Ecology in an Era of Globalization: Challenges and Opportunities for Environmental Scientists in the Americas, 8–12 January 2006, Merida, Mexico. This conference will be held at the Fiesta Americana Hotel in Merida and is co-hosted by the Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán and the Centro de Investigaciones Científicas de Yucatán. Abstracts should address one of the meeting's three subthemes: invasive species, human migration, and production. The invasive species subtheme includes such topics as dispersal of invasive plant and animal species, emerging diseases, and resistance of local ecosystems to invasive species and disease. The human migration subtheme includes the environmental effects of international and local emigration and immigration on recipient and source areas. Potential topics include infrastructure development needs and impacts, effects on land cover, and land-use impacts. The production subtheme focuses on ecosystem transformations, including land-use change required to produce goods and services for human use. Potential topics include the effects of changes in forest and agricultural policy on economies, biodiversity, and ecosystems throughout the Americas, in terrestrial, marine, and freshwater systems. We particularly welcome reports of projects that are interdisciplinary and that consider the need to communicate with broad audiences. For more information or to submit an abstract, visit < http://www.esa.org/mexico>. Deadline for abstract submissions: 16 September 2005.

First General Information Symposium for Twoand Three-Toed Sloths, 19–22 July 2006, Aviarios Sanctuary, Limón, Costa Rica. The first symposium on the practical aspects of sloth biology and rehabilitation in Mesoamerica, this meeting will introduce participants to the Aviarios Sanctuary and the lessons they have learned during their many years of operation. The symposium program includes presentations on the biology, captive maintenance and medical management of sloths, with an emphasis on caring for sloths in the sanctuary setting. The symposium package includes round-trip bus transportation from San José, meals and lodging in the nearby town of Cahuita, and a day trip to Cahuita National Park, as well as a tour of the Aviarios facilities and an outing on the Río Estrella. Deadline for registration is 1 June 2006. For more information contact Judy Avey, Project Director, Aviarios Sanctuary, 1 Km. Norte Puente Río Estrella, Penshurt, Limón, Costa Rica, or P. O. Box 569-7300, Limón, Costa Rica, e-mail: <aviarios@costarica.net>.

1st European Congress of Conservation Biology, 22–26 August 2006, Eger, Hungary. The European Section of the Society for Conservation Biology is determined to promote the development and use of science for the conservation of European species and ecosystems, and to make sure that conservation policy is firmly underpinned by the best available scientific evidence. This keystone congress will bring together a wide array of academics, policymakers, students, NGO representatives, and biodiversity managers from throughout Europe and beyond. For more information, see the Congress website at < http://www.eccb2006.org> or contact András Báldi, Chair of the Local Organising Committee, at <baldi@nhmus.hu>.

VII Congreso Internacional sobre Manejo de Fauna Silvestre en la Amazonía y América Latina, del 3 al 7 de septiembre de 2006, Ilhéus, Bahia, Brasil. El VII Congreso Internacional sobre Manejo de Fauna Silvestre en la Amazonía y América Latina enfocará su atención en los estudios y programas de manejo que actualmente están siendo ejecutados en la Amazonía y en Latinoamérica, con el propósito de evaluar los resultados alcanzados y las limitaciones encontradas en la conducción de los mismos. Una de sus principales metas será expandir el enfoque del evento a los más amplios aspectos del manejo de fauna en toda Latinoamérica. El VII Congreso Internacional sobre Manejo de Fauna Silvestre en la Amazonía y América Latina incluirá conferencias magistrales, mesas redondas, secciones temáticas con presentaciones orales libres, exposiciones en posters, simposios, workshops, cursos durante y posteriores al congreso, y excursiones pos-congreso. Las áreas temáticas que se abordarán en este evento serán: conservación in situ y áreas naturales protegidas, conservación ex situ de fauna silvestre, preservación y recuperación de hábitats, metodologías aplicadas para el manejo de fauna silvestre con comunidades, criterios para el uso sustentable de fauna silvestre, indicadores de sustentabilidad, etología aplicada al manejo, medicina veterinaria de la conservación, fisiología y ecología, producción en criaderos, comercio, política y legislación de fauna silvestre. Apreciaremos el apoyo de diversas instituciones. Existen posibilidades de instalación de stands institucionales para difusión y ventas. Para mayor información: < http://www.viicongresso.com.br>.

I Congresso Sul-Americano de Mastozoologia, 05 a 08 de outubro de 2006, Gramado, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. A Sociedade Brasileira de Mastozoologia (SBMz), a Sociedad Argentina para el Estudio de los Mamíferos (SAREM) e a Asociación Boliviana de Investigadores de Mamíferos (ABIMA) vêm convidar a todos os interessados a participarem do I Congresso Sul-Americano de Mastozoologia. Devido ao aumento do número de trabalhos sobre mamíferos observados nos últimos congressos brasileiros, argentinos e bolivianos de mastozoologia e, tendo como objetivo promover o desenvolvimento de pesquisas abrangendo problemáticas trans-nacionais, decidiuse em comum acordo, organizar um congresso que reúna todos os profissionais e interessados pelo tema em um único e específico encontro. O I Congresso Sul-Americano de Mastozoologia tem como objetivos principais: 1) reunir a comunidade de mastozoólogos que atuam em genética, ecologia, sistemática, comportamento, morfologia, fisiologia, evolução, conservação, paleontologia e outros campos das ciências biológicas relacionados a mamíferos, propiciando a apresentação e discussão de trabalhos em andamento e fomentando a integração dos diferentes grupos; 2) incentivar a congregação de estudantes e profissionais envolvidos no estudo e na preservação de mamíferos sul-americanos; 3) promover o contato e a integração entre as sociedades nacionais, bem comojunto a entidades governamentais e privadas; 4) divulgar o conhecimento sobre a fauna de mamíferos junto ao público em geral; e 5) zelar pelos padrões éticos e científicos da mastozoologia na América do Sul. As propostas de workshops, palestras e mini-cursos poderão ser enviadas desde já, até 15 de abril, para o seguinte e-mail: <csmz2006@ufrgs.br>. O preço de inscrição assim como as modalidades e datas limites para submissão de resumos, para comunicações orais e para pôsters, estarão disponíveis no site < http://www.ufrgs.br/csmz2006>, a partir do dia 17 de abril de 2006. As inscrições serão aceitas exclusivamente por internet.


6th Zoos & Aquariums Committing to Conservation Conference, 26–31 January 2007, Houston, Texas. ZACC is a bi-annual event that promotes the role of zoos and aquariums in supporting conservation activities worldwide, both at their institutions and in the field. Conference participants include representatives from zoological institutions, international conservation organizations, local non-governmental organizations, government agencies, funding agencies and, most importantly, field biologists and conservationists. Presentations at the 2007 ZACC will highlight both ongoing projects and new initiatives that offer opportunities for institutional support. There will be a major focus on field-based initiatives that have already established links to zoos and aquariums, as well as promising candidates for such partnerships. In addition, the program will feature presentations related to the organization, management, and support of zoo-based and aquarium-based conservation programs. The full conference registration fee ($195) will include icebreaker event, all sessions, breaks, lunches, conference proceedings, zoo day transport, zoo day lunch and dinner. All funds raised above conference costs will be allocated to the conservation fund for this conference. The deadline for submitting paper and poster abstracts is September 1, 2006. Abstracts submitted electronically should be addressed to <bkonstant@houstonzoo.org> and to <priger@houstonzoo.org>. Abstracts submitted as hard copy should be addressed to: 2007 ZACC Conference, Attn: Bill Konstant, Director of Conservation and Science, Houston Zoo, 1513 North MacGregor, Houston, Texas 77030, USA. For more information, see the conference website at < http://www.houstonzoo.org/ZACC>.

"Meetings," Edentata 2006(7), 66-68, (1 May 2006). https://doi.org/10.1896/1413-4411.7.1.66
Published: 1 May 2006
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