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VOL. 34 · NO. 1 | March 2011
Yahkat Barshep, Anders Hedenström, Leslie Gordon Underhill
Waterbirds 34 (1), 1-9, (1 March 2011)
KEYWORDS: Arctic, breeding success, Calidris ferruginea, Curlew Sandpiper, June temperature, Ottenby, migration, phenology, predation
Aaron T. Pearse, Gary L. Krapu, Robert R. Cox, Bruce E. Davis
Waterbirds 34 (1), 10-18, (1 March 2011) Open Access
KEYWORDS: Anas acuta, diet, habitat use, Nebraska, northern pintail, Platte River, Rainwater Basin, spring migration
Heidi M. Regehr
Waterbirds 34 (1), 19-31, (1 March 2011)
KEYWORDS: age, dispersal distances, harlequin ducks, Histrionicus histrionicus, movement rates, paired status, population structure
Ian C. T. Nisbet, Carolyn S. Mostello, Richard R. Veit, James W. Fox, Vsevolod Afanasyev
Waterbirds 34 (1), 32-39, (1 March 2011)
KEYWORDS: Common Tern, geolocator, Massachusetts, migration, seabird, staging, Sterna hirundo, winter quarters
Josh L. Vest, Michael R. Conover
Waterbirds 34 (1), 40-50, (1 March 2011)
KEYWORDS: Brine fly, brine shrimp, common goldeneye, food habits, Great Salt Lake, green-winged teal, Northern Shoveler
Michael L. Schummer, Ian Fife, Scott A. Petrie, Shannon S. Badzinski
Waterbirds 34 (1), 51-58, (1 March 2011)
KEYWORDS: Bucephala albeola, Bucephala clangula, Bufflehead, Clangula hyemalis, common goldeneye, Great Lakes, lead, long-tailed duck, shot, waterfowl
Richard E. Olsen, Robert R. Cox, Alan D. Afton, C. Davison Ankney
Waterbirds 34 (1), 59-69, (1 March 2011)
KEYWORDS: Anas platyrhynchos, diet, gut morphology, Osmerus mordax, Rainbow smelt
Heidi J. Auman, Alexander L. Bond, Catherine E. Meathrel, Alastair M. M. Richardson
Waterbirds 34 (1), 70-76, (1 March 2011)
KEYWORDS: anthropogenic diet, Chroicocephalus novaehollandiae, Silver Gull, stable isotopes, Tasmania, urbanization
Giorgio Chiozzi, Giuseppe De Marchi, Dawit Semere
Waterbirds 34 (1), 77-81, (1 March 2011)
KEYWORDS: coloniality, Crab Plover, Dromas ardeola, Eritrea, nest limitation
J. Mark Hipfner, Kyle W. Morrison, Rachel Darvill
Waterbirds 34 (1), 82-88, (1 March 2011) Open Access
KEYWORDS: breeding success, facilitation, nesting association, raptors, seabirds
Kristine M. Bovy
Waterbirds 34 (1), 89-95, (1 March 2011)
KEYWORDS: archaeology, breeding distribution, Double-crested Cormorant, human hunting, Pacific Northwest, Phalacrocorax auritus, colony, Zooarchaeology
Mark P. Vrtiska, Larkin A. Powell
Waterbirds 34 (1), 96-101, (1 March 2011)
KEYWORDS: aerial survey, Anas, detection probabilities, double observer, Nebraska, population estimation, Sandhills
Victor M. Ortega-Jimenez, Saul Alvarez-Borrego, Sarahi Arriaga-Ramirez, Eli S. Bridge, Martin Renner
Waterbirds 34 (1), 102-106, (1 March 2011)
KEYWORDS: Cassin's Auklet, Leach's Storm-Petrel, maximum load, Oceanodroma leucorhoa, Ptychoramphus aleuticus, seabirds, takeoff
Carsten Egevang, Morten Frederiksen
Waterbirds 34 (1), 107-111, (1 March 2011)
KEYWORDS: Arctic, Arctic Tern, breeding, Greenland, seabirds, Sterna paradisaea, survey methods
Zhang Guo-Gang, Liu Dong-Ping, Hou Yun-Qiu, Jiang Hong-Xing, Dai Ming, Qian Fa-Wen, Lu Jun, Xing Zhi, Li Feng-Shan
Waterbirds 34 (1), 112-116, (1 March 2011)
KEYWORDS: Bar-headed Goose, migration routes, Qinghai Lake, satellite tracking
Matthew J. Ajemian, Daniel Dolan, William M. Graham, Sean P. Powers
Waterbirds 34 (1), 117-120, (1 March 2011)
KEYWORDS: Atlantic Stingray, elasmobranch, Great Blue Heron, predation
Klemens Pütz, Luciano Hiriart-Bertrand, Alejandro Simeone, Victoria Riquelme, Ronnie Reyes-Arriagada, Benno Lüthi
Waterbirds 34 (1), 121-125, (1 March 2011)
KEYWORDS: artisanal fishery, data-logger, entanglement, gill net, penguin mortality
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