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23 November 2019 Functional Response of Chrysoperla carnea (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae) on Myzus persicae Nymphs (Hemiptera: Aphididae)
Carlos E. Ail-Catzim, Rosario E. Rodríguez-González, Agustín Hernández-Juárez, Julio C. Chacón-Hernández
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Effectiveness of natural enemies greatly depends on their functional responses, one of the key components in the selection of biological control predators. The aim of this study was to describe the functional response of third-instar Chrysoperla carnea Stephens (Neuroptera: Chrysopiade) on fourth-instar Myzus persicae Sulzer (Hemiptera: Aphididae). We determined the type of functional response by logistic regression analysis, which suggested that C. carnea exhibited a type III functional response. The handling time estimated was of 0.0066 (±0.0026) and, attack coefficient “a” is made a function of prey density(a = bNo). Chrysoperla carnea larvae ate an increasingly larger number of M. persicae nymphs as the prey density increased. We obtained an initial accelerated response, because C. carnea became more efficient at finding M. persicae. Roger's model did forecast correctly the expected number of eaten preys, but, the value of Th overestimated the maximum number “T/Th” of preys eaten by one C. carnea predatory larva.

Carlos E. Ail-Catzim, Rosario E. Rodríguez-González, Agustín Hernández-Juárez, and Julio C. Chacón-Hernández "Functional Response of Chrysoperla carnea (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae) on Myzus persicae Nymphs (Hemiptera: Aphididae)," Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 121(4), 535-543, (23 November 2019).
Published: 23 November 2019
biological control
green peach aphid
logistic regression
type III functional response
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