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28 November 2014 Pedigree analysis of Polish warmblood horses participating in riding performance tests
Alicja Borowska, Tomasz Szwaczkowski
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Borowska, A. and Szwaczkowski, T. 2015. Pedigree analysis of Polish warmblood horses participating in riding performance tests. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 95: 21-29. The aim of this study was to describe the population structure and genetic diversity in Polish warmblood horse population participating in the performance test. The reference population consisted of 596 stallions and 866 mares that participated in stationary performance tests conducted between 2002 and 2011 in Poland. The pedigree data contained 15 452 individuals. Completeness of pedigree information was assessed by two measures: percentage of animals with both parents known and discrete generation equivalent. Individual inbreeding coefficients, coancestry coefficient, individual increase in inbreeding, founder equivalent, founder genome equivalent, effective number of non-founders and genetic diversity loss were estimated to characterize the genetic diversity of the population. The average number of discrete generation equivalents reached 4.50 for observed stallions and 5.04 for mares, which shows good pedigree completeness. Pedigree analysis showed that 34% of the stallions and 44% of mares had inbreeding coefficients above zero. The average coancestry was 0.39% in the whole tested population. Average inbreeding rate of studied populations was very low (0.46%). The effective number of founders was 560. Generally, the inbreeding rate was low; genetic diversity was observed at a constant level for mares and only a small decrease was noticed for stallion. However, further studies are needed in this area.

Alicja Borowska and Tomasz Szwaczkowski "Pedigree analysis of Polish warmblood horses participating in riding performance tests," Canadian Journal of Animal Science 95(1), 21-29, (28 November 2014).
Received: 11 January 2014; Accepted: 1 November 2014; Published: 28 November 2014

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chevaux à sang chaud
diversité génétique
genetic diversity
inbreeding rate
intégralité du pedigree
pedigree completeness
performance tests
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