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3 January 2014 Use of ultrasound to discern differences in Asian noodles prepared across wheat classes and between varieties
Sally Diep, Daiva Daugelaite, Anatoliy Strybulevych, Martin Scanlon, John Page, Dave Hatcher
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Diep, S., Daugelaite, D., Strybulevych, A., Scanlon, M., Page, J. and Hatcher, D. 2014. Use of ultrasound to discern differences in Asian noodles prepared across wheat classes and between varieties. Can. J. Plant Sci. 94: 525-534. Nine wheat varieties, five Canada Western Red Spring (CWRS) and four Canada Prairie Spring Red (CPSR), grown at the same locations and composited by variety, were milled to yield 65% extraction flours, which were used to form yellow alkaline raw and cooked noodles. The CWRS flours were ~2% higher in protein content than the CPSR varieties, with varieties within each class exhibiting a wide range in dough strength as determined by Farinograph dough development time and stability. The ultrasonic velocity and attenuation of the raw noodles were measured at 40 kHz in disk-shaped samples, enabling the longitudinal storage modulus, loss modulus and tan ▵ to be determined. Significant differences (P=0.05) between classes and within a class were found to exist for all ultrasonic parameters. In general, the CPSR varieties generated the highest storage moduli values, the lowest loss moduli, and the lowest tan ▵ values, indicating this class/varieties exhibited a more elastic (firmer) raw noodle than the CWRS varieties even at a 2% lower protein content. A significant correlation, r=0.72,0.70, P=0.03, was also found between raw noodle velocity and M“, respectively, with cooked noodle bite as determined by maximum cutting stress.

Sally Diep, Daiva Daugelaite, Anatoliy Strybulevych, Martin Scanlon, John Page, and Dave Hatcher "Use of ultrasound to discern differences in Asian noodles prepared across wheat classes and between varieties," Canadian Journal of Plant Science 94(3), 525-534, (3 January 2014).
Received: 7 February 2013; Accepted: 1 June 2013; Published: 3 January 2014

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nouilles de blé
wheat noodles
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