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8 June 2015 Coleman hard red spring wheat
D. Spaner, A. Navabi, K. Strenzke, M. Iqbal, B. Beres
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Spaner, D., Navabi, A., Strenzke, K., Iqbal, M. and Beres, B. 2015. Coleman hard red spring wheat. Can. J. Plant Sci. 95: 1037-1041. ‘Coleman’ hard red spring wheat is an awned, hollow-stemmed cultivar of high yield potential adapted to the wheat growing regions of western Canada. Averaged over 30 site-years, during 3 yr of testing in the Parkland Wheat Cooperative Registration Test (2010-2012), Coleman was higher yielding than Katepwa (8.5%) (P≤0.05), AC Splendor (5.8%) (P≤0.05), CDC Teal (2.1%) and CDC Osler (2%), exhibited maturity, height and lodging resistance similar to, or in the range of the checks, had higher test weights than the checks and showed good resistance to leaf, stem and stripe rust. Coleman exhibited Fusarium head blight resistance greater than and DON contamination levels lower than the check cultivars. Coleman exhibited susceptible reactions to common bunt and loose smut. End-use quality attributes of Coleman meet the specifications of the Canada Western Red Spring (CWRS) wheat market class.

D. Spaner, A. Navabi, K. Strenzke, M. Iqbal, and B. Beres "Coleman hard red spring wheat," Canadian Journal of Plant Science 95(5), 1037-1041, (8 June 2015).
Received: 25 March 2015; Accepted: 1 May 2015; Published: 8 June 2015

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Canada Western Red Spring
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