Issue 4
VOL. 42 · NO. 4 | December 2017
Tamara Silva Dantas, Paulo E. A. S. Câmara, Micheline Carvalho-Silva
Systematic Botany 42 (4), 1-7, (18 December 2017)
KEYWORDS: ITS region, morphology, phylogeny, taxonomy, trnK/matK region
Patricia Barberá, Carlos Romero-Zarco, Carlos Aedo
Systematic Botany 42 (4), 1-28, (27 December 2017)
KEYWORDS: Asia, Europe, grasses, Lectotypification, nomenclature, taxonomy
Kevin Keith, Rio A. Stamler, Jennifer J. Randall, Kathryn E. Perez, J. Andrew McDonald
Systematic Botany 42 (4), 1-5, (18 December 2017)
KEYWORDS: Black Range, nocturnal
Eric H. Roalson, Jocelyn C. Hall
Systematic Botany 42 (4), 1-18, (18 December 2017)
KEYWORDS: Cleome, Coalisina, Gilgella, Kersia, Sieruela, Stylidocleome, Thulinella
Russell L. Barrett, Eric H. Roalson, Kym Ottewell, Margaret Byrne, Sanjay P. Govindwar, Shrirang R. Yadav, Asif S. Tamboli, Avinash R. Gholave
Systematic Botany 42 (4), 1-15, (27 December 2017)
KEYWORDS: Cleome, generic delimitation
Eder A. Chilquillo Torres, André O. Simões, Joaquina Albán Castillo, Charlotte M. Taylor
Systematic Botany 42 (4), 1-4, (27 December 2017)
KEYWORDS: Cahuapanas, Cordillera of Andes, endemic, Neotropics, taxonomy
Robyn Faye Powell, Cornelia Klak, James Stephen Boatwright, Anthony Richard Magee
Systematic Botany 42 (4), 1-21, (27 December 2017)
KEYWORDS: distribution, Greater Cape Floristic Region, inflorescence structure, new species, papillate leaves, spines, succulent shrubs
Karsten Salomo, James F. Smith, Taylor S. Feild, Marie-Stéphanie Samain, Laura Bond, Christopher Davidson, Jay Zimmers, Christoph Neinhuis, Stefan Wanke
Systematic Botany 42 (4), 1-13, (18 December 2017)
KEYWORDS: Calibration density, ecophysiology, molecular dating, origin of angiosperms, Permian, rate heterogeneity
J. José Alegría Olivera, Carolina Guerreiro, Andrea S. Vega
Systematic Botany 42 (4), 1-10, (18 December 2017)
KEYWORDS: Anatomy, Bambuseae, central Andes, morphology, taxonomy
Leonardo Biral, Mark P. Simmons, Eric C. Smidt, Luke R. Tembrock, Mônica Bolson, Robert H. Archer, Julio A. Lombardi
Systematic Botany 42 (4), 1-14, (18 December 2017)
KEYWORDS: Celastroideae, Fraunhofera, Monteverdia, Plenckia, Tricerma, Viposia
Aleksandar Radosavljevic, Barbara A. Mackinder, Patrick S. Herendeen
Systematic Botany 42 (4), 1-10, (27 December 2017)
KEYWORDS: Amherstia clade, Detarioideae, matK, systematics, TrnL
Garth Holman, Peter Del Tredici, Nathan Havill, Nam Sook Lee, Richard Cronn, Kevin Cushman, Sarah Mathews, Linda Raubeson, Christopher S. Campbell
Systematic Botany 42 (4), 1-15, (18 December 2017)
KEYWORDS: chloroplast capture, island endemic, plastid genomes, quantitative morphology, Ulleungdo
Benjamin Dauphin, Donald R. Farrar, Alessio Maccagni, Jason R. Grant
Systematic Botany 42 (4), 1-20, (18 December 2017)
KEYWORDS: cpDNA, cryptic species, fern, haplotype diversity, polyploid, taxonomy
Eduardo Ruiz-Sanchez, Ximena Londoño
Systematic Botany 42 (4), 1-6, (18 December 2017)
KEYWORDS: Guadua, woody bamboos
Lorena Lana Camelo Antunes, Marcos Joséda Silva
Systematic Botany 42 (4), 1-7, (18 December 2017)
KEYWORDS: Aeschynomene ser, Montevidenses, diversity, Endemism, taxonomy
Marilyn Vásquez-Cruz, Andrew P. Vovides, Victoria Sosa
Systematic Botany 42 (4), 1-13, (18 December 2017)
KEYWORDS: Chihuahuan Desert, gaps across geography, species delimitation, morphometric characters
Shirley A. Graham
Systematic Botany 42 (4), 1-61, (27 December 2017)
KEYWORDS: American endemic species, morphology, pollen, seed oils, Typification
Matthew C. Pace, Kenneth M. Cameron
Systematic Botany 42 (4), 1-30, (27 December 2017) Open Access
KEYWORDS: Appalachian Mountains, hybrid speciation, morphological variability, Ouachita Mountains, species tree
Héctor J. Tapia, María Luisa Bárcenas-Argüello, Teresa Terrazas, Salvador Arias
Systematic Botany 42 (4), 1-15, (27 December 2017)
KEYWORDS: Combined analyses, morphology, Neobuxbaumia, Pseudomitrocereus, taxonomy
John A. Ocampo Pérez, Miguel Molinari
Systematic Botany 42 (4), 1-11, (18 December 2017)
KEYWORDS: conservation, Endemism, IUCN Red List, PCA, Laurifoliae, Passifloraceae, tropical Andes
Patricia Barberá, Carlos Romero-Zarco, Carlos Aedo
Systematic Botany 42 (4), 1-25, (18 December 2017)
KEYWORDS: Asia, Aveninae, grasses, Lectotypification, nomenclature, taxonomy
Amanda da Paixão Noronha Pereira, Ricarda Riina, Maria Beatriz Rossi Caruzo
Systematic Botany 42 (4), 1-5, (18 December 2017)
KEYWORDS: Crotoneae, diversity, Neotropics, taxonomy
José Fernando A. Baumgratz, Renato Goldenberg
Systematic Botany 42 (4), 1-5, (18 December 2017)
KEYWORDS: cloud forest, conservation, Endemism, montane rainforest, Rio de Janeiro
Guilherme Peres Coelho, Silvia Teresinha Sfoggia Miotto
Systematic Botany 42 (4), 1-6, (18 December 2017)
KEYWORDS: Buddleja ser. Thyrsoides, IUCN Red List, Pampas, Rio Grande do Sul, taxonomy
Yi-Shan Chao, Andi Maryani A. Mustapeng, Cheng-Wei Chen, Wen-Liang Chiou
Systematic Botany 42 (4), 1-9, (27 December 2017)
KEYWORDS: lectotype, phylogeny, spore, taxonomy
S. Suresh Ramanan
Systematic Botany 42 (4), 1, (18 December 2017)
No abstract available
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