Publisher: Eagle Hill Institute

Geographical region covered - The Northeastern Naturalist covers all aspects of the natural history sciences of terrestrial, freshwater, and marine organisms and the environments of the northeastern portion of North America, roughly bounded from Virginia to Missouri, north to Minnesota and Nunavut, east to Newfoundland, and south back to Virginia. Manuscripts based on field studies outside of this region that provide information on species within this region may be considered at the Editor’s discretion.
Manuscript subject matter - The journal welcomes manuscripts based on observations and research focused on the biology of terrestrial, freshwater, and marine organisms and communities as it relates to their life histories and their function within, use of, and adaptation to the environment and the habitats in which they are found, as well as on the ecology and conservation of species and habitats. Such studies may encompass measurements, surveys, and/or experiments in the field, under lab conditions, or utilizing museum and herbarium specimens. Subject areas include, but are not limited to, anatomy, behavior, biogeography, biology, conservation, evolution, ecology, genetics, parasitology, physiology, population biology, and taxonomy. Strict lab, modeling, and simulation studies on natural history aspects of the region, without any field component, will be considered for publication as long as the research has direct and clear significance to field naturalists and the manuscript discusses these implications.
Special issues - The Northeastern Naturalist welcomes proposals for special issues that are based on a series of invitational articles or on conference proceedings. Special issue editors can rely on the journal staff’s years of experiences in efficiently handling most details relating to the publication of special issues.
Online ISSN: 1938-5307
Current: Dec 2024 : Volume 31 Issue 4
BioOne Member Since: 2001
Frequency: Quarterly
Impact Factor: 0.5
Journal Citation Reports® Ranking: BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION 69/74, ECOLOGY 181/195
Journal Citation Indicator: .13