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1 March 2013 Shaw hard red spring wheat
S. L. Fox, I. L. Wise, M. A. H. Smith, D. G. Humphreys, P. D. Brown, B. D. McCallum, T. G. Fetch, J. G. Menzies, J. A. Gilbert, M. R. Fernandez, T. Despins, O. Lukow, D. Niziol
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Fox, S. L., Wise, I. L., Smith, M. A. H., Humphreys, D. G., Brown, P. D., McCallum, B. D., Fetch, T. G., Menzies, J. G., Gilbert, J. A., Fernandez, M. R., Despins, T., Lukow, O. and Niziol, D. 2013. Shaw hard red spring wheat. Can. J. Plant Sci. 93: 299-305. Shaw is a hard red spring wheat that meets the end-use quality specifications of the Canada Western Red Spring (CWRS) class. Shaw contains the antibiosis resistance gene Sm1, which is effective against the wheat midge larvae (Sitodiplosis mosellana Géhin). Shaw is derived from the cross Harvest/BW313. Shaw was found to be adapted to the eastern wheat growing regions of the Canadian prairies as represented in the Central Bread Wheat Cooperative (CBWC) Registration Test in 2006, 2007 and 2008. For registration testing, the performance of Shaw was estimated using a varietal blend called BW394 which consisted of 90% Shaw and 10% BA51*C222 (a midge-susceptible sibling of Shaw). In this report, Shaw VB refers to BW394. In comparison to the check cultivars (Katepwa, McKenzie, CDC Teal, Unity VB, and 5603HR), Shaw was the highest yielding cultivar overall; although not significant, Shaw was 1% higher yielding than Unity VB. Shaw matured significantly earlier than 5603HR. The plant stature of Shaw was significantly taller than all of the checks except Katepwa, but had similar lodging resistance scores as the checks. The test weight of Shaw was significantly higher than Katepwa and CDC Teal and within the range of the other checks. Shaw expressed resistance to leaf rust, stem rust and common bunt; susceptibility to fusarium head blight and to loose smut. Shaw had preharvest sprouting resistance with an overall sprouting score similar to the best checks McKenzie, Unity VB and 5603HR. The end-use suitability attributes of Shaw were within the range of the checks for all traits except for having significantly larger seeds.

S. L. Fox, I. L. Wise, M. A. H. Smith, D. G. Humphreys, P. D. Brown, B. D. McCallum, T. G. Fetch, J. G. Menzies, J. A. Gilbert, M. R. Fernandez, T. Despins, O. Lukow, and D. Niziol "Shaw hard red spring wheat," Canadian Journal of Plant Science 93(2), 299-305, (1 March 2013).
Received: 19 June 2012; Accepted: 1 October 2012; Published: 1 March 2013

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