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1 January 2012 Coastal Dune Vegetation of the Southern Pampas (Buenos Aires, Argentina) and Its Value for Conservation
Ana Laura Monserrat, Cintia E. Celsi, Sonia L. Fontana
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MONSERRAT, A.L.; CELSI, C.E., and FONTANA, S.L., 2012. Coastal dune vegetation of the Southern Pampas (Buenos Aires, Argentina) and its value for conservation.

Vegetation structure and species composition of southern Pampas coastal dunes were studied to evaluate their significance for conservation. The vegetation was described in 41 plots of 100 m2 along four transects perpendicular to the coast. The floristic dataset was classified by two-way indicator species analysis. Vegetation distribution patterns were analysed in relation to the geomorphology and environmental factors. Fifty-one taxa (19 families) of vascular plants were recorded, with Asteraceae, Poaceae, and Fabaceae being the most abundant. The main vegetation groups obtained from the classification are related to distinctive geomorphology. (1) Upper beach and active dunes are habitats with extreme conditions, characterized by species-poor associations with low vegetation cover; group dominated by few shrubs and gramines like Panicum urvilleanum, Calycera crassifolia, and Senecio bergii. (2) Fixed/semifixed dunes are habitats with more stable substrate, characterized by dense vegetation, high species richness, and woody life forms; group dominated by Poa lanuginosa, Hyalis argentea var. latisquama, Oenothera mollissima, and Glycyrrhiza astragalina. (3) Hygrophilous communities are mostly associated with dune slacks with high herbaceous vegetation cover; group largely dominated by Cortaderia selloana, Typha sp., and Imperata brasiliensis. Detrended correspondence analysis shows that the major floristic variation follows a gradient from the beach inland. Also, there is a clear zonation pattern strongly associated with geomorphologic heterogeneity. The occurrence of threatened species (e.g., Adesmia filipes, Neosparton ephedroides) and endemic taxa (S. bergii and Baccharis divaricata) plus the high habitat diversity and plant species richness confers to the area special value for conservation. The ecological role of dune vegetation is discussed in conservation and management context.

La estructura de la vegetación y la composición de especies de las dunas costeras australes de la Región Pampeana fueron estudiadas para evaluar su importancia para la conservación de la biodiversidad. La vegetación fue descrita en 41 cuadrantes de 100m2 cada uno, a lo largo de cuatro transectas lineales perpendiculares a la costa. El set florístico fue clasificado mediante un análisis de dos vías de especies indicadoras (TWINSPAN). Los patrones de la distribución de la vegetación fueron analizados en lo referente a la geomorfología y a los factores ambientales. Dentro de los cuadrantes, se registraron 51 taxa (19 familias) de plantas vasculares, con Asteraceae, Poaceae y Fabaceae siendo los más abundantes. Los grupos principales de vegetación obtenidos de la clasificación se relacionan con distintivas localizaciones geomorfológicas: (1) playa superior y dunas activas son ambientes con condiciones extremas, caracterizados por asociaciones pobres en especies con baja cobertura vegetal; el grupo es dominado por pocos arbustos y gramíneas, como Panicum urvilleanum, Calycera crassifolia y Senecio bergii; (2) dunas fijas/semifijas son ambientes con un substrato más estable, caracterizado por vegetación densa, alta riqueza de la especie y formas de vida leñosas; el grupo fue dominado por Poa lanuginosa, Hyalis argen

Ana Laura Monserrat, Cintia E. Celsi, and Sonia L. Fontana "Coastal Dune Vegetation of the Southern Pampas (Buenos Aires, Argentina) and Its Value for Conservation," Journal of Coastal Research 28(1), 23-35, (1 January 2012).
Received: 16 April 2010; Accepted: 17 August 2010; Published: 1 January 2012
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