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1 December 2016 Bryophyte Species Diversity in Human-Influenced Habitats Within Protected Areas — A Case Study from the Świętokrzyski National Park in Poland
Tomasz Paciorek, Adam Stebel, Małgorzata Jankowska-Błaszczuk, Anna Wojciechowska
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Paciorek, T., Stebel, A., Jankowska-Błaszczuk, M. & Wojciechowska, A. 2016. Bryophyte species diversity in human-influenced habitats within protected areas — a case study from the Świętokrzyski National Park in Poland. — Herzogia 29: 668–687.

The occurrence of bryophytes on 124 sites influenced by human within the Świętokrzyski National Park located in south-eastern Poland was analyzed. For each site we determined detailed localization (GPS), list of bryophytes and substrata on which particular species grew. We also noted sporophyte occurrences for each species.

The results showed that despite the small area occupied by the analyzed habitats, their flora was rich and consisted of 103 species and two varieties of mosses, 21 liverworts and one hornwort, accounting for 46 % of the total flora of this area. The main habitat requirements of bryophytes were as follows: neutral (moisture), neutral-shade-loving to photophytic (light) and neutral-alkaliphilic to weakly alkaliphilic (pH). The degree of hemeroby of particular species indicated rather moderate influence of human impact on the investigated bryoflora. In terms of life strategies most of the species are dominant colonists (28 %), followed by perennials (17 %), competitive perennials (17 %), pioneer colonists (12 %) and stress-tolerant perennials (9 %). The overwhelming majority of species were noted on epilithic habitats, including concrete, asphalt, stones (natural origin used as a component of the walls) and asbestos (used as a cover of roofs). Amongst bryophytes occurring in epigeic habitats the species growing on mineral soil were dominant. Lower numbers of species were observed on bark of wayside trees, wood and straw (using as building material, cover of roofs or lying near roads). The studied habitats turned out to be the places of occurrence of some species protected and threatened in Poland, for example Anthoceros agrestis, Fossombronia wondraczekii and Syntrichia latifolia. Our observations indicated that generative reproduction clearly dominated over vegetative.

Our main conclusion is that anthropogenic habitats surrounded by natural forest were the suitable places for bryophyte colonists and that this has an effect on the species richness within all protected areas.

Tomasz Paciorek, Adam Stebel, Małgorzata Jankowska-Błaszczuk, and Anna Wojciechowska "Bryophyte Species Diversity in Human-Influenced Habitats Within Protected Areas — A Case Study from the Świętokrzyski National Park in Poland," Herzogia 29(2), 668-687, (1 December 2016).
Accepted: 1 August 2016; Published: 1 December 2016
human impact
protected species
Synanthropic bryophytes
threatened species
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