Publisher: The Society of Wetland Scientists
Wetland Science and Practice is the SWS quarterly publication aimed at providing information on select SWS activities (technical committee summaries, chapter workshop overview/abstracts, and SWS-funded student activities), brief summary articles on ongoing or recently completed wetland research, restoration, or management projects or on the general ecology and natural history of wetlands, and highlights of current events. WSP also includes sections addressing phenology of wetlands, listing new publications and research at various institutions, and links to major wetland research facilities, federal agencies, wetland restoration/monitoring sites and wetland mapping sites. The publication also serves as an outlet for commentaries, perspectives and opinions on important developments in wetland science, theory, management and policy.
Wetland Science and Practice is available in BioOne Complete through the 2009 volume. Current content is available through the journal's website.
Online ISSN: 1943-6254
Current: Dec 2009 : Volume 26 Issue 4
BioOne Member Since: 2001
Frequency: Quarterly
Impact Factor: 0.9
Journal Citation Reports® Ranking: ZOOLOGY 111/180
Journal Citation Indicator: NA