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1 April 2006 ABO and Rh D Polymorphism Among Tibetans in India
Vikal Tripathy, Kanhu Charan Satapathy, Ranjan Gupta
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A study of ABO and Rh D polymorphisms was conducted on 923 Tibetans living in exile in four different places (both high and low altitudes) in India. The frequencies of alleles p, q, and r for the ABO blood group system were found to be 0.1295, 0.2544, and 0.6152, respectively, and for alleles D and d of the Rh blood group system the allele frequencies were 0.9428 and 0.0572, respectively, for the total data. No significant difference was found for the allele frequencies among the four places for the two blood group systems. The allele frequencies were in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium for the ABO blood group system and show East Asian affinity for the Tibetans.

Vikal Tripathy, Kanhu Charan Satapathy, and Ranjan Gupta "ABO and Rh D Polymorphism Among Tibetans in India," Human Biology 78(2), 229-233, (1 April 2006).
Received: 26 August 2005; Accepted: 1 February 2006; Published: 1 April 2006
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