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1 June 2007 Prehistoric Settlement Patterns on St. Vincent, West Indies
Richard T. Callaghan
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A survey to locate prehistoric sites on the island of St. Vincent found 25 new sites and three previously unrecorded cultural components. The goal was to analyze settlement patterns. The survey data was plotted on maps along with all other new information and previously reported sites. Six variables were considered: location by quadrant, coastal versus inland distance to reefs, windward versus leeward location, elevation, and potential vegetation. These were then compared to the regional pattern for the Windward Islands after adding the new information to the regional database. The results showed that in some cases settlement patterns on St. Vincent differed from the regional patterns. The results confirm a preference for the southwest quadrant during Saladoid times rather than the northeast as had previously been hypothesized. Coast locations, low elevation, cactus scrub, or secondary rainforest are the preferred conditions for settlement at all time periods. These conditions supersede any preference for locating on either the windward or leeward side of St. Vincent. Unlike the regional settlement patterns, locations directly adjacent to reefs do not appear to be as important for prehistoric peoples on St. Vincent.

Copyright 2007 College of Arts and Sciences University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez
Richard T. Callaghan "Prehistoric Settlement Patterns on St. Vincent, West Indies," Caribbean Journal of Science 43(1), 11-22, (1 June 2007).
Received: 4 July 2005; Accepted: 27 December 2005; Published: 1 June 2007
Lesser Antilles
settlement analysis
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