on 3 June 1912, by Robin Kemp (no. 976). From the Mathews Collection (no. 13201) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews cited his catalog number of the holotype in the original description, giving the range of the form as “Cape York.” In addition to Kemp's original label, the holotype bears Mathews and Rothschild type labels. The following specimens collected by Kemp at Utingu in May, June and early July, 1912, are paratypes: AMNH 691392 (Mathews no. 13813), male, 22 June; AMNH 691393 (13929), male, 22 June; AMNH 691394 (13812), male, 16 June; AMNH 691396 (12871), male, 22 May; AMNH 691404 (13815), female?, 22 June; AMNH 691405 (13930), sex?, 2 July 1912. The following specimens collected by Kemp and cataloged as coming from “Cape York” were cataloged by Mathews but did not come to AMNH: Mathews no. 13198, male, 2 June 1912; Mathews no. 13200, male, 25 May 1912; Mathews no. 13813, male, 16 June 1912. If they are found, they are also paratypes. AMNH 691397, male, Utingu, 13 May 1912, is a possible paratype, but I did not find it in Mathews catalog. Other specimens were either cataloged too late or were never part of Mathews' collection. Utingu was a coconut plantation opposite Possession Island 10.43S, 142.24E (USBGN, 1957), northern Cape York (Jack, 1921: 342, 739).

Melithreptus lunatus subalbogularis Mathews

Melithreptus lunatus subalbogularis Mathews, 1912a: 392 (North-West Australia (Derby)).

Now Melithreptus albogularis albogularis Gould, 1848. See Salomonsen, 1967: 396, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 282–283, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 674–675.


AMNH 691300, adult male, collected at Point Torment, 17.15S, 123.44E (USBGN, 1957), King Sound, West Kimberley, Western Australia, Australia, on 15 February 1911, by J.P. Rogers (no. 1288). From the Mathews Collection (no. 8478) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews cited his catalog number of the holotype in the original description and gave the range of the form as “North-West Australia.” The holotype bears, in addition to Rogers' original label, Mathews and Rothschild type labels. There are five paratypes in AMNH: Derby, AMNH 691295 (Mathews no. 8872), male, AMNH 691296 (8873), female, 7 May 1911; Point Torment, AMNH 691299 (8480), male, 14 February 1911; AMNH 691301 (8726), male, 3 April 1911; AMNH 691302 (8477), female, 15 February 1911. AMNH 691292, collected at Derby by T.H. Bowyer-Bower in 1886, was not cataloged by Mathews until 1913, after the publication of subalbogularis. Other specimens in AMNH from the area of King Sound were never in the Mathews Collection.

Salomonsen (1967: 396) recognized subalbogularis; Schodde and Mason (1999: 283) and Higgins et al. (2008: 674) included it in nominate albogularis.

Melithreptus alisteri Mathews

Melithreptus alisteri Mathews, 1910a: 85 (King Island, north of Tasmania).

Now Melithreptus affinis (Lesson, 1839). See Salomonsen, 1967: 397, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 286, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 675–676.


AMNH 691701, male, collected on King Island, 39.50S, 144.00E (USBGN, 1957), Bass Strait Islands, Tasmania, Australia, on 11 November 1902, by A.G. Campbell (no. 785). From the Mathews Collection (no. 3012) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews did not designate a type in the original description, but apparently had a single specimen. The type bears, in addition to an original label and Mathews and Rothschild type labels, a “Figured” label which indicates that it was the model for Mathews (1924: pl. 513, upper fig., opp. p. 283, text p. 284) where the figured specimen was said to be the type of alisteri, thus confirming it as the type. The Rothschild type label is annotated with Mathews' catalog number, although that was not given in the description, and opposite 3012 in his catalog Mathews has written “Type of alisteri.” A second specimen of alisteri, AMNH 691702, collected by Campbell on 12 November 1902, was never in the Mathews Collection. Campbell (1903) wrote a report on the birds of King Island but did not say how many specimens he collected.

Salomonsen (1967: 397) recognized alisteri as a subspecies of M. affinis; Schodde and Mason (1999: 286) and Higgins et al. (2008: 675) considered M. affinis monotypic.

Melithreptus gularis loftyi Mathews

Melithreptus gularis loftyi Mathews, 1912a: 392 (South Australia).

Now Melithreptus gularis gularis (Gould, 1837). See Salomonsen, 1967: 397, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 276–277, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 672–673.


AMNH 691499, adult sex?, Mount Lofty Range, 35.00S, 138.50E (USBGN, 1957), east of Adelaide, South Australia, Australia, on 24 July 1911, by S.A. White (no. 16). From the Mathews Collection (no. 9302) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews gave his catalog number of the holotype in the original description and the range of the form as “South Australia.” The holotype bears, in addition to the original label and Mathews and Rothschild type labels, a “Figured” label, indicating that the specimen was illustrated in Mathews (1924: pl. 512, middle fig., opp. p. 256, text p. 256), where it was confirmed as the type of “lofti”(sic). Mathews had a single paratype of loftyi: AMNH 691500, female, collected in the Mount Lofty Range on 24 July 1911 by White (no. 17). White (1914: 8–9) published a note on this form.

Melithreptus gularis ingrami Mathews

Melithreptus gularis ingrami Mathews, 1912a: 393 (Inkerman, Queensland).

Now considered an intergrade between M. g. gularis and M. g. laetior. See Salomonsen, 1967: 398, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 276–277, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 672–673.


AMNH 691543, adult male, collected at Inkerman, Spring Range, 34.05S, 150.04E (USBGN, 1957), Queensland, Australia, in September 1907, by Wilfred Stalker. From the Mathews Collection (no. 2982) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews cited his catalog number of the holotype in the original description, giving the range as “Mid-Queensland.” The holotype bears the original label and Mathews and Rothschild type labels. Stalker collected only two specimens (see Ingram, 1908: 475, under M. laetior). The paratype is AMNH 691544, female, Inkerman, 14 March 1907.

Melithreptus laetior normantoniensis Salomonsen

Melithreptus laetior normantoniensis Salomonsen, 1966a: 7 (Normanton, northwestern Queensland, Australia).

Now considered an intergrade between M. g. gularis and M. g. laetior. See Salomonsen, 1967: 398, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 276–277, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 672–673.


AMNH 691532, adult male, collected at Normanton, 17.40S, 141.05E (Times Atlas), Queensland, Australia, on 31 January 1914, by Robin Kemp (no. 3873). From the Mathews Collection via the Rothschild Collection.


Salomonsen cited the AMNH number of the holotype in the original description and gave the range as “Northwestern Queensland, south of Gulf of Carpentaria.” The following specimens are paratypes: Leichhardt River, 3 July 1910, AMNH 691529, male; Normanton, collected by Kemp in 1913 and 1914, AMNH 691530, 691531, 691533–691542, five males, four females, two sex?, one juvenile. Salomonsen (1966a: 7) doubtfully included specimens from the Cooktown and Cairns areas; therefore they are excluded from the type series (ICZN, 1999: 76, Art. 72.4.1). I did not find 691542, juv., in the collection.

Melithreptus gularis coongani Mathews

Melithreptus gularis coongani Mathews, 1912a: 392 (North-West Australia (Coongan River)).

Now Melithreptus gularis laetior Gould, 1875. See Salomonsen, 1967: 398, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 276–277, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 672–673.


AMNH 691549, adult male, collected on the Coongan River, 20.53S, 119.47E (USBGN, 1957), Western Australia, Australia, on 1 July 1908, by F.L. W[hitlock]. From the Mathews Collection (no. 2989) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews cited his catalog number of the holotype in the original description, giving the range of the form as “North-West Australia.” In addition to Whitlock's original label and Mathews and Rothschild type labels, the holotype bears a “Figured” label, indicating that it was illustrated in Mathews (1924: pl. 512, upper fig. (identified as M. laetior), opp. p. 256, text p. 263), where it is confirmed as the type of M. gularis coongani. The following AMNH specimens are paratypes of coongani: Coongan River, AMNH 691548 (Mathews no. 2988), 691550 (2990), 691551 (2991); Derby, AMNH 691553–691555 (8874–8876); Point Torment, AMNH 691564 (8621); Mungi Rockhole, AMNH 691565 (9239), 691566 (9236), 691567 (9240); Manguel (= Marngle, as on label) Creek, AMNH 691568 (9237), 691569 (9238); Parry Creek, AMNH 691570–691573 (2984–2987). Other specimens in AMNH from northwestern Australia are either not from the Mathews Collection or were cataloged by Mathews after the publication of the name on 31 January 1912.

[Melithreptus laetior northi Mathews]

Melithreptus laetior northi Mathews, 1923b: 37 (Western Northern Territory).

In the original description of northi, Mathews did not designate an individual specimen as type, giving only the type locality as “Western Northern Territory” and no further statement as to range. There are no Mathews specimens from western Northern Territory in AMNH. Later, Mathews (1924: 267) expanded the range to include “adjoining parts of North-West Australia,” but this was not part of the original description.

Melithreptus laetior parus Salomonsen

Melithreptus laetior parus Salomonsen, 1966a: 8 (Exmouth Gulf, mid-Western Australia).

Now Melithreptus gularis laetior Gould, 1875. See Salomonsen, 1967: 398, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 276–277, Christidis and Boles, 2008 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 672–673.


AMNH 691546, adult male, collected at Exmouth Gulf, 22.20S, 114.09E (Times Atlas), Western Australia, Australia, on 21 June 1902, by Thomas Carter. From the Rothschild Collection.


Salomonsen gave the AMNH number of the holotype in the original description and noted that parus was known only from the type locality. A second specimen from Exmouth Gulf, AMNH 691545, male, collected on the same day by Carter, is a paratype.

Melithreptus validirostris kingi Mathews

Melithreptus validirostris kingi Mathews, 1915a: 131 (King Island, Bass Strait).

Now Melithreptus validirostris (Gould, 1837). See Salomonsen, 1967: 398, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 278, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 673.


AMNH 691586, adult male, collected on King Island, 39.50S, 144.00E (USBGN, 1957), Bass Strait, Tasmania, Australia, on 28 April 1914, by Thomas Tregellas. From the Mathews Collection via the Rothschild Collection.


In the original description, Mathews only said that the type was from King Island, Bass Strait. Mathews had six specimens from King Island, collected by Tregellas in April 1914; they do not appear in Mathews' catalog. AMNH 691586 bears a Rothschild type label with no name written on it but with a reference to the description of kingi. The Tregellas label is marked “M. Kingi Type” by Mathews. It was cataloged as the type when the Rothschild Collection came to AMNH and has been so considered. In order to validate Mathews' intent, I hereby designate AMNH 691586 the lectotype of M. validirostris kingi. The five paralectotypes, all from King Island, are: AMNH 691585, male, 23 April; AMNH 691587, male, 22 April; AMNH 691588, male, 22 April; AMNH 691589, female, 24 April; AMNH 691590, female, 24 April. The number “740” that appears on all of the Tregellas labels refers to the number of this species in Mathews (1908). AMNH 691589 also bears a “Figured” label, indicating that it was illustrated in Mathews (1924: pl. 512, lower fig., opp. p. 256, text p. 269), where no type status is indicated.

Entomyza cyanotis harterti Robinson and Laverock

Entomyza cyanotis harterti Robinson and Laverock, 1900: 635 (Cooktown).

Now considered intergradient between Entomyzon c. cyanotis and E. c. griseigularis. See Salomonsen, 1967: 399, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 274–275, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 676.


AMNH 691779, female, 18 July 1899; AMNH 691780, female, 14 June 1899; AMNH 691781, female, 9 June 1899, all collected at Cooktown, 15.29S, 145.15E (Times Atlas), Queensland, Australia, by E. Olive. From the Rothschild Collection.


No type was designated by Robinson and Laverock in the original description, which was based on three females collected at Cooktown in June and July 1899. These three specimens are syntypes, and the male specimen, AMNH 691778, collected by Olive at Cooktown on 10 February 1900 is not a syntype and has no type standing. The male, however, was the specimen that Hartert (1919a: 177) incorrectly listed as the type of harterti, probably because someone had written “Type ♂” on the reverse of the label. It remains in the type collection with a label added to indicate that it is not a type; because it was cataloged as a type when the Rothschild Collection came to AMNH, it has always been considered the type of harterti, even being erroneously considered the holotype by Schodde and Mason (1999: 275).

Both Rothschild and Mathews purchased parts of Olive's collections from Robinson. Mathews cataloged his Olive specimens under Robinson's name in 1910 and apparently did not receive any specimens of this species. Rothschild had purchased his Olive skins from Robinson in 1900 and 1901, in small batches to a total of over 225 specimens, if they are all listed in Rothschild's partial record of purchases (Department of Ornithology Archives, AMNH). But the individual specimens included in these purchases are not given. It is also possible that Olive sold other specimens, either directly or through dealers. So it is not possible to determine how the male specimen of E. cyanotis harterti came to Rothschild; however, it was not part of the type series. On the other hand, it can be said that Rothschild purchased the entire type series of harterti.

One of the three syntypes is marked “Type subsp. harterti,” but because of the intergradient nature of this population (Schodde and Mason, 1999: 275), it seems prudent to retain all three syntypes in the AMNH type collection. It is perhaps of interest that, in checking Olive specimens, I have found that he sometimes wrote the female symbol in the currently conventional way and sometimes as an upside down male symbol (as on two of these syntypes), but he apparently always made the male symbol correctly.

Entomyzon cyanotis connectens Mathews

Entomyzon cyanotis connectens Mathews, 1912a: 421 (Queensland (Inkerman)).

Now considered intergradient between E. c. cyanotis and E. c. griseigularis. See Salomonsen, 1967: 399, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 274–275, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 676.


AMNH 691770, adult male, collected at Inkerman, 19.45S, 147.29E (USBGN, 1957), Queensland, Australia, on 16 April 1907, by Wilfred Stalker (no. 016). From the Mathews Collection (no. 3399) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews cited his catalog number of the holotype in the original description and gave the range as “Mid-Queensland.” Even in the original description, Mathews drew attention to the intermediate nature of this subspecies, both through the name applied to it and in the description. The holotype bears, in addition to Stalker's original label, Mathews and Rothschild type labels and a Mathews “Figured” label, indicating that it was illustrated in Mathews (1924: pl. 514, opp. p. 289, text p. 291), where it is confirmed as the type of connectens. The “813” on Stalker's label refers to the number of this species in Mathews (1908). There are five paratypes in AMNH: Mackay, AMNH 691766 (Mathews no. 6442), AMNH 691767 (6441), AMNH 691768 (6440); Inkerman, AMNH 691771 (3400), male, 14 March 1907; AMNH 691772 (3402), female, 16 April 1907.

Of the four specimens Ingram (1908) listed from Stalker's collection at Inkerman, only three were cataloged by Mathews. The three specimens from Mackay were purchased by Mathews from the dealer Gerrard and have no data other than the locality.

Entomyzon cyanotis hedleyi Mathews

Entomyzon cyanotis hedleyi Mathews, 1912d: 101 (Cape York, Queensland).

Now Entomyzon cyanotis griseigularis van Oort, 1909. See Salomonsen, 1967: 400, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 274–275, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 676.


AMNH 691787, adult male, collected at Skull Creek, 20 miles south of Cape York, 10.43S, 142.28E (USBGN, 1957), Queensland, Australia, in June 1912, by Robin Kemp (no. 1049). From the Mathews Collection (no. 13214) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews cited his catalog number of the holotype in the original description and gave the range of the form as “Cape York.” The holotype bears Kemp's original label and Mathews and Rothschild type labels. AMNH 691798 (Mathews no. 13213), female, Utingu, 8 June 1912, by Kemp, is a paratype. AMNH 691782, female, Jardine River, 12 March 1911, by W.R. McLennan, is a possible paratype, but I did not find it listed in Mathews' catalog. Other Cape York specimens in AMNH from the Mathews Collection were collected too late to have been in Mathews hand when hedleyi was published on 18 September 1912.

See Schodde and Mason (1999: 275) for use of the subspecific name griseigularis.

Entomyzon cyanotis subalbipennis Mathews

Entomyzon cyanotis subalbipennis Mathews, 1912a: 422 (North-West Australia (Parry's Creek)).

Now Entomyzon cyanotis albipennis Gould, 1841. See Salomonsen, 1967: 400, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 274–275, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 676.


AMNH 691732, adult male, collected at Parry Creek, 10 ft, 15.36S, 128.17E (Johnstone and Storr, 2004: 512), 5 miles west of Trig. Station H.J.9, East Kimberley, northern Western Australia, Australia, on 23 January 1909, by J.P. Rogers (no. 567). From the Mathews Collection (no. 3406) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews gave his catalog number of the holotype in the original description and the range of subalbipennis as “North-West Australia.” The holotype bears Rogers' label and Mathews and Rothschild type labels. Paratypes are: King River, southwest of Wyndham, males, AMNH 691729 (Mathews no. 9844), 5 July 1911, by L.M. Burns; AMNH 691730 (9843), 7 July 1911, by C.P. Conigrave; Parry Creek, AMNH 691731 (3407), male, 23 January 1909; AMNH 691733 (3404), male, 20 October 1908; AMNH 691734 (3406), female, 1 October 1908; AMNH 691735 (3405), male, 1 October 1908, all by Rogers.

Entomyzon cyanotis apsleyi Mathews

Entomyzon cyanotis apsleyi Mathews, 1912b: 51 (Melville Island, Northern Territory).

Now Entomyzon cyanotis albipennis Gould, 1841. See Salomonsen, 1967: 400, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 274–275, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 676.


AMNH 691755, adult male, collected at Coopers Camp, Apsley Strait, Melville Island, Northern Territory, Australia, on 30 September 1911, by J.P. Rogers (no. 2068). From the Mathews Collection (no. 10758) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews cited his catalog number of the holotype in the original description; it bears Rogers' original label and Mathews and Rothschild type labels. Mathews (1912b: 26), giving the range of apsleyi as “Melville Island,” noted that he had received two shipments of birds from there; these included specimens collected by Rogers at Coopers Camp in 1911. The following are paratypes: males, AMNH 691751 (Mathews no. 11541), 29 November; AMNH 691752 (11542), 29 November; AMNH 691753 (10759), 2 October; AMNH 691754 (10760), 27 October; female, AMNH 691757 (11544), 9 November. Mathews specimen no. 11543, male, collected on 24 November did not come to AMNH, and if found is also a paratype.

Salomonsen (1967: 400) recognized apsleyi, but Schodde and Mason (1999: 274–275) and Higgins et al. (2008: 676) did not.

According to Hart and Pilling (1964: 101), Coopers Camp was on Apsley Strait opposite the Bathurst Island Mission Station, 11.45S, 130.41E (Times Atlas).

Notiomystes (sic) cincta hautura Mathews

Notiomystes (sic) cincta hautura Mathews, 1935: 159 (Little Barrier Island).

Now Notiomystis cincta DuBus. See Salomonsen, 1967: 401, Dickinson, 2003: 431, Driskell et al., 2007, Higgins and Christidis, 2009: 256–257, and Checklist Committee, 2010: 284.


AMNH 697356, adult male, collected on Little Barrier Island, New Zealand, in 1885. From the Spencer Collection (no. 9) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews (1935: 159) described this form, based on 15 adults in male plumage from the Rothschild Collection but already in New York in 1935, and did not designate a type in the original description, saying only “Type-In the American Museum of Natural History, New York. Rothschild Collection.” AMNH 697356 has been designated the lectotype by Angehr (2011: 68) as part of his on-going study of the species. This specimen is among a group of seven with the most complete data of any of the 15 specimens and has a wing measurement of 100 mm, which is near the average of 101 cited by Mathews for hautura.

Paralectotypes: all from the Rothschild Collection and all adult males (by plumage, if sex not noted), collected on Little Barrier Island, New Zealand, AMNH 697350, AMNH 697352, AMNH 697353, AMNH 697357, AMNH 697358, all collected in 1885, from the Spencer Collection (nos. 1, 3, 5, 10, 11, respectively); AMNH 697359, collected in 1886, from the Spencer Collection (no. 11A); AMNH 697360, undated, from the Mathews Collection with label marked purchased from (the dealer) Gerrard; AMNH 697362, AMNH 697363, AMNH 697364, AMNH 697365, undated, with the Rothschild label marked as from the Spencer Collection; AMNH 697369, AMNH 697370, undated, no indication of Rothschild's source; AMNH 697371, undated, collected by Andreas Reischek, from the W. Buller Collection (no. 9c).

Of these paralectotypes, AMNH 697360 bears a note on the label that it was figured by Lodge. This refers to a painting done by George Edward Lodge for a proposed edition of Sir Walter Buller's Birds of New Zealand that was never published. Much later, Fleming (1982) published these paintings with accompanying text; this specimen appears as the upper figure in Fleming's plate 83, opposite p. 358. AMNH 697363 is marked “Type? pogoma” in what may be Mathews' hand, but I have found no indication that he ever introduced the name pogoma. AMNH 697371 was purchased by Rothschild from Buller and is noted by Buller as specimen “9c” in the annotated and interleaved copy of Buller's 1882 Manual of the Birds of New Zealand held in the Department of Ornithology Archives, AMNH. Rothschild himself had added specimen “9d” to the list in this annotated volume and noted that the specimen was a male specimen bought by Palmer in 1889. There is no way to tell whether this refers to paralectotype AMNH 697369 or 697370, as the labels are not annotated. Angehr (1984: 305), in his detailed study of the provenance of Stitchbird specimens, came to the conclusion that probably all of these specimens from Little Barrier Island had been collected by Andreas Reischek.

Bartle and Tennyson (2009) have recently published an important paper on the history of the Buller collections of New Zealand birds, including a summary of Bartle's research on Rothschild's purchases of specimens from Buller (Bartle and Tennyson, 2009: 84–85). As a result of Bartle's work at AMNH in 1982, we have been able to use effectively the interleaved copy of Buller's “Manual” in our Archives.

Mathews gave the range and mean wing measurements for all 15 of the specimens, writing individual measurements on the specimen labels. My measurements [96–108] agree very closely with those made by Mathews [96–107], and there seems to be no doubt that he borrowed all of these specimens and had them in hand when he wrote the description. The specimens are mostly poorly made and some measurements had to be made on the left wing. Females and immature males were not described and have no measurements written on the labels, so one can assume they were not loaned to Mathews.

The Stitchbird was long included in the genus Pogonornis G.R. Gray, 1846, a name which when found to be preoccupied by Pogonornis Billberg, 1828, was replaced by Notiomystis Richmond (Richmond, 1908: 634). Ewen et al. (2006) analyzed the degree of phylogenetic uniqueness of Notiomystis cincta and Callaeas cinerea. Driskell et al. (2007), based on the results of their molecular and morphological studies, found Notiomystis to be most closely related to the Callaeidae and introduced Notiomystidae, type genus Notiomystis Richmond, 1908, as a new family of New Zealand endemics. Higgins and Christidis (2009: 256) and Checklist Committee (2010: 284) treat the species as monotypic.

Pycnopygius ixoides cinereifrons Salomonsen

Pycnopygius ixoides cinereifrons Salomonsen, 1966a: 8 (two miles below junction of Black and Palmer rivers, 100 meters altitude, British Papua (western division), southern New Guinea).

Now Pycnopygius ixoides ixoides (Salvadori, 1878). See Salomonsen, 1967: 401, Coates, 1990: 273, Dickinson, 2003: 436, and Higgins et al., 2008: 583–584.


AMNH 428278, adult male, collected 2 miles below junction of Black and Palmer rivers, 100 m, 05.45S, 141.45E (PNG, 1984), Western Province, Papua New Guinea, on 13 July 1936, by Richard Archbold, Austin L. Rand, and G.H.H. Tate on the 1936–1937 Archbold Expedition (no. 4504).


Salomonsen gave the AMNH number of the holotype in the original description and the range as southern New Guinea from the Mimika River eastward to the upper Fly River. Paratypes in AMNH are: AMNH 696678, male, Paramau, Mimika River, 14 September 1910, by C.B. Grant; AMNH 428279–428286, four males and four females, 2–5 miles below junction of Black and Palmer rivers, 80–100 m, May and July 1936.

The specimens collected at the junction of the Black and Palmer rivers were originally identified as Pycnopygius ixoides ixoides by Rand (1942a: 363–364). Coates (1990: 273) synonymized cinereifrons with nominate ixoides; Dickinson (2003: 436) recognized it, and Higgins et al. (2008: 583) tentatively recognized it.

Ptilotis finschi Rothschild and Hartert

Ptilotis finschi Rothschild and Hartert, 1903b: 448 (mountains of British New Guinea).

Now Pycnopygius ixoides finschi (312313Rothschild and Hartert, 1903). See Salomonsen, 1967: 402, Coates, 1990: 273, and Dickinson, 2003: 436.


AMNH 696683, unsexed, collected in the mountains of Papua New Guinea, purchased from the dealers McIlwraith and McEacharn in October 1898, Emil Weiske preparation. From the Rothschild Collection.


When this form was named, there was a single specimen in the Rothschild Collection, but a specimen in RMNH from Milne Bay was said to be finschi and is a paratype.

Salomonsen (1967: 402) thought that the collecting locality of this specimen might be the Aroa River. Weiske collected on the Aroa River between August 1899 and January 1900; this holotype was received by Rothschild from the dealer in 1898 and could not have been part of that collection.

Pycnopygius cinereus dorsalis Stresemann and Paludan

Pycnopygius cinereus dorsalis Stresemann and Paludan (in Stresemann et al.), 1934: 44 (Kunupi, 1300 m).

Now Pycnopygius cinereus dorsalis Stresemann and Paludan, 1934. See Rand and Gilliard, 1967: 570, and Higgins et al., 2008: 584.


AMNH 302589, female, collected on Mount Kunupi, 1300 m, Kobowre (= Weyland) Mountains, 03.50S, 135.55E (USBGN, 1982a), Papua Province, Indonesia, on 11 October 1931, by Georg Stein (no. 1785).


Stein's unique field number was given for the holotype in the original description. Hartert et al. (1936: 199), in their report on Stein's Weyland Mountains collection, noted that they had two male and four female specimens. This expedition was jointly sponsored by ZMB, Rothschild, and L.C. Sanford for AMNH. The Rothschild and Sanford shares are now in AMNH. Paratypes in AMNH are: Mount Kunupi, AMNH 302586 (Stein no. 1770), male, 1400 m, 10 September 1931; AMNH 302587 (1791), male, 1300 m, 19 October 1931; AMNH 302588 (1769), female, 1500 m, 15 September 1931; AMNH 302590 (1768), female, 1300 m, 29 September 1931. The remaining paratype is probably in ZMB.

Stein (1933, 1936) published additional information concerning this expedition.

Philemon meyeri Salvadori

Philemon meyeri Salvadori, 1878: 339 (Rubi).

Now Philemon meyeri Salvadori, 1878. See A.B. Meyer, 1875b: 212, Salvadori, 1878: 339, Salomonsen, 1967: 404, and Higgins et al., 2008: 685.


AMNH 294789, adult female, collected at Rubi, ca. 03.20S, 134.57E, Papua Province, Indonesia, in May 1873, by A.B. Meyer (no. 9066).


When Meyer (1875b: 212–215) reported on the 12 specimens of this species that he collected at Rubi, he doubtfully identified them as Tropidorhynchus inornatus G.R. Gray and Mitchell, 1846, referring to both the page number and the plate number (Mitchell was the illustrator for Gray's list of genera; also see Meyer, 1875a: 147). He did not introduce a new name. Later, Salvadori (1878: 339), deciding that Meyer's specimens were different from Tropidorhynchus inornatus G.R. Gray, named them Philemon meyeri and, in addition, included in his type series a female specimen collected by Bruijn and Laglaize at Mambriok that had been deposited in the Turin Museum. Salvadori did not designate a type, so all 13 specimens are syntypes of Philemon meyeri. The name Philemon meyeri Salvadori, 1878, was not a replacement name contra Salomonsen (1967: 404), Eck and Quaisser (2004: 270), and others.

Meyer's original specimens went to SMTD, from which institution the above specimen was exchanged to AMNH in 1924. In addition to the number “9066” on Meyer's printed label, the number “9287” is written in pencil, and on the reverse of Meyer's field label the number “387” appears; the significance of these numbers is unknown to me. The AMNH syntype had not previously been included with AMNH types. Seven syntypes still remain in SMTD (Eck and Quaisser, 2004: 270), but these are syntypes of Philemon meyeri Salvadori, 1878.

Philemon brassi Rand

Philemon brassi Rand, 1940: 13 (Bernhard Camp, Idenburg River, Altitude 50 meters, Netherland [sic] New Guinea).

Now Philemon brassi Rand, 1940. See Salomonsen, 1967: 404, and Higgins et al., 2008: 684.


AMNH 305643, adult male, collected at Bernhard Camp, 50 m, ca. 03.30S, 139.15E (Archbold et al., 1942, map 1), Taritatu (= Idenburg) River, Papua Province, Indonesia, on 29 April 1939, by Richard Archbold, W.B. Richardson, and Austin L. Rand on the 1938–1939 Archbold Expedition (no. 1144).


Rand cited the AMNH number of the holotype in the original description and said that this form was known only from the type locality. In his report on the birds collected on the 1938–1939 expedition, Rand (1942b: 510–511) listed eight adult males, one immature male, 11 adult females, two immature females, and one sex?, collected between 22 March and 29 April 1939. There are 22 paratypes: AMNH 343083–343104. Of these, AMNH 343085, male, and 343097, female, were exchanged to FMNH; AMNH 343091, female, and 343104, sex?, were exchanged to MZB; and AMNH 343088, male, was exchanged to BMNH.

Philemon orientalis didimus Mathews

Philemon orientalis didimus Mathews, 1912a: 423 (South Australia).

Now Philemon citreogularis citreogularis (Gould, 1837). See Salomonsen, 1967: 404, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 287–288, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 684–685.


AMNH 696805, adult male, collected in South Australia, no date. From the Mathews Collection (no. 4174) via the Rothschild Collection.


In the original description, Mathews gave his catalog number of the holotype and the range of didimus as “South Australia, Victoria.” Mathews obtained the holotype from the Rothschild Collection and cataloged it on 20 February 1910. The original Rothschild label has been removed, and it is interesting that no Rothschild label, printed “Ex. coll. G.M. Mathews,” was ever attached to it when it went back to the Rothschild Collection. It bears the original label with minimal data and Mathews and Rothschild type labels. This was apparently the only specimen from South Australia or Victoria that Mathews had. The species is extremely rare and localized in South Australia, occurring only in the riverine woodlands of the Murray River upstream from Renmark (R. Schodde, personal commun.).

Philemon orientalis johnstoni Mathews

Philemon orientalis johnstoni Mathews, 1912a: 423 (Johnston [sic] River, North Queensland).

Now Philemon citreogularis citreogularis (Gould, 1837). See Salomonsen, 1967: 405, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 287–288, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 684–685.


AMNH 696808, female, collected on the Johnstone River, 17.31S, 146.04E (USBGN, 1957), Queensland, Australia, on 9 July 1900, by E. Olive (no. 141). From the Mathews Collection (no. 4244) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews gave his catalog number of the holotype in the original description and the range as “North Queensland.” Olive collected the single specimen of this species and clearly marked his label “Johnstone River.” It was cataloged by Mathews on 1 March 1910. Robinson and Laverock (1900: 617, 634) reported on this specimen, giving the locality as Mount Sapphiri (= Mount Sophia), 17.10S, 145.52E (USBGN, 1957), and commenting on the spatulate tips of the breast feathers, as in the adult, and yellow chin and breast feathers, a sign of immaturity. The yellow on the chin and breast is no longer present, but the soft parts colors cited by Robinson and Laverock are exactly those written by Olive on the label. The following specimens are paratypes: Inkerman, AMNH 696806 (Mathews no. 3426), female, September 1907; AMNH 696807 (3427), female, 3 October 1907, both collected by Wilfred Stalker.

Salomonsen (1967: 405) recognized johnstoni, but Schodde and Mason (1999: 287–288) and Higgins et al. (2008: 684) did not.

Philemon citreogularis carpentariae Salomonsen

Philemon citreogularis carpentariae 336Salomonsen, 1966: 8 (Normanton, northwestern Queensland, Australia).

Now considered intergradient between Philemon c. sordidus and P. c. citreogularis. See Salomonsen, 1967: 405, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 287–288, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 684–685.


AMNH 696823, adult male, collected at Normanton, 17.04S, 141.05E (Times Atlas), Queensland, Australia, on 1 May 1914, by Robin Kemp (no. 445). From the Mathews Collection via the Rothschild Collection.


Salomonsen gave the AMNH number of the holotype in the original description and the range as the southern coast of the Gulf of Carpentaria. The holotype was one of 24 specimens collected by Kemp for Mathews, but not entered in his catalog. The 23 paratypes of carpentariae are: Normanton, AMNH 696811–696822, 696824–696834, 14 males, five females, three sex?, one juvenile, collected between October 1913 and May 1914.

Philemon orientalis breda Mathews

Philemon orientalis breda Mathews, 1912b: 51 (Melville Island, Northern Territory).

Now Philemon citreogularis sordidus (Gould, 1848). See Salomonsen, 1967: 405, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 287–288, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 684–685.


AMNH 696753, adult male, collected at Coopers Camp, Apsley Strait, Melville Island, Northern Territory, Australia, on 6 December 1911, by J.P. Rogers (no. 2584). From the Mathews Collection (no. 11552) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews cited his catalog number of the holotype in the original description and gave the range of the form as “Melville Island.” The holotype bears, in addition to Rogers' label and Mathews and Rothschild type labels, a “Figured” label, indicating that it was illustrated in Mathews (1925a: pl. 556, upper fig., opp. p. 109, text p. 117) where it is confirmed as the type of breda.

Mathews (1912b: 26) noted that he had received two shipments of specimens collected by Rogers on Melville Island; these included specimens collected in 1911 at Coopers Camp. Paratypes are: AMNH 696752 (Mathews no. 10752), male, 6 October; AMNH 696754 (11550), male, 18 November; AMNH 696755 (10751), male, 20 October; AMNH 696756 (10753), female, 1 October; AMNH 696758 (10750), female, 6 October; AMNH 696760 (11551), sex?, 6 December.

Salomonsen (1967: 405) recognized breda; whereas, Schodde and Mason (1999: 287–288) and Higgins et al. (2008: 684) did not.

According to Hart and Pilling (1964: 101), Coopers Camp was across Apsley Strait from the Bathurst Island Mission Station, 11.45S, 130.41E (Times Atlas).

Philemon citreogularis papuensis Mayr and Rand

Philemon citreogularis papuensis Mayr and Rand, 1935: 15 (Dogwa, Oriomo River, Territory of Papua).

Now Philemon citreogularis papuensis Mayr and Rand, 1935. See Salomonsen, 1967: 406, Mees, 1982: 151–152, Coates, 1990: 251–252, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 288, and Higgins et al., 2008: 684–685.


AMNH 422372, adult female, collected at Dogwa, Oriomo River, Western Province, Papua New Guinea, on 25 February 1934, by Richard Archbold and Austin L. Rand on the 1933–1934 Archbold Expedition (no. 3008).


The AMNH number of the holotype was cited in the original description, and the type series was said to comprise three male and two female adults. The four paratypes are: AMNH 422368–422370, males, AMNH 422371, female, all collected at Dogwa between 19 and 28 February 1934.

As noted by Mees (1982: 132), Salomonsen (1967: 406) incorrectly cited the name of this subspecies as P. c. papuanus, an error that was repeated by Dickinson (2003: 436). Schodde and Mason (1999: 288) discussed this southern New Guinea subspecies in relation to Australian forms.

Dogwa was about 9 km west by road from the landing on the Oriomo River at Wuroi, 08.50S, 143.07E (Deignan, 1964a: 234). All of the birds from the 1933–1934 expedition were reported on by Mayr and Rand (1937) and a summary and itinerary provided by Archbold and Rand (1935).

Philemon inornatus robustus Mayr

Philemon inornatus robustus Mayr, 1944: 165 (Mt. Ramelan (2400 meters), eastern Timor).

Now Philemon inornatus (G.R. Gray, 1846). See Salomonsen, 1967: 406, White and Bruce, 1986: 397, and Higgins et al., 2008: 684.


AMNH 308000, adult female, collected on Mount Ramelau (= Ramelan), 2400 m, 08.55S, 125.25E (USBGN, 1982a), eastern Timor, on 2 May 1932, by Georg Stein (no. 4203). From the Expedition G. Stein.


Mayr cited the AMNH number of the holotype in the original description and said that Stein had collected 42 specimens of P. inornatus in both western and eastern Timor. His type series from eastern Timor comprised 23 specimens from Dili (= Dilly, as on label), 16–30 April 1932, and Mount Ramelau, 3–6 May 1932; the 22 paratypes of robustus are: AMNH 346262–346283, 14 males, seven females, one sex?. Stein's collection was made under the auspices of ZMB, Rothschild, and Sterling Rockefeller for AMNH. The entire collection came to AMNH for study by Mayr and was cataloged at AMNH. In January 1956, the following paratypes were sent to ZMB as Berlin's share of this collection: AMNH 346268, 346269, 346273, 346274, 346278, 346281, and 346282.

Philemon timoriensis pallidiceps Hellmayr

Philemon timoriensis pallidiceps Hellmayr, 1914: 47 (Wetter).

Now Philemon buceroides buceroides (Swainson, 1838). See Hellmayr, 1916: 101, Salomonsen, 1967: 408, White and Bruce, 1986: 398, and Higgins et al., 2008: 680–681.


AMNH 696911, adult male, collected on Wetar (= Wetter) Island, 07.48S, 126.18E (White and Bruce, 1986: 491), Lesser Sunda Islands, Indonesia, on 14 September 1902, by Heinrich Kühn (no. 5432). From the Rothschild Collection.


Hellmayr cited Kühn's unique field number of the holotype in the original description and noted that he had examined six adult male and two adult female specimens from Wetar in the Rothschild Collection. The seven paratypes are: AMNH 696909, 696910, 696912–696916. AMNH 294770, collected by Kühn on Wetar in October 1902, was purchased in 1936 from the dealer W.F. Rosenberg by L.C. Sanford for AMNH and was not in the Rothschild Collection.

Hellmayr (1916: 101) noted that the type locality of Philedon buceroides Swainson, 1838, was Timor, not Australia; thus, P. timoriensis (Müller, 1842) is a synonym of P. buceroides.

Philemon buceroides gordoni Mathews

Philemon buceroides gordoni Mathews, 1912d: 101 (Melville Island, Northern Territory).

Now Philemon buceroides gordoni 181182183184185Mathews, 1912. See Salomonsen, 1967: 408, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 289–290, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 680–681.


AMNH 697086, adult male, collected 10 miles east of Gordon Point, 11.31S, 130.27E (USBGN, 1957), Melville Island, Northern Territory, Australia, on 14 June 1912, by J.P. Rogers (no. 3689). From the Mathews Collection (no. 13602) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews cited his catalog number of the holotype in the original description, giving the range of gordoni as “Melville Island.” The holotype bears, in addition to Rogers' original label and Mathews and Rothschild type labels, a “Figured” label, indicating that it was the model for Mathews (1925a: pl. 555, upper fig., opp. p. 103, text p. 107), where it is confirmed as the type of gordoni. Paratypes, all collected at Gordon Point in 1912, are: AMNH 697085 (Mathews no. 14409), 19 June, AMNH 697086 (13603), 14 June, males, AMNH 697088 (13604), 19 June, female.

Philemon novaeguineae brevipennis Rothschild and Hartert

Philemon novaeguineae brevipennis Rothschild and Hartert, 1913: 513 (Snow Mountains, Dutch New Guinea).

Now Philemon buceroides novaeguineae (Müller, 1843). See Salomonsen, 1967: 408–410, Diamond, 1972: 380–384, Coates, 1990: 252–254, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 289–290, Dickinson, 2003: 436, and Higgins et al., 2008: 680–681.


AMNH 697127, adult male, collected in the Maoke (= Snow) Mountains, 04.00S, 138.00E (USBGN, 1982a), Papua Province (= Dutch New Guinea), Indonesia, on 4 September 1910, by Albert S. Meek (no. 4713). From the Rothschild Collection.


Rothschild and Hartert cited Meek's unique field number of the holotype in the original description and noted that they had three specimens (one male and two females) from the Snow Mountains and three specimens (two males and one female) from the upper Setekwa River, giving the Meek numbers for them. The following specimens, all collected in 1910, are paratypes: Setekwa River, males, AMNH 697124 (Meek's no. 4410), 23 July, AMNH 697125 (4432), 26 July; female, AMNH 697126 (4431), 26 July; Snow Mountains, 2000 ft, females, AMNH 697128 (4714), 4 September, AMNH 697129 (4687), 1 September.

Diamond (1972: 380–384) recognized the species P. novaeguineae and reviewed the subspecies from the Vogelkop and southern New Guinea, synonymizing all of them with nominate novaeguineae. Subsequently, P. novaeguineae has been recognized as a full species or included in the large species P. buceroides (see Schodde and Mason, 1999: 290, for a discussion). Dickinson (2003: 436) recognized P. buceroides brevipennis but Coates (1990: 254) and Higgins et al. (2008: 680) did not.

Rothschild and Hartert (1913: 473) noted that most of Meek's 1910 collection was made on the Setekwa River, 04.54S, 137.19E (USBGN, 1982a), a tributary of the Utakwa (= Oetakwa) River.

Philemon novaeguineae fretensis Salomonsen

Philemon novaeguineae fretensis Salomonsen, 1966a: 9 (Delena, Hall Sound, British Papua (central division), New Guinea).

Now Philemon buceroides novaeguineae (Müller, 1843). See Salomonsen, 1967: 408–410; Diamond, 1972: 380–384, Coates, 1990: 252–254, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 289–290, and Higgins et al., 2008: 680–681.


AMNH 330277, adult male, collected at Delena, 08.52S, 146.33E (USBGN, 1956), Hall Sound, Central Province, Papua New Guinea, on 28 May 1929, by Hannibal Hamlin on the Whitney South Sea Expedition (no. 37362).


Salomonsen cited the AMNH number of the holotype in the original description and said fretensis ranged from the middle Fly River eastward along the south coast of New Guinea to Milne Bay. The following AMNH specimens are paratypes: AMNH 224195, 268056, Samarai; AMNH 295701, 295702, Port Moresby; AMNH 421375, 421376, Boroka; AMNH 421377, 421378, Rouna; AMNH 422355–422359, Wuroi; AMNH 422360, 422361, 422363, Dogwa; AMNH 428287–428292, near junction of Black and Palmer rivers; AMNH 428293–428299, Lake Daviumbu; AMNH 428300–428311, Lower Fly River and Daru Island; AMNH 428312–428318, Wassi Kussa River; AMNH 697130, Hall Bay; AMNH 781651–781657, Rouna; AMNH 781658, lower Brown River.

Diamond (1972: 382) synonymized fretensis with novaeguineae and other authors have agreed with him.

Philemon novaeguineae trivialis Salomonsen

Philemon novaeguineae trivialis Salomonsen, 1966a: 9 (Collingwood Bay, north coast of southeastern New Guinea).

Now Philemon buceroides novaeguineae (Müller, 1843). See Salomonsen, 1967: 409, Coates, 1990: 252–254, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 289–290, Dickinson, 2003: 436, and Higgins et al., 2008: 680–681.


AMNH 697135, adult male, collected at Collingwood Bay, Oro Province, Papua New Guinea, on 28 June 1897 (not 1894, as in description), by Albert S. Meek (no. 670). From the Rothschild Collection.


336Salomonsen (1966: 9) cited the AMNH number of the holotype in the original description and gave the known range as Collingwood Bay and the Kumusi River. Paratypes are: Kumusi River, females, AMNH 697131, 11 June 1907; AMNH 697132, 26 May 1907; Haidana, male, AMNH 697134, 18 April 1907.

Coates (1990: 254) apparently included trivialis in the range of P. buceroides novaeguineae, without comment; Dickinson (2003: 436) recognized it. Given the small size of the type series for this form, the great variability among individuals of this species, and the questionable location of Haidana (see LeCroy, 2008: 216), it seems unlikely that this form should be recognized.

Philemon novaeguineae subtuberosus Hartert

Philemon novaeguineae subtuberosus Hartert (in Rothschild and Hartert), 1896b: 238 (Fergusson Island).

Now Philemon buceroides subtuberosus 9293Hartert, 1896. See Salomonsen, 1967: 409, Coates, 1990: 252–254, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 289–290, and Higgins et al., 2008: 680–681.


AMNH 697144, adult male, collected on Fergusson Island, D'Entrecasteaux Islands, Milne Bay Province, Papua New Guinea, on 9 October 1894, by Albert S. Meek. From the Rothschild Collection.


No type was designated in the original description, Hartert only saying that he had four adult specimens of both sexes. Rothschild and Hartert (1903b: 450) again did not mention a type, but later, Hartert (1919a: 177) listed the single male collected on 9 October 1894 as the type of subtuberosus, thereby designating it the lectotype. There are three paralectotypes, all collected on Fergusson Island in 1894: AMNH 697145, male, 2 October; AMNH 697148, female, 18 October; AMNH 697149, female, 18 October. Other specimens in AMNH were collected after the publication of the name.

Meek (1913: 45, 58) had his base camp at Nade (= Nadi), ca. 09.40S, 150.42E, and remained there for four months in 1894.

Philemon novaeguineae tagulanus Rothschild and Hartert

Philemon novaeguineae tagulanus Rothschild and Hartert, 1918: 319 (Sudest Island).

Now Philemon buceroides tagulanus Rothschild and Hartert, 1918. See Salomonsen, 1967: 409, Coates, 1990: 252–254, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 289–290, and Higgins et al., 2008: 680–681.


AMNH 697151, adult male, collected on Tacuta (= Tagula or Sudest) Island, 11.30S, 153.30E (PNG, 1984), Louisiade Archipelago, Milne Bay Province, Papua New Guinea, on 6 May 1916, by Albert F. Eichhorn for Albert S. Meek (no. 7411). From the Rothschild Collection.


Rothschild and Hartert gave Meek's unique field number of the holotype in the original description and had a type series of three males. The two paratypes, also from Tacuta, are: AMNH 697150, 7 May 1916; AMNH 697152, 6 May 1916.

Philemon buceroides yorki Mathews

Philemon buceroides yorki Mathews, 1912d: 102 (Cape York, Queensland).

Now Philemon buceroides yorki 181182183184185Mathews, 1912. See Salomonsen, 1967: 410, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 289–290, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 680–681.


AMNH 697065, adult male, collected at Utingu, Cape York, Queensland, Australia, on 13 May 1912, by Robin Kemp (no. 867). From the Mathews Collection (no. 12897) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews cited his catalog number of the holotype in the original description and gave the range of yorki as “Cape York.” The specimen bears Kemp's original label, Mathews and Rothschild type labels, and a “Figured” label, indicating that this specimen was illustrated in Mathews (1925a: pl. 555, lower fig. labeled Neophilemon yorki, opp. p. 103, text p. 104), where it is confirmed as the type of yorki. The type also bears a tag annotated by Mathews: “To Gron old, Note bare skin, low down on neck;” this is undoubtedly a note to the artist, H. Grönvold. Only specimens collected by Kemp on Cape York in April and May 1912 were cataloged by Mathews before the publication of yorki on 18 September 1912. These four specimens are paratypes: AMNH 697066 (Mathews no. 13209), male, Utingu, 23 May; AMNH 697079 (12758), female, Thursday Island (but cataloged as Cape York), 30 April; AMNH 697080 (12898), female, Utingu, 10 May; AMNH 697081 (13210), female, Utingu, 23 May. See below for a discussion of the complicated nomenclature of the Australian forms of P. buceroides.

Utingu was a coconut plantation opposite Possession Island (Jack, 1921: 342), 10.43S, 142.24E (USBGN, 1957).

Neophilemon orientalis confusus Mathews

Neophilemon orientalis confusus Mathews, 1923b: 39 (Cairns, North Queensland).

Now Philemon buceroides yorki 181182183184185Mathews, 1912. See Salomonsen, 1967: 410, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 289–290, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 680–681.


All collected at Cairns, 16.51S, 145.43E (Times Atlas), Northern Queensland, Australia: AMNH 697047 (Mathews no.?), male, August 1908, by P. Schraeder; AMNH 697048 (3420), male, July 1908, by P. Schraeder; AMNH 697049 (16901), female, 4 June 1884, by T.H. Bowyer-Bower; AMNH 697050 (3422), female, August 1908, by P. Schraeder; AMNH 697051 (3421), female, July 1908, by P. Schraeder; AMNH 697052 (16900), unsexed, 11 June 1884, by T.H. Bowyer-Bower. From the Mathews Collection via the Rothschild Collection.


In the original description, Mathews said that the type was from Cairns; no range was given. The above six specimens from the Mathews Collection are from Cairns and must be considered syntypes as I have found no indication anywhere that Mathews considered any one of them his type. The number “817” that appears on Mathews' labels refers to the number of this species in Mathews (1908).

Mathews (1912a: 422) had originally considered the northeast Queensland Philemon to be Philemon buceroides (Swainson), restricting Swainson's type locality to Cairns when he (Mathews, 1912d: 102) named the Cape York population P. b. yorki. The generic name Neophilemon was introduced by Mathews (1912e: 117) with Philemon buceroides as the type species. Immediately thereafter, he (Mathews, 1912e: 117) introduced the generic name Microphilemon with Buphaga orientalis Latham (= Tropidorhynchus citreogularis Gould) as the type species. When Hellmayr (1916: 101–102) found that Swainson's type of P. buceroides was from Timor, not Australia, he accepted Mathews' name yorki for the Australian form, accorded it full species status, and considered Mathews' name gordoni a subspecies of P. yorki.

The Australasian Ornithologists' Union Check List Committee having pointed out to Mathews that Latham's and Gould's names were not synonyms, Mathews (1923b: 39) then used Neophilemon orientalis (Latham) as the species name for the northern Australian populations of P. buceroides, restricting the type locality of nominate Neophilemon orientalis to Cooktown. Thus, this left the Cairns population, formerly bearing Swainson's name, to be accounted for; Mathews' (1923b: 39) solution was to immediately name Neophilemon orientalis confusus from Cairns. Salomonsen (1967: 410) recognized confusus in the species P. novaeguineae; most recent authors have combined novaeguineae and buceroides in the single species buceroides (see Schodde and Mason, 1999: 290 for a discussion). Schodde and Mason (1999: 289–290) and Higgins et al. (2008: 680) did not recognize confusus.

Philemon novaeguineae umboi Hartert

Philemon novaeguineae umboi Hartert, 1926b: 143 (Rook Island).

Now Philemon cockerelli umboi 125Hartert, 1926. See Salomonsen, 1967: 410, Coates, 1990: 254, and Higgins et al., 2008: 681.


AMNH 697179, adult male, collected on Umboi (= Rook) Island, 05.40S, 148.00E (PNG, 1984), Morobe Province, Papua New Guinea, on 21 July 1913, by Albert F. Eichhorn for Albert S. Meek (no. 5763). From the Rothschild Collection.


Hartert cited Meek's unique field number of the holotype in the original description. In reporting on the entire collection from Umboi Island, Rothschild and Hartert (1914b: 216) noted that they had six adult and two immature specimens and gave Meek's numbers for them. Paratypes, all collected on Umboi in 1913, are: AMNH 697177 (Meek no. 5786), female, 23 July; AMNH 697178 (5884), male, 31 July; AMNH 697180 (5858), male, 28 July; AMNH 697181 (5799), male, 23 July; AMNH 697182 (5787), female, 23 July; AMNH 697183 (5815), immature female, 25 July; AMNH 697184 (5855), immature female, 28 July.

Rothschild and Hartert (1914b: 207), in commenting on the Rook Island collection, noted that Dampier had called the island Sir George Rook's Island and that therefore it should not be spelled “Rooke” as was sometimes done.

Philemon eichhorni Rothschild and Hartert

Philemon eichhorni Rothschild and Hartert, 1924: 8 (Hills on S.W. coast of New Ireland).

Now Philemon eichhorni Rothschild and Hartert, 1924. See Salomonsen, 1967: 410, Coates, 1990: 254–255, and Higgins et al., 2008: 681–682.


AMNH 697200, adult male, collected on the southwest coast of New Ireland, 2500 ft, 03.20S, 152.00E (PNG, 1984), New Ireland Province, Papua New Guinea, on 22 January 1924, by Albert F. Eichhorn (no. 8981). From the Rothschild Collection.


Rothschild and Hartert gave Eichhorn's unique field number of the holotype in the original description. Hartert (1925: 133), in his report on Eichhorn's New Ireland collection, noted that nine specimens were collected, but Eichhorn's field numbers were not listed. Eight of these specimens came to AMNH. The seven paratypes in AMNH are: males, AMNH 697197 (Eichhorn no. 8839), 5 December 1923; AMNH 697198 (8878), 17 December 1923; AMNH 697199 (8939), 3 January 1924; females, AMNH 697201 (9001), 26 January 1924; AMNH 697202 (8829), 1 December 1923; AMNH 697203 (9023), 5 February 1924; AMNH 697204 (9036), 8 February 1924.

Philemon argenticeps kempi Mathews

Philemon argenticeps kempi Mathews, 1912d: 101 (Cape York, Queensland).

Now Philemon agenticeps kempi 181182183184185Mathews, 1912. See Salomonsen, 1967: 410, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 291, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 682.


AMNH 697015, female?, collected at Utingu, Cape York, Queensland, Australia, on 8 June 1912, by Robin Kemp (no. 1001). From the Mathews Collection (no. 13208) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews cited his catalog number of the holotype in the original description; it bears Kemp's original label and Mathews and Rothschild type labels. Mathews (1912d: 101) gave the range of kempi as “Cape York.” Of all of the specimens of this form that Kemp collected on Cape York, the holotype is the only one cataloged by Mathews before the name was published on 18 September 1912. He had two additional specimens, collected on CapeYork by McLennan early enough, but I did not find them in Mathews' catalog and do not know when they came into his possession: AMNH 697005, male, Jardine River, 12 April 1911; AMNH 697018, male, Cape York, 9 December 1910.

Utingu was a coconut plantation opposite Possession Island (Jack, 1921: 342), 10.43S, 142.24E (USBGN, 1957).

Philemon argenticeps alexis Mathews

Philemon argenticeps alexis Mathews, 1912a: 422 (Alexandra, Northern Territory).

Now Philemon argenticeps argenticeps (Gould, 1840). See Salomonsen, 1967: 411, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 291, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 682.


AMNH 696998, adult female, collected at Alexandria (= Alexandra), 19.00S, 136.42E (Times Atlas), Northern Territory, Australia, on 2 November 1905, by Wilfred Stalker (no. 86). From the Mathews Collection (no. 3418) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews cited his catalog number of the holotype in the original description, giving the range of alexis as “Northern Territory.” The type bears Mathews and Rothschild type labels and Stalker's original label, the number “816” referring to the number of this species in Mathews (1908); it was the single specimen collected by Stalker at Alexandria (Ingram, 1908: 414).Two additional Mathews specimens are paratypes: Port Darwin, April 1902, AMNH 696976 (Mathews no. 3416), sex?; AMNH 696977 (3417), immature. AMNH 696999, collected by K. Dahl on Mount Shortridge in 1894 was not cataloged by Mathews until February 1912, after the publication of alexis. Other Northern Territory specimens in AMNH were never in the Mathews Collection.

Philemon argenticeps melvillensis Mathews

Philemon argenticeps melvillensis Mathews, 1912b: 51 (Melville Island, Northern Territory).

Now Philemon argenticeps argenticeps (Gould, 1840). See Salomonsen, 1967: 411, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 291, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 682.


AMNH 696989, female, collected at Coopers Creek, Apsley Strait, Melville Island, Northern Territory, Australia, on 16 October 1911, by J.P. Rogers (no. 2195). From the Mathews Collection (no. 10757) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews cited his catalog number of the holotype in the original description and gave the range as “Melville Island.” The holotype bears Rogers' original label and Mathews and Rothschild type labels. When this form was named, Mathews (1912b: 26) had received only two shipments of specimens from Melville Island, all collected in 1911. Paratypes are: males, AMNH 696983 (Mathews no. 10762), 29 September; AMNH 696984 (11547), 21 November; AMNH 696985 (11546), 16 November; females, AMNH 696986 (11548), 10 November; AMNH 696987 (11545), 29 November; AMNH 696988 (10756), 30 October; AMNH 696990 (10761), 1 October. An additional specimen, not in AMNH, was cataloged by Mathews as no. 11549, male, 25 November 1911 and, if found, is also a paratype.

Hart and Pilling (1964: 101) gave the location of Coopers Camp as directly across Apsley Strait from the Bathurst Island Mission Station, 11.45S, 130.41E (Times Atlas).

Philemon argenticeps broomei Mathews

Philemon argenticeps broomei Mathews, 1912d: 101 (Napier, Broome Bay, North-west Australia).

Now Philemon argenticeps argenticeps (Gould, 1840). See Salomonsen, 1967: 411, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 291, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 682.


AMNH 697020, male, collected at Pago Mission (= mission station, as on label), 14.10S, 126.42E (Times Atlas), Napier Broome Bay, Western Australia, Australia, on 7 March 1910, by G.F. Hill (no. 333). From the Mathews Collection (no. 5618) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews cited his catalog number of the holotype in the original description and gave the range as “North-west Australia.” In addition to Hill's original label and Mathews and Rothschild type labels, the holotype bears a “Figured” label, indicating that it was illustrated in Mathews (1925a: pl. 554, lower fig., opp. p. 98, text p. 99), where it is confirmed as the type of broomei. The following are paratypes: Admiralty Gulf, AMNH 697019 (Mathews no. 12937), male, 17 November 1911; Mission Station, AMNH 697021 (5617), male, 6 January 1910; Mount Casuarina, AMNH 697022 (12934), male, 7 October 1911; AMNH 697023 (12933), male, 5 October 1911; King River, males, AMNH 697024, 3 June 1911; AMNH 697025 (9845), 2 July 1911; AMNH 697026 (9847), 2 July 1911; Parry Creek, males, AMNH 697027 (3411), 3 November 1908; AMNH 697028 (3414), 3 November 1908; AMNH 697029 (3412), 2 November 1908; AMNH 697030 (3413), 31 October 1908; female, AMNH 697031 (3415), 31 October 1908; Camp 17, male, AMNH 697032 (12935), 17 September 1911; female, AMNH 697033 (12936), 17 September 1911.

Philemon corniculatus ellioti Mathews

Philemon corniculatus ellioti Mathews, 1912a: 423 (Mount Elliot, North Queensland).

Now Philemon corniculatus corniculatus (Latham, 1790). See Salomonsen, 1967: 412, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 292–293, Dickinson, 2003: 437, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 682–683.


AMNH 696889, adult male, collected on Mount Elliot, 19.30S, 147.00E (Times Atlas), Queensland, Australia, on 1 December 1907, by Wilfred Stalker (no. 318). From the Mathews Collection (no. 3423) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews cited his catalog number of the holotype in the original description, giving the range of the form as “North Queensland.” The holotype bears Mathews and Rothschild type labels and Stalker's original label, the number “818” on the reverse referring to the number of this species in Mathews (1908). This was the single specimen collected by Stalker in the vicinity of Inkerman (see Ingram, 1908: 478), and was the only specimen in Mathews' possession when ellioti was named. It is the male described, but not figured, in Mathews (1925a: 110). Two of Mathews' specimens collected at Cairns and on the Barron River in 1884 by T.H. Bowyer Bower were not cataloged by Mathews until 1913, after the publication of ellioti.

Schodde and Mason (1999: 293) discussed the type locality of nominate P. corniculatus and designated a neotype, with type locality on the Cape York Peninsula. The holotype of ellioti is from near Townsville, and within the range of P. c. corniculatus, close to, but not from within, the zone of intergradation shown by Schodde and Mason (1999: 292) contra Dickinson (2003: 437) and Higgins et al. (2008: 682).

Tropidorhynchus corniculatus watsoni Mathews

Tropidorhynchus corniculatus watsoni Mathews, 1925a: 110, pl. 556 (Watson River, North Queensland).

Now Philemon corniculatus corniculatus (Latham, 1790). See Salomonsen, 1967: 412, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 292–293, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 682–683.


AMNH 696893, female, collected on the Watson River, 13.20S, 141.47E (USBGN, 1957), Cape York, Queensland, Australia, on 22 June 1914. From the Mathews Collection via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews (1925a: pl. 556, lower fig., opp. p. 109, text p. 110) named this subspecies in the paragraph describing the figured female of T. corniculatus. The holotype bears four labels: the original label, a Mathews “Figured” label, a Rothschild Collection label printed “Ex. coll. G.M. Mathews,” and an AMNH type label filled in by Charles Vaurie (probably when Salomonsen was working on the Meliphagidae at AMNH). Mathews had two specimens, a male and a female, both collected on 22 June 1914. The male, AMNH 696892 is the paratype.

Although the collector did not sign his labels, it was surely William McLennan, who at this time was collecting on the Watson River for William MacGillivray (1917–1918: 77–78) and whose handwriting matches that on the labels of these two specimens, the legs of which are tied together above the tibiotarsal joint in McLennan's characteristic manner.

Ptilotis meekiana Rothschild and Hartert

Ptilotis meekiana Rothschild and Hartert, 1907: 482 (head of Aroa River, 4600 ft.).

Now Ptiloprora meekiana meekiana (Rothschild and Hartert, 1907). See Salomonsen, 1967: 413, Coates, 1990: 267, and Higgins et al., 2008: 657.


AMNH 696596, adult male, collected at the head of the Aroa River, 4600 ft, 09.00S, 147.00E (PNG, 1984), Central Province, Papua New Guinea, on 20 May 1905, by Albert S. Meek (no. A.2199). From the Rothschild Collection.


Rothschild and Hartert cited the unique field number of the holotype in the original description and listed their type series, including Meek field numbers. Paratypes are: head of Aroa River, AMNH 696594 (Meek no. A.2255), 28 May 1905, AMNH 696595 (A.2214), 23 May 1905, males; Bihagi, head of Mambare River, AMNH 696597 (A.2595), male, AMNH 696598 (A.2591), female, AMNH 696599 (A.2593), sex?, but published as male, all three collected on 11 March 1906.

Ptiloprora meekiana occidentalis Rand

Ptiloprora meekiana occidentalis Rand, 1940: 13 (Bele River, 18 km. north of Lake Habbema, 2200 meters, Snow Mts., Netherland [sic] New Guinea).

Now Ptiloprora meekiana occidentalis Rand, 1940. See Dickinson, 2003: 438 and Higgins et al., 2008: 657.


AMNH 305655, adult male, collected on the Ibele (= Bele) River, 18 km north of Lake Habbema, 2200 m, 04.08S, 138.40E (USBGN, 1982a), Maoke (= Snow) Mountains, Papua Province, Indonesia (= Netherlands New Guinea), on 23 November 1938, by Richard Archbold, Austin L. Rand, and W.B. Richardson on the 1938–1939 Archbold Expedition to New Guinea (no. 8254).


Rand cited the AMNH number of the holotype in the original description. In the later report on all of the birds collected on the 1938–1939 expedition, Rand (1942b: 509) listed seven males and 11 females collected, in addition to the type specimen. Paratypes are: near Lake Habbema, 18 October–6 November 1938, AMNH 342966–342968, males, AMNH 342969–342972, females; Ibele River, 12–29 November 1938, AMNH 342973–342976, males, AMNH 342977–342983, females. Of these, AMNH 342970 was sent to MZB, and AMNH 342967 and AMNH 342983 were exchanged to FMNH in the early 1960s.

Ptiloprora erythropleura dammermani Stresemann and Paludan

Ptiloprora erythropleura dammermani Stresemann and Paludan (in Stresemann et al.), 1934: 44 (Sumuri 2200 m).

Now Ptiloprora erythropleura dammermani Stresemann and Paludan, 1934. See Dickinson, 2003: 438, and Higgins et al., 2008: 657–658.


AMNH 302571, adult male, collected on Mount Sumuri, 2200 m, Kobowre (= Weyland) Mountains, 03.50S, 135.55E (USBGN, 1982a), Papua Province, Indonesia, on 23 August 1931, by Georg Stein (no. 1896).


Stresemann and Paludan cited Stein's unique field number of the holotype in the original description; in their report on the birds collected by Stein in the Weylands, Hartert et al. (1936: 199) noted that he had collected six males and seven females on Mount Kunupi and Mount Sumuri. This collection was made under the joint auspices of ZMB, Rothschild, and L.C. Sanford for AMNH. With the purchase of the Rothschild Collection in 1932, AMNH received approximately two-thirds of the collection plus types, ZMB the remainder. The nine paratypes sent to AMNH are: Kunupi, AMNH 302572–302575, males, AMNH 302576–302579, females, AMNH 302580, sex?. Of these, AMNH 302575 was exchanged to MCZ in 1939, and AMNH 302577 was exchanged to FMNH in the early 1960s.

Ptilotis praecipua Hartert

Ptilotis praecipua Hartert, 1897c: 370 (5000–6000 feet high between Mounts Musgrave and Scratchley).

Now Ptiloprora guisei guisei (De Vis, 1894). See Salomonsen, 1967: 414, Coates, 1990: 268–270, and Higgins et al., 2008: 658.


AMNH 696629, adult male, collected between Mount Musgrave, 08.55S, 147.25E (USBGN, 1943), and Mount Scratchley, 08.40S, 147.30E (USBGN, 1943), 5000–6000 ft, Owen Stanley Mountains, Central Province, Papua New Guinea, by A.S. Anthony. From the Rothschild Collection.


Hartert did not designate a type in the original description but had one female and more than one male specimen. Later, Rothschild and Hartert (1903b: 443) listed as the type a specimen with the above data collected by Anthony, thereby designating it the lectotype; this specimen is the only one in the type series on which Anthony's name appears. It bears a Rothschild type label. Paralectotypes are: AMNH 696630, female, collected between Mounts Musgrave and Scratchley, 5–6000 ft; AMNH 696631, male, collected between Mount Musgrave and “Mt. Stanley.” I consider “Mt. Stanley” a lapsus; although there is no original label, the “make” of the skins is similar. It seems unlikely that a third skin, now AMNH 696632, of similar “make,” collected in the Owen Stanley Mountains, 3–5000 ft in 1897, could have been available to Hartert when P. praecipua was published in August 1897.

Ptiloprora mayri acrophila Diamond

Ptiloprora mayri acrophila Diamond, 1969: 46 (Mt. Menawa, Bewani Mountains, Sepik District, Mandated Territory of New Guinea, 5200 feet).

Now Ptiloprora mayri acrophila Diamond, 1969. See Coates, 1990: 268, and Higgins et al., 2008: 658.


AMNH 789766, adult male, collected on Mount Menawa, 5200 ft, Bewani Mountains, 03.10S, 141.05E (PNG, 1984), West Sepik Province, Papua New Guinea, on 12 August 1966, by Jared M. Diamond (no. 1503).


Diamond cited the AMNH number of the holotype in the original description. His type series comprised 24 males, two imature males, 14 females, two sex?, and one immature sex?. There are 26 paratypes in AMNH: AMNH 830294–830319, 15 males, four females, seven sex?, all collected on Mount Menawa, 1–13 August 1966.

Ptiloprora guisei mayri Hartert

Ptiloprora guisei mayri Hartert, 1930b: 49 (Cyclops Mountains).

Now Ptiloprora mayri mayri 129Hartert, 1930. See Salomonsen, 1967: 414, Diamond, 1969: 46–55, and Higgins et al., 2008: 658.


AMNH 696605, adult male, collected in the Cycloop (= Cyclops) Mountains, 02.32S, 140.36E (USBGN, 1982a), Papua Province, Indonesia, on 31 August 1928, by Ernst Mayr (no. 2125). From the Rothschild Collection.


Hartert cited Mayr's unique field number of the holotype in the original description. Mayr's fieldwork in the Cyclops Mountains was jointly funded by L.C. Sanford for AMNH and Rothschild and the collection was divided between them with a third set sent to MZB (Hartert, 1930a: 19). The Rothschild and Sanford portions of this collection are now in AMNH, and the following specimens are paratypes of P. g. mayri: AMNH 294308–294315, 696604, 696606–696613, 10 males and 7 females collected between 22 August and 12 September 1928. There are perhaps other paratypes in MZB. Mayr (1930) discussed collecting in this area.

Ptiloprora guisei praedicta Hartert

Ptiloprora guisei praedicta Hartert, 1930b: 49 (Wondiwoi (Wandammen)).

Now Ptiloprora perstriata praedicta 129Hartert, 1930. See Salomonsen, 1967: 414, Diamond, 1969: 46–55, and Higgins et al., 2008: 658–659.


AMNH 294316, adult male, collected in the Wondiwoi Mountains, Papua Province, Indonesia, on 8 July 1928, by Ernst Mayr (no. 1394).


Hartert cited Mayr's unique field number of the holotype in the original description and included measurements for three males and one female. There were however five specimens; the four paratypes, all collected in the Wondiwoi Mountains in July 1928, are: AMNH 294317 (Mayr's no. 1470), male; AMNH 294318 (1466), male; AMNH 696644 (1449), female [male, initialed by Hartert]; AMNH 696645 (1412), female.

Mayr's expedition was jointly funded by L.C. Sanford for AMNH and Rothschild, with the collection divided between them and a third set sent to MZB. Apparently, all of the specimens of this form are now in AMNH. Mayr (1930: 24) landed at Wasior, 02.38S, 134.27E (Times Atlas) on the peninsula that juts into Geelvink Bay to the east of Wandammen Bay and entered the Wondiwoi Mountains from there.

Ptilotis praecipua nigritergum Rothschild and Hartert

Ptilotis praecipua nigritergum Rothschild and Hartert, 1911c: 35 (Mt. Goliath, Central Dutch New Guinea).

Now Ptiloprora perstriata perstriata (De Vis, 1898). See Salomonsen, 1967: 415, Diamond, 1969: 46–55, and Higgins et al., 2008: 658–659.


AMNH 696640, adult male, collected on Mount Goliath, 04.40S, 139.52E (393USBGN, 1982), Papua Province, Indonesia, on 20 January 1911, by Albert S. Meek (no. 5143). From the Rothschild Collection.


Rothschild and Hartert cited Meek's unique field number of the holotype in the original description, and later, in their report on the entire collection (Rothschild and Hartert, 1913: 515–516), listed three males and two females, giving Meek's field numbers for each. The four paratypes, all collected on Mount Goliath in January 1911, are: AMNH 696639 (Meek's no. 5449), male; AMNH 696641 (5450), male; AMNH 696642 (5089), female; AMNH 696643 (5103), female.

Melidectes fuscus gilliardi Salomonsen

Melidectes fuscus gilliardi Salomonsen, 1966a: 10 (Mt. Wilhelm, Bismarck Range, 11,000 feet altitude, east-central New Guinea).

Now Melidectes fuscus fuscus (De Vis, 1897). See Salomonsen, 1967: 416, Diamond, 1972: 389–390, Coates, 1990: 256–258, and Higgins et al., 2008: 611.


AMNH 705793, adult male, collected on Mount Wilhelm, 11,000 ft, 05.45S, 145.00E (PNG, 1984), Bismarck Mountains, Eastern Highlands Province, Papua New Guinea, on 7 June 1950, by E. Thomas Gilliard.


Salomonsen cited the AMNH number of the holotype in the original description and gave the range of gilliardi as the Bismarck Mountains. This would include various expedition camps on the southern slopes of Mount Wilhelm in June 1950. Other mountains on which Gilliard made collections in 1950 and 1952 were not part of the Bismarck Range. Paratypes are: AMNH 705794705796, males, collected 7–11 June 1950; AMNH 705799705801, females, collected 8–14 June 1950; AMNH 802702, female, collected 8 June 1950; and AMNH 802703, male?, collected 10 June 1950. AMNH 705797 was sent to AM in 1953 and would not have been available to Salomonsen when he worked at AMNH in the early 1960s.

Diamond (1972: 389–390) synonymized gilliardi with M. f. fuscus. Coates (1990: 256–258) included this species in the genus Melionyx. See Mayr and Gilliard (1954) for a report on Gilliard's 1950 and 1952 expeditions.

Melidectes princeps Mayr and Gilliard

Melidectes princeps Mayr and Gilliard, 1951: 13 (Mt. Wilhelm, Bismarck Mountains, Central Highlands, Mandated Territory of New Guinea).

Now Melidectes princeps Mayr and Gilliard, 1951. See Salomonsen, 1967: 416, Coates, 1990: 258–259, and Higgins et al., 2008: 612.


AMNH 348207, adult male, collected on Mount Wilhelm, south drainage, 11,800 ft, 05.45S, 145.00E (PNG, 1984), Bismarck Mountains, Simbu Province, Papua New Guinea, on 10 June 1950, by Robert Doyle on the 1950 Gilliard Expedition to New Guinea.


The AMNH number of the holotype was cited in the original description and princeps was said to occur above 10,000 ft in the Kubor Mountains, on Mount Hagen and on Mount Wilhelm. The name was published in 1951, so only those specimens collected on the 1950 expedition are paratypes: Mount Orata, Kubor Mountains, May, AMNH 705810, 705811, 705811bis, males, AMNH 705812, female; Mount Wilhelm, June, AMNH 705813, 705814, males, AMNH 705815, male?, AMNH 705816–705818, females; Mount Hagen, July, AMNH 705819–705821, males, AMNH 705822, female?, AMNH 705823, juvenile, AMNH 705824, sex?. Of these, AMNH 705814 and 705816 were exchanged to FMNH and AMNH 705824 was sent to AM.

Coates (1990: 256, 258) included this species in the genus Melionyx. See Mayr and Gilliard (1954) for a report on Gilliard's 1950 and 1952 expeditions.

Melidectes rufocrissalis gilliardi Diamond

Melidectes rufocrissalis thomasi Diamond

Melidectes rufocrissalis gilliardi Diamond, 1967: 9 (Camp 3, Mt. Karimui, Eastern Highlands District, Mandated Territory of New Guinea, 5100 feet).

Now Melidectes rufocrissalis thomasi Diamond, 1969. See Diamond, 1969: 55, Diamond, 1972: 391–396, Coates, 1990: 262–263, and Higgins et al., 2008: 613–614.


AMNH 786040, adult female, collected at Camp 3, Mount Karimui, 5100 ft, 06.30S, 144.45E (PNG, 1984), Eastern Highlands Province, Papua New Guinea, on 17 August 1965, by Jared M. Diamond (no. 2202).


Diamond cited the AMNH number of the holotype in the original description and listed his type series. Subsequently, M. r. gilliardi proved to be a junior primary homonym of Melidectes fuscus gilliardi 336Salomonsen, 1966, and was replaced by Diamond (1969: 55) with Melidectes rufocrissalis thomasi. Both names share the same type (ICZN, 1999, Art. 57.2, Art. 72.7). Diamond's type series comprised 14 males, 18 females, five sex? from Mount Karimui, and six males, three females, and three sex? from Awande, all collected June–September 1965; the following paratypes came to AMNH: Awande, AMNH 809394–809397, males; Mount Karimui, AMNH 809398–809400, females, AMNH 809401–809404, 809407–809409, males, AMNH 809405, 809406, sex?.

Melirrhophetes foersteri Rothschild and Hartert

Melirrhophetes foersteri Rothschild and Hartert, 1911b: 12 (Rawlinson Mountains, north of Huon Gulf, German New Guinea).

Now Melidectes foersteri (Rothschild and Hartert, 1911). See Gilliard, 1959, Salomonsen, 1967: 418, Diamond, 1972: 387–389, Coates, 1990: 263, and Higgins et al., 2008: 614.


AMNH 693847, [adult male], collected in the Rawlinson Mountains, 06.30S, 147.15E (PNG, 1984), Huon Peninsula, Morobe Province, Papua New Guinea, in November 1910, by Christian Keysser. From the Rothschild Collection.


In the original description, Rothschild and Hartert described the adult male and female and said that the types, in the Rothschild Collection, had been obtained from Professor Foerster. The male and the female specimens were therefore syntypes; a third unsexed specimen has no taxonomic standing. Hartert (1919a: 175) listed the presumed male as the type, thereby designating it the lectotype of M. foersteri; the presumed female becomes the paralectotype: AMNH 693848. All three of these specimens were collected by Keysser, but if any had an original label, it is no longer present. The Rothschild labels are dated “xi 1910.” Hartert (1919a: 175) mistakenly gave the collecting year as “1911.”

Melirrhophetes belfordi joiceyi Rothschild

Melirrhophetes belfordi joiceyi Rothschild, 1921: 285 (Mt. Kunupi, 6,000 ft., Weyland Mts.).

Now Melidectes belfordi joiceyi (Rothschild, 1921). See Gilliard, 1959, Salomonsen, 1967: 418, and Higgins et al., 2008: 613.


AMNH 693815, [adult male], wing [in molt]: 132 mm, collected on Mount Kunupi, 6000 ft, Kobowre (= Weyland) Mountains, 03.50S, 135.55E (USBGN, 1982a), Papua Province, Indonesia, in November–December 1920, by the Pratt brothers (no. 579). From the Rothschild Collection.


Rothschild cited the Pratt number of the holotype in the original description and said that the type series comprised five males and two females, with inclusive wing measurements given. Five of these specimens came to AMNH with the Rothschild Collection; the four paratypes in AMNH, all bearing the same data as the holotype, are: AMNH 693812, [male, 129 mm, worn]; AMNH 693813, [female, 112 mm]; AMNH 693814, [male, 134 mm]; AMNH 693816, female, on original label, 113 mm. None of the specimens other than the holotype had a collector's number on the label. The two paratypes that did not come to AMNH bear the same data as the above and should have measurements in the range given for males; one of these is in RMNH (Dekker and Quaisser, 2006: 28).

Melirrhophetes belfordi griseirostris Rothschild and Hartert

Melirrhophetes belfordi griseirostris Rothschild and Hartert, 1911c: 34 (Mt. Goliath, Central Dutch New Guinea).

Now Melidectes belfordi griseirostris (Rothschild and Hartert, 1911). See Gilliard, 1959, Diamond, 1967: 9–12, Salomonsen, 1967: 418, Dickinson, 2003: 438, and Higgins et al., 2008: 613.


AMNH 693819, male, collected on Mount Goliath, 04.40S, 139.52E (USBGN, 1982a), Papua Province, Indonesia, on 11 February 1911, by Albert S. Meek (no. 5353). From the Rothschild Collection.


Meek's unique field number of the holotype was cited in the original description. Rothschild and Hartert (1913: 514–515) reported on Meek's Mount Goliath collection and noted that they had six males and four females, giving Meek's numbers for each. The nine paratypes, all collected in January and February 1911, are: AMNH 693817 (Meek no. 5222), AMNH 693818 (5148), AMNH 693820 (5298), AMNH 693821 (5093), AMNH 693822 (5354), AMNH 693823 (5161), males (as sexed by Meek); AMNH 693824 (5455), AMNH 693825 (5325), AMNH 693826 (5248), females (as sexed by Meek).

Dickinson (2003: 438) and Higgins et al. (2008: 613) did not recognize griseirostris, considering it a hybrid form. However, this population is a stable population of hybrid origin, all specimens showing the same characters, not a “hybrid swarm,” a population of individuals showing a mixture of traits possessed by the supposed parental forms (Gilliard, 1959: 24).

Melidectes belfordi schraderensis Gilliard and LeCroy

Melidectes belfordi schraderensis Gilliard and LeCroy, 1968: 33 (Mt. Kominjim, 8300 feet, Schrader Mountains, Territory of New Guinea).

Now Melidectes belfordi schraderensis Gilliard and LeCroy, 1968. See Coates, 1990: 259–262, and Higgins et al., 2008: 613.


AMNH 792681, adult male, collected on Mount Kominjim, 8300 ft, Schrader Mountains, 05.00S, 144.10E (PNG, 1984), Madang Province, Papua New Guinea, on 28 April 1964, by E. Thomas Gilliard.


The AMNH number of the holotype was cited in the original description; the type series comprised one skin specimen additional to the holotype, AMNH 792848, sex?, and spirit specimens AMNH 3633–3639, all of which are paratypes, although only two were listed in the original description.

Melidectes leucostephes brassi Mayr and Rand

Melidectes leucostephes brassi Mayr and Rand, 1936: 247 (Mt. Tafa, östl. Abhang (2000 m), Central Division; Territory of Papua).

Now Melidectes belfordi brassi Mayr and Rand, 1936. See Mayr and Rand, 1937: 223–224, Gilliard, 1959, Salomonsen, 1967: 419, Diamond, 1972: 387–396, Coates, 1990: 259–262, Dickinson, 2003: 438, and Higgins et al., 2008: 613.


AMNH 421030, adult male, collected on Mount Tafa, east slope, 2070 m, 10.40S, 151.45E (PNG, 1984), Central Province, Papua New Guinea, on 12 May 1933, by Richard Archbold and Austin L. Rand on the 1933–1934 Archbold Expedition (no. 352).


Mayr and Rand cited the AMNH number of the holotype in the original description and said that they had specimens from Mount Tafa and from Murray Pass in the Wharton Range, 2000–2800 m. Later, Mayr and Rand (1937: 223) listed their specimens; however, the original description did not include the specimens collected by H. Hamlin at Iola and Fane and, in this later paper, included in brassi. Paratypes are: Mount Tafa, east slope, AMNH 421029, 421031, 421032, 421033, males, AMNH 421040, 421041, 421042, females; Murray Pass, AMNH 421039, male, AMNH 421045, 421046, females; Mount Tafa, west slope, AMNH 421047, 421048, females. Of these, AMNH 421033 was exchanged to ZMB in 1936, and AMNH 421048 was exchanged to FMNH in the mid-1960s.

Mayr and Rand (1937: 223–224) and Gilliard (1959) considered brassi an altitudinal subspecies of M. belfordi, occurring at mid-mountain altitudes, with a sharp break in size between brassi and the high-altitude nominate subspecies. Salomonsen (1967: 419) considered brassi a synonym of M. b. belfordi, without comment, and this was tentatively followed by Dickinson (2003: 438), but see Diamond (1972: 387–396). Higgins et al. (2008: 613) recognized brassi and suggested that it and nominate belfordi may represent different species. Further study is needed.

Melidectes torquatus nuchalis Mayr

Melidectes torquatus nuchalis Mayr, 1936: 7 (Weyland Mountains (1500 m.)).

Now Melidectes torquatus nuchalis Mayr, 1936. See Salomonsen, 1967: 419, and Higgins et al., 2008: 614–615.


AMNH 302526, adult male, collected on Mount Kunupi, 1500 m, Kobowre (= Weyland) Mountains, 03.50S, 135.55E (USBGN, 1982a), Papua Province, Indonesia, on 3 October 1931, by Georg Stein (no. 1830).


Mayr cited the AMNH number of the holotype in the original description and gave measurements for one male and three females. These Weyland Mountain specimens collected by Stein were originally identified by Hartert et al. (1936: 195) as M. t. cahni, with one male and four females collected. Stein's fieldwork was supported by Rothschild and by L.C. Sanford for AMNH and the collection was to be divided between the two collections with a selection going to ZMB. By the time Mayr described this form, the Rothschild and Sanford portions of the collection had come to AMNH, but apparently a female specimen had remained in ZMB. That specimen has no type standing. The three paratypes, collected on Mount Kunupi in September and October 1931, are: females, AMNH 302527 (Stein no. 1831), AMNH 302528 (1829), AMNH 302529 (1833).

Melidectes torquatus mixtus Rand

Melidectes torquatus mixtus Rand, 1941: 14 (Balim River, 1600 meters, Netherland [sic] New Guinea).

Now Melidectes torquatus mixtus Rand, 1941. See Salomonsen, 1967: 419, and Dickinson, 2003: 438.


AMNH 306378, adult male, collected on the Baliem (= Balim) River, 1600 m, 04.25S, 138.59E (USBGN, 1982a), Papua Province (= Netherlands New Guinea), Indonesia, on 12 December 1938, by Richard Archbold, Austin L. Rand, and W.B. Richardson on the 1938–1939 Archbold Expedition to New Guinea (no. 8613).


Rand cited the AMNH number of the holotype in the original description and gave measurements of six males and three females, all specimens from the Baliem River area between 1600 and 2200 m. The eight paratypes are: Baliem River, 1600 m, AMNH 342780342784, males; AMNH 342785, 342786, females; Ibele (= Bele) River, 18 km north of Lake Habbema, 2200 m, AMNH 342787, female. AMNH 342785 was sent to MZB in May 1957. This was a joint expedition with the Netherlands Indies Government, also known as the Indisch-Amerikaansche Expeditie. For a summary of the expedition, see Archbold et al. (1942).

Melidectes Emilii A. B. Meyer

Melidectes Emilii A.B. Meyer (in Finsch and Meyer), 1886: 22 (Hufeisengebirge, 7000–8000 ft, Owen Stanley-Gebirge, Südost-Neu Guinea).

Now Melidectes torquatus emilii A.B. Meyer, 1886. See Salomonsen, 1967: 420, and Dickinson, 2003: 438.


AMNH 693873, unsexed, “N. Guinea,” no date, collected by Andrew Goldie (no. 130). From the Rothschild Collection.


AMNH 693874, unsexed, locality uncertain, S. New Guinea, no date, no collector on label. From the Rothschild Collection.


It was Sharpe (1882: 438) who first examined specimens collected by Andrew Goldie at the “back of the Astrolabe Mountains” in southeastern New Guinea. These specimens were reported on by Sharpe and then sent to Edward Gerrard, a dealer, for sale (Sharpe, 1882: 423). He (Sharpe, 1882: 438) listed one specimen of Melidectes torquatus—no. 130, collected by Goldie in the Morocco (= Moroke or Moroka) district—and commented: “Agrees with the figure given by Gould (B.N. Guin. part iv).” Some Karl Hunstein specimens were mentioned in Sharpe's 1882 report, but these were collected on Normanby Island and in the Milne Bay area, and there is no mention of a Hunstein specimen of torquatus.

Karl Hunstein, in 1884, collected at Moroke and on the Hufeisengebirge (= Horseshoe Mountain), and his collection was reported on by Finsch and Meyer (1885, 1886). Melidectes Emilii was described by Meyer (in Finsch and Meyer, 1886: 22), with the comment (citing Sharpe's 1882 paper), that Sharpe must not have actually compared his specimens with Gould's illustration. Meyer did not give the exact collecting locality or number of Hunstein's specimens (more than one, based on measurements given), but in the introduction to their paper, Finsch and Meyer (1885: 369–372, and on the map on p. 370) gave Moroke as one of Hunstein's collecting localities. It is probable that his specimens of this species came from there, as it is a mid-mountain species, and unlikely to be found high on the 7–8000 ft Horseshoe Mountain. Specimens from Hunstein's collection were deposited in SMTD.

AMNH 693874 was included in the AMNH type collection. It bears three labels: A label marked “Melidectes Emiliae [sic] Meyer, Typus, S. New Guinea,” with “Co-” added before “Typus” in different ink. On the reverse of this label in a different hand is written “Seems to me identical with M. torquatus Salv.” However, M. torquatus was described by Sclater, not Salvadori. The second label is a Rothschild Collection label with the locality given as “S.N. Guinea” and the reverse marked “co-type, Melidectes torquatus emilii Meyer.” Someone has added “♀” in pencil. The third label is an AMNH type label, stamped “Rothschild Collection.” AMNH 693874 is the specimen Rothschild and Hartert (1903b: 439) listed as a Hunstein specimen of M. torquatus emilii, “marked ‘Typus’ in the author's own hand.” Evidently, Hartert added the cotype designation to the label but did not list it as a type in his lists of types in the Rothschild Collection and gave no information on how it came to be in the Rothschild Collection. It seems highly unlikely that the author would misspell the name he introduced, and the words pencilled on the back of the label echo Sharpe's remark concerning Goldie's specimen. There is actually nothing on the label to tie this specimen to Hunstein. Two syntypes collected by Hunstein were in SMTD and are listed by Eck and Quaisser (2004: 271) as having been lost in WWII. Each of these is listed as having been sexed and having a collector's field number. A comparison of the handwriting on labels of two Hunstein specimens of other species in AMNH with that on the label of AMNH 693874 shows that the latter could not have been written by Hunstein.

On the other hand, AMNH 693873 is the specimen reported on by Sharpe (1882: 438). It still bears the small paper tag with the number “130” and on another label is said to be from “N. Guinea” with “Goldie” as the collector. Presumably this specimen was bought from Gerrard by Rothschild. Meyer (in Finsch and Meyer, 1886: 22), by bibliographic reference (ICZN, 1999: 76, Art. 74.2), included Sharpe's Moroke specimens in his emilii, and as a result, AMNH 693873 is a syntype; an AMNH type label has been added. It is also possible, particularly given the annotation on its label, that AMNH 693874 was a second Goldie specimen seen by Sharpe but not listed by him individually and later acquired by Rothschild at the same time as he purchased AMNH 693873.

The article by Sharpe in the Journal of the Linnean Society is often cited as published in 1883; however, on the reverse of the title page for volume 16 (which is dated 1883), there is a list of the publication dates for the separate numbers of the volume. No. 94, which includes pp. 422–447, was published on 31 July 1882.

[Melipotes fumigatus kumawa Diamond]

Melipotes fumigatus kumawa Diamond, 1985: 82 (Kumawa Mts).

Now Melipotes fumigatus kumawa Diamond, 1985. See Dickinson, 2003: 437, and Higgins et al., 2008: 632–633.

Diamond (1985: 68) said that specimens reported on were in AMNH; however, those specimens were on loan for study and have since been returned to MZB. Data given for the holotype: Field no. 141, male, southern watershed of the Kumawa Mountains, 1420 m, 03.50S. 132.50E (USBGN, 1982a), Papua Province, Indonesia, 26 September 1983. Two specimens were collected. The paratype was exchanged to AMNH by MZB: Now AMNH 836524, male, southern watershed of the Kumawa Mountains, 25 September 1983, Diamond field no. 124.

Melipotes gymnops goliathi Rothschild and Hartert

Melipotes gymnops goliathi Rothschild and Hartert, 1911c: 34 (Mt. Goliath, Central Dutch New Guinea).

Now Melipotes fumigatus goliathi Rothschild and Hartert, 1911. See Salomonsen, 1967: 420, and Higgins et al., 2008: 632–633.


AMNH 696317, adult male, collected on Mount Goliath, 04.40S, 139.52E (USBGN, 1982a), Papua Province, Indonesia, on 27 January 1911, by Albert S. Meek (no. 5221). From the Rothschild Collection.


Rothschild and Hartert cited Meek's unique field number of the holotype in the original description. In their report on the entire collection, Rothschild and Hartert (1913: 514) gave Meek's numbers for five males and three females. The seven paratypes, all collected on Mount Goliath in January and February 1911, are: AMNH 696315 (Meek no. 5364), AMNH 696316 (5363), AMNH 696318 (5189), AMNH 696319 (5142), AMNH 696320 (5086), males; AMNH 696321 (5453), AMNH 696322 (5341), females.

Melipotes ater Rothschild and Hartert

Melipotes ater Rothschild and Hartert, 1911b: 13 (Rawlinson Mountains, north of Huon Gulf, German New Guinea).

Now Melipotes ater Rothschild and Hartert, 1911. See Coates, 1990: 266, and Higgins et al., 2008: 632.


AMNH 696356, [adult male], collected in the Rawlinson Mountains, 06.30S, 147.15E (PNG, 1984), Huon Peninsula, Morobe Province, Papua New Guinea, in November 1910, by Christian Keysser. From the Rothschild Collection.


Rothschild and Hartert described both the adult male and the adult female and said that the type was in the Rothschild Museum but did not actually designate a particular specimen as type. Hartert (1919a: 175) later listed the supposed male as the type, thereby designating it the lectotype and calling attention to the large difference in wing measurements between presumed male and female; he incorrectly said it was collected in 1911. AMNH 696356 bears the Rothschild type label on which the sex is marked “♂”; it has a wing that I measure as 163mm. The second specimen in the Rothschild Collection at that time, AMNH 696358, was also not sexed, but is marked “♀” and has a wing measuring 142 (left wing); it is the paralectotype. These are the only two specimens that Rothschild had when the description was published on 1 November 1911. They do not have original labels, but both are marked as having been collected (or obtained?) in “XI.1910” and were bought from Professor Foerster. Hartert (1919a: 175) mentioned that there were “now two females and one male” in the Rothschild Collection. The second female specimen is also in AMNH but was not part of the type series. It has Keysser's original label, was collected in September 1911, is labeled “Melipotes ater R&H,” and is sexed as a female.

The Rothschild type label has the notation, “fig. Nov. Zool. 21 (1919)”; however, the volume of Novitates Zoologicae for 1919 is 26 (see Hartert 1919b: 358, pl. 6, upper fig.).

Vosea whitemanensis Gilliard

Vosea whitemanensis Gilliard, 1960: 2 (Wild Dog Range, Whiteman Mountains, central New Britain, Bismarck Archipelago).

Now Melidectes whitemanensis (Gilliard, 1960). See Diamond, 1971: 482, Coates, 1990: 256, Mayr and Diamond, 2001: 398, Dickinson, 2003: 438, and Higgins et al., 2008: 611.


AMNH 708117, adult male, collected at Camp 12, Wild Dog Mountain, Whiteman Mountains, 05.00S, 150.00E (PNG, 1984), West New Britain Province, Papua New Guinea, on 22 December 1958, by E. Thomas Gilliard.


The AMNH number of the holotype was given in the original description, and measurements were given for two males and six females. Paratypes are: Camp 9, Mount Uali, AMNH 778166, female, 10 December 1958; Camp 12, Wild Dog Mountain, AMNH 778167, female, AMNH 778168, male, AMNH 778169–778172, females, 16–22 December 1958.

The altitude at which the type was collected was given on the original label as 7000 ft, but Gilliard had marked through this and pencilled in 5600 ft. Wild Dog Camp 12, from which this specimen was collected, was at 5200 ft. On his return to sea level, Gilliard's altimeter was found to have malfunctioned, and the corrected altitudes for the various camps are given in Gilliard and LeCroy (1967: 178). See Gilliard (1961: 272) for a painting of this species from life by Margaret Gilliard. It is also illustrated in Mayr and Diamond (2001: pl. 9), but there the color is much too brown and the bill too short.

Diamond (1971: 482) included Vosea in the genus Melidectes and suggested that it was most closely related to M. fuscus. This was followed by Mayr and Diamond (2001: 398), Dickinson (2003: 438), and Higgins et al. (2008: 611), but Vosea was retained by Coates (1990: 256).

Myza celebensis parvirostris Salomonsen

Myza celebensis parvirostris Salomonsen, 1966a: 10 (Mt. Tanke Salokko, 2000 meters altitude, Mengkoka Mts., southeastern Celebes).

Now Myza celebensis celebensis (Meyer and Wiglesworth, 1894). See Salomonsen, 1967: 422, White and Bruce, 1986: 395–396, and Higgins et al., 2008: 631–632.


AMNH 300232, adult male, collected on Mount Tanke Salokko, 2000 m, Mekongga (= Mengkoka) Mountains, 03.35S, 121.15E (USBGN, 1982a), southeastern Sulawesi Island, Indonesia, on 22 December (not July) 1931, by Gerd Heinrich (no. 6133). Collected on the Heinrich Expedition, 1931.


Salomonsen cited the AMNH number of the holotype in the original description but gave no indication of the size of his type series. Stresemann (1940: 46–47) only said that he had a large series of M. celebensis collected by Heinrich on three different mountain ranges. Heinrich's fieldwork was jointly supported by AMNH and ZMB and the collection was divided between the two institutions. Because Salomonsen worked on the Meliphagidae in AMNH, he had access to all of the Heinrich specimens now in AMNH, and his specimens from Mount Tanke Salokko are paratypes. I do not know whether Salomonsen visited the collection in ZMB and studied Heinrich's Tanke Salokko specimens there. Paratypes in AMNH are: Mount Tanke Salokko, AMNH 300229–300231, 300233–300244, five males, one immature male, five females, two immature females, and two unsexed, collected between 17 December 1931 and 3 January 1932. Salomonsen misread the XII as VII for the month of collection of the holotype; Stresemann (1932b: 105–106) noted that Heinrich's stay on Tanke Salokko was in December 1931 and January 1932.

Quaisser and Eck (2006: 131) correctly gave the publication date for Meyer and Wiglesworth's introduction of the name Myza celebensis as 1894, usually cited as 1895. Each of the articles in this journal was numbered and dated separately.

Myza sarasinorum chionogenys Stresemann

Myza sarasinorum chionogenys Stresemann, 1931c: 84 (Latimodjong-Gebirge 2200 m).

Now Myza sarasinorum chionogenys Stresemann, 1931. See Salomonsen, 1967: 422, White and Bruce, 1986: 396, and Higgins et al., 2008: 632.


AMNH 293300, adult male, collected in the Latimojong (= Latimodjong) Mountains, 2200 m, 03.30S, 120.05E (USBGN, 1982a), Sulawesi Island, Indonesia, on 25 June 1930, by Gerd Heinrich (no. 608). From the Heinrich Expedition, 1930.


Stresemann gave Heinrich's unique field number of the holotype in the original description without saying how many specimens were in his type series, nor did he later (Stresemann, 1940: 48) add this information. Heinrich's collection was made jointly for AMNH and ZMB, and the specimens were divided between them, with types coming to AMNH; specimens in both ZMB and AMNH are paratypes. Paratypes in AMNH are: AMNH 293287–293299, 293301–293354; of these, AMNH 293292 was a gift in October 1932 to Professor Sarasin in Basel (now probably in NMB); AMNH 293307 and 293328 were given in October 1932 to E.D. van Oort (now in RMNH, see Dekker and Quaisser, 2006: 30), AMNH 293310 and 293325 were exchanged in July 1932 to MCZ, and AMNH 293337 was exchanged in January 1950 to YPM.

Myza sarasinorum pholidota Stresemann

Myza sarasinorum pholidota Stresemann, 1932b: 106 (Tanke Salokko 2000 m).

Now Myza sarasinorum pholidota Stresemann, 1932. See Salomonsen, 1967: 423, White and Bruce, 1986: 396, and Higgins et al., 2008: 632.


AMNH 300214, adult male, collected on Mount Tanke Salokko, 2000 m, Mekongga (= Mengkoka) Mountains, 03.35S, 121.15E (USBGN, 1982a), southeast Sulawesi Island, Indonesia, on 18 December 1931, by Gerd Heinrich (no. 6080) on the Heinrich Expedition, 1931.


Stresemann cited Heinrich's unique field number of the holotype in the original description and later (Stresemann, 1940: 48) noted that he had 10 male and 14 female specimens. As in the case of the above subspecies, the collection was divided between AMNH and ZMB, with types coming to AMNH. Paratypes in AMNH, all collected on Tanke Salokko in December 1931, are: AMNH 296567, AMNH 300215–300228; of these AMNH 296567 was sent in 1932 to E.D. van Oort, now in RMNH (Dekker and Quaisser, 2006: 30), and AMNH 300215 was exchanged in January 1950 to YPM.

Amoromyza viridis brunneirostris Mayr

Amoromyza viridis brunneirostris Mayr, 1932: 3 (Viti Levu Island, Fiji Islands).

Now Gymnomyza viridis brunneirostris (Mayr, 1932). See Salomonsen, 1967: 423, Watling, 2001: 174, and Higgins et al., 2008: 670.


AMNH 253450, adult male, collected on Viti Levu Island, Fiji, on 5 May 1925, by Rollo H. Beck on the Whitney South Sea Expedition (no. 17855).


Mayr cited the AMNH number of the holotype in the original description and gave measurements of adult and juvenile males and adult and juvenile females, saying that his specimens had been collected in June and December 1924 and in March, May, and October 1925. The following specimens are paratypes: Viti Levu, June 1924, AMNH 206660, male, AMNH 206661, female; December 1924, AMNH 221785, male; March 1925, AMNH 253447, 253448, males; May 1925, AMNH 253449, male, AMNH 253451, 253452, females, AMNH 253453, male, AMNH 253454–253457, females, AMNH 253458, 253459, males, AMNH 253460, 253461, females, AMNH 253462, 253463, males; October 1925, AMNH 254012, 254013, males, AMNH 254014, female; March 1925, AMNH 254015, 254016, males; May 1925, AMNH 254017–254019, females (14 males and 13 females). Of these, the following have been exchanged: AMNH 253448 to BBM in January 1932; AMNH 253457 to ZMUC in May 1959; AMNH 253459 to ZMB in July 1936; AMNH 253461 to CM in January 1932; AMNH 254016 to ZIUS in December 1931; AMNH 254018 to Cleveland Museum in January 1932; AMNH 254019 to USNM in January 1932. AMNH 253462 was mounted for display in the Fiji diorama at AMNH; I did not find AMNH 253449 and it may have been exchanged without the catalog having been so marked. A. v. brunneirostris was published in February 1932, and the above specimens presumably were not exchanged until after the manuscript for the description was completed by Mayr.

Acrulocercus bishopi Rothschild

Acrulocercus bishopi Rothschild, 1893a: 41 (Island of Molokai).

Now Moho bishopi (300Rothschild, 1893). See Salomonsen, 1967: 425, Dickinson, 2003: 431, Higgins et al., 2008: 499–500, and Fleischer et al., 2008.


AMNH 693923, male, collected on Molokai Island, ca. 22.00N, 157.00W, Hawaii, on 26 December 1892, by H.C. Palmer (no. 1891). From the Rothschild Collection.


Rothschild did not designate a type in the original description but provided descriptions of male and female. AMNH 693923 (Palmer no. 1891) is marked “♂ Type” and was listed as the type by Hartert (1919a: 177), thereby designating it the lectotype of bishopi.

Rothschild (1893b, 1900: Di 16–17, 225–226) gave further information and some details of the discovery of this species by H.C. Palmer, who collected widely for Rothschild in the Hawaiian Islands. Palmer found this species in small numbers in December and January; he left Molokai on 25 February 1893 and returned to Honolulu, from which place he probably shipped the specimens to Rothschild. Thus, Rothschild most likely would have had in hand all of the specimens of bishopi collected in December 1892 and January 1893. The total number of specimens was not given, but the nine paralectotypes of bishopi in AMNH are: eight males, AMNH 693916 (Palmer no. 1949), 26 January 1893, AMNH 693917 (1940), 22 January 1893, AMNH 693918 (1941), 22 January 1893, AMNH 693919 (1948), 26 January 1893, AMNH 693920 (1946), 26 January 1893, AMNH 693921 (1922), 14 January 1893, AMNH 693922 (1865), 17 December 1892, AMNH 693924 (1918), 6 January 1893; two females, AMNH 693925 (1929), 14 January 1893, AMNH 693926 (1908), undated. The label of AMNH 693926 is marked “♀ Type.” It was last seen on Molokai in 1904 and is now considered extinct (Garrensen et al., 2009: 112). The illustration of this species on the cover is from Rothschild (1900: pl. 74, opp. p. 225) and illustrates the male and female “types.”

Based on analysis of DNA from museum specimens, Fleischer et al. (2008) found that Moho species are unrelated to meliphagids, with which they have been associated since their discovery. They proposed a new family, Mohoidae, to include the genera Moho and Chaetoptila.

Phylidonyris pyrrhoptera mixta Mathews

Phylidonyris pyrrhoptera mixta Mathews, 1923b: 38 (Victoria).

Now Phylidonyris pyrrhopterus pyrrhopterus (Latham, 1801). See Salomonson, 1967: 426, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 309–310, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 666–667.


AMNH 692058 (Mathews no. 10351), male, collected at Beaconsfield, 38.03S, 145.22E (USBGN, 1957), on 11 June 1910, by F.E. Wilson (but cataloged by Mathews as from F.E. Howe); AMNH 692059, male, collected at Beaconsfield, on 11 June 1910, by L.G. Chandler; AMNH 692061, unsexed on original label, collected at Olinda, 37.51S, 145.22E (USBGN, 1957), undated, probably by T. Tregellas; AMNH 692063, male, collected at Selby, 37.55S, 145.23E (USBGN, 1957), on 10 April 1913, by T. Tregellas; AMNH 692070, male, collected at Lang Lang, 38.16S, 145.34E (USBGN, 1957), on 4 September 1908, by C.F. Cole; AMNH 692071 (Mathews no. 6273, entered as male), sexed as female, male plumage, collected at Lang Lang on 13 April 1908, received from F.E. Howe; AMNH 692072, sexed as female, male plumage, collected at Warburton, 37.45S, 145.41E (USBGN, 1957), in June 1903, collector?. All syntypes were from Victoria, Australia, and from the Mathews Collection via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews off-hand description of mixta makes it extremely difficult to determine which specimens he referred to when he listed the “Type” as “Victoria.” The description applies to adult males: “Differs from P. p. indistincta Mathews in being brighter in coloration (blacker) and the yellow of the wing more pronounced.” I have considered as syntypes those specimens from Victoria in Mathews' collection that are in adult male plumage. Mathews' catalog entry for the specimen that is now AMNH 692071 shows that Mathews considered that specimen a male, based on plumage; it is also a paratype of Meliornis pyrrhoptera indistincta (see below). The Rothschild label of AMNH 692061 is marked “Figured.” It was the model for Mathews (1925a: pl. 543, middle figure, opp. p. 6, text p. 7) and served as the basis for the description of an adult male, but without any indication of type status; it had been unsexed on the original label, sexed as female on the Rothschild label, and is in male plumage! I did not find it in Mathews' catalog, but it would have been in his collection by the time mixta was published in 1923, as the Mathews Collection was virtually complete by then.

AMNH 692060 (Mathews no. 4970), immature male, collected at Olinda on 1 February 1909, by Chandler, has the label marked “described,” referring to Mathews (1925a: 8, description of the second immature male). It has no type standing. For use of 1801 as the publication date of Latham's Supplementum Indicis Ornithologici, see Schodde et al. (2010).

Meliornis pyrrhoptera indistincta Mathews

Meliornis pyrrhoptera indistincta Mathews, 1912a: 414 (South Australia).

Now Phylidonyris pyrrhopterus halmaturinus (A.G. Campbell, 1906). See Salomonsen, 1967: 426, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 309–310, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 666–667.


AMNH 692052, adult male, collected in the Mount Lofty Range, 35.00S, 138.50E (USBGN, 1957), South Australia, Australia, on 23 May 1910, by J.B. Cleland. From the Mathews Collection (no. 5565) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews cited his catalog number of the holotype in the original description and gave the range of the form as “Victoria, South Australia.” Paratypes are specimens from those two states that were in Mathews' collection before 31 January 1912, the publication date of indistincta. The following were found in Mathews' catalog and are definitely paratypes: AMNH 692053 (Mathews no. 5566), female, Mount Lofty, 17 May 1910, by J.B. Cleland; AMNH 692054 (5946), female, Mount Lofty, 20 May 1911, by Cleland; AMNH 692055 (3316), sex?, Mount Lofty, 26 May 1897; AMNH 692060 (4970), male immature, Olinda, 1 February 1909, by L.G. Chandler (This is the specimen mentioned under mixta, above, as “described”); AMNH 692071 (6273), female [male plumage], Lang Lang, 13 April 1908, by Howe (also a syntype of mixta). The following specimens are possible paratypes of indistincta, but I did not find them in Mathews' catalog: AMNH 692057, female, Frankston, 29 September 1908, by Chandler; AMNH 692059, male, Beaconsfield, 11 June 1910, by Chandler; AMNH 692070, male, Lang Lang, 4 September 1908; and AMNH 692072, female [male plumage], Warburton, June 1903. The last three are also syntypes of Phylidonyris pyrroptera mixta Mathews (see above). Other specimens that had been in Mathews' collection were either collected or cataloged after the publication date of indistincta or were not dated.

Salomonsen (1967: 426) recognized indistinctus; Schodde and Mason (1999: 309–310) included it in halmaturinus.

Phylidonyris pyrrhoptera rex Mathews

Phylidonyris pyrrhoptera rex Mathews, 1925a: 7 (King Island, Bass Straits).

Now Phylidonyris pyrrhoptera pyrrhoptera (Latham, 1801). See Salomonsen, 1967: 427, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 309–310, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 666–667.


AMNH 692028, adult male, collected on King Island, 39.50S, 144.00E (USBGN, 1957), Bass Strait, Tasmania, Australia, on 30 April 1914, by Thomas Tregellas. From the Mathews Collection via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews (1925a: 7) described the adult male of Phylidonyris pyrrhoptera, giving measurements and date and place of collection, and noted that the specimen figured and described was the type of “rex subsp nov.” AMNH 692028 is the only male King Island specimen from the Mathews Collection, and the soft parts colors and date of collection given in Mathews (1925a: 7) are the same as those on Tregellas' label. The measurements, written on Tregellas' label by Mathews, correspond to the measurements given in the description except that Mathews listed both the culmen and the tarsus as 17 mm, whereas, the culmen is listed on the label as 21 mm, undoubtedly a lapsus in the publication. The reverse of the Rothschild label has “figured,” apparently written by Hartert; this refers to Mathews (1925a: pl. 543, lower fig., opp. p. 6, text p. 7). The specimen has neither a Mathews nor a Rothschild type label, but does bear an AMNH type label, filled in by Charles Vaurie, probably when Finn Salomonsen was at AMNH working on the Meliphagidae. There is no doubt that it is the holotype. The Tregellas label has an “A” on the reverse. There is one paratype: AMNH 692029, female, collected on King Island on 4 May 1914 by Tregellas, whose label has a “B” on the reverse and a note: “The companion of A. who was previously secured.” Both of these labels bear the number “797,” referring to the number of this species in Mathews (1908).

Salomonsen (1967: 427) recognized rex; Schodde and Mason (1999: 309–310) and Higgins et al. (2008: 666) included it in the nominate race. For use of 1801 as the date of publication for Latham's Supplementum Indicis Ornithologici, see Schodde et al. (2010).

Meliornis novaehollandiae assimilis Mathews

Meliornis novaehollandiae assimilis Mathews, 1912a: 415 (Victoria).

Now Phylidonyris novaehollandiae novaehollandiae (Latham, 1790). See Salomonsen, 1967: 427, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 311–312, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 667–668.


AMNH 692179, adult male, collected at Olinda, 37.51S, 145.22E (USBGN, 1957), Victoria, Australia, on 17 April 1911, by Thomas Tregellas. From the Mathews Collection (no. 9062) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews cited his catalog number of the holotype in the original description and gave the range of the form as “Victoria.” The holotype bears, in addition to Tregellas' label, Mathews and Rothschild type labels and a label marked “Figured” in Mathews' hand, indicating that it was the model for Mathews (1925a: pl. 544, opp. p. 14, text p. 16), where it is confirmed as the type of assimilis.

The following specimens are paratypes of assimilis: Frankston, AMNH 692165 (Mathews no. 3322), male, 25 September 1908; Olinda, AMNH 692166 (9064), male, 17 April 1911; AMNH 692168 (10104), female, 8 July 1911; AMNH 692169 (10108), male, 14 October 1911; AMNH 692172 (10107), male, 10 September 1911; AMNH 692175 (9065), male, 13 May 1911; AMNH 692178 (10106), male (cataloged as a female), 8 July 1911; AMNH 692180 (4971), female, 7 June 1909; AMNH 692181 (9063), female, 13 May 1911; AMNH 692183 (10105), female, 8 July 1911; AMNH 692185 (5055), sex?, 3 June 1907; AMNH 692186 (5056), sex?, 6 June 1908; Aspendale Park, AMNH 692190 (3319), female, 15 July 1906. The following specimens were collected before assimilis was published on 31 January 1912, but I did not find them in Mathews' catalog; they are possible paratypes: Olinda, AMNH 692176, male, 30 January 1909; AMNH 692177, male, 14 July 1901; AMNH 692182, female, 15 August 1908; Bayswater, AMNH 692187, male, 4 May 1907.

Meliornis novaehollandiae subassimilis Mathews

Meliornis novaehollandiae subassimilis Mathews, 1912a: 415 (South Australia (Mt. Lofty Ranges)).

Now Phylidonyris novaehollandiae novaehollandiae (Latham, 1790). See Salomonsen, 1967: 427, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 311–312, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 667–668.


AMNH 692158, adult male, collected in the Mount Lofty Range, 35.00S, 138.50E (USBGN, 1957), east of Adelaide, South Australia, Australia, on 35 July 1911, by S.A. White (no. 11). From the Mathews Collection (no. 9298) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews cited his catalog number of the holotype in the original description and gave the range of subassimilis as “South Australia.” The holotype bears White's original label and Mathews and Rothschild type labels. The following AMNH specimens are paratypes: AMNH 692141 (9671), male, Warunda Creek, Eyre Peninsula, 27 August 1911, by S.A. White; AMNH 692142 (9670), immature male, Port Lincoln, Eyre Peninsula, 23 August 1911, by S.A. White; AMNH 692157 (Mathews no. 9701), male, Mount Lofty Range, 12 August 1911, by S.A. White; AMNH 692162 (8942), male, Coonalpyn, 17 May 1911, by J.B. Cleland; AMNH 692163 (8941), juvenile, Coonalpyn, 17 May 1911, by Cleland. AMNH 692156, male, Mount Lofty Range, 23 May 1910, by S.A. White is also probably a paratype, but I did not find it in Mathews catalog. Other Mathews specimens in AMNH from South Australia were either collected after the 31 January 1912 publication of subassimilis or were undated. There is an additional paratype in SAMA (B. Blaylock, personal commun.).

AMNH 692142, immature male, is marked “described” on a label and was the specimen used for the description of the immature male (Mathews, 1925a: 16–17). AMNH 692162 bears a blank Rothschild type label and Cleland's label is marked “Type” in Mathews' hand, but no evidence has been discovered that a name was based on this specimen; the type label has been so annotated and the specimen returned to the general collection.

[Meliornis novaehollandiae queenslandicus Mathews]

Mathews (1923b: 38) described this form, saying that the type was from “Queensland.” There are no Queensland specimens of novaehollandiae in AMNH. Mathews (1925a: 23) noted that queenslandicus was based on differences pointed out by S.A. White, to whom Mathews (1925a: 18) attributed the following: “Specimens collected by me in Queensland seem to be consistently slightly smaller and the bill is smaller and finer (more slender) but coloration the same.”

There is a specimen in SAMA that should be accorded type status, SAMA B53910, collected by White on Mount Tamborine, on 30 October 1910; it is smaller and with a smaller bill than South Australian specimens of novaehollandiae (P. Horton, personal commun.). Schodde (personal commun.) has suggested that Mathews, or White, may have misidentified specimens of niger, and there are two of White's specimens of niger in SAMA that were originally identified as novaehollandiae (P. Horton, personal commun.).

On the other hand, Mathews (1912a: 415) recognized Meliornis n. nigra and listed Meliphaga sericea Gould as a synonym. From that time, he used M. nigra or M. niger in his publications until he introduced the generic name Pellornis for the species (Mathews, 1925a: 24). He continued to catalog specimens as M. sericea, and there is no indication that he confused that species with novaehollandiae.

There are six Mathews specimens of Phylidonyris niger from Queensland in AMNH: AMNH 692242, the holotype of Meliornis nigra herbertoni 181182183184185Mathews, 1912 (see below); AMNH 692243 and 692244 collected by T.H. Bowyer-Bower in 1884 but not cataloged by Mathews until 1913 (Mathews nos. 16896 and 16897); AMNH 692225 collected by C. Lumholtz in 1883 but not cataloged by Mathews until 1912 (Mathews no. 11092, attributed to K. Dahl); and two collected by J.B. Cleland in 1919, too late to have been entered in Mathews' catalog. One of these last two specimens, AMNH 692223, served for the description of the nearly adult male of Pellornis niger in Mathews (1925a: 27). The other, AMNH 692224, has been marked by J.C. Greenway, Jr., as “? type queenslandicus,” with a reference to the description. Given the above information, I believe this to be incorrect.

Meliornis novaehollandiae myponga Mathews

Meliornis novaehollandiae myponga Mathews, 1925a: 16 (Myponga).

Now Phylidonyris novaehollandiae novaehollandiae (Latham, 1790). See Salomonsen, 1967: 427, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 311–312, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 667–668.


AMNH 692152, adult male, collected at Myponga, 35.24S, 138.27E (USBGN, 1957), South Australia, Australia, on 21 March 1912, by S.A. White (no. 617). From the Mathews Collection (no. 12324) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews (1925a: pl. 544, opp. p. 14, text p. 16) described and figured the adult male collected on 21 March 1912, designating it the type of myponga. It is the only specimen in AMNH collected on that date and it bears in addition to White's original label, Mathews and Rothschild type labels. The Mathews type label bears the annotation “Figured” and Mathews' catalog number “12324,” although that number was not given in the original description. The following four AMNH specimens collected by S.A. White at Myponga in 1912 are paratypes: AMNH 692151 (Mathews no. 12325, White no. 620), 22 March, AMNH 692153 (12328, 618), 24 March, males; AMNH 692154 (12327, 621), 21 March, AMNH 692155 (12326, 619), 22 March, females.

[Meliornis novaehollandiae campbelli Mathews]

Based on specimens from Kangaroo Island, A.G. Campbell (1906: 140) named both Meliornis (Lichmera) australasiana subsp. halmaturina, now Phylidonyris pyrrhoptera halmaturina, and Meliornis novaehollandiae halmaturina, now in Phylidonyris, the former name having line precedence over the latter in homonymy. Meliornis novaehollandiae campbelli was provided by Mathews as a replacement name for Meliornis novaehollandiae halmaturina A.G. Campbell, 1906. Despite the fact that Mathews (1923b: 38) called campbelli a new subspecies, he (Mathews, 1925a: 22) later made it clear that he intended it as a replacement name: “As both [of Campbell's names] are here grouped in the same genus the last named one [Meliornis novaehollandiae halmaturina] must be invalid and I have renamed it.” As such, it has the same type as Campbell's original name, a type that is in NMV (W. Longmore, personal commun.). See Schodde and Mason (1999: 312, nomenclatural note).

Phylidonyris novaehollandiae caudata Salomonsen

Phylidonyris novaehollandiae caudata Salomonsen, 1966a: 11 (King Island, Bass Strait, Australia).

Now Phylidonyris novaehollandiae caudatus 336Salomonsen, 1966. See Salomonsen, 1967: 428, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 311–312, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 667–668.


AMNH 692106, adult male, King Island, 39.50S, 144.00E (USBGN, 1957), Bass Strait, Tasmania, Australia, on 25 April 1914, by Thomas Tregellas (no. 799). From the Mathews Collection via the Rothschild Collection.


Salomonsen cited the AMNH number of the holotype in the original description and gave the range of the subspecies as King and Flinders islands. Paratypes are: King Island, AMNH 692102–692105, 692107, 692108, five males and one female; Flinders Island, AMNH 692109–692111, three males.

Meliornis diemenensis Mathews

Meliornis diemenensis Mathews, 1910b: 100 (Tasmania).

Now Phylidonyris novaehollandiae canescens (Latham, 1790). See Salomonsen, 1967: 428, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 311–312, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 667–668.


AMNH 692098, female, collected in Tasmania, Australia, in November 1874, and obtained from R.H.W. Leach. From the Mathews Collection (no. 4585) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews did not designate a type in the original description, nor have I found that he designated one subsequently. The specimen intended as the type by Mathews has a Mathews Collection label with his catalog number and “Type” written by him. It also bears Mathews and Rothschild type labels and was so cataloged when the Rothschild Collection came to AMNH. In order to validate Mathews' intention that AMNH 692098 be the type of Meliornis diemenensis, I hereby designate it the lectotype.

Apparently, Mathews obtained a number of specimens of this form from Richard H.W. Leach (Whittell, 1954: 417) but it is uncertain whether Leach collected them or acquired them from others. There are three Mathews specimens in AMNH with no data other than “Tasmania,” two of which I found in Mathews' catalog as obtained from Leach. I consider all three specimens paralectotypes: AMNH 692099, 692100, 692101; the two Mathews catalog nos. are 4420 and 4645. No. 4645 has the date “'76” and “Falmouth” written in Mathews' catalog. Two additional specimens, AMNH 692096 and 692097, were from the Mathews Collection, but I have no information on when they came into Mathews' possession. AMNH 692096, male, from the Westbury District, Tasmania, bears an original label with the collector as C.G.H. Lloyd (no. 296) and a second tag that is a printed card with H. Stuart Dove's name. The label on AMNH 692097 bears the number “354” and an unsigned note: “given me by Mr. Elliot, Hobart, 16 Dec. 1909.” Hartert has written on the Rothschild label on this specimen “C.G.H. Lloyd, coll.” and “♀.” According to R. Prys-Jones (personal commun.), they apparently were not from the Lloyd specimens presented to BMNH and noted by Whittell (1954: 451). I was unable to determine when or from whom Mathews acquired them and do not consider them paralectotypes.

Mathews (1912d: 100) found that the name Sylvia canescens Latham, 1790, applied to the Tasmanian form of this species, and that his name diemenensis was a synonym (see also, Stresemann, 1950: 71).

Meliornis novaehollandiae intermedius Mathews

Meliornis novaehollandiae intermedius Mathews, 1923b: 38 (Stirling Ranges, South-west Australia).

Now Phylidonyris novaehollandiae longirostris (Gould, 1846). See Salomonsen, 1967: 428, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 311–312, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 667–668.

Holotype or Syntype ?

AMNH 692127, female, collected in the Stirling Range, 34.24S, 118.02E (Johnstone and Storr, 2004: 513), Western Australia, Australia, on 17 July 1911, by F. Lawson Whitlock. From the Mathews Collection (no. 10618) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews did not designate a type in the original description, only saying that the type was from the Stirling Range; he cataloged a single specimen and a single specimen came to AMNH. It bears Whitlock's original label, a Rothschild Collection label printed “Ex. coll. G.M. Mathews,” and a Rothschild type label, filled in by hand unknown.

Although Whitlock's original label is present on this specimen and it is labeled “Stirling Ranges,” judging from its date of collection, it actually may have been collected near Whitlock's home at Wilson Inlet (Whittell, 1954: 765). Whitlock (1912: 239) said that he left his home on 1 August 1911 to make his second trip into the Stirling Range. Both of his trips into the Stirling Range (Whitlock, 1911, 1912) were made for H.L. White, and there may be additional specimens, perhaps syntypes, in the H.L. White Collection in NMV.

Meliornis nigra herbertoni Mathews

Meliornis nigra herbertoni Mathews, 1912a: 415 (Queensland (Herberton Range)).

Now Phylidonyris niger niger (Bechstein, 1811). See Salomonsen, 1967: 428, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 313–314, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 668–669.


AMNH 692242, sex?, collected at Herberton, 17.23S, 145.23E (Storr, 1984: 183), Queensland, Australia, on 28 September 1910, by the Dodds. From the Mathews Collection (no. 9029) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews cited his catalog number of the holotype in the original description. No paratypes are in AMNH. Two specimens collected by T.H. Bowyer-Bower in 1884 and 1885 were not cataloged by Mathews until 1913, after the 31 January 1912 publication date of herbertoni, and other specimens were collected too late or were never in Mathews' collection.

The trip on which this specimen was collected was reported on by F.P. Dodd (1911); the birds were mostly collected by his son, but it is not clear from the article which son accompanied him.

Meliornis nigra dulciei Mathews

Meliornis nigra dulciei Mathews, 1911a: 96 (Albany, West Australia).

Now Phylidonyris niger gouldii (Schlegel, 1872). See Salomonsen, 1967: 429, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 313–314, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 668–669.


AMNH 692230, female, collected at Albany, 35.02S, 117.53E (USBGN, 1957), Western Australia, Australia, on 25 February 1905, by Thomas Carter. From the Mathews Collection (no. 3346) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews cited his catalog number of the holotype in the original description and gave “Albany” as the range. AMNH 692229, male, collected at Albany on 3 February 1910, by Carter, is a possible paratype, but I did not find it in Mathews' catalog.

Meliornis nigra inexpectata Mathews

Meliornis nigra inexpectata Mathews, 1912a: 416 (West Australia (Stirling Ranges)).

Now Phylidonyris niger gouldii (Schlegel, 1872). See Salomonsen, 1967: 429, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 313–314, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 668–669.


AMNH 692233, adult male, collected on Mount Donelly, 34.20S, 117.43E (USBGN, 1957), Stirling Range, Western Australia, Australia, on 14 October 1910, by F. Lawson Whitlock. From the Mathews Collection (no. 6143) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews cited his catalog number of the holotype in the original description and gave the range as the “Stirling Range.” The type bears Whitlock's original label, Mathews and Rothschild type labels and a “Figured” label, indicating that it was illustrated in Mathews (1925a: pl. 544, opp. p. 14, text p. 26) where it is confirmed as the type of inexpectata. There are four paratypes in AMNH: Lake Balicup, 12 September 1910, AMNH 692231 (Mathews no. 6146), male, AMNH 692232 (6147), female; Mount Donelly, 14 October 1910, AMNH 692234 (6144), female; Stirling Range, 4 September 1910, AMNH 692236 (6145), male. AMNH 692235, collected by Whitlock in the Stirling Range on 26 Oct. 1911, was not cataloged by Mathews until the end of February 1912 [as dulciae (sic)], after the 31 January 1912 publication date of inexpectata and is not considered a paratype.

Gliciphila albifrons incerta Mathews

Gliciphila albifrons incerta Mathews, 1912a: 399 (Carina, Victoria).

Now Purnella albifrons (Gould, 1841). See Salomonsen, 1967: 429, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 315, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 609.


AMNH 691992, female, collected at Carina, 35.15S, 141.06E (USBGN, 1957), Victoria, Australia, on 25 September 1908. From the Mathews Collection (no. 3088) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews cited his catalog number of the holotype in the original description and gave the range as “New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia.” Two specimens are probable paratypes, but I do not know when Mathews acquired them as I did not find them in his catalog: AMNH 691985, female, collected at Tailem Bend, South Australia, on 25 September 1908; and AMNH 691986, male, collected at Underbool (Mallee), Victoria, on 13 September 1910. Four additional specimens are possible paratypes but may not have been in Mathews' hand before the publication of incerta on 31 January 1912, nor did I find them cataloged: AMNH 691973, female, Leighs Creek, South Australia, 16 August 1911; AMNH 691994–691996, two males, one female, collected at Walpeup, Victoria, in November 1911.

This species was included in the genus Phylidonyris, subgenus Purnella, by Schodde and Mason (1999: 315). DNA sequence data obtained by Driskell and Christidis (2004) indicated generic level differences. Purnella was used by Christidis and Boles (2008) and by Higgins et al. (2008: 609).

[Gliciphila albifrons lavertoni Mathews]

The type of lavertoni, named, described, and figured in Mathews (1924: pl. 520, opp. p. 358, text p. 359), was said to be an adult male collected at Laverton, Western Australia, on 16 October 1905. The description, however, is of an immature, and apparently it is the upper right figure in pl. 520. No specimens from Laverton came to AMNH.

Gliciphila melanops chandleri Mathews

Gliciphila melanops chandleri Mathews, 1912a: 399 (Victoria).

Now Gliciphila melanops melanops (Latham, 1801). See Salomonsen, 1967: 430, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 316–317, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 659.


AMNH 691892, adult male, collected at Frankston, 38.08S, 145.07E (USBGN, 1957), Victoria, Australia, by L.G. Chandler. From the Mathews Collection (no. 9464) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews cited his catalog number of the holotype in the original description and gave the range as “Victoria, South Australia.” The holotype bears Chandler's original tag, with sex and locality indicated and “data lost” noted; the number “756” on this tag refers to the number of this species in Mathews (1908). Also present are Mathews and Rothschild type labels and a “Figured” label, indicating that it was illustrated in Mathews (1925a: pl. 519, lower fig., opp. p. 346, text p. 351), where it is confirmed as the type of chandleri. The following AMNH specimens are paratypes: Warunda Creek, Eyre Peninsula, AMNH 691873 (Mathews no. 9676), male, 3 September 1911; Marble Range, Eyre Peninsula, AMNH 691874 (9673), AMNH 691875 (9675), 31 August 1911, males, AMNH 691876 (9672), AMNH 691877 (9674), 28 August 1911, females; Coonalpyn, 90 Mile Desert, AMNH 691890 (5948), 17 May 1911, female; Grange, AMNH 691891 (3085), 4 March 1897, sex?; Frankston, AMNH 691896 (3073), 12 December 1908, female; Stawell, AMNH 691907 (3071), 15 September 1908, AMNH 691908 (3070), 28 September 1908, AMNH 691909 (probably shares no. 3071), 15 September 1908, females. The following specimens are probably paratypes; they were all collected by Chandler, but I did not find them in Mathews' catalog and do not know when they came into his possession: Frankston, AMNH 691893, male immature, AMNH 691894, male, 29 September 1908, AMNH 691895, female, 23 April 1908, AMNH 691897, female, 12 December 1908. The following specimens were collected early enough and are possible paratypes but I also did not find them in Mathews' catalog: Lang Lang, AMNH 691901, male, 9 April 1908, AMNH 691902, female, 9 April 1908; Point Addis, AMNH 691903, female, 15 October 1911; Sandringham, AMNH 691904, male, 1890. There is also a paratype in SAMA (B. Blaylock, personal commun.).

See Schodde and Mason (1999: 317) for a note on the spelling of Gliciphila. For the use of 1801 as the date of publication of Latham's Supplementum Indicis Ornithologici, see Schodde et al. (2010).

Gliciphila melanops westernensis Mathews

Gliciphila melanops westernensis Mathews, 1912a: 399 (South-West Australia)

Now Gliciphila melanops melanops (Latham, 1801). See Salomonsen, 1967: 430, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 316–317, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 659.


AMNH 691935, adult male, collected at Wilson Inlet, 35.00S, 117.22E (USBGN, 1957), Western Australia, Australia, on 13 April 1910, by F. Lawson Whitlock. From the Mathews Collection (no. 4829) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews cited his catalog number of the holotype in the original description, giving the range of westernensis as “West Australia.” The holotype bears in addition to Carter's original label, Mathews and Rothschild type labels. There are 16 paratypes in AMNH: Wilson Inlet, AMNH 691936 (Mathews no. 4200), female, 5 December 1909, AMNH 691937 (4828), female, 18 April 1910, AMNH 691938 (4830), immature female, 18 April 1910; Albany, AMNH 691939 (3079), male, 28 December 1904, AMNH 691940 (3076), male juvenile, 17 February 1905, AMNH 691942 (3074), juvenile, 16 February 1905; King George Sound, AMNH 691943 (3084), no data; Stirling Range, AMNH 691945 (6184), sex?, 7 September 1910; Broome Hill, AMNH 691949 (3067), female, 25 November 1906, AMNH 691950 (3068), female, 27 July 1908, AMNH 691951 (3066), female, 14 January 1907; Perth, AMNH 691954 (3069), female, 29 June 1907; Wongan Hills, AMNH 691955 (5318), female, 4 October 1903, AMNH 691956 (5317), female juvenile, 3 October 1903, AMNH 691957 (5316), juvenile, October 1903; Subiaco Beach, AMNH 691958 (3075), male juvenile, 26 December 1908. There are three possible additional paratypes, but I did not find them in Mathews' catalog: Albany, AMNH 691941, female, 19 January 1910; Broome Hill, AMNH 691946, male, 11 February 1911, AMNH 691948, female, 17 October 1910. Other specimens in AMNH were collected after the description was published on 31 January 1912 or were never in Mathews' collection.

Gliciphila melanops braba Mathews

Gliciphila melanops braba Mathews, 1912b: 49 (Kangaroo Island, South Australia).

Now Gliciphila melanops melanops (Latham, 1801). See Salomonsen, 1967: 430, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 316–317, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 659.


AMNH 691882, adult male, collected at Middle River, 35.41S, 137.03E (USBGN, 1957), Kangaroo Island, South Australia, Australia, on 8 December 1911, by S.A. White (no. 396). From the Mathews Collection (no. 10204) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews cited his catalog number of the holotype in the original description, giving the range as “Kangaroo Island.” Paratypes are: Tin Hut, central island, 12 April 1912, AMNH 691878 (Mathews no. 12322), AMNH 691879 (12323), males, AMNH 691880 (12321), AMNH 691881 (13093), females; Waterfall Creek, 1911, AMNH 691883 (10365), 4 December, male, AMNH 691884 (10203), 8 December, male juvenile, AMNH 691885 (10205), 4 December, female. An additional paratype is in SAMA (B. Blaylock, personal commun.).

Gliciphila melanops crassirostris Mathews

Gliciphila melanops crassirostris Mathews, 1912a: 399 (Tasmania).

Now Gliciphila melanops melanops (Latham, 1801). See Salomonsen, 1967: 430, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 316–317, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191; and Higgins et al., 2008: 659.


AMNH 691928, sex?, collected in Tasmania, Australia, by R[onald] Gunn. From the Mathews Collection (no. 9872) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews cited his catalog number of the holotype in the original description; according to his catalog, he obtained it from BMNH and cataloged it on 4 December 1911. In addition to Mathews and Rothschild type labels, the type bears a BMNH label marked “Dupl.” Sharpe (1906: 247, 377) noted that Ronald Gunn, Esq., had presented 158 specimens of birds from Tasmania to BMNH in 1838, but that most had been ruined from being on display, and only a few remained. Mathews must have selected his unfaded specimen from those remaining, although there is no indication on the label that it received a BMNH number. On the reverse of this label is the annotation: “No. 13 Rye. 10/17/82.” R. Prys-Jones (personal commun.) tells me that this refers to the taxidermist who dismounted this specimen in 1882, and that it was very probably BMNH 1838.1.15.80, one of two specimens of this species received from Gunn. The second specimen is still in the BMNH collection.

Schodde and Mason (1999: 316) named the population of this species from western Tasmania G. m. chelidonia, noting that the type of crassirostris and specimens from eastern Tasmania and the Furneaux Group are indistinguishable from mainland Australian specimens, contra Salomonsen (1967: 430). Because this type is the only specimen of G. melanops from Tasmania in AMNH and there is only one immature specimen from Flinders Island, comparisons are not possible. The holotype of crassirostris does appear to have an extraordinarily long bill because of damage to the base of the bill, with feathers missing.

[Glycifohia gonada Mathews]

Mathews (1929: 11) introduced Glycifohia gonada as a replacement name for Glyciphila notabilis Sharpe, 1899, not Stigmatops notabilis Finsch, 1898 (now Lichmera notabilis (Finsch, 1898)), and as such it would share the same type as Sharpe's name, the type of which is in BMNH (Warren and Harrison, 1971: 390). However, Lichmera notabilis (Finsch, 1898) and Gliciphila notabilis Sharpe, 1899, are not homonyms, as pointed out by Salomonsen (1967: 431, fn.) and no replacement name is needed.

Guadalcanaria notabilis superciliaris Mayr

Guadalcanaria notabilis superciliaris Mayr, 1932: 15 (Epi Island, New Hebrides).

Now Glycifohia notabilis superciliaris (Mayr, 1932). See Salomonsen, 1967: 431, Bregulla, 1992: 243–244, Dickinson, 2003: 440, and Higgins et al., 2008: 631.


AMNH 212878, adult male, collected on Epi Island, 16.43S, 168.15E (USBGN, 1974c), Vanuatu (= New Hebrides), on 4 August 1926, by Virginia Correia. From the Whitney South Sea Expedition (no. 21786).


In the original description, Mayr cited the AMNH number of the holotype and the range of superciliaris that included the following islands in Vanuatu, specimens from which are paratypes: Epi, AMNH 212879–212885, 212897–212902, 213634–213636, 221789 (11 males, six females); Paama (= Pauuma), AMNH 212886–212896, 213637, 213638 (six males, seven females); Ambrym, AMNH 216185–216194, 216206 (three males, eight females); Malakula (= Malekula), AMNH 213639–213645 (five males, two females); Pentacose (= Pentecost), AMNH 216195–216203, 218407 (six males, four females); Maewo (= Aurora), AMNH 218388–218392 (three males, two females). Of these paratypes, the following were exchanged: AMNH 216202 to J. Berlioz in October 1932 (presumably now in MNHN); AMNH 216185 and 216187 to Cleveland Museum in January 1932; AMNH 216188 to BBM in January 1932; AMNH 212900, 216189 to ANSP; AMNH 216191 to USNM in January 1932; and AMNH 216193 to ZMB in January 1932. The publication of superciliaris was in February 1932; presumably these exchanges were made after Mayr's manuscript was completed.

Salomonsen (1967: 431) included this species in his large genus Phylidonyris, and this was followed by Bregulla (1992: 243–244). Dickinson (2003: 439) used Mathews' name Glycifohia, citing Wolters (1979: 260) and Boles and Longmore (1985), and this was followed by Higgins et al. (2008: 631).

Gliciphila fasciata inkermani Mathews

Gliciphila fasciata inkermani Mathews, 1912a: 400 (Queensland (Inkerman)).

Now Ramsayornis fasciatus (Gould, 1843). See Salomonsen, 1967: 432, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 320, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 627–628.


AMNH 692348, adult male, collected at Inkerman, 19.45S, 147.29E (USBGN, 1957), Queensland, Australia, on 2 April 1907, by Wilfred Stalker (no. 322). From the Mathews Collection (no. 3092) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews cited his catalog number of the holotype in the original description and gave the range as “Queensland.” The holotype bears Stalker's original label and Mathews and Rothschild type labels; it is the only Queensland specimen that Mathews had when this form was described; The Mathews specimen that is now AMNH 692347 was collected by C. Lumholtz in December 1880, but was part of a large collection of Australian birds that Mathews received from Robert Collett, ZMO, after the publication of inkermani on 31 January 1912 (Mathews, 1912b: 25). All other AMNH specimens from Queensland were either never in Mathews' collection or were collected after publication of the name.

Ingram (1908: 476) reported on the collection made by Stalker at Inkerman and listed a single specimen of this species. The number “758” that appears on the reverse of Stalker's label refers to the number of this species in Mathews (1908).

Gliciphila fasciata apsleyi Mathews

Gliciphila fasciata apsleyi Mathews, 1912b: 49 (Melville Island, Northern Territory).

Now Ramsayornis fasciatus (Gould, 1843). See Salomonsen, 1967: 432, Ford, 1986: 102, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 320, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 627–628.


AMNH 692319, adult female, collected at Coopers Camp, Apsley Strait, Melville Island, Northern Territory, Australia, on 25 October 1911, by J.P. Rogers (no. 2274). From the Mathews Collection (no. 10659) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews cited his catalog number of the holotype in the original description, giving the range of the form as “Melville Island.” The holotype bears Rogers' original label, Mathews and Rothschild type labels and a “Figured” label, indicating that it was illustrated in Mathews (1924: pl. 521, lower fig., opp. p. 366, text p. 371) where it is confirmed as the type of apsleyi. By the time apsleyi was published on 2 April 1912, Mathews had received two shipments of Melville Island specimens from Rogers (Mathews, 1912b: 26). The following, all from Coopers Camp, were included in those shipments and are paratypes: AMNH 692313 (Mathews no. 11339, Rogers no. 2374), male, 9 November 1911; AMNH 692315 (11341, 2591), male, 6 December 1911; AMNH 692318 (11340, 2600), female, 7 December 1911.

According to Hart and Pilling (1964: 101), Coopers Camp was across Apsley Strait from the Bathurst Island Mission Station, 11.45S, 130.41E (Times Atlas).

Gliciphila fasciata broomei Mathews

Gliciphila fasciata broomei Mathews, 1912b: 49 (Napier Broome Bay, North-west Australia).

Now Ramsayornis fasciatus (Gould, 1843). See Salomonsen, 1967: 432, Ford, 1986: 102, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 320, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 627–628.


AMNH 692357, adult male, collected at Pago Mission (= Mission Station, as on label), 14.01S, 126.43E (Times Atlas), Napier Broome Bay, Western Australia, Australia, on 26 April 1910, by G.F. Hill. From the Mathews Collection (no. 5782) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews cited his catalog number of the holotype in the original description and gave the range as “North-west Australia.” The holotype bears, in addition to Hill's original label, Mathews and Rothschild type labels. The following specimens are paratypes: Napier Broome Bay, collected by Hill, AMNH 692358 (Mathews no. 5785), 20 December 1909, AMNH 692359 (5784), 2 December 1909, AMNH 692360 (5783), 29 January 1910, AMNH 692361 (5786), 2 December 1909, AMNH 692362 (5781), 27 April 1910, females; Parry Creek, 5 September 1908, collected by J.P. Rogers, AMNH 692363 (3093), AMNH 692364 (3094), males, AMNH 692365 (3095), AMNH 692366 (3096), females; Pentecost River, collected by C.P. Conigrave, AMNH 692370 (10436), 16 July 1911, sex?. AMNH 692367, and 692368 from northwest Australia were not cataloged until after broomei was published on 2 April 1912, and AMNH 692369 was never in Mathews' collection.

Gliciphila modesta ramsayi Mathews

Gliciphila modesta ramsayi Mathews, 1912a: 400 (North Queensland (Cairns)).

Now Ramsayornis modestus (G.R. Gray, 1858). See Salomonsen, 1967: 432, Ford, 1986: 102, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 318–319, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 627.


AMNH 692251, adult male, collected at Cairns, 16.51S, 145.43E (Times Atlas), Queensland, Australia, in October 1908, by P. Schraeder. From the Mathews Collection (no. 4566) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews cited his catalog number of the holotype in the original description and gave the range of ramsayi as “North Queensland (Cairns).” The holotype bears the original label, Mathews and Rothschild type labels, and a “Figured” label, indicating that it was the model for Mathews (1924: pl. 521, upper fig., opp. p. 366, text p. 366) where it is confirmed as the type of ramsayi. Paratypes are: Cairns, all collected in 1908, AMNH 692248 (Mathews no. 3103), August, AMNH 692249 (3102), August, AMNH 692250 (4565), October, males, AMNH 692252 (3104), August [probably male]; AMNH 692253 (4567), October, AMNH 692254 (4568), October, AMNH 692255 (3105), August, females.

Plectorhyncha lanceolata neglecta Mathews

Plectorhyncha lanceolata neglecta Mathews, 1912a: 395 (Adelaide, South Australia).

Now Plectorhyncha lanceolata Gould, 1838. See Salomonsen, 1967: 433, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 294, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 690–691.


AMNH 696564, adult male, collected at Adelaide, 34.56S, 138.36E (Times Atlas), South Australia, Australia, in December 1890. From the Mathews Collection (no. 3015) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews cited his catalog number of the holotype in the original description and gave the range as “South Australia”; the holotype bears a Mathews Collection label and Mathews and Rothschild type labels. Mathews had the single specimen from South Australia.

Lacustroica whitei neglecta Mathews

Lacustroica whitei neglecta Mathews, 1916a: 62 (Day Dawn, West Australia).

Now Conopophila whitei (North, 1910). See Salomonsen, 1967: 434, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 324, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 629.


AMNH 692373, adult male, collected at Day Dawn, 1400 ft, 27.29S, 117.51E (USBGN, 1957), Western Australia, Australia, on 18 May 1903, by F.L[awson Whitlock] (no. 266). From the Mathews Collection (no. 5907) via the Rothschild Collection.


In the original description, Mathews only said that the type was from Day Dawn. He had two specimens from the WAM, both collected on the same day by Whitlock. The male specimen, AMNH 692373, bears in addition to Whitlock's label and Mathews and Rothschild type labels, a “Figured” label, indicating that it is illustrated in Mathews (1924: pl. 522, top fig., opp. p. 376, text p. 383), where the figured male is said to be the type of neglecta, thereby designating it the lectotype. It was cataloged by Mathews as no. 5907, although that number was not given in the original description. Whitlock's label bears the no. 5870 in addition to his field number. This is probably a number assigned to it at WAM. There is one paralectotype in AMNH: AMNH 692374 (Mathews no. 5908, Whitlock no. 265), female, collected at Day Dawn, 1400 ft, on 18 May 1903, probably WAM no. 5879.

Certhionyx albogularis yorki Mathews

Certhionyx albogularis yorki Mathews, 1912b: 49 (Cape York, Queensland).

Now Conopophila albogularis (Gould, 1843). See Salomonsen, 1967: 434, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 321–322, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 628.


AMNH 692396, adult sex?, collected on Cape York, Queensland, Australia. From the Mathews Collection (no. 9873) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews gave his catalog number of the holotype in the original description and the range of yorki as “North Queensland.” The holotype bears, in addition to Mathews and Rothschild type labels, a BMNH label no., marked “Dupl” and “Ex Coll. F.D. Godman.” It was among a group of specimens that Mathews obtained from BMNH and cataloged on 7 December 1911. Some of the specimens from this acquisition were used as types in Mathews (1912a) and others were among the first in “Additions and Corrections” in Mathews (1912b). It is the only Queensland specimen of this form that came to AMNH with the Rothschild Collection.

Conopophila albogularis melvillensis Mathews

Conopophila albogularis melvillensis Mathews, 1924: 389 (Cooper's Camp, Apsley Straits, Melville Island, Northern Territory).

Now Conopophila albogularis (Gould, 1843). See Salomonsen, 1967: 434, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 321–322, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 628.


AMNH 692381, adult male, collected at Coopers Camp, Apsley Strait, Mellville Island, Northern Territory, Australia, on 2 October 1911, by J.P. Rogers (no. 2091). From the Mathews Collection (no. 10687) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews named this subspecies in his description of the adult male figured in Mathews (1924: pl. 523, bottom fig., opp. p. 388, text p. 389). It is the only Mathews specimen from Melville Island collected on 2 October 1911, and it bears Mathews' “Figured” label, Rogers' original label, and a Rothschild Collection label printed “Ex. coll. G.M. Mathews.” It had not previously been recognized as a type.

Mathews (1924: 389) did not give a range for melvillensis, but he discussed all of Rogers' Melville Island specimens of this form together and one may assume that he included all of the island in the range. The following Melville Island specimens are considered paratypes: Coopers Camp, AMNH 692380, 4 October 1911, male, AMNH 692382, 692383, 24 October–1 November 1911, females; 10 miles southeast of Snake Bay, AMNH 692384–692391, 29 December 1911–5 January 1912, males, AMNH 692392–692394, 3–5 January 1912, females, AMNH 692395, 29 December 1911, sex?.

Hart and Pilling (1964: 101) noted that Coopers Camp was across Apsley Strait from the Bathurst Island Mission Station, 11.45S, 130.41E (Times Atlas).

[Conopophila albogularis mimikae Mathews]

Mathews (1924: 390) named mimikae based on specimens collected at the mouth of the Mimika River, Papua Province, Indonesia (= Dutch New Guinea) on the BOU and Wollaston expeditions to New Guinea, and reported on by Ogilvie-Grant (1915: 54). The type of mimikae is probably in BMNH, although not listed by Warren and Harrison (1971).

Certhionyx rufogularis keatsi Mathews

Certhionyx rufogularis keatsi Mathews, 1912b: 49 (Northern Territory (West)).

Now Conopophila rufogularis (Gould, 1843). See Salomonsen, 1967: 435, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 323, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 628–629.


AMNH 692456, sex?, collected at Port Keats, 14.05S, 129.35E (USBGN, 1957), Northern Territory, Australia, in January 1907, from Edwin Ashby. From the Mathews Collection (no. 3115) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews cited his catalog number of the holotype in the original description and gave the range as “adjoining parts of North-west Australia and Northern Territory.” The holotype bears an original label, a large printed label stamped with Edwin Ashby's name on the reverse, and Mathews and Rothschild type labels. The following specimens are paratypes: 5 miles west of Trig. station HJ9, Parry Creek, East Kimberley, AMNH 692434 (Mathews no. 3107), AMNH 692435 (3108), males, AMNH 692436 (3109), AMNH 692437 (3110), AMNH 692438 (3111), AMNH 692439 (3112), females, AMNH 692440 (3113), AMNH 692441 (3114), sex?, all collected between 3 September 1908 and 2 February 1909; Forrest River, East Kimberley, AMNH 692442 (10432), AMNH 692443 (10433), AMNH 692444 (10434), males, AMNH 692445 (10430), AMNH 692446 (10431), AMNH 692447 (10435), females, all collected 1–2 September 1911; Port Keats, 1906, AMNH 692457 (3116), female. AMNH 692458, female, South Alligator River, 4 October 1902, collected by J.T. Tunney, is a possible paratype, but I did not find it in Mathews' catalog and do not know when it came into his hands. Other specimens in AMNH were never in Mathews' collection.

Certhionyx rufogularis queenslandicus Mathews

Certhionyx rufogularis queenslandicus Mathews, 1912a: 401 (Queensland (Inkerman)).

Now Conopophila rufogularis (Gould, 1843). See Salomonsen, 1967: 435, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 323–324, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 628–629.


AMNH 692459, adult male, collected at Inkerman, 19.45S, 147.29E (USBGN, 1957), Queensland, Australia, on 19 April 1907, by Wilfred Stalker. From the Mathews Collection (no. 3106) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews cited his catalog number of the holotype in the original description and gave the range as “Queensland.” The holotype bears, in addition to Stalker's original label and Mathews and Rothschild type labels, a “Figured” label, indicating that it was illustrated in Mathews (1924: pl. 523, top fig., opp. p. 388, text p. 392), where it is confirmed as the type of queenslandicus. The number “762” on the reverse of Stalker's label refers to the number of this species in Mathews (1908). Ingram (1908: 476) reported on Stalker's collection and listed this single specimen. No other Queensland specimens in AMNH from the Mathews Collection were collected before the 31 January 1912 publication date of queenslandicus.

Entomophila borealis H.L. White

Entomophila borealis H.L. White, 1914: 187 (Macarthur River, Northern Territory).

Now Grantiella picta (Gould, 1838). See Salomonsen, 1967: 435, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 308, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 691.


AMNH 691805, adult female, collected at McArthur Station, 16.27S, 136.07E (USBGN, 1957), McArthur River, Northern Territory, Australia, on 18 August 1913, by H.G. Barnard. From the Mathews Collection via the Rothschild Collection.


When naming this form, based on specimens collected by H.G. Barnard on the McArthur River, White said that it “appears to be a new sub-species of Entomophila picta. I suggest the name of Entomophila borealis …,” thereby introducing it as a binomial. White did not designate a type or say how many specimens he had. AMNH 691805 has an H.L. White label filled in by H.G. Barnard, which Mathews marked “Cotype G.p. borealis White”; the number “124” appears in red next to Barnard's name and may be a field number. In addition to that label, the specimen bears a Rothschild Collection label printed “Ex. coll. G.M. Mathews,” an AMNH type label filled in by hand unknown, and a “Figured” label, indicating that it was illustrated in Mathews (1924: pl. 522, bottom fig., opp. p. 376, text p. 377), where it is said to represent G. p. borealis but no type status is indicated. Mathews did not catalog this specimen. There are two syntypes in NMV (W. Longmore, personal commun.).

Grantiella picta cloncurri Mathews

Grantiella picta cloncurri Mathews, 1915a: 133 (Cloncurry, Queensland).

Now Grantiella picta (Gould, 1838). See Salomonsen, 1967: 435, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 308, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 691.


AMNH 691806, adult, collected at Cloncurry, 20.41S, 140.30E (Times Atlas), Queensland, Australia, undated, received from [W.D.K.] MacGillivray. From the Mathews Collection (no. 18504) via the Rothschild Collection.


In the description of this form, Mathews said that the type was from Cloncurry but mentioned no range. His only specimen from that locality was one of the last specimens he cataloged, but he did not mention this number in his description. The holotype bears a small locality tag, on the reverse of which Mathews has written “MacGillivray”; Mathews and Rothschild type labels; and a “Figured” label, indicating that it was illustrated in Mathews (1924: pl. 522, middle fig., opp. p. 376, text p. 376), where it is confirmed as the type of cloncurri. The description is of an adult male, even though this specimen is not sexed, but with the statement that “The sexes are alike.” The middle figure in pl. 522 does not have the sex indicated. My measurements of the holotype agree with those of Mathews: total length 160 mm, exposed culmen 13, wing 90, tail 55, tarsus 18, except that I measured the tail as 54 mm.

The specimen, said to be from MacGillivray, was cataloged by Mathews in 1914, after returning from his visit to Australia, during which he probably acquired it. W.R. McLennan, while collecting for MacGillivray in 1909, had his base for a time at Cloncurry (Whittell, 1954: 476). The above specimen may have been collected at that time but does not appear to be a McLennan specimen, both because the minimal data on the label does not appear to be in McLennan's hand and because the legs are not tied together above the tibiotarsal joint, a characteristic of McLennan's specimens. On the other hand, Mathews (1924: 381) noted that “Mr. A.J. North had written me in 1908: ‘I examined a collection made at Cloncurry which contained this bird.’ I then described such a bird as Grantiella picta cloncurri.” Whether there is any connection between this holotype and the collection mentioned by North is unknown.

Meliphaga phrygia tregellasi Mathews

Meliphaga phrygia tregellasi Mathews, 1912a: 402 (Victoria).

Now Anthochaera phrygia (Shaw, 1794). See Salomonsen, 1967: 436, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 304, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 622–623.


AMNH 691851, adult male, collected at Mulgrave, 37.55S, 145.12E (USBGN, 1957), Victoria, Australia, on 3 December 1908, by Thomas Tregellas. From the Mathews Collection (no. 2812) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews cited his catalog number of the holotype in the original description and gave the range as “Victoria, South Australia.” The holotype bears Tregellas' original label, Mathews and Rothschild type labels, and a “Figured” label, indicating that it is illustrated in Mathews (1924: pl. 525, opp. p. 404, text p. 405), where it is confirmed as the type of tregellasi. The following specimens are paratypes: AMNH 691834 (Mathews no. 3153), sex ?, Gippsland, undated, (entered in catalog only as “Victoria”); AMNH 691837 (not found in catalog but collected on same day as next), female, Bayswater, 26 December 1908; AMNH 691838 (Mathews no. 3143), female juvenile, Bayswater, 26 December 1908. Three other specimens are possible paratypes, but I did not find them in Mathews' catalog and do not know when he received them: AMNH 691833, male, Blackwood, South Australia, 8 June 1909; AMNH 691839, male, Melton, 6 February 1905; AMNH 691849, male, Lang Lang, 1898. AMNH 691850 (14718) Moorabool, December 1895, is not a paratype, as it was not cataloged by Mathews until 5 November 1912, after the 31 January 1912 publication date of tregellasi. Other specimens in AMNH were collected too late or were never in Mathews' collection.

This species is usually placed in the genus Xanthomyza; but based on their phylogenetic analysis of molecular data from their studies on the Meliphagidae, Driskell and Christidis (2004: 953) merged the genus Xanthomyza in the genus Anthochaera.

McAllan (2007: 140) discussed the spelling of the genus Xanthomyza and decided that the original spelling by Swainson, Zanthomiza, was a valid and available name. Christidis and Boles (2008: 186) and Higgins et al. (2008: 622) accepted this interpretation, without mentioning the subsequent publication by Schodde et al. (2007: 276), pointing out that McAllan had failed to consider the relevant article in the Code (ICZN, 1999: 42, Art., under which “Xanthomyza is a justified emendation, with Swainson (1837) as author, after Salomonsen (1967), and should be accepted as the correct spelling.” Thus, when the original genus is used in taxonomic lists, the spelling Xanthomyza should be used.

Myzomela pectoralis incerta Mathews

Myzomela pectoralis incerta Mathews, 1912a: 396 (Cape York, Queensland).

Now Cissomela pectoralis (Gould, 1841). See Salomonsen, 1967: 436, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 329–330, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 659–660.


AMNH 693398, adult male, collected on Cape York, Queensland, Australia. From the Mathews Collection (no. 3027) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews cited his catalog number of the holotype in the original description and gave the range as “North Queensland (Cape York).” The holotype bears a Mathews Collection and Mathews and Rothschild type labels. All other Cape York specimens in AMNH either were collected after the 31 January 1912 publication of incerta or were never in Mathews' collection.

Schodde and Mason (1999: 329–330), while tentatively including this species in the genus Certhionyx, placed it in the subgenus Cissomela. Subsequent molecular studies by Driskell and Christidis (2004) indicated that the three species Schodde and Mason placed in Certhionyx, but in different subgenera, were paraphyletic in three different clades within the Meliphagidae; Christidis and Boles (2008: 188) elevated each of the subgenera given by Schodde and Mason to monotypic genera.

Acanthorhynchus tenuirostris cairnsensis Mathews

Acanthorhynchus tenuirostris cairnsensis Mathews, 1912a: 397 (North Queensland (Cairns)).

Now Acanthorhynchus tenuirostris cairnsensis 181182183184185Mathews, 1912. See Salomonsen, 1967: 437, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 325–327, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 583–584.


AMNH 693500, adult, collected on the Barron River, Atherton Tableland, Cape York, Queensland, Australia, on 23 June 1910, by the Dodds. From the Mathews Collection (no. 8975) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews cited his catalog number of the holotype in the original description, giving the range of cairnsensis as “North Queensland.” The holotype bears, in addition to the original label, Mathews and Rothschild type labels and a “Figured” label, indicating that it was illustrated in Mathews (1924: pl. 518, lower fig., opp. p. 337, text p. 339), where it is confirmed as the type of cairnsensis. The following specimens are paratypes: Herberton, AMNH 693498 (Mathews no. 9560), 29 September 1910; Barron River, AMNH 693499 (9561), 3 July 1910; AMNH 693501 (8977), 1 July 1910; AMNH 693502 (8976), 7 July 1910. All of these specimens were collected by the Dodds on the Barron River, probably near their home at Kuranda, and on an expedition to Herberton (Dodd, 1911); this species does not occur on the coast at Cairns.

Acanthorhynchus tenuirostris trochiloides Salomonsen

Acanthorhynchus tenuirostris trochiloides Salomonsen, 1966a: 11 (Bunya Mountains, 2000 feet altitude, southeastern Queensland, Australia).

Now Acanthorhynchus tenuirostris tenuirostris (Latham, 1801). See Salomonsen, 1967: 437, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 325–327, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 582–583.


AMNH 703280 (not 703283), adult male, collected in the Bunya Mountains, 2000 ft, 26.50S, 151.33E (USBGN, 1957), Queensland, Australia, on 3 October 1940, by Lindsay Macmillan (no. 374).


The AMNH number of the holotype in the original description was a misprint; AMNH 703280 is the only specimen of this species collected by Macmillan in the Bunya Mountains. After the outbreak of World War II and the Macmillans' return to Australia from collecting in New Caledonia, Macmillan's collecting in Queensland was supported by funds remaining in the Whitney South Sea Expedition account and continued until he entered active military service. For use of 1801 for the date of publication of Latham's Supplementum Indicis Ornithologici, see Schodde et al. (2010).

Acanthorhynchus tenuirostris victoriae Mathews

Acanthorhynchus tenuirostris victoriae Mathews, 1912a: 398 (Victoria).

Now Acanthorhynchus tenuirostris tenuirostris (Latham, 1801). See Salomonsen, 1967: 438, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 325–327, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 582–583.


AMNH 693462, adult male, collected at Olinda, 37.51S, 145.22E (USBGN, 1957), Victoria, Australia, on 13 May 1911, by Thomas Tregellas. From the Mathews Collection (no. 9058) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews gave his catalog number of the holotype in the original description and the range of victoriae as “Victoria.” The holotype bears, in addition to Tregellas' original label and Mathews and Rothchild type labels, a “Figured” label, indicating that it was illustrated in Mathews (1924: pl. 518, top fig., opp. p. 337, text p. 338), where it is confirmed as the type of victoriae. Only the following two specimens from Victoria were found in Mathews' catalog and are paratypes: AMNH 693457 (Mathews no. 3045), male juvenile, The Basin, Dandenongs, 1 January 1909; AMNH 693461 (8568), male, Olinda, 10 February 1911. The following specimens were collected prior to the publication of victoriae on 31 January 1912, but I did not find them in Mathews' catalog; they are possible paratypes: AMNH 693443, male, Hawthorn, 8 September 1907; AMNH 693453, male, Melton, 8 June 1908; AMNH 693460, male, Olinda, 7 October 1907; AMNH 693464, male, Olinda, 8 July 1911; AMNH 693467, male, Beaconsfield, 16 October 1909; AMNH 693469, sex?, Frankston, 9 March 1909; AMNH 693471, female, Gippsland, 1903; AMNH 693472, male, Gippsland, 1903. AMNH 693466, male, Beaconsfield, 26 March 1910, was collected early enough but was not cataloged until 20 February 1912. Other specimens in AMNH are undated or were collected after victoriae was published on 31 January 1912.

Acanthorhynchus tenuirostris loftyi Mathews

Acanthorhynchus tenuirostris loftyi Mathews, 1912a: 398 (Mount Lofty, South Australia).

Now Acanthorhynchus tenuirostris halmaturinus A.G. Campbell, 1906. See Salomonsen, 1967: 438, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 325–327, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, Dickinson, 2003: 440, and Higgins et al., 2008: 582–583.


AMNH 693477, adult male, collected on Mount Lofty, 34.59S, 138.42E (USBGN, 1957), South Australia, Australia, on 17 May 1910, by J.B. Cleland (no. 116). From the Mathews Collection (no. 9830) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews cited his catalog number of the holotype in the original description and gave the range of loftyi as “South Australia.” It bears Cleland's original label and Mathews and Rothschild type labels. The following specimens are paratypes: Mount Lofty, AMNH 693475 (Mathews no. 3051), sex?, 26 May 1897; AMNH 693476 (9826), female, 22 September 1911. Other South Australian specimens in AMNH were collected after the 31 January 1912 publication of loftyi or had never been in Mathews' collection.

The holotype of loftyi was specimen (b) reported on by Cleland (1911: 90), with the collecting locality given as “Mount Lofty, Adelaide.” Schodde and Mason (1999: 327) and Dickinson (2003: 440) considered loftyi a synonym of halmaturinus. Higgins et al. (2008: 582) included it in nominate tenuirostris; however, there is an inconsistency in the ranges given for subspecies tenuirostris and halmaturina. The Mount Lofty (not Mount Lofty Range) that is the type locality of loftyi is near Adelaide and is included in the range given by Higgins et al. (2008: 582) for halmaturinus; it is not within the range given for tenuirostris.

Acanthorhynchus tenuirostris regius Salomonsen

Acanthorhynchus tenuirostris regius Salomonsen, 1966a: 11 (King Island, Bass Strait, Australia).

Now Acanthorhynchus tenuirostris dubius Gould, 1837. See Salomonsen, 1967: 438, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 325–327, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 582–583.


AMNH 693497, subadult male, collected on King Island, 39.50S, 144.00E (USBGN, 1957), Bass Strait, Tasmania, Australia, on 22 April 1914, by Thomas Tregellas.


Salomonsen gave the AMNH number of the holotype in the original description. It was from the Mathews Collection via the Rothschild Collection, but was not cataloged by Mathews. The number “752” on Tregellas' label refers to the number of this species in Mathews (1908).

This specimen is apparently unique, and the King Island population is probably now extinct (Schodde and Mason, 1999: 326). It was already rare in 1914; Tregellas' note on the reverse of his label reads: “Very scarce on the island, & only seen on the correa, where this specimen was obtained.” I have reexamined this holotype and find that my measurements are almost exactly the same as those given by Salomonsen: wing 71 mm, bill from base 32, tarsus 22. While the measurements of bill and tarsus are large, the specimen does not appear to be aberrant. There are a number of feathers missing on the top of the bill, but Salomonsen's measurement was made from the joint of the culmen with the skull. Because individuals in all populations are quite variable in measurements, some approaching those of the type of regius, and because additional specimens from King Island are unlikely, I agree with Schodde and Mason (1999: 326) that regius should be considered a synonym of dubius.

Acanthorhynchus superciliosus wilsoni Mathews

Acanthorhynchus superciliosus wilsoni Mathews, 1912a: 398 (Wilson's Inlet, South-West Australia).

Now Acanthorhynchus superciliosus Gould, 1837. See Salomonsen, 1967: 438, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 328, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 583.


AMNH 693527, adult male, collected at Wilson Inlet, 35.00S, 117.22E (USBGN, 1957), Western Australia, Australia, on 28 April 1910, by F.L. W[hitlock]. From the Mathews Collection (no. 4834) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews cited his catalog number of the holotype in the original description and gave the range as “South-West Australia.” The holotype bears in addition to Whitlock's original label and Mathews and Rothschild type labels, a “Figured” label, indicating that it was illustrated in Mathews (1924: pl. 519, upper fig., opp. p. 346, text p. 347), where it is confirmed as the type of wilsoni. Paratypes in AMNH: collected by Whitlock at Wilson Inlet in March–May 1910, three males, nine females, AMNH 693526 (Mathews no. 5486), AMNH 693528 (4833), AMNH 693529 (4832), AMNH 693531 (4839), AMNH 693533 (5488), AMNH 693534 (4836), AMNH 693535 (4837), AMNH 693536 (4835), AMNH 693537 (4838), AMNH 693538 (5489), AMNH 693539 (5487), AMNH 693540 (4670); collected by T. Carter at Albany, AMNH 693546 (3057), male, 23 January 1905; AMNH 693547 (3056), male, 15 May 1907; AMNH 693550 (3058), female, 26 December 1904; collected by Whitlock in Denmark forest, 15–16 May 1910, males, AMNH 693553 (5485), AMNH 693554 (5484). The following are probable paratypes, but I did not find them in Mathews' catalog: collected by Whitlock, Southwest Australia, sea level, AMNH 693520, female, 15 December 1908; Wilson Inlet, AMNH 693530, male, 11 March 1910, AMNH 693532, female, 1 March 1910; collected by Carter, Albany, AMNH 693544, male, 31 January 1910, AMNH 693548, immature male, 27 January 1910, AMNH 693549, immature male, 8 January 1910, AMNH 693551, immature female, 6 January 1910. Other Mathews specimens in AMNH were either collected after the publication of wilsoni on 31 January 1912 or not dated. One of Mathews' specimens, no. 4832, male, Wilson Inlet, 24 April 1910, did not come to AMNH, and if found is also a paratype.

[Acanthorhynchus superciliosus stirlingi Mathews]

Acanthorhynchus superciliosus stirlingi Mathews, 1924: 348 (Stirling Ranges).

Now Acanthorhynchus superciliosus Gould, 1837. See Salomonsen, 1967: 438, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 328, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 583.


Mathews description only said, “Differs from the form from Perth in having a black head,” which description is apparently taken from Milligan's (1903: 12) statement, quoted in Mathews' (1924: 348) “Then again, we secured several specimens of the White-browed Spinebill (Acanthorhynchus superciliosus) and in every male specimen the head was black, or almost so, not the greyish-olive of the mantle and back.” Milligan considered this species to be one of the “perplexities” associated with his trip to the Stirling Range and noted that many of his specimens from that trip “met with a misadventure after their arrival in Perth,” that was not otherwise explained.

There are two adult male and one juvenile male specimens in AMNH collected by F.L. Whitlock in the Stirling Range in July and August 1911, and while the adult males have the head darker than the back, none of them has a truly black head and there is no indication on any of them that Mathews considered them type material. According to R. Johnstone (personal commun.), the WAM has one specimen collected by Milligan in the Stirling Range, which also does not have a black head. Perhaps the others met with a “misadventure.”

By 1924, when this form was named, at least part of the Mathews Collection had already been incorporated into the Rothschild Collection, and Mathews seemed more and more inclined to produce names related to statements made to him by his corps of correspondents, apparently in a hurry to ensure that the names appeared in his Birds of Australia, and often without any specimens at hand to serve as types. In some of these cases, specimens collected by the person quoted may show the characters given by Mathews and may serve as types of the name, but that does not seem to be the case for this form.

Manorina melanophrys yarra Mathews

Manorina melanophrys yarra Mathews, 1912a: 416 (Victoria).

Now Manorina melanophrys (Latham, 1801). See Salomonsen, 1967: 440, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 264–265, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 615–616.


AMNH 697337, male, collected at Beaconsfield, 38.03S, 145.22E (USBGN, 1957), Victoria, Australia, on 26 May 1907, by Thomas Tregellas. From the Mathews Collection (no. 8153) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews gave his catalog number of the holotype in the original description and the range of yarra as “Victoria.” The holotype bears an original tag, Mathews and Rothschild type labels, and a label marked “Figured,” indicating that it served as the model for Mathews (1925a: pl. 545, upper fig., opp. p. 32, text p. 33), where it is confirmed as the type of yarra. Paratypes are: Gippsland Lakes, AMNH 697335 (Mathews no. 2826), female, 9 October 1909, by Tregellas; Beaconsfield, AMNH 697336, 697338, 697339, 697340 (three Mathews nos., 4964, 4965, 4967), one adult and three juvenile males, 1 May 1909; AMNH 697341 (4963), female, 1 May 1909; AMNH 697342 (4746), female, 1 May 1909; AMNH 697344 (4966), juvenile, 12 June 1909, all by L.G. Chandler and/or F.E. Wilson; AMNH 697345 (4754), sex?, 2 April 1910, by F.E. Howe. AMNH 697343, female, collected at Beaconsfield on 18 June 1910 by Wilson is probably a paratype, but I did not find it entered in Mathews' catalog. For use of 1801 as the date of publication for Latham's Supplementum Indicis Ornithologici, see Schodde et al. (2010).

Manorina melanophrys tweedi Mathews

Manorina melanophrys tweedi Mathews, 1925a: 33 (Tweed River, Northern New South Wales).

Now Manorina melanophrys (Latham, 1801). See Salomonsen, 1967: 440, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 264–265, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 615–616.


AMNH 697329, adult female, collected on the Tweed River, 28.11S, 153.34E (USBGN, 1957), New South Wales, Australia, on 16 August 1912, by P. Schraeder. From the Mathews Collection (no. 15418) via the Rothschild Collection.


AMNH 697329 bears Schraeder's original label, a Rothschild Museum label printed “Ex. coll. G.M. Mathews” and marked “figured,” and an AMNH type label filled in by Charles Vaurie (probably when Salomonsen was at AMNH working on the Meliphagidae). The specimen was illustrated in Mathews (1925a: pl. 545, lower fig., opp. p. 32, text p. 33), where tweedi is described and the figured specimen designated as the type. There are three paratypes, all collected on the Tweed River on 16 August 1912 by Schraeder: AMNH 697326 (Mathews no. 15415), male; AMNH 697327 (15416), male; AMNH 697328 (15417), female.

Myzantha melanocephala whitei Mathews

Myzantha melanocephala whitei Mathews, 1912a: 417 (South Australia).

Now considered intergradient between Manorina m. melanocephala and M. m. lepidota. See Salomonsen, 1967: 440, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 266–268, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 616–617.


AMNH 694359, female, collected in South Australia, in July 1890. From the Mathews Collection (no. 3360) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews gave his catalog number of the holotype in the original description and the range of whitei as “Victoria, South Australia.” The original label is missing from the holotype; it bears a Mathews Collection label and Mathews and Rothschild type labels. The following specimens, all from Victoria, are paratypes: AMNH 694363 (Mathews no. 1125), female, Sassafras, 3 September 1910 (cataloged as 1911); AMNH 694370 (9678), female, Bendigo, 3 March 1909; AMNH 694371 (4745), female, Bewick, 14 July 1909. There are four Victorian specimens collected by C.F. Cole that are possible paratypes: Lang Lang, AMNH 694375, male, 9 March 1908; AMNH 694376, male [?female], 16 May 1905; AMNH 694377, female, 9 March 1908; Somerville, AMNH 694378, male, 14 May 1907. I did not find these specimens in Mathews catalog and do not know when he received them; a large portion of Cole's collection was sent to Mathews in 1914 (Whittell, 1954: 158), long after the publication of whitei on 31 January 1912 and after Mathews no longer cataloged specimens, although he had received some from time to time earlier. AMNH 694381, a Mathews specimen from “Goulbourne” dated December 1896, was also collected early enough, but apparently not cataloged.

Myzantha melanocephala leachi Mathews

Myzantha melanocephala leachi Mathews, 1912a: 417 (Tasmania).

Now Manorina melanocephala leachi (181182183184185Mathews, 1912). See Salomonsen, 1967: 440, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 266–268, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 616–617.


AMNH 694410, sex?, collected in Tasmania, undated, by R.H.W. Leach. From the Mathews Collection (no. 9466) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews cited his catalog number of the holotype in the original description and gave the range of leachi as “Tasmania.” The holotype has no original label and bears a Mathews Collection label, Mathews and Rothschild type labels, and a “Figured” label, indicating that it was illustrated in Mathews (1925a: pl. 546, opp. p. 39, text p. 40), where it is confirmed as the type of leachi. This specimen from Leach was cataloged singly on 15 October 1911, along with a number of other type specimens. There are five additional undated Tasmanian specimens of M. melanocephala from the Mathews Collection, but I did not find any of them in his catalog and do not consider them paratypes.

Salomonsen (1967: 440) considered leachi a synonym of nominate melanocephala; whereas, Schodde and Mason (1999: 266–268) and Higgins et al. (2008: 616–617) recognized it.

Myzantha melanocephala crassirostris Mathews

Myzantha melanocephala crassirostris Mathews, 1912a: 417 (Cairns, Queensland).

Now considered to come from a zone of intergradation (see below). See Salomonsen, 1967: 440; Schodde and Mason, 1999: 266–268, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 616–617.


AMNH 694412, adult male, collected on the Barron River, Queensland, Australia, on 7 June 1911, by the Dodds (no. 25). From the Mathews Collection (no. 9332) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews gave his catalog number of the holotype in the original description and the range of crassirostris as “Queensland.” The holotype bears the original label and Mathews and Rothschild type labels. The number “804” that appears on the original label refers to the number of this species in Mathews (1908). Mathews gave the type locality of this form as “Cairns,” but it was undoubtedly collected on the Barron River near the Dodd's home at Kuranda, 16.46S, 145.37E (Times Atlas), on the Atherton Tableland; the species does not occur on the coast at Cairns. Only this single Mathews Queensland specimen came to AMNH. Salomonsen (1967: 440) recognized crassirostris; Schodde and Mason (1999: 266–268) considered that “variably intergradient populations … extend south from the Mareeba-Herberton tablelands to at least the headwaters of the Lynd … and probably to the upper Einasleigh-Burdekin drainages.” Schodde and Mason (1999: 268) then named the Cape York population Manorina melanocephala titaniota and the eastern Queensland–New South Wales population M. m. lepidota. Higgins et al. (2008: 616–617) recognized only the nominate race on mainland Australia and suggested further study regarding the two recently named subspecies.

Myzantha flavigula clelandi Mathews

Myzantha flavigula clelandi Mathews, 1912a: 418 (Broome Hill, South-West Australia).

Now considered to be from a zone of intergradation between Manorina flavigula wayensis and M. f. obscura. See Salomonsen, 1967: 441, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 269–273, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 617–618.


AMNH 694521, adult female, collected at Broomehill, 33.51S, 117.38E (Johnstone and Storr, 2004: 504), Western Australia, Australia, on 18 September 1906, by Thomas Carter. From the Mathews Collection (no. 3363) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews gave his catalog number of the holotype in the original description and the range as “South-West Australia.” The holotype bears Carter's original label and Mathews and Rothschild type labels. Paratypes are: Broomehill, AMNH 694516 (Mathews no. 3362), male, 28 October 1906; AMNH 694522 (3364), female, 1 August 1908; AMNH 694524 (3365), immature, 27 December 1906. The following were collected before the 31 January 1912 publication date of clelandi, but I did not find them in Mathews' catalog and do not know when he acquired them: Broomehill, AMNH 694517, male, 19 June 1910, AMNH 694518, male, 4 July 1910, AMNH 694519, male, 11 February 1911; Cranbrook, AMNH 694531, female, 17 March 1910. Other specimens were either never in Mathews' Collection or were cataloged later.

Salomonsen (1967: 441) recognized clelandi, Schodde and Mason (1999: 271) considered it to come from a zone of intergradation, and Higgins et al. (2008: 618) treated it as a synonym of M. f. obscura.

Myzantha obscura ortoni Ashby

Myzantha obscura ortoni Ashby, 1922: 254 (Moora and ?).

Now considered an intergrade between Manorina flavigula wayensis and M. f. obscura. See Salomonsen, 1967: 441, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 269–273, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 617–618.


AMNH 178376, immature male, collected at Moora, 30.39S, 116.01E (USBGN, 1957), Western Australia, Australia, on 10 November 1920, by Edwin Ashby.


In his description of ortoni, Ashby said that he had four specimens in his collection, two of which were collected by him at Moora (the collecting localities of the other two were not given), and one specimen from Esperance Bay in the H.L. White Collection. The above specimen was among over 100 specimens that Ashby exchanged with AMNH in 1923; it had not previously been recognized as a type. It was badly shot up and is in poor condition. The Esperance Bay syntype from the H.L. White Collection is in NMV (W. Longmore, personal commun.) The other Moora specimen mentioned by Ashby is not in SAMA (P. Horton, personal commun.) or in ANSP (N. Rice, personal commun.).

Myzantha flavigula wayensis Mathews

Myzantha flavigula wayensis Mathews, 1912a: 418 (West Australia (Lake Way)).

Now Manorina flavigula wayensis 181182183184185Mathews, 1912. See Salomonsen, 1967: 441, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 269–273, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 617–618.


AMNH 694455, female, collected at Lake Way, 26.50S, 120.25E (Johnstone and Storr, 2004: 509), Western Australia, Australia, on 19 July 1909, by F.L. W[hitlock]. From the Mathews Collection (no. 3370) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews gave his catalog number of the holotype in the original description and the range as “Mid Westralia.” The type bears, in addition to Whitlock's label and Mathews and Rothschild type labels, a “Figured” label, indicating that it was illustrated in Mathews (1925a: pl. 548, lower fig., opp. p. 51, text p. 53), where it is confirmed as the type of wayensis. Paratypes are three juvenile specimens collected at Lake Way on 18 September 1909: AMNH 694456, 694457, 694458 (Mathews nos. 3894, 3956, 3957). A possible paratype is AMNH 694460, female, collected at Carnarvon on 12 August 1911, but I did not find it in Mathews' catalog.

Myzantha flavigula casuarina Mathews

Myzantha flavigula casuarina Mathews, 1912d: 100 (Mount Casuarina, North-west Australia).

Now Manorina flavigula lutea (Gould, 1840). See Salomonsen, 1967: 442, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 269–273, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 617–618.


AMNH 694485, adult male, collected on Mount Casuarina summit, 700 ft, 14.23S, 127.42E (USBGN, 1957), Western Australia, Australia, on 6 October 1911, by C.P. Conigrave (no. 135). From the Mathews Collection (no. 12944) via the Rothschild Collection


Mathews cited his catalog number of the holotype in the original description and gave the range as “Mount Casuarina.” The holotype bears Conigrave's original label and Mathews and Rothschild type labels. There are three male paratypes from Mount Casuarina, all collected on 6 October 1911: AMNH 694486 (Mathews no. 12941, Conigrave no. 137); AMNH 694487 (12942, 136); AMNH 694488 (12943, 138). The subspecies casuarina was recognized by Salomonsen (1967: 442) and synonymized with lutea by Schodde and Mason (1999: 269–273) and Higgins et al. (2008: 617).

Myzantha flavigula alligator Mathews

Myzantha flavigula alligator Mathews, 1912a: 418 (Alligator River, Northern Territory).

Now Manorina flavigula lutea (Gould, 1840). See Salomonsen, 1967: 442, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 269–273, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 617–618.


AMNH 694462, adult male, collected on the South Alligator River, 12.15S, 132.24E (USBGN, 1957), Northern Territory, on 20 May 1903, by J.T. Tunney (no. 1322). From the Mathews Collection (no. 5355) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews cited his catalog number of the holotype in the original description and gave the range of alligator as “Northern Territory.” Apparently, Mathews had the single specimen; it bears Tunney's original label and Mathews and Rothschild type labels. Tunney's collection was reported on by Hartert (1905a) and it was divided between Rothschild and WAM, with a subset sent to BMNH (Hartert, 1905a: 194). Mathews received his specimen from WAM, and the number 7459 on Tunney's label is apparently a WAM number.

Myzantha flavigula melvillensis Mathews

Myzantha flavigula melvillensis Mathews, 1912b: 51 (Melville Island, Northern Territory).

Now Manorina flavigula melvillensis (181182183184185Mathews, 1912). See Salomonsen, 1967: 442, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 269–273, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 617–618.


AMNH 694467, adult male, collected at Coopers Camp, Apsley Strait, Melville Island, Northern Territory, Australia, on 22 October 1911, by J.P. Rogers (no. 2248). From the Mathews Collection (no. 10754) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews cited his catalog number of the holotype in the original description and noted (Mathews, 1912b: 26) that he had received two shipments of Melville Island birds from Rogers since the publication of his reference list (Mathews, 1912a); these included specimens collected at Coopers Camp in 1911. Paratypes are: AMNH 694463 (Mathews no. 10755), male, 22 October; AMNH 694465 (11553), male, 3 November; AMNH 694466 (11554), male, 25 November; AMNH 694468 (11555), male, 8 December; AMNH 694470 (11556), male, 25 November; AMNH 694474 (11557), female, 8 December; AMNH 694475 (11558), female, 25 November.

Hart and Pilling (1964: 101) gave the location of Coopers Camp as across Apsley Strait from the Bathurst Island Mission Station, 11.45S, 130.41E (Times Atlas).

Myzantha flavigula pallida Mathews

Myzantha flavigula pallida Mathews, 1916b: 91 (Tietkens Creek, Central Australia).

Now Manorina flavigula wayensis (181182183184185Mathews, 1912). See Salomonsen, 1967: 442, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 269–273, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 617–618.


AMNH 694495, female, collected on Tietkens Birthday Creek (= Tietkens Creek), 25.58S, 132.35E (USBGN, 1957), Musgrave Range, South Australia, Australia, on 20 July 1914, by S.A. White (no. 1893). From the Mathews Collection via the Rothschild Collection.


In the original description, Mathews said that the type was from Tietkens Creek, but gave no further information on the type or on the range of pallida; he did not catalog specimens from this expedition by White. AMNH 694495 bears White's original label marked “pallida Type” by Mathews, a Mathews type label, and an AMNH type label filled in by Charles Vaurie, probably when Salomonsen was working on the Meliphagidae at AMNH.

White (1915b: 759) did not say how many specimens he obtained, but there is no specimen of this form in SAMA from Tietkens Birthday Creek (P. Horton, personal commun.), the only locality mentioned by Mathews. I believe that Mathews had a single specimen from that locality.

Salomonsen (1967: 442) recognized pallida; whereas, Schodde and Mason 1999: 269–273) and Higgins et al. (2008: 618) included it within the range of wayensis. There is a photograph of the type locality in White (1915c: pl. 19, opp. p. 183).

Myzantha flavigula berneyi Mathews

Myzantha flavigula berneyi Mathews, 1912a: 417 (Queensland (Richmond District)).

Now Manorina flavigula flavigula (Gould, 1840). See Salomonsen, 1967: 442, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 269–273, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 189–190, and Higgins et al., 2008: 617–618.


AMNH 694452, female, collected at Cambridge Downs, 20.25S, 142.52E (Times Atlas), Richmond area, northern Queensland, Australia, in January 1907. From the Mathews Collection (no. 3368) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews gave his catalog number of the holotype in the original description and the range as “Queensland.” The holotype bears the original label and Mathews and Rothschild type labels; it is the only Queensland specimen of M. flavigula that came to AMNH with the Rothschild Collection.

[Myzantha melanotis F.E. Wilson]

Myzantha melanotis F.E. Wilson, 1911: 124 (one of the Mallee districts, northwest Victoria).

Now Manorina flavigula melanotis (F.E. Wilson, 1911). See Salomonsen, 1967: 443, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 269–273, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 617.


No type was designated in the original description, which was based on three specimens. Two syntypes are in NMV. One of these, R.5039, adult male, collected north of Kow Plains (35.14S, 141.22E), Victoria, Australia, on 8 September 1911, by F.E. Wilson, was designated lectotype of Myzantha melanotis by Schodde and Mason (1999: 273); the other, R.5040, female, with the same data, by this action became a paralectotype (W. Longmore, personal commun.). The AMNH specimen, AMNH 694538, formerly considered a syntype, by the same action also became a paralectotype. It has been so marked and remains in the type collection.

Paralectotype AMNH 694538, an adult male with the same data as the other two specimens in the type series, came from the Mathews Collection via the Rothschild Collection and bears Wilson's original label marked “Co Type,” a Mathews type label marked “Co-Type” with a reference to Wilson's description, and an AMNH type label, marked “Cotype,” filled in by Charles Vaurie, probably when F. Salomonsen was at AMNH working on the Meliphagidae. I did not find the specimen listed in Mathews' catalog.

The form melanotis has variously been accorded species status, as in Salomonsen (1967: 443), Christidis and Boles (2008: 185–191), and Higgins et al. (2008: 617), who cited mitochondrial DNA studies. Schodde and Mason (1999: 269–273) discussed melanotis and gave a summary of treatments and their reasons for considering it a subspecies of M. flavigula. Further study is needed.

Myzantha flavigula wilsoni Mathews

Myzantha flavigula wilsoni Mathews, 1912b: 51 (Turner's Well, South Australia).

Now Manorina flavigula melanotis (Wilson, 1911). See Salomonsen, 1967: 443, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 269–273, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 617.


AMNH 694533, adult male, collected at Turner's Well, 20 miles northeast of Bow Hill, 34.54S, 139.37E (USBGN, 1957), South Australia, Australia, on 10 November 1911, by S.A. White (no. 249). From the Mathews Collection (no. 10142) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews cited his catalog number of the holotype in the original description and gave the range of wilsoni as “South Australia.” The holotype bears White's original label and Mathews and Rothschild type labels. A second specimen of this form, collected at Turner's Well on the same day (see White, 1913a: 180) is a paratype: AMNH 694534, male; it has a “Figured” label, indicating that it was the model for Mathews (1925a: pl. 547, upper fig., opp. p. 47, text p. 48), with no type status attributed to it. Higgins et al. (2008: 617) treated melanotis as a monotypic species, citing mitochondrial DNA studies. Schodde and Mason (1999: 269–273) discussed the complex interactions of the populations of Manorina flavigula and suggested retaining melanotis as a subspecies of that species. Futher studies seem indicated.

Myzantha obscura perplexa Mathews

Myzantha obscura perplexa Mathews, 1925a: 50 (Linga, Victoria).

Now Manorina flavigula melanotis (Wilson, 1911). See Salomonsen, 1967: 443, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 269–273, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 617.


AMNH 694540, female, collected at Linga, 35.10S, 141.42E (USBGN, 1957), Victoria, Australia, on 15 September 1916, by Thomas Tregellas. From the Mathews Collection via the Rothschild Collection.


In the original description, Mathews said that his type, collected at Linga by Tregellas on 15 September 1916, was in his collection in the Rothschild Collection, indicating that by 1925 Rothschild had already bought the Mathews Collection. There is only one specimen collected on that date that came to AMNH with the Rothschild Collection. There are two additional specimens collected by Tregellas at Linga on 21 September 1916, but because they both have yellow on the sides of the neck and a yellow-green forehead, I do not condsider them paratypes, as Mathews specifically said that perplexa lacked these two characters. The holotype bears a Mathews Collection label, filled in by Tregellas, a Rothschild Museum label printed “Ex. coll. G.M. Mathews,” and an AMNH type label filled in by Charles Vaurie, probably when Salomonsen was working on Meliphagidae at AMNH.

Higgins et al. (2008: 617) treated M. melanotis as a monotypic species, citing mitochondrial DNA studies, but after careful analysis of populations and introgression among them, Schodde and Mason (1999: 269–273) suggested retaining melanotis as a subspecies of Manorina flavigula. More research seems indicated.

See Joseph and Wilke (2007) for a comparison of apparent Pleistocene population expansion and mitochondrial DNA diversity in Acanthagenys rufogularis.

Acanthagenys rufogularis cygnus Mathews

Acanthagenys rufogularis cygnus Mathews, 1912a: 420 (Swan Island, Victoria).

Now Acanthagenys rufogularis Gould, 1838. See Salomonsen, 1967: 445, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 295–296, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 618–619.


AMNH 696524, adult male, collected on Swan Island, 38.15S, 144.41E (USBGN, 1957), Victoria, Australia, on 2 January 1909, by Thomas Tregellas (no. 367). From the Mathews Collection (no. 4919) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews gave his catalog number of the holotype in the original description and the range as “Victoria, South Australia.” The holotype bears in addition to Tregellas' original label, Mathews and Rothschild type labels. The following specimens are paratypes: AMNH 696490 (Mathews no. 9666), male, Eyre Peninsula, 8 September 1911; AMNH 696496 (9984), male, Port Augusta, 7 October 1911; AMNH 696497 (9986), male immature, Port Augusta, 4 October 1911; AMNH 696498 (9985), female immature, Port Augusta, 4 October 1911; AMNH 696500 (10141), male, Turners Well, 10 November 1911; AMNH 696517 (5114), sex?, Hawthorne, 3 May 1908; AMNH 696522 (3394), male, Little River, 31 August 1908. AMNH 696496, 696497, and 696498 are also syntypes of Acanthagenys rufogularis augusta (see below). The following are possible paratypes, but I did not find them in Mathews' catalog: AMNH 696499, male, near Coorong, 13 September 1909; AMNH 696503, female, Frankston, 21 September 1908; AMNH 696515, male, Auburn, 14 May 1907; AMNH 696516, male, Auburn, 14 July 1907.

See Schodde and Mason (1999: 295) for reasons to keep rufogularis in the genus Acanthagenys.

Acanthagenys rufogularis territori Mathews

Acanthagenys rufogularis territori Mathews, 1912a: 420 (Northern Territory (Alexandra)).

Now Acanthagenys rufogularis Gould, 1838. See Salomonsen, 1967: 445, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 295–296, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 618–619.


AMNH 696555, adult male, collected at Alexandria Spring (= Alexandra), 19.00S, 136.42E (Times Atlas), Northern Territory, Australia, on 30 October 1905, by Wilfred Stalker. From the Mathews Collection (no. 3395) via the Rothschild Collection.


In the original description, Mathews cited his catalog number of the holotype and gave the range of territori as “Northern Territory.” The holotype bears Stalker's original label and Mathews and Rothschild type labels. The number “812” on the reverse of Stalker's label refers to the number of this species in Mathews (1908). The head of this specimen was almost completely shot away. Ingram (1907: 414) listed this single specimen of A. rufogularis from the Alexandria area, and it was the only specimen Mathews had from Northern Territory.

Acanthagenys rufogularis wei Mathews

Acanthagenys rufogularis wei Mathews, 1912a: 421 (West Australia (Lake Way)).

Now Acanthagenys rufogularis Gould, 1838. See Salomonsen, 1967: 445, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 295–296, Christidis and Boles, 2008, 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 618–619.


AMNH 696539, adult male, collected at Lake Way, 26.50S, 120.25E (Johnstone and Storr, 2004: 509), East Murchison, Western Australia, Australia, on 12 July 1909, by F.L. W[hitlock]. From the Mathews Collection (no. 3396) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews cited his catalog number of the holotype in the original description and gave the range of wei as “Mid Westralia.” In addition to Whitlock's original label, the holotype bears Mathews and Rothschild type labels. Paratypes, all collected by Whitlock, are: Lake Way, AMNH 696540 (Mathews no. 3398), female, 21 August 1909; Bore Well, AMNH 696541, male, 4 August 1909; East Murchison, AMNH 696542 (3318), female, 23 October 1909, AMNH 696543 (3319), female, 27 October 1909, AMNH 696544 (3320), female, 27 October 1909; Day Dawn, AMNH 696545 (5351), male, 8 June 1903. Whitlock (1910: 186–187) gave a more explicit locality for the specimens he labeled “East Murchison.” Shortly after 17 September 1909, he left Wiluna and until 6 November was in the area of Milly Pool “some 20 miles or thereabouts to the north-west of the township, and lying on the stock route from Peak Hill and the Gascoyne and Ashburton Rivers.”

Acanthagenys rufogularis queenslandicus Mathews

Acanthagenys rufogularis queenslandicus Mathews, 1912a: 421 (North Queensland).

Now Acanthagenys rufogularis Gould, 1838. See Salomonsen, 1967: 445, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 295–296, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 618–619.


AMNH 696558, said by Mathews to have been collected in northern Queensland, Australia. From the Mathews Collection (no. 7771) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews cited his catalog number of the holotype in the original description and gave the range of queenslandicus as “North Queensland.” The specimen was cataloged by Mathews as a single specimen of this species from the J.A. Thorpe collection, but it no longer has an original label nor any other data on its existing labels. It bears a Mathews and a Rothschild type label and a “Figured” label, indicating that it was illustrated in Mathews (1925a, pl. 553, opp. p. 88, text p. 89), where it is confirmed as the type of queenslandicus. Based on the published description, it is the lower figure in the plate. Both figures in this plate are identified on the plate as females, and the specimen described in Mathews (1925a: 89) is said to be a female, but the specimen is sexed as a male in Mathews' catalog. Although some of Thorpe's specimens were collected on Cape York, the majority of them were from New South Wales, and I consider the “N. Queensland” entered by Mathews in his catalog to be questionable, given the absence of an original label. Other specimens in AMNH from the Rothschild Collection collected in north Queensland had never been in the Mathews Collection.

[Acanthogenys (sic) rufogularis woolundra Mathews]

This form was described by Mathews (1920: 76) and the type was said to be from Woolundra, southwest Australia, collected on 21 May 1919. No specimen of rufogularis from Woolundra came to AMNH with the Rothschild Collection. The type is in NMV (W. Longmore, personal commun.).

Acanthagenys rufogularis augusta Mathews

Acanthagenys rufogularis augusta Mathews, 1923b: 39 (Port Augusta, South Australia).

Now Acanthagenys rufogularis (Gould, 1838). See Salomonsen, 1967: 445, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 295–296, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 618–619.


AMNH 696495 (Mathews no. 15180), sex? [♀ pencilled in], collected 30 miles southwest of Port Augusta, 32.30S, 137.46E (USBGN, 1957), on 24 August 1912, by S.A. White (no. 852); AMNH 696496 (9984), male, collected northwest of Port Augusta, on 7 October 1911, by S.A. White (no. 213); AMNH 696497 (9986), male immature, collected northwest of Port Augusta, on 4 October 1911, by S.A. White (no. 212); AMNH 696498 (9985), female immature, collected northwest of Port Augusta, on 4 October 1911, by S.A. White (no. 211). All from the Mathews Collection via the Rothschild Collection.


Sometime between 1913 and 1925, Mathews (1925a: 95), having found that Cotten, in 1848, had named the Victorian bird A. r. rodorhynchus, considered his name A. rufogularis cygnus, type locality Swan Island, Victoria, a synonym. In the original description of augusta, Mathews (1923b: 39) said that augusta differed “from A. r. rodorhynchus (Cotten) in being paler in general coloration and smaller in its measurements,” and the type was said to be from Port Augusta; Later, he (Mathews, 1925a: 95) said that “according to Captain White the birds vary from Victoria to South Australia, and the Port Augusta form I named Acanthogenys [sic] rufogularis augusta.”

Apparently, this can be traced to a misreading by Mathews of White's (1918: 24) statement concerning the birds he observed and collected from Lake Victoria, barely within the state of New South Wales, and down the Murray River, to Morgan in South Australia. White commented that the “rufous coloration on the throat seemed to be much paler in comparison with birds from further north.” Port Augusta is indeed northwest of the area covered by White, but White is saying that the Murray River birds are paler than the more northern birds, whereas, Mathews in his description is saying that it is the Port Augusta birds that are paler!

In his reports on his 1911 and 1912 Port Augusta trips, White (1912: 125, 1913c: 32) did not enumerate his specimens but indicated that the species was plentiful. The above four Mathews specimens in AMNH collected by White in the vicinity of Port Augusta in 1911 and 1912 are here considered syntypes of augusta; even though none of them has any indication that it was to have type status, Mathews' collection was complete long before the 1923 description of augusta. They had not been included in the AMNH type collection previously. The three syntypes of augusta that were collected in 1911 are also paratypes of Acanthagenys rufogularis cygnus Mathews (see above). I have not considered as syntypes of augusta four specimens collected in the Gawler Range on the 1912 expedition. There are no S.A. White specimens from the Port Augusta area in SAMA (P. Horton, personal commun.).

AMNH 696495 bears, in addition to White's original label and a Rothschild Museum label printed “Ex. coll. G.M. Mathews,” a “Figured” label, indicating that it was illustrated in Mathews (1925a, pl. 553, opp. p. 88, text p. 89) where it is described only as an adult and is not said to be a type; “♀” has been added to White's label in pencil. Both figures in the plate are labeled “♀” and the subspecies is not indicated, although from the verbal description it appears that augusta is illustrated in the upper figure and A. r. queenslandicus in the lower figure. The immature female specimen was also described, but not figured, in Mathews (1925a: 90).

Anellobia chrysoptera intermedia Mathews

Anellobia chrysoptera intermedia Mathews, 1912a: 419 (South Australia).

Now Anthochaera chrysoptera chrysoptera (Latham, 1801). See Salomonsen, 1967: 446, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 297–298, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 620–621.


AMNH 696473, sex?, collected at Adelaide, 34.56S, 138.36E (Times Atlas), South Australia, Australia, on 24 June 1897. From the Mathews Collection (no. 3386) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews cited his catalog number of the holotype in the original description and gave the range of intermedia as “Victoria, South Australia.” The holotype bears, in addition to a Mathews Collection label, Mathews and Rothschild type labels. The following, all collected at Frankston, are paratypes: AMNH 696475 (Mathews no. 4962), female, 13 April 1909, collected by L.G. Chandler; AMNH 696476 (3382), sex?, 12 June 1908, by C.F. Cole; AMNH 696477, 696479 (apparently share no. 5057), sex?, 21 April 1908, by T. Tregellas; AMNH 696478 (5058), sex?, 12 March 1909. The following are possible paratypes, but I did not find them in Mathews' catalog: AMNH 696474, male, Frankston, 5 October 1908, by Chandler; AMNH 696480, female, Brighton, 1881, by St. John; AMNH 696481, sex?, Somerville, 20 November 1906, by Cole.

For use of 1801 as the date of publication for Latham's Supplementum Indicis Ornithologici, see Schodde et al. (2010).

Anellobia chrysoptera halmaturina Mathews

Anellobia chrysoptera halmaturina Mathews, 1912d: 101 (Kangaroo Island).

Now Anthochaera chrysoptera halmaturina (181182183184185Mathews, 1912). See Salomonsen, 1967: 446, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 297–298, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 620–621.


AMNH 696470, female, collected on Kangaroo Lagoon, 35.49S, 137.00E (USBGN, 1957), center of Kangaroo Island, South Australia, Australia, on 14 April 1912, by S.A. White (no. 690). From the Mathews Collection (no. 12794) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews cited his catalog number of the holotype in the original description and gave the range as “Kangaroo Island.” The holotype bears, in addition to White's original label, Mathews and Rothschild type labels and a “Figured” label, indicating that it was illustrated in Mathews (1925a: pl. 551, lower fig., opp. p. 78, text p. 80), where it is confirmed as the type of halmaturina. Paratype in AMNH: AMNH 696469 (Mathews no. 12795), female, collected on Kangaroo Lagoon, Kangaroo Island, on 14 April 1912, by S.A. White (no. 762).

Anellobia chrysoptera tasmanica Mathews

Anellobia chrysoptera tasmanica Mathews, 1912a: 420 (Tasmania).

Now Anthochaera chrysoptera tasmanica (181182183184185Mathews, 1912). See Salomonsen, 1967: 446, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 297–298, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 620–621.


AMNH 696486, adult male, collected in Tasmania, undated, obtained from R.H.W. Leach and cataloged 10 March 1910. From the Mathews Collection (no. 4378) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews cited his catalog number of the holotype in the original description and gave the range of tasmanica as “Tasmania.” The holotype bears a Mathews Collection label and Mathews and Rothschild type labels. Whittell (1954: 417) noted that Leach visited Tasmania in 1863, but Mathews also had specimens obtained from Leach that were collected at other times. Paratype: AMNH 696487 (Mathews no. 4379), female, Tasmania, undated, obtained from R.H.W. Leach and cataloged 10 March 1910. AMNH 696484, male, Swansea; AMNH 696485, male, Tasmania, are from the Mathews Collection, but undated, and I did not find them listed in Mathews' catalog.

Anthochaera chrysoptera albani Mathews

Anthochaera chrysoptera albani Mathews, 1923b: 39 (Albany, South-west Australia).

Now Anthochaera lunulata Gould, 1838. See Salomonsen, 1967: 446, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 301–302; Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191; and Higgins et al., 2008: 621–622.


AMNH 696457, juvenile male, collected at Albany, 35.02S, 117.53E (USBGN, 1957), Western Australia, Australia, on 4 February 1905, by Thomas Carter. From the Mathews Collection via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews (1923b: 39), in describing this subspecies, said that the type, from Albany, was smaller, had a smaller bill and was paler than A. c. lunulata. The only Mathews specimen from Albany at AMNH is AMNH 696457, a juvenile male collected by Thomas Carter on 4 February 1905 and used by Mathews (1925a: 81) for the description of the immature male, with no indication of subspecies. The Rothschild label, printed “Ex. Coll. G.M. Mathews,” is marked “descr.” on the reverse in Mathews' hand, but this surely refers to the description of the immature. It hardly seems credible that Mathews would base the name albani on a specimen that he had used for the description of the immature even though the specimen is smaller, has a smaller bill, and is paler than most specimens of lunulata. Nevertheless, his collection was complete by 1923 and this specimen was known to him even if his collection was in the Rothschild Collection by that time. If Mathews based his description on statements in the literature, as he did for many of the new names he introduced in 1923, I have not found such reference.

In his list of subspecies of chrysoptera, Mathews (1925a: 86) did not record albani, only saying that “many more” subspecies must be distinguished, “there being three or four in Western Australia alone, Albany specimens being smaller with smaller bills and paler coloration thoroughout.” But in the literature section, he (Mathews, 1925a: 79) listed the reference to the description of albani! I can only imagine that the text for this part of Birds of Australia had already been completed when Mathews (1923b: 39) decided to name albani and that he remembered to add the reference to his description but forgot to add albani to the list of subspecies.

Anthochaera carunculata tregellasi Mathews

Anthochaera carunculata tregellasi Mathews, 1912a: 419 (Victoria).

Now Anthochaera carunculata carunculata (Shaw, 1790). See Salomonsen, 1967: 447, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 301–302, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 623–624.


AMNH 696384, adult male, collected at Frankston, 38.08S, 145.07E (USBGN, 1957), Victoria, Australia, on 20 April 1908, by Thomas Tregellas. From the Mathews Collection (no. 3372) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews cited his catalog number of the holotype in the original description and gave the range of tregellasi as “Victoria, South Australia.” The holotype bears, in addition to Tregellas' original label, Mathews and Rothschild type labels and a “Figured” label, indicating that it was illustrated in Mathews (1925a: pl. 549, opp. p. 62, text p. 63), where it is confirmed as the type of tregellasi. The following specimens are paratypes: Warunda Creek, Eyre Peninsula, AMNH 696373 (Mathews no. 9582), male, 27 August 1911, AMNH 696374 (9581), male, 2 September 1911, AMNH 696375 (9583), female, 25 August 1911, AMNH 696376 (9585), sex?, 25 August 1911; Arno Bay, AMNH 696377 (9586), female, 8 September 1911; Lake Greenly, AMNH 696378 (9584) male, 29 August 1911; Phillip Island, AMNH 696383 (8535), female, 19 January 1911; Ringwood, AMNH 696387 (3377), female, 25 October 1908; Bayswater, AMNH 696390 (8138), female, 12 November 1910, AMNH 696391 (10067), female immature, 20 October 1911; Mitcham, AMNH 696407 (10066), sex?, 17 June 1911. The following specimens were collected early enough but I did not find them in Mathews' catalog and do not know when they came into his possession: AMNH 696372, male, Port Lincoln, November 1865; AMNH 696389, male, Olinda, 7 April 1909; AMNH 696401, male, Brighton, 1881; AMNH 696408, male, Mordialloc, 1896; AMNH 696410, male, Wonga Park, 1 September 1907; AMNH 696411, female, St. Remo, 13 August 1900. The following four specimens were collected by [C.F.] Cole: AMNH 696399, male, Auburn, 14 July 1896; AMNH 696403, male, Croydon, 4 April 1907; AMNH 696404, male, Lang Lang, 9 May 1908; AMNH 696405, female, Lang Lang, 14 April 1909. While Mathews did catalog a few specimens that Cole sent him earlier, apparently most of his collection came to Mathews in 1914 (Whittell, 1954: 158), after Mathews had ceased to catalog specimens and too late for him to have had them by the 31 January 1912 publication date of tregellasi. These were not among the specimens cataloged earlier and I do not consider them paratypes. Other specimens in AMNH are either undated, were collected too late, or were never in the Mathews Collection.

Coleia carunculata clelandi Mathews

Coleia carunculata clelandi Mathews, 1923b: 38 (Kangaroo Island).

Now Anthochaera carunculata clelandi (Mathews, 1923). See Salomonsen, 1967: 447, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 301–302, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 623–624.


AMNH 696380, immature male, collected at Western River, 35.42S, 136.58E (USBGN, 1957), on 4 December 1911, and AMNH 696381, adult male, collected at Middle River, 35.41S, 137.03E (USBGN, 1957), on 5 December 1911, both on Kangaroo Island, South Australia, Australia, by S.A. White (nos. 387 and 386, respectively). From the Mathews Collection (nos. 10180 and 10181, respectively) via the Rothschild Collection.


In the original description, Mathews said that clelandi from Kangaroo Island differed from “C.c. carunculata (White) in being larger in its measurements and in having the white patch under the eye less pronounced.” Mathews (1925a: 69) cited the following statement by A.G. Campbell (1906: 144): “One specimen examined has a bill 1.2 in. long, wing 6.4 in., both of which are larger than the mainland form, while it is without the prominent silky-white patch under the eye.” It appears that Mathews based his description of clelandi on this statement and that Campbell's single specimen should be considered part of Mathews' type series. This specimen is in NMV (W. Longmore, personal commun.). The two Kangaroo Island specimens listed above were certainly in the Mathews Collection when clelandi was named and should also be considered syntypes; there is some evidence that the Mathews Collection was already in Rothschild's possession by 1923, but he would have had access to it (Mathews 1942: 55).

Anthochaera carunculata woodwardi Mathews

Anthochaera carunculata woodwardi Mathews, 1912a: 419 (West Australia).

Now Anthochaera carunculata woodwardi 181182183184185Mathews, 1912. See Salomonsen, 1967: 447, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 301–302, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–19, and Higgins et al., 2008: 623–624.


AMNH 696422, adult male, collected at Broomehill, 33.51S, 117.38E (Johnstone and Storr, 2004: 504), Western Australia, Australia, on 7 September 1905, by Thomas Carter. From the Mathews Collection (no. 3373) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews cited his catalog number of the holotype in the original description and gave the range of woodwardi as “West Australia.” The holotype bears Carter's original label and Mathews and Rothschild type labels. Paratypes are: Wilson Inlet, AMNH 696414 (Mathews no. 4694), female, 17 March 1910, collected by F.L. Whitlock; Mount Mondurup, Stirling Range, AMNH 696420 (6134), male, 27 September 1910, collected by Whitlock; Broomehill, AMNH 696423 (3374), male, 8 July 1906, AMNH 696426 (3375), female, 27 August 1905, AMNH 696429 (3378), immature, 10 October 1908, all collected by Carter; Perth, AMNH 696433 (3376), female, November 1894, collector unknown. This last specimen is also a syntype of Coleia carunculata perthi (see below). The following specimens are probable paratypes, but I did not find them in Mathews' catalog: Wilson Inlet, AMNH 696413, male, 10 December 1909, AMNH 696415, sex?, 26 February 1910, AMNH 696416, sex?, 3 March 1910, all collected by Whitlock; Broomehill, AMNH 696421, male, 5 September 1910, AMNH 696424, male, 4 July 1910, AMNH 696425, male, 5 September 1910, AMNH 696427, female immature, 16 October 1910, AMNH 696428, female immature, 30 October 1910, all collected by Carter; Vasse, AMNH 696431, male, 12 December 1902; Vasse River, AMNH 696432, male, 15 February 1906, both collected by Carter.

Coleia carunculata perthi Mathews

Coleia carunculata perthi Mathews, 1923b: 38 (Perth, West Australia).

Now Anthochaera carunculata woodwardi 181182183184185Mathews, 1912. See Salomonsen, 1967: 447, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 301–302, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 623–624.


AMNH 696433, female, collected at Perth, 31.57S, 115.52E (Johnstone and Storr, 2004: 512), Western Australia, Australia, in November 1894. From the Mathews Collection (no. 3376) via the Rothschild Collection.


In the original description, Mathews said that the type of this form was from Perth and that it differed from woodwardi “in being paler in general coloration and the red caruncle not so pronounced.” AMNH 696433 is the only Perth specimen in AMNH from the Mathews Collection, the type status of which is not otherwise indicated. It is also a paratype of A. c. woodwardi (see above). It had not previously been included with the AMNH types. Although many of the subspecies named by Mathews in 1923 were based on quotations from the literature, I have not found any such reference in this case.

Dyottornis paradoxus westernensis Mathews

Dyottornis paradoxus westernensis Mathews, 1916a: 63 (Western District of Tasmania).

Now Anthochaera paradoxa paradoxa (Daudin, 1800). See Salomonsen, 1967: 448, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 303, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 624.


AMNH 696436, sex?, Westbury (not Western) District, 41.03S, 146.47E (Times Atlas), Tasmania, Australia, obtained from R.H.W. Leach. From the Mathews Collection (no. 4359) via the Rothschild Collection.


Only two of Mathews' Tasmanian specimens of paradoxa bore exact localities from within that state, and he named each of them. In the case of westernensis, he misread the locality as “Western” rather than “Westbury.” Mathews wrote on the reverse of Leach's label “D. westernensis Mathews, Type.” The specimen had not previously been in the AMNH type collection. Mathews (1925a: 76) spoke of westernensis as valid at the top of the page, then named brevirostris as new on the same page and in the next sentence considered westernensis (named in 1916) a synonym of brevirostris (named in 1925)!

Creadion paradoxus brevirostris Mathews

Creadion paradoxus brevirostris Mathews, 1925a: 73, 76, pl. 550 (Launceston, Tasmania).

Now Anthochaera paradoxa paradoxa (Daudin, 1800). See Salomonsen, 1967: 448, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 303, Christidis and Boles, 2008: 185–191, and Higgins et al., 2008: 624.


AMNH 696435, female, collected at Launceston, 41.25S, 147.07E (Times Atlas), Tasmania, Australia, in June 1905, obtained from Edwin Ashby. From the Mathews Collection (no. 3379) via the Rothschild Collection.


Mathews (1925a: 76) gave the name brevirostris to the specimen described on p. 73 and figured (Mathews, 1925a: pl. 550, opp. p. 72). The data given match the label information on AMNH 696435, his only specimen from Launceston. I consider it the holotype. Ashby's label is still present but has faded almost to illegibility; however, the date 17 June 1905 is still readable. Mathews collection label with his catalog number and a Rothschild Museum label printed “Ex. Coll. G.M. Mathews” are also present. The specimen had not previously been included in the AMNH type collection.

[Creadion paradoxus kingi Mathews]

Mathews (1925a: 76) described birds from King Island, Tasmania as C. p. kingi. No specimens from King Island came to AMNH with the Rothschild Collection. The ?holotype is in SAMA (B. Blaylock, personal commun.). This subspecies is considered valid by Schodde and Mason (1999: 303) and Higgins et al. (2008: 624).

Prosthemadera novae-seelandiae phoebe Kemp

Prosthemadera novae-seelandiae phoebe Kemp, 1912: 124 (Umawera, Hokianga, North Island).

Now Prosthemadera novaeseelandiae novaeseelandiae (Gmelin, 1788). See Salomonsen, 1967: 448, Dickinson, 2003: 435, Higgins et al., 2008: 587, and Checklist Committee, 2010: 290–291.


AMNH 693983, adult male, collected at Umawera, ca. 35.17S, 173.35E, Hokianga Harbour, North Island, New Zealand, in October 1907, by Robin Kemp. From the Mathews Collection via the Rothschild Collection.


In the original description, Kemp gave the collecting locality and wing measurement (150 mm) of the type and said that it was in his possession. Hartert (1928: 204) listed this specimen as the type and noted that two Kemp specimens had come to the Rothschild Collection [with the Mathews Collection] with very different measurements and that only the type had an exact locality. Both of those specimens are now in AMNH and my measurements are almost the same as those of Hartert: 150 mm for the holotype and 142 mm for the unsexed specimen. The unsexed specimen has no original label and no exact locality, and there is no indication on Mathews' label that he obtained it from Kemp; therefore, I do not consider that it has type status. The holotype bears Kemp's original label, a Mathews type label with reference to Kemp's description, and a Rothschild type label. I did not find it listed in Mathews' catalog.

Prosthemadera novaeseelandiae kermadecensis Mathews and Iredale

Prosthemadera novaeseelandiae kermadecensis Mathews and Iredale, 1914: 113 (Sunday Island, Kermadec Group).

Now Prosthemadera novaeseelandiae novaeseelandiae (Gmelin, 1788). See Salomonsen, 1967: 449, Higgins et al., 2008: 587, and Checklist Committee, 2010: 290–291.


AMNH 693988, male, collected on Sunday Island, 29.15S, 177.52W (Times Atlas), Kermadec Islands, New Zealand, on 17 July 1913. From the Mathews Collection (no. 18480) via the Rothschild Collection.


Apparently Mathews and Iredale had the single specimen from Sunday Island. It was part of a collection made by King Bell in the Kermadecs and was obtained from W.R.B. Oliver by Mathews (Mathews and Iredale, 1914: 113). In addition to the original label, which has the locality “Sunday Isl.” added in Mathews' hand on the reverse, the specimen bears a Rothschild Museum label printed “Ex Coll. G.M. Mathews,” and Mathews and Rothschild type labels. My measurement of the wing, 156 mm, is close to that in the original description, 155 mm. Mathews' catalog number was not mentioned in the original description but is written both on the Rothschild Collection label and the Mathews type label; he cataloged the single specimen.

Hartert (1928: 204) said that the color differences noted by Mathews and Iredale were the result of the specimen having been “strongly powdered with plaster” and that these differences disappeared when the powder was removed. Hartert (1928: 204) then added this paragraph:

“When describing P. n. kermadecensis the authors compared it with P. n. phoebe Kemp, of which they had only two specimens before them, and which was not represented in most collections anywhere. That, of course, made comparison of the supposed new form almost impossible to everybody else. Such action should be condemned, as the object of separating new forms is to elucidate problems, thus helping fellow-workers, and not to put unsolvable enigmas before the ornithological public.” As I come to the end of Part 9 of the AMNH type list, I could not agree more with Hartert!

Prosthemadera novaeseelandiae chathamensis Hartert

Prosthemadera novaeseelandiae chathamensis Hartert, 1928: 204 ((probably Little Mangare) Chatham Islands, east of New Zealand).

Now Prosthemadera novaeseelandiae chathamensis Hartert, 1928. See Salomonsen, 1967: 449, Higgins et al., 2008: 587, and Checklist Committee, 2010: 290–291.


AMNH 694007, [male adult], collected [probably on Little Mangare Island], Chatham Islands, New Zealand, by H.C. Palmer. From the Rothschild Collection.


Hartert tied the Rothschild type label on the above specimen, but did not give sufficient information to distinguish it from the other supposed males among the 11 specimens collected by Palmer in the Chathams. Because it was his intent that this specimen be the type and because it was so cataloged when the collection came to AMNH, I hereby designate AMNH 694007 the lectotype of Prosthemadera novaeseelandiae chathamensis. Hartert noted that dates of collection and sexes cannot now be determined, as Palmer's diary referring to his stay on the Chathams was destroyed by fire. The number “437” on the Rothschild Museum label is presumably Palmer's field number, but this number was not mentioned in the description. I measure the wing of the lectotype as 167 mm. The 10 paralectotypes are: AMNH 693998–694006, 694008.


Brian Blaylock, Philippa Horton, and Wayne Longmore have looked at the completed ms for this part of the type list and have searched their own collections for other specimens that might form part of a type series. The information they have provided has proven very valuable and has in a number of cases prevented serious mistakes on my part. I am truly grateful to them. Mark Adams, George Angehr, Don Buden, Sylke Franert, Miriam Gross, Ron Johnstone, Robert Prys-Jones, Pamela Rasmussen, Nate Rice, Soekarja Somadikarta, Thomas Trombone, Carlo Violani, and Claire Voisin have assisted me in various ways and answered questions posed to them. I thank them all for their assistance. The AMNH Library Staff, Thomas Baione, Ingrid Lennon-Pressey, Barbara Mathe, Mai Qaraman, Barbara Rhodes, Diana Shih, Annette Springer, and Eric Williams, have, as always, made it possible for me to take full advantage of the remarkable library at AMNH and to produce these type lists. Mai Qaraman and Kelli Anderson scanned the illustration of Acrulocercus bishopi that appears on the cover of this part of the type list. The AMNH editorial staff has expended much effort on this part, as on all other parts, of the type list, and I thank Mary Knight, Brenda Jones, and Charlotte Bedford for their careful work. To Edward Dickinson and Richard Schodde, who have served as reviewers of this part of the type list as they have for many of the previous parts, I cannot adequately express my thanks for their continued willingness to share their expertise. This part, particularly, has drawn upon Schodde's vast knowledge of the Zosteropidae and Meliphagidae, and users of this type list are the beneficiaries.



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Mary LeCroy "Type Specimens of Birds in the American Museum of Natural History Part 9. Passeriformes: Zosteropidae and Meliphagidae," Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2011(348), 1-184, (29 April 2011).
Published: 29 April 2011
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