25th Annual Conference of the Australasian Primate Society.March 9–11, Queensland, Australia, University of Queensaland St. Lucia Brisbane. For more information consult the web site: < http://www.primates.on.net/apsconf.htm>.

The Mind of the Chimpanzee. March 22–25, The Lincon Park Zoo, Chicago, Illinois. In the tradition of the “Understanding Chimpanzees” conferences, which started 20 years ago, “The Mind of the Chimpanzee” conference will bring together the top experts in the fields of chimpanzee cognition and conservation as well as the “next generation” of chimpanzee researchers in order share new research findings, generate new collaborative research partnerships and examine how studying chimpanzee cognition impacts chimpanzee conservation. The Lester E. Fisher Center for the Study and Conservation of Apes is proud to host this historic event organized by Dr. Elizabeth Lonsdorf and Steve Ross. For more information contact <chimpmind@lpzoo.org>, or visit the web site: < http://www.chimpmindconference.org/>.

Annual IACUC Conference. March 26–27, Town and Country Resort, 500 Hotel Circle, San Diego, CA. The Public Responsability in Medicine and Reseach will held the annual IACUC conference. This event will include a range of keynote addresses, panels, workshops, and didactic sessions, all of which are designed to help build, and then strengthen, an effective animal care and use program. For more information visit: < http://www.primr.org/education/2007_IACUC/overview_IACUC07.html>.

The Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists. March 27–April 1, Philladelphia, PA. For program information contact Program Chair Dennis H.O'Rourke at <orourke@anthro.utah.edu, or visit the web site: < http://www.physanth.org/annmeet/>.

Workshop & Symposium on Laboratory Animal Diseases. 18–21 April. Chicago, Illinois. The Midwest Div. of The Charles Louis Davis, D.V.M. Foundation in Cosponsorship with The Biologic Resources Laboratory (BRL) of The University of Illinois at Chicago will present a Workshop and Symposium on Laboratory Animal Diseases. The Workshop will begin Wednesday the 18th of April, continuing through Friday the 20th of April. The Symposium will be held on Saturday April 21st. For more information contact James E. Artwohl at <jeart@uic.edu.> or visit the web site: < http://www.afip.org/CLDavis/CLDavis.meetings.htm#2007labdisease>.

Callitrichid Workshop 2007. May 12–13, Providence, Rhode Island. The 6th annual Callitrichid Husbandry Workshop will be a free workshop focusing on the education and development of callitrichid keepers and managers in zoos and aquariums. Some of the topics to be covered are: Biology and Husbandry, Veterinary care, In Situ conservation. For more information consult the web page: < http://www.rwpzoo.org/calendar/callitrichid.cfm>.

87th Meeting of the American Society of Mammalogists. June 6–10, Museum of the Southwestern Biology, Albuquerque, New Mexico. Some of the topics of the meeting are Biogeography, Conservation, Population Ecology and Genetics among others. For more information and registration go to the web site: < http://asm007.unm.edu/index.html.>

10th FELASA Symposium and the XIVICLAS General Assembly & Conference. June 11–14. The FELASA-ICLAS Joint Meeting 2007, hosted by AISAL, Associazione Italiana per le Scienze degli Animali da Laboratorio, will take place in Northern Italy, on the shores of Lake Como. The international meeting will include the 10th FELASA Symposium and the XIVICLAS General Assembly & Conference, and will provide a comprehensive overview of the most recent developments in the field of laboratory animal sciences and technologies. For more information go to < http://www.felasa-iclas2007.com/information.htm>, or contact Stefania Sella at <info@felasa-iclas2007.com>.

Training Workshop on Ethical Considerations and Biomedical Use of Non Human Primates for Research in Tropical Diseases. June 18–27, Karen, Nairobi, Kenya. Non human primates will continue to play a pivotal role as models of human diseases including tropical infections. However the use of these animals needs to be carefully applied so that proper consideration of ethical and welfare issues is incorporated in all aspects of research involving non-human primates (NHP). This workshop, supported by TDR and the Institute of Primate Research, National Museums of Kenya with coordinated assistance from SSI coordinators, is a ten-day training course with lectures, hands-on laboratory sessions and demonstrations. Emphasis will be placed on biomedical techniques used in primates in addressing TDR diseases, including the ethical and welfare aspects of using NHP in research. Details of the contents and tentative schedule can be viewed at < http://www.ssi-tdr.net/cbag/ipr-nmk/schdule.html.> Application deadline in 14th April 2007. For more information visit the web site < http://www.ssi-tdr.net/cbag/ipr-nmk/callforapplication.html>.

30th Meeting of the American Society of Primatologists. June 20–23, 2007, Winston-Salem, NC. Hosted by the Wake Forest University School of Medicine. For more information consult the web site: < http://www.asp.org/asp2007/index.htm>.

Pan African Sanctuary Alliance 2007 Management Workshop. June 21–24, Kigali, Rwanda. The Pan African Sanctuary Alliance (PASA) will focus on issues such as law enforcement, eco-tourism, and disease control at the PASA 2007 Management Workshop. PASA was formed in 2000 to promote unity and cooperation among the primate sanctuaries of Africa, and its members represent 17 sanctuaries in 12 African countries. The PASA Management Workshop has been an annual event since 2000. For more information go to < http://www.panafricanprimates.org/index.htm>.

XII Meeting of the Sociedade Brasileira de Primatologia. Julho 22–27, Minas Gerais, na Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais (PUC-Minas), Campus Coração Eucarístico, em Belo Horizonte. O campus se localiza à Av. Dom José Gaspar, 500, no Bairro Coração Eucarístico, região oeste de Belo Horizonte. Para mais informação visit o web page: < www.carangola.br/primatologia>.

Annual Meeting of the Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation. July 15–19, Morelia, Michoacán, México. The meeting will cover a wide array of basic and applied research topics on tropical biology and conservation, including: origin, evolution, and maintenance of tropical biodiversity (TD); structure, dynamics and functioning of tropical ecosystems (TEs); anthropogenic effects on TD and TEs; and socio-cultural-economical drivers of such effects. Registration, abstracts for symposium, and abstracts for contributed papers and posters must be submitted on-line by April 15th. More information and details may be found on the web page: < www.oikos.unam.mx/atbc2007>.

44th Annual Meeting of the Animal Behavior Society. July 21–25, Burlington Sheraton Hotel and Conference Center, Burlington, Vermont. For more information go to: < http://www.animalbehavior.org/ABS/Program/>.

Laboratory Animal Welfare Training Exchange 2007 Biennal Conference. August 8–10, Radisson Hotel, downtown Boston. The main issue will be to relieve pain in laboratory animals… and yourself. For more information, fees, schedule and registration go to: < http://www.lawte.org/conference.html>.

6th World Congress on Alternatives & Animal Use in the Life Sciences (WC6). August 21–25, Tokyo, Japan. With the support and organization of the Japanese Society of Alternatives to Animal Experiments (JSAAE), the Alternative Congress Trust (ACT), and the Science Council of Japan (SCJ). The WC6 is the first congress to be held in Eastern Asia and will be a good opportunity to review animal welfare issues and to strongly encourage research on alternative methods in this region. Some of the topics of the congress will be: Animal welfare, Moral Ethical and Cultural issues and public policies of animal usage, and Knowledge management and information services. For more information visit the web site: < http://www.ech.co.jp/wc6/index.html>.

2nd Congress of the European Federation for Primatology. September 3–7, Faculty of Education, Charles University, Prague. Organized by the Czech Group of Primatologists, this Congress aims to step in the future by inviting also those colleagues who are able to present anthropological topics interesting for primatologists and thus to encourage an interdisciplinary discussion among primatologists and anthropologists. The themes will be: Primate genetics, Primate ethology and socio-biology, Primate evolution and paleoathropology and Primate ecology and conservation among others. For more information and registration go to: < http://www.unipv.it/webbio/efp/efp_prague2007.pdf>, or visit the web page: < www.pedf.cuni.cz/kbio/efp>.

The 25th Annual Symposium for Nonhuman Primate Models for AIDS. September 10–13, California National Primate Research Center, University of California, Davis. The main objective is to serve as a scientific forum for the dissemination and exchange of new research findings, ideas, and to utilize the knowledge gained from these crucial nonhuman primate studies to better understand how HIV and SIV cause disease, and to facilitate the development of new methods for the treatment, control and prevention of AIDS in human populations. The symposium will focus on the biology of primate lentivirus infection and the use of nonhuman primate models for the study of viral pathogenesis, vaccines, and therapeutic approaches against primate lentivirus infection and disease; primate genomics; viral agents associated with simian acquired immunodeficiency syndrome; and the mechanisms of natural resistance in several primate species to endemic primate lentiviral infection. All scientists interested in HIV/AIDS and related research topics are invited to participate. For more information go to: < http://www.cnprc.ucdavis.edu/NHPM2007/>.

III Congreso Mexicano de Primatología. Octubre 24–27. La Asociación Mexicana de Primatología convoca al Tercer Congreso Mexicano de Primatología, el cual se llevará a cabo en el auditorio del Instituto de Investigaciones Antropológicas de la UNAM. For more information please visit the web site: < http://www.amp-ac.org.mx>.

VIII Curso Latino-Americano de Biologia da Conservação e Manejo da Vida Silvestre. Novembro 06 a 12 de Dezembro. Na última década o Curso Latino Americano de Biologia da Conservação e Manejo da Vida Silvestre vem contribuindo para a formação de profissionais comprometidos com a conservação da diversidade socioambiental da América Latina. Durante as cinco semanas de capacitação os participantes compartilham experiências com renomados profissionais que atuam nas diferentes esferas da Biologia da Conservação. O conteúdo programético deste curso trata primeiramente de uma abordagem conceitual teórica, seguido de metodologias e ferramentas úteis em estudos de campo e por último, estudos de caso nos quais os alunos vivenciarão a realidade de um programa de conservação na região do Pontal do Paranapanema. As aulas serão ministradas na sede do IPÊ, em Nazaré Paulista — SP e no município de Teodoro Sampaio — SP. Para mais informação visit o web page: < http://www.ipe.org.br/html/cursos.asp?mes=Novembro&id=104>.

Animal Training & Behavior Through Positive Reinforcement — Further Challenging and Advanced Issues. December 7–9, Munich, Germany. The seminar will be imparted by Ken Ramirez, vice president for animal collections and animal training; he develops and supervises animal-care programs, staff training and development as well as public presentation programs for the animal collection at Shedd Aquarium. The Seminar will include themes related to operant conditioning, training situations and problem solving with positive reinforcement. For more information visit: < http://www.clickerreiter.de/KenRamirez1.htm>.

6.-Göttinger Freilandtage. Primate Behavior and Human Universals. December 11–14, Göttingen, Germany. This conference aims to bring together primatologists, evolutionary anthropologists and psychologists to summarise our current state of knowledge concerning behavioural variation and its determinants within the order Primates, including humans. Specifically, it will focus on three aspects: (1) comparative studies of behavioural adaptations across (human and non-human) primates that examine evolutionary principles, (2) the ability and failures of evolutionary theory to explain human behavioural traits that affect survival and reproduction, and (3) to identify and explain human behavioural universals. For additional details contact Prof. Dr. Peter Kappeler <gft@gwdg.de> or visit the weg page: < http://www.soziobio.uni-goettingen.de/welcome.html>.


XXIInd IPS Congress. August 3–8, Edinburg International Conference Center, Edinburg, Scotland. Sponsored by the Primate Society of Great Britain. For information consult the web site: < http://www.ips2008.co.uk/index.html>.

"2007," Neotropical Primates 14(1), 44-46, (1 January 2007). https://doi.org/10.1896/044.014.0112
Published: 1 January 2007
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