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1 January 2014 Conservation Status of Etheostoma luteovinctum and Notes on Observations of a Burying Behavior
Matthew D. Wagner, Mark S. Hoger, Rebecca E. Blanton
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Etheostoma luteovinctum (Redband Darter) is a benthic headwater fish of the Caney Fork and Stones rivers (Cumberland River drainage) and the Duck and Elk rivers (Tennessee River drainage) of central Tennessee. The Redband Darter was regarded as a species of special concern due to its small native range, but was recently designated as stable. The current status of the species was assessed by sampling 65 historical localities and collecting other nearby habitat-appropriate sites to document presence or absence. Redband Darter was not found at 63% of the 65 sampled historical localities, indicating the stable status of the species is not valid. Additionally, comments on observations of a unique burying behavior are provided.

Matthew D. Wagner, Mark S. Hoger, and Rebecca E. Blanton "Conservation Status of Etheostoma luteovinctum and Notes on Observations of a Burying Behavior," Southeastern Naturalist 13(3), 530-546, (1 January 2014).
Published: 1 January 2014
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