Forty scincid lizards, Emoia veracunda (emo skink; n = 7) and Prasinohaema flavipes (common green tree skink, n = 33) from Papua New Guinea were examined for gastrointestinal helminths. One species of Digenea, Saurokoilophilia kinsellai, and six species of Nematoda, Bakeria bakeri, Falcaustra papuensis, Parapharyngodon maplestoni, Skrjabinodon sheai, Abbreviata sp., and Rictulariidae gen. sp. were found. Individuals of P. maplestoni were the most abundant (n = 21); Rictulariidae gen. sp. had the highest prevalence (29%). Emoia veracunda and P. flavipes are infected by generalist helminths that have been found in other lizards from Papua New Guinea. Seven new host records are reported.