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1 January 2012 Relative Sea-Level Changes at Shallow Coasts Inferred from Reed Bed Distribution over the Last 50 Years in Matsalu Bay, the Baltic Sea
Mats Meriste, Kalle Kirsimäe, Lilian Freiberg
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MERISTE, M.; KIRSIMÄE, K., and FREIBERG, L. 2012. Relative sea-level changes at shallow coasts inferred from reed bed distribution over the last 50 years in Matsalu Bay, the Baltic Sea.

Reed bed growth dynamics within the shallow Matsalu Bay, Baltic Sea, was studied over the last 50 years. There was expansive reed growth from the 1950s until the end of the 1970s, while over the last few decades the growth rate of the reed beds (establishment of new clones) has been considerably reduced or even ceased. Our results suggest that the distribution of the reed beds is controlled by mean sea-level variation superposed on a background of postglacial isostatic uplift. The reduced growth rate over the last decades is probably caused by an increase in the intensity of cyclonic activity (storminess) resulting in an increase of the average sea level, which has limited the suitable growth zones for the reed weakened by eutrophication.

Roostike levik Matsalu lahes ja Kasari deltas, Lääne-Eestis on viimase viiekümne aasta jooksul teinud läbi olulisi muutusi. 1050ndatest kuni 1970ndate aastateni iseloomustas Matsalu roostike kiire laienemine, kuid viimastel kümnenditel on roostike laienemine peatunud ning osades piirkondades võib täheldada juba roostiku taandumist. Roostike levikupilt Matsalu lahes viitab, et selle meresuunalist levikut kontrollib keskmine veesügavus Roostiku leviku peatumise arvatavaks põhjuseks on tänu pehmetele talvedele ja kasvanud (lääne-)tsüklonite aktiivsusele tõusnud keskmine veetase, mis piirab peamiste roostikuliikide efektiivset paljunemist.

Mats Meriste, Kalle Kirsimäe, and Lilian Freiberg "Relative Sea-Level Changes at Shallow Coasts Inferred from Reed Bed Distribution over the Last 50 Years in Matsalu Bay, the Baltic Sea," Journal of Coastal Research 28(1), 1-10, (1 January 2012).
Received: 18 March 2010; Accepted: 17 August 2010; Published: 1 January 2012
land uplift
water depth
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