VOL. 72 · NO. 8 | November 2008
Journal of Wildlife Management
Michael J. Chamberlain
Journal of Wildlife Management 72 (8), 1661-1662, (1 November 2008) https://doi.org/10.2193/2008-365
No abstract available
Indices Special Section
John R. Sauer, Melinda G. Knutson
Journal of Wildlife Management 72 (8), 1663-1664, (1 November 2008) https://doi.org/10.2193/2008-278
KEYWORDS: adaptive management, management, monitoring, structured decision-making
James F. Saracco, David F. Desante, Danielle R. Kaschube
Journal of Wildlife Management 72 (8), 1665-1673, (1 November 2008) https://doi.org/10.2193/2008-129
KEYWORDS: capture–recapture, constant-effort mist netting, Dendroica petechia, Monitoring Avian Productivity and Survivorship, North American Breeding Bird Survey, Parulidae, population trend, productivity, survival
Frank R. Thompson, Frank A. La Sorte
Journal of Wildlife Management 72 (8), 1674-1682, (1 November 2008) https://doi.org/10.2193/2008-135
KEYWORDS: abundance, detection probability, distance models, point counts, Poisson models, removal models, songbirds, southeastern United States
James E. Lyons, Michael C. Runge, Harold P. Laskowski, William L. Kendall
Journal of Wildlife Management 72 (8), 1683-1692, (1 November 2008) https://doi.org/10.2193/2008-141
KEYWORDS: Decision analysis, experimental management, national wildlife refuge, waterbirds, Wetlands
Management and Conservation Article
Katherine C. Kendall, Jeffrey B. Stetz, David A. Roon, Lisette P. Waits, John B. Boulanger, David Paetkau
Journal of Wildlife Management 72 (8), 1693-1705, (1 November 2008) https://doi.org/10.2193/2008-007
KEYWORDS: bear rub trees, DNA, Glacier National Park, grizzly bear, hair traps, Huggins closed mixture model, mark–recapture, noninvasive genetic sampling, population density, Ursus arctos
Clifford G. Rice
Journal of Wildlife Management 72 (8), 1706-1716, (1 November 2008) https://doi.org/10.2193/2007-584
KEYWORDS: altitude, global positioning system, migration, mountain goat, Oreamnos americanus, Washington
Roger A. Baldwin, Louis C. Bender
Journal of Wildlife Management 72 (8), 1717-1724, (1 November 2008) https://doi.org/10.2193/2007-393
KEYWORDS: black bear, Colorado, denning, habitat, Maximum entropy, Ursus americanus
Wendy M. Arjo, Christine E. Fisher, James Armstrong, Frank Boyd, Dennis Slate
Journal of Wildlife Management 72 (8), 1725-1735, (1 November 2008) https://doi.org/10.2193/2007-450
KEYWORDS: Alabama, bait, Bottomland hardwood, managed pine habitat, overlap, Procyon lotor, rabies, raccoon
Aaron N. Johnston, Robert G. Anthony
Journal of Wildlife Management 72 (8), 1736-1746, (1 November 2008) https://doi.org/10.2193/2006-405
KEYWORDS: coarse woody debris, grazing, microhabitat selection, mixed-conifer, oak woodlands, Oregon, riparian areas, small mammal abundance
Katherine M. Jacobs, Daniel L. Luoma
Journal of Wildlife Management 72 (8), 1747-1755, (1 November 2008) https://doi.org/10.2193/2007-341
KEYWORDS: Glaucomys sabrinus, green-tree retention, mycophagy, Myodes californicus, Myodes gapperi, Tamias siskiyou, Tamias townsendii, truffle
Cris D. Hein, Steven B. Castleberry, Karl V. Miller
Journal of Wildlife Management 72 (8), 1756-1764, (1 November 2008) https://doi.org/10.2193/2007-595
KEYWORDS: bats, Lasiurus seminolus, pine, Pinus spp., radiotelemetry, roost-site selection, Seminole bat, South Carolina, winter
Chad P. Lehman, Mark A. Rumble, Lester D. Flake, Daniel J. Thompson
Journal of Wildlife Management 72 (8), 1765-1774, (1 November 2008) https://doi.org/10.2193/2007-519
KEYWORDS: Merriam's turkey, nest survival, Precipitation, predation, proportional hazard modeling, ponderosa pine
Lynne A. Trulio, Jana Sokale
Journal of Wildlife Management 72 (8), 1775-1780, (1 November 2008) https://doi.org/10.2193/2007-014
KEYWORDS: behavior, bird numbers, ecotourism, foraging, human disturbance, recreation, San Francisco Bay, Shorebirds, species richness, trails
Rebecca L. Bentzen, Abby N. Powell, Robert S. Suydam
Journal of Wildlife Management 72 (8), 1781-1789, (1 November 2008) https://doi.org/10.2193/2007-345
KEYWORDS: Alaska, king eider, nesting strategy, nest predation, nest survival, Somateria spectabilis
James H. Devries, Llwellyn M. Armstrong, Robert J. MacFarlane, Lee Moats, Paul T. Thoroughgood
Journal of Wildlife Management 72 (8), 1790-1797, (1 November 2008) https://doi.org/10.2193/2007-513
KEYWORDS: agriculture, cropland, dabbling ducks, fall rye, nest density, nest success, Prairie Pothole Region, Saskatchewan, waterfowl, winter wheat
Tools and Technology Article
James R. Allen, Leslie E. Mcinenly, Evelyn H. Merrill, Mark S. Boyce
Journal of Wildlife Management 72 (8), 1798-1804, (1 November 2008) https://doi.org/10.2193/2007-311
KEYWORDS: aerial surveys, Alberta, Canada, Cervus elaphus, design efficiency, elk, resource selection functions, sampling, Stratification
Joanne C. Crawford, Zhiwei Liu, Thomas A. Nelson, Clayton K. Nielsen, Craig K. Bloomquist
Journal of Wildlife Management 72 (8), 1805-1807, (1 November 2008) https://doi.org/10.2193/2007-375
KEYWORDS: beaver, Castor canadensis, palpation, sex determination, sex determining region (SRY), zinc-finger
Anthony S. Fischbach, Chadwick V. Jay, James V. Jackson, Liselotte W. Andersen, George K. Sage, Sandra L. Talbot
Journal of Wildlife Management 72 (8), 1808-1812, (1 November 2008) https://doi.org/10.2193/2007-413
KEYWORDS: molecular sexing, Odobenus rosmarus,, polymerase chain reaction, validation, walrus, Zfx, zfy, zinc finger
Joni A. Downs, Mark W. Horner
Journal of Wildlife Management 72 (8), 1813-1818, (1 November 2008) https://doi.org/10.2193/2007-454
KEYWORDS: home range, Kernel Density Estimation, minimum convex polygon, least-squares cross-validation, plug-in bandwidth selection, point patterns
Lene J. Kjær, Eric M. Schauber, Clayton K. Nielsen
Journal of Wildlife Management 72 (8), 1819-1825, (1 November 2008) https://doi.org/10.2193/2007-489
KEYWORDS: compositional analysis, contact rate, disease transmission, global positioning system, habitat, Odocoileus virginianus, southern Illinois, space use
Kyle P. McCarthy, Todd K. Fuller, Ma Ming, Thomas M. McCarthy, Lisette Waits, Kubanych Jumabaev
Journal of Wildlife Management 72 (8), 1826-1833, (1 November 2008) https://doi.org/10.2193/2008-040
KEYWORDS: camera, capture–recapture, density, index, predator:prey ratios, techniques, Tien Shan, Uncia.
Daniel R. MacNulty, Glenn E. Plumb, Douglas W. Smith
Journal of Wildlife Management 72 (8), 1834-1844, (1 November 2008) https://doi.org/10.2193/2008-069
KEYWORDS: bison, Canis lupus, environmental sensors, mammals, radiotelemetry, robotic cameras, wildlife monitoring, wolves, Yellowstone National Park
Tatsuya Amano, KatsumI Ushiyama, Hiroyoshi Higuchi
Journal of Wildlife Management 72 (8), 1845-1852, (1 November 2008) https://doi.org/10.2193/2007-463
KEYWORDS: agricultural crops, Anser albifrons, carrying capacity, diet choice, goose-days, Japan, scaring devices, wheat, white-fronted geese, wildlife damage
Sharon Baruch-Mordo, Stewart W. Breck, Kenneth R. Wilson, David M. Theobald
Journal of Wildlife Management 72 (8), 1853-1862, (1 November 2008) https://doi.org/10.2193/2007-442
KEYWORDS: American black bear, bear–human conflicts, clustering, Colorado, Getis–Ord statistic, spatiotemporal analysis, Ursus americanus, wildlife damage management
Scott J. Werner, John L. Cummings, Patricia A. Pipas, Shelagh K. Tupper, Robert W. Byrd
Journal of Wildlife Management 72 (8), 1863-1868, (1 November 2008) https://doi.org/10.2193/2007-575
KEYWORDS: Agelaius phoeniceus, chemical repellent, foraging behavior, human–wildlife conflicts, nonlethal deterrent, Red-winged Blackbird, wildlife damage management
Student Voices Note
Justin G. Boyles, Doug P. Aubrey, Brandon S. Cooper, Jonathan G. Cox, David R. Coyle, Ryan J. Fisher, Justin D. Hoffman, Jonathan J. Storm
Journal of Wildlife Management 72 (8), 1869-1871, (1 November 2008) https://doi.org/10.2193/2008-138
KEYWORDS: academia, experimental design, graduate education, null hypothesis statistical testing, pedagogy, statistics
Fred S. Guthery
Journal of Wildlife Management 72 (8), 1872-1875, (1 November 2008) https://doi.org/10.2193/2008-179
KEYWORDS: Akaike-best model, cargo cult science, model Selection, pseudodifference, quantitative ritual, significance testing
Mark M. Brinson
Journal of Wildlife Management 72 (8), 1876, (1 November 2008) https://doi.org/10.2193/2008-280
No abstract available
Nicole M. Tatman
Journal of Wildlife Management 72 (8), 1877-1878, (1 November 2008) https://doi.org/10.2193/2008-296
No abstract available
Brad C. Timm
Journal of Wildlife Management 72 (8), 1879-1880, (1 November 2008) https://doi.org/10.2193/2008-346
No abstract available
Information Access
Carla G. Heister
Journal of Wildlife Management 72 (8), 1881-1882, (1 November 2008) https://doi.org/10.2193/2008-377
No abstract available
Journal of Wildlife Management 72 (8), 1888, (1 November 2008) https://doi.org/10.2193/2008-425
No abstract available
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