
The index includes references to general topics, common names, key words, and authors. Reference is also made to book reviews and letters. Taxa other than raptors are included where referenced by authors.


Accipiter cooperii, 83–84, 409–416, 483–484

gentilis, 417–427, 476–479, 480–482

nisus granti, 15–24

soloensis, 25–37

Accipitridae, 72–78

Adaptation, local, 417–427, 480–482

Aegolius acadicus brooksi, 153–164

funereus, 68–71

Age differences, 451–454

Argentina, 38–49

Aggregation behavior, 446–450

 bird, 489–491

Aggression, intraspecific, 89–91

 parental, 439–445

Agroecosystems, 38–49

Aguiar-Silva, Francisca Helena, Olivier Jaudoin, Tânia M. Sanaiotti, Gláucia H.F. Seixas, Samuel Duleba, and Frederico D. Martins, Camera trapping at Harpy Eagle nests: interspecies interactions under predation risk, 72–78

Alaska, 476–479

Allison, Taber D., Jean Fitts Cochrane, Eric Lonsdorf, and Carol Sanders-Reed, A review of options for mitigating take of Golden Eagles at wind energy facilities, 319–333

Altamirano, Tomás A., see Ibarra, José Tomás

Alternative nest, 129–135, 483–484

Altitude, 15–24

Amazon, 439–445

Anticoagulant rodenticide, first generation, 273–292

 second generation, 273–292

Aquila chrysaetos, 129–135, 193–196, 197–215, 216–233, 234–257, 258–272, 273–292, 293–304, 305–318, 319–333, 334–346, 347–367, 368–377, 378–390,

nipalensis, 165–171

Aráoz, Rodrigo, Juan Manuel Grande, Carmen López, Joaquín Cereghetti, and Félix Hernán Vargas, The first Black-and-Chestnut Eagle (Spizaetus isidori) nest discovered in Argentina reveals potential human–predator conflicts, 79–82

Arius felis, 1–14

Arizaga, Juan, see Galarza, Aitor

Asio flammeus, 115–128


Bacteria, 465–469

Bahat, Ofer, see Freund, Myriam

Baladrón, Alejandro V., María S. Bó, Marc J. Bechard, and Ana I. Malizia, Relative abundance, habitat use, and seasonal variability of raptor assemblages in the flooding pampas of Argentina, 38–49

Baldwin, John D., see Hanson, Matthew R.

Banding, 409–416

Baral, Hem Sagar, see Subedi, Tulsi Ram

Bayne, Erin M., see Nordell, Cameron J.

Bechard, Marc J., see Baladrón, Alejandro V.

Bechard, Marc J., see Keeley, William H.

Bedrosian, Bryan, see Brown, Jessi L.

Bedrosian, Bryan, see Gura, Katherine B.

Bedrosian, Geoffrey, James W. Watson, Karen Steenhof, Michael N. Kochert, Charles R. Preston, Brian Woodbridge, Gary E. Williams, Kent R. Keller, and Ross H. Crandall, Spatial and temporal patterns in Golden Eagle diets in the western United States with implications for conservation planning, 347–367

Behavior, 85–88, 417–427, 480–482

 aggregation, 446–450

 conspecific agnostic, 89–91

 courtship, 83–84

 movement, 216–233

 nesting, 485–488

Behavioral change, 446–450

 ecology, 72–78

Bell, Douglas A., see Brown, Jessi L.

Bergman, Carita, see Waterhouse, F. Louise

Bettesworth, Jack, see Deal, Ed

Bighorn Basin, 334–346

Bildstein, Keith L., see Concepcion, Camille B.

Biological control, 446–450

Bird aggregation, 489–491

Bird of prey, 172–179

Bloom, Peter H., Michael D. McCrary, Joseph M. Papp, and Scott E. Thomas, Banding reveals potential northward migration of Cooper's Hawks from southern California, 409–416

Bó, María S., see Baladrón, Alejandro V.

Body condition, 107–114

Booms, Travis L., see Johnson, James A.

Bowen, Zachary H., see Tack, Jason D.

Braham, Melissa A., see Brown, Jessi L.

Breeding, 85–88, 483–484, 485–488

 density, 95–106

 success, 136–144, 470–475

Breeding-site selection, 417–427

Briggs, Christopher W., Simon R. Poulson, and Michael W. Collopy, Correlation between feather isotopes and body condition for Swainson's Hawks, and implications for migration studies, 107–114

Brood reduction, 476–479

Brown, Jessi L., Bryan Bedrosian, Douglas A. Bell, Melissa A. Braham, Jeff Cooper, Ross H. Crandall, Joe DiDonato, Robert Domenech, Adam E. Duerr, Todd E. Katzner, Michael J. Lanzone, David W. LaPlante, Carol L. McIntyre, Tricia A. Miller, Robert K. Murphy, Adam Shreading, Steven J. Slater, Jeff P. Smith, Brian W. Smith, James W. Watson, and Brian Woodbridge, Patterns of spatial distribution of Golden Eagles across North America: how do they fit into existing landscape-scale mapping systems?, 197–215

Brown, Jessi L., see Collopy, Michael W.

Brown, Jessi L., see Steenhof, Karen

Brown, William P., Julian Díaz, and Indigo De Jong, Annual variability and the influence of embryonic development on Red-shouldered Hawk (Buteo lineatus) eggshell characteristics, 61–67

Bubo scandiacus, 428–438

virginianus, 187–189, 293–304

Buccal, 68–71

Buck, Jeremy, see Herring, Garth

Bullet fragments, 273–292

Burnett, L. Joseph, see Sorenson, Kelly J.

Butastur indicus, 25–37

Buteo lineatus, 61–67

regalis, 187–189, 397–408

swainsoni, 107–114, 451–454

Buzzard, Grey-faced, 25–37

Buzzard-Eagle, Black-chested, 489–491


Cabral, Ricardo C.S.R., see Hervías, Sandra P.

California, 145–152

Camera, video, 50–60

Campbell, Meagan L., and Ernesto Ruelas Inzunza, What does the Swainson's Hawk migration phenology tell us about its migration ecology?, 451–454

Cannibalism, 476–479

Caracara plancus, 485–488

Caracara, Chimango, 85–88

 Southern, 485–488

Castello, Laura B., see Hervías, Sandra P.

Catfish, hardhead, 1–14

Cathartes aura, 465–469

burrovianus, 465–469

Cereghetti, Joaquín, see Aráoz, Rodrigo

Chile, 85–88

Circaetus gallicus, 446–450

Circus buffoni, 485–488

Clark, William S., 492–494

Cochrane, Jean Fitts, see Allison, Taber D.

Coelho, Nádia G., see Hervías, Sandra P.

Collopy, Michael W., Brian Woodbridge, and Jessi L. Brown, Golden Eagles in a changing world, 193–196

Collopy, Michael W., see Briggs, Christopher W.

Communal roost, 489–491

Competition for resources, 89–91

Concepcion, Camille B., Patricia T. Dumandan, Medel R. Silvosa, Keith L. Bildstein, and Todd E. Katzner, Species composition, timing, and weather correlates of autumn open-water crossings by raptors migrating along the East-Asian Oceanic Flyway, 25–37

Conflict, human–predator, 79–82

Conservation, 193–196

Conspecific agnostic behavior, 89–91

Contaminant, 95–106

Cooper, Jeff, see Brown, Jessi L.

Cooperative hunting, 470–475

Coragyps atratus, 465–469

Cottontails, 334–346

Count, 165–171

Court, Gordon, In Memoriam: Richard Fyfe, 1932–2017, 495–497

Courtship behavior, 83–84

Craig, Gerald R., and Clayton M. White, In Memoriam: James Harris Enderson, 1936–2017, 393–395

Crandall, Ross H., see Bedrosian, Geoffrey

Crandall, Ross H., see Brown, Jessi L.


Darawshi, Sameh, Yossi Leshem, and Uzi Motro, Aggregations and dietary changes of Short-toed Snake-Eagles: a new phenomenon asssociated with modern agriculture, 446–450

De Jong, Indigo, see Brown, William P.

Deal, Ed, Jack Bettesworth, and Martin Muller, Two records of female Cooper's Hawks courting two different males in neighboring urban territories, 83–84

DeCandido, Robert, see Subedi, Tulsi Ram

DeCicco, Lucas H., see Johnson, James A.

del Arco, Mar, see Galarza, Aitor

Delgado, Guillermo C., see Hervías, Sandra P.

Density, breeding, 95–106

DeSimone, Peter, see Washburn, Brian E.

Detection probability, 305–318

Deuterium, 107–114

Development, embryonic, 61–67

Díaz, Julian, see Brown, William P.

DiDonato, Joe, see Brown, Jessi L.

Diet, 1–14, 347–367, 417–427, 446–450, 480–482

 breadth, 334–346

Dietary change, 446–450

Differential migration, 451–454

Dispersal, 216–233, 439–445

Distribution, 489–491

Domenech, Robert, see Brown, Jessi L.

Domestic fowl, 79–82

Dominance takeover, 89–91

Douglas, David C., see Johnson, James A.

Doyle, Frank I., Jean-François Therrien, Donald G. Reid, Gilles Gauthier, and Charles J. Krebs, Seasonal movements of female Snowy Owls breeding in the western North American arctic, 428–438

Doyle, Frank I., see Waterhouse, F. Louise

Duerr, Adam E., see Brown, Jessi L.

Duleba, Samuel, see Aguiar-Silva, Francisca Helena

Dumandan, Patricia T., see Concepcion, Camille B.

Dunk, Jeffrey R., see Murphy, Robert K.

Dwyer, James F., Richard E. Harness, and Duncan Eccleston, Avian electrocutions on incorrectly retrofitted power poles, 293–304


Eagle, Bald, 1–14, 145–152

 Black-and-chestnut, 79–82

 Golden, 129–135, 193–196, 197–215, 216–233, 234–257, 258–272, 273–292, 293–304, 305–318, 319–333, 334–346, 347–367, 368–377, 378–390

 Harpy, 72–78, 439–445

 Steppe, 165–171

Eagles-Smith, Collin A., see Herring, Garth

East-Asian Oceanic Flyway, 25–37

Eccleston, Duncan, see Dwyer, James F.

Ecology, behavioral, 72–78

 feeding, 397–408

 movement, 439–445

Ecosystem, mangrove, 1–14

Egg laying, 129–135

Eggshell mass, 61–67

 thickness, 61–67

Eiben, Kayla, Robert Fay, Alexander Jung, Andrew Rasmussen, Jill Russell, and David Russell, Sex determination of the Boreal Owl (Aegolius funereus) using buccal swabs and improved molecular techniques, 68–71

Electrocution, 293–304

Elorriaga, Javier, see Galarza, Aitor

Embryonic development, 61–67

Enderson, James Harris, In Memoriam, 393–395

Energy, renewable, 234–257

 wind, 319–333

Esque, Todd C., see J. David Wiens

Etymology, 172–179

Everglades National Park, 1–14

Extra-pair fertilization, 83–84

Extra-pair paternity, 83–84


Fagundes, Isabel C., see Hervías, Sandra P.

Falco peregrinus peregrinator, 470–475

sparverius, 50–60, 455–464

Falcon, Peregrine, 470–475

Farquhar, C. Craig, Commentary: Raptor—Evolution of the term, 172–179

Fay, Robert, see Eiben, Kayla

Fedy, Bradley C., see Tack, Jason D.

Feeding ecology, 397–408

Flight, nocturnal, 184–186

Flooding Pampas, 38–49

Florida, 1–14

Foraging, 417–427, 480–482

Forest, laurel, 15–24

Forestry, 15–24

Fowl, domestic, 79–82

Freund, Myriam, Ofer Bahat, and Uzi Motro, Breeding success and its correlation with nest-site characteristics: a study of a Griffon Vulture colony in Gamla, Israel, 136–144

Full-annual-cycle model, 455–464

Fyfe, Richard, In Memoriam, 1932–2017, 495–497


Galarza, Aitor, Mar del Arco, Javier Elorriaga, Edorta Unamuno, Juan Arizaga, and Iñigo Zuberogoitia, First evidence provided by satellite telemetry of nocturnal flight overland by an Osprey (Pandion haliaetus), 184–186

Gallardo, Julio C., see Masson, Diego A.

Gallus gallus, 79–82

Gastrointestinal pH, 465–469

Gauthier, Gilles, see Doyle, Frank I.

Genetic structure, 368–377

Genomics, population, 368–377

Geranoaetus melanoleucus, 489–491

González, Yolanda G., see Hervías, Sandra P.

Goshawk, 417–427, 476–479, 480–482

Gouveia, Cátia A., see Hervías, Sandra P.

Grande, Juan M., see López, Carmen M.

Grande, Juan Manuel, see Aráoz, Rodrigo

Grassland nest, 187–189

Grasslands, 38–49

Graves, Gary R., Field measurements of gastrointestinal pH of New World vultures in Guyana, 465–469

Green, Kelsey, see Lowney, Anthony

Guan, 79–82

Gura, Katherine B., Bryan Bedrosian, and Beth Mendelsohn, Synchronous tail molt in Great Gray Owls (Strix nebulosa), 190–192

Gurung, Sandesh, see Subedi, Tulsi Ram

Gurung, Surya, see Subedi, Tulsi Ram

Gyps fulvus, 136–144


Habitat, 15–24, 153–164

 seasonal, 428–438

 use, 38–49

Hacking, 145–152

Haliaeetus leucocephalus, 1–14, 145–152

Hanson, Matthew R., and John D. Baldwin, Adjusted diets of Bald Eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) breeding in an altered estuary, 1–14

Harness, Richard E., see Dwyer, James F.

Harpia harpyja, 72–78, 439–445

Harrier, Long-winged, 485–488

Harvest, nestling, 305–318

Hawk, Cooper's, 83–84, 409–416

 Ferruginous, 187–189, 397–408

 Red-shouldered, 61–67

 Roadside, 485–488

 Swainson's, 107–114

Heath, Julie A., see McClure, Christopher J.W.

Henny, Charles J., and Mark S. Martell, Satellite-tagged Osprey nearly sets longevity record and productivity response to initial captures, 180–183

Herring, Garth, Collin A. Eagles-Smith, and Jeremy Buck, Characterizing Golden Eagle risk to lead and anticoagulant rodenticide exposure: a review, 273–292

Hervías, Sandra P., Yolanda G. González, Estefanía M. Pereira, Antonio Vulcano, Ricardo C.S.R. Cabral, Nádia G. Coelho, Isabel C. Fagundes, Laura B. Castello, Marta N. Nunes, Cátia A. Gouveia, and Guillermo C. Delgado, The Eurasian Sparrowhawk of Macaronesia (Accipiter nisus granti): nesting territories, phenology, and breeding success on Madeira Island, Portugal, 15–24

HexSim, 234–257

Hierarchical clustering, 197–215

Higuchi, Hiroyoshi, see Natsukawa, Haruki

Himalaya, 165–171

Home range, 153–164

Horton, Nathan S., see Preston, Charles R.

Human–predator conflict, 79–82

Hunting, cooperative, 470–475


Ibarra, José Tomás, Tomás A. Altamirano, Alejandra Vermehren, F. Hernán Vargas, and Kathy Martin, Observations of a tree-cavity nest of the Rufous-legged Owl and predation of an owl nestling by a Chimango Caracara in Andean temperate forests, 85–88

Ichinose, Tomohiro, see Natsukawa, Haruki

In Memoriam: James Harris Enderson, 1936–2017, 393–395

In Memoriam: Richard Fyfe, 1932–2017, 495–497

In Memoriam: Sergej Postupalsky, 1934–2016, 92–93

In Memoriam: Thomas Lowell Maechtle, 1958–2016, 391–392

India, 470–475

Indigenous religion, 305–318

Infanticide, 476–479

Inman, Rich D., see J. David Wiens

Intraguild predation, 79–82, 485–488

Intraspecific aggression, 89–91

Isotopes, stable, 107–114


Jacobson, Kenneth V., see Murphy, Robert K.

Jaudoin, Olivier, see Aguiar-Silva, Francisca Helena

Johnson, James A., Travis L. Booms, Lucas H. DeCicco, and David C. Douglas, Seasonal movements of the Short-eared Owl (Asio flammeus) in western North America as revealed by satellite telemetry, 115–128

Jones, Richard E., see Preston, Charles R.

Judkins, Megan E., see Van Den Bussche, Ronald A.

Jung, Alexander, see Eiben, Kayla


Katzner, Todd E., see Brown, Jessi L.

Katzner, Todd E., see Concepcion, Camille B.

Keeley, William H., and Marc J. Bechard, Nesting behavior, provisioning rates, and parental roles of Ferruginous Hawks in New Mexico, 397–408

Keller, Kent R., see Bedrosian, Geoffrey

Keller, Kent R., see Slater, Steven J.

Kestrel, American, 50–60, 455–464

Knight, Robert N., see Slater, Steven J.

Kochert, Michael N., see Bedrosian, Geoffrey

Kochert, Michael N., see Steenhof, Karen

Krebs, Charles J, see Doyle, Frank I.


La Pampa, 489–491

Landscape-scale movements, 197–215

Lanzone, Michael J., see Brown, Jessi L.

LaPlante, David W., see Brown, Jessi L.

LaPlante, David W., see Murphy, Robert K.

Laurel forest, 15–24

Lead poisoning, 273–292

Leshem, Yoshi, see Darawshi, Sameh

Lewis, Stephen B., Siblicide, parental infanticide, and cannibalism at a Northern Goshawk nest, 476–479

Lexicography, 172–179

Life-stage simulation analysis (LSA), 258–272

Lindell, Catherine A., see Shave, Megan

Local adaptation, 417–427, 480–482

Longevity, 180–183

Longshore, Kathleen M., see J. David Wiens

Lonsdorf, Eric, see Allison, Taber D.

López, Carmen M., Juan M. Grande, and Paula M. Orozco-Valor, Unusual concentration of Black-chested Buzzard-Eagles in central Argentina, 489–491

López, Carmen, see Aráoz, Rodrigo

Lowney, Anthony, Kelsey Green, Bonginkosi Prince Ngomane, and Robert L. Thomson, Mortal combat: intraspecific killing by an African Pygmy-Falcon (Polihierax semitorquatus) to acquire new mate and territory, 89–91


Maechtle, Thomas Lowell, In Memoriam, 391–392

Maharashtra, western, 470–475

Malizia, Ana I., see Baladrón, Alejandro V.

Mangrove ecosystem, 1–14

Martell, Mark S., see Henny, Charles J.

Martin, Kathy, see Ibarra, José Tomás

Martins, Frederico D., see Aguiar-Silva, Francisca Helena

Masson, Diego A., and Julio C. Gallardo, Observations of intraguild nest predation involving three species of raptors in Argentina, 485–488

McClure, Christopher J.W., Sarah E. Schulwitz, Richard Van Buskirk, Benjamin P. Pauli, and Julie A. Heath, Commentary: Research recommendations for understanding the decline of American Kestrels (Falco sparverius) across much of North America, 455–464

McCrary, Michael D., see Bloom, Peter H.

McIntyre, Carol L., see Brown, Jessi L.

McIntyre, Carol L., see Steenhof, Karen

Mendelsohn, Beth, see Gura, Katherine B.

Methods, 378–390

Microbiome, 465–469

Migration, 25–37, 95–106, 115–128, 165–171, 184–186, 409–416, 428–438, 489–491

 counts, 455–464

 differential, 451–454

 phenology, 451–454

Mikesic, David G., see Stahlecker, Dale W.

Miller, Robert A., Repeated observations of Northern Goshawks foraging as terrestrial predators, 480–482

Miller, Tricia A., see Brown, Jessi L.

Millsap, Brian A., see Murphy, Robert K.

Milvago chimango, 85–88

Mitigation, 319–333

Model, population, 234–257, 258–272

Molt, 190–192

Monitoring, 455–464

Montague, Michael J., see Van Den Bussche, Ronald A.

Mortality, 293–304, 319–333

Motro, Uzi, see Darawshi, Sameh

Motro, Uzi, see Freund, Myriam

Movement, 95–106, 115–128, 409–416, 428–438

 behavior, 216–233

 ecology, 439–445

 landscape-scale, 197–215

Muller, Martin, see Deal, Ed

Muñiz-López, Ruth, see Urios, Vicente

Murphy, Robert K., Jeffrey R. Dunk, Brian Woodbridge, Dale W. Stahlecker, David W. LaPlante, Brian A. Millsap, and Kenneth V. Jacobson, First-year dispersal of Golden Eagles from natal areas in the southwestern United States and implications for second-year settling, 216–233

Murphy, Robert K., see Brown, Jessi L.

Mythology, 172–179


Natsukawa, Haruki, Tomohiro Ichinose, and Hiroyoshi Higuchi, Factors affecting breeding-site selection of Northern Goshawks at two spatial scales in urbanized areas, 417–427

Nest, 15–24, 72–78, 83–84, 85–88, 378–390, 470–475, 483–484

 alternative, 129–135, 483–484

 box, 50–60

 building, unusual, 483–484

 cavity, 455–464

 grassland, 187–189

 protection, 129–135

 spacing, 129–135

 survival, 378–390

Nesting, 417–427, 485-488

 behavior, 397–408

 success, 50–60, 136–144, 378–390

Nestling, 409–416

 harvest, 305–318

Nest-site characteristics, 136–144

 selection, 417–427

Newton, Ian, Invited Commentary: Fifty years of raptor research, 95–106

Ng, Janet W., see Nordell, Cameron J.

Ngomane, Bonginkosi Prince, see Lowney, Anthony

Nitrogen, 107–114

Nocturnal flight, 184–186

Noninvasive, 68–71

Noon, Barry R., see Tack, Jason D.

Nordell, Cameron J., Jesse L. Watson, Janet W. Ng, Troy I. Wellicome, and Erin M. Bayne, Nocturnal predation of Ferruginous Hawk nestlings by two synanthropic species, 187–189

North America, 428–438

Nunes, Marta N., see Hervías, Sandra P.

Nussear, Kenneth E., see J. David Wiens


Occupancy, territory, 305–318

Orchard, 50–60

Oregon, 180–183

Orozco-Valor, Paula M., see López, Carmen M.

Osprey, 180–183, 184–186

Overwater crossing, 25–37

Owl, Boreal, 68–71

 Great Gray, 190–192

 Great Horned, 187–189, 293–304

 Haida Gwaii Northern Saw-whet, 153–164

 Rufous-legged, 85–88

 Short-eared, 115–128

 Snowy, 428–438


Pampas, Flooding, 38–49

Pande, Satish, Piotr Zduniak, and Reuven Yosef, Nest occupancy and reproductive success of a subspecies of the Peregrine Falcon, the Black Shaheen (Falco peregrinus peregrinator), in Western India, 470–475

Pandion haliaetus, 180–183, 184–186

Papp, Joseph M., see Bloom, Peter H.

Parental aggression, 439–445

 care, 136–144

 roles, 397–408

Pauli, Benjamin P., see McClure, Christopher J.W.

Penelope spp., 79–82

Pereira, Estefanía M., see Hervías, Sandra P.

Phenology, migration, 451–454

Philippines, 25–37

Philology, 172–179

Polihierax semitorquatus, 89–91

Population, 95–106

 decline, 455–464

 genomics, 368–377

 model, 234–257, 258–272

 structure, 165–171

Postupalsky, Sergej, In Memoriam, 92–93

Poulson, Simon R., see Briggs, Christopher W.

Power line, 293–304

Predation, 85–88

 intraguild, 79–82

Predator, 187–189

Predator-prey interaction, 72–78

Preston, Charles R., Richard E. Jones, and Nathan S. Horton, Golden Eagle diet breadth and reproduction in relation to fluctuations in primary prey abundance in Wyoming's Bighorn Basin, 334–346

Preston, Charles R., see Bedrosian, Geoffrey

Prey, 417–427, 480–482

 primary, 334–346

 remains, 347–367

Procyon lotor, 187–189

Productivity, 305–318

Provisioning rates, 397–408

Puan, Chong Leong, see Subedi, Tulsi Ram

Pygmy-Falcon, African, 89–91


Raccoon, 187–189

Raptor, 68–71, 95–106, 172–179, 455–464, 476–479

Rasmussen, Andrew, see Eiben, Kayla

Recovery, 145–152

Reid, Donald G., see Doyle, Frank I.

Reintroduction, 145–152

Religion, indigenous, 305–318

Renewable energy, 234–257

Reproduction, 50–60, 334–346, 378–390

 rate, 470–475

Research priorities, 455–464

Rodenticide, anticoagulant, 273–292

Roost, communal, 489–491

Rosenfield, Robert N., and Larry E. Sobolik, Unusual timing of alternative nest building by an urban Cooper's Hawk (Accipiter cooperii), 483–484

Ruelas Inzunza, Ernesto, A review of Raptors of Mexico and Central America, by William S. Clark and N. John Schmitt, 2017, 492–494

Ruelas Inzunza, Ernesto, see Campbell, Meagan L.

Rupornis magnirostris, 485–488

Russell, David, see Eiben, Kayla

Russell, Jill, see Eiben, Kayla


Sah, Shahrul Anuar Mohd, see Subedi, Tulsi Ram

Sahara desert, 184–186

Sampling techniques, 72–78

Sanaiotti, Tânia M., see Aguiar-Silva, Francisca Helena

Sanders-Reed, Carol, see Allison, Taber D.

Satellite telemetry, 115–128, 197–215, 439–445

Schmitt, N. John,

Schulwitz, Sarah E., see McClure, Christopher J.W.

Schumaker, Nathan H., see J. David Wiens

Seasonal habitat, 428–438

Seixas, Gláucia H.F., see Aguiar-Silva, Francisca Helena

Selection, breeding-site, 417–427

 nest-site, 417–427

Sexing, 68–71

Shaheen, Black, 470–475

Shave, Megan, and Catherine A. Lindell, American Kestrels occupying nest boxes in Michigan cherry orchards show high reproductive rates and tolerance of monitoring, 50–60

Shreading, Adam, see Brown, Jessi L.

Siblicide, 476–479

Silvosa, Medel R., see Concepcion, Camille B.

Single nucleotide polymorphisms, 368–377

Slater, Steven J., Kent R. Keller, and Robert N. Knight, Interannual Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) nest-use patterns in cental Utah: implications for long-term nest protection, 129–135

Slater, Steven J., see Brown, Jessi L.

Smith, Brian W., see Brown, Jessi L.

Smith, Chad S., see Stahlecker, Dale W.

Smith, Jeff P., see Brown, Jessi L.

Snags, 85–88

Snake-Eagle, Short-toed, 446–450

SNPs, 368–377

Sobolik, Larry E., see Rosenfield, Robert N.

Sorenson, Kelly J., L. Joseph Burnett, and Mike M. Stake, Restoring a Bald Eagle breeding population in central California and monitoring 25 years of regional population growth, 145–152

Source-sink dynamics, 234–257

Southwestern United States, 216–233

Sparrowhawk, Chinese, 25–37

 Eurasian, 15–24

 Macaronesian, 15–24

Spatial use, 216–233

Species diversity, 38–49

Spizaetus isidori, 79–82

Squirrels, ground, 417–427, 480–482

Stable isotopes, 107–114

Stahlecker, Dale W., Zachary P. Wallace, David G. Mikesic, and Chad S. Smith, Does Hopi religious harvest of eaglets affect Golden Eagle territory occupancy and reproduction on the Navajo Nation?, 305–318

Stahlecker, Dale W., see Murphy, Robert K.

Stake, Mike M., see Sorenson, Kelly J.

Steenhof, Karen, Michael N. Kochert, Carol L. McIntyre, and Jessi L. Brown, Coming to terms about describing Golden Eagle reproduction, 378–390

Steenhof, Karen, see Bedrosian, Geoffrey

Strix nebulosa, 190–192

rufipes, 85–88

Strybos, Lauren, see Tack, Jason D.

Subedi, Tulsi Ram, Robert DeCandido, Hem Sagar Baral, Surya Gurung, Sandesh Gurung, Chong Leong Puan, and Shahrul Anuar Mohd Sah, Population structure and annual migration pattern of Steppe Eagles at Thoolakharka watch site, Nepal, 2012–2014, 165–171

Suburban, 417–427

Success, breeding, 136–144

 nesting, 50–60, 136–144, 378–390

Survival, 216–233, 258–272

Sylvilagus, 334–346

Synchronous tail molt, 190–192


Tack, Jason D., Barry R. Noon, Zachary H. Bowen, Lauren Strybos, and Bradley C. Fedy, No substitute for survival: perturbation analyses using a Golden Eagle population model reveal limits to managing for take, 258–272

Tail, 190–192

Take, 258–272, 319–333

Telemetry, 153–164, 180–183

 satellite, 115–128, 197–215,

Terminology, 378–390

Territory, 129–135

 occupancy, 305–318

Thermoregulation, 136–144

Therrien, Jean-François, see Doyle, Frank I.

Thickness index, 61–67

Thomas, Scott E., see Bloom, Peter H.

Thomson, Robert L., see Lowney, Anthony

Thoolakharka, 165–171

Threats, 15–24

Time-lapse video, 397–408

Todd, Melissa, see Waterhouse, F. Louise

Turney, Laurence, see Waterhouse, F. Louise


Unamuno, Edorta, see Galarza, Aitor

United States, southwestern, 216–233

Unusual nest building, 483–484

Urban, 83–84, 417–427, 483–484

Urbanization, 38–49

Urios, Vicente, Ruth Muñiz-López, and Javier Vidal-Mateo, Juvenile dispersal of Harpy Eagles (Harpia harpyja) in Ecuador,

Utah, 129–135


Van Buskirk, Richard, see McClure, Christopher J.W.

Van Den Bussche, Ronald A., Megan E. Judkins, Michael J. Montague, and Wesley C. Warren, A resource of genome-wide single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPS) for the conservation and management of Golden Eagles, 368–377

Vargas, Félix Hernán, see Aráoz, Rodrigo

Vargas, Félix Hernán, see Ibarra, José Tomás

Vennesland, Ross G., see Waterhouse, F. Louise

Veracruz, Mexico, 451–454

Vermehren, Alejandra, see Ibarra, José Tomás

Vidal-Mateo, Javier, see Urios, Vicente

Video camera, 50–60

Vulcano, Antonio, see Hervías, Sandra P.

Vulture, Black, 465–469

 Griffon, 136–144

 Lesser Yellow-headed, 465–469

 Turkey, 465–469


Wallace, Zachary, P., see Stahlecker, Dale W.

Warren, Wesley C., see Van Den Bussche, Ronald A.

Washburn, Brian E., and Peter DeSimone, In Memoriam: Sergej Postupalsky, 1934–2016, 92–93

Washington, 180–183

Watch site, 165–171

Waterhouse, F. Louise, Frank I. Doyle, Laurence Turney, Berry Wijdeven, Melissa Todd, Carita Bergman, and Ross G. Vennesland, Spring and winter home ranges of the Haida Gwaii Northern Saw-whet Owl (Aegolius acadicus brooksi), 153–164

Watson, James W., see Bedrosian, Geoffrey

Watson, James W., see Brown, Jessi L.

Watson, Jesse L., see Nordell, Cameron J.

Wellicome, Troy I., see Nordell, Cameron J.

White, Clayton M., see Craig, Gerald R.

Wiens, J. David, Nathan H. Schumaker, Rich D. Inman, Todd C. Esque, Kathleen M. Longshore, and Kenneth E. Nussear, Spatial demographic models to inform conservation planning of Golden Eagles in renewable energy landscapes, 234–257

Wijdeven, Berry, see Waterhouse, F. Louise

Williams, Gary E., see Bedrosian, Geoffrey

Wind energy, 319–333

Wintering, 428–438

Woodbridge, Brian, see Bedrosian, Geoffrey

Woodbridge, Brian, see Brown, Jessi L.

Woodbridge, Brian, see Collopy, Michael W.

Woodbridge, Brian, see Murphy, Robert K.


Yates, Michael A., In Memoriam: Thomas Lowell Maechtle, 1958–2016, 391–392

Yosef, Reuven, see Pande, Satish

Yukon Territory, 428–438


Zduniak, Piotr, see Pande, Satish

Zuberogoitia, Iñigo, see Galarza, Aitor

© 2017 The Raptor Research Foundation, Inc.
"Index to Volume 51," Journal of Raptor Research 51(4), 502-508, (1 December 2017). https://doi.org/10.3356/0892-1016-51.4.502
Published: 1 December 2017
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