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1 September 2009 Luring Small Mammals: A Levels-of-Organization Perspective
Luis R. Rodas, Chad A. Jennison, Daniel B. Hall, Gary W. Barrett
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We compared prebaiting versus non-prebaiting of small mammal live traps during autumn (i.e., when food resources were abundant) and during spring (i.e., when food resources were scarce). Trapping was conducted within 10 experimental grids (0.21-ha each) located in upland and bottomland (5 each) habitats. Four species of small mammals were captured 10 or more times during this study: Peromyscus leucopus (White-footed Mouse; 543 captures), Glaucomys volans (Southern Flying Squirrel; 94 captures), Tamias striatus (Eastern Chipmunk; 53 captures), and Ochrotomys nuttalli (Golden Mouse; 12 captures). The White-footed Mouse, because of its abundance during both seasons, was the primary species of analysis. White-footed Mice had a significantly higher probability of capture (1.29 times [or 29 percent]) in the prebaiting treatment than in the non-prebaited treatment. Prebaiting did not have a significantly different effect on males compared to females or on juveniles versus adult White-footed Mice. The practice of prebaiting, or luring small mammals, is discussed across levels of organization.

Luis R. Rodas, Chad A. Jennison, Daniel B. Hall, and Gary W. Barrett "Luring Small Mammals: A Levels-of-Organization Perspective," Southeastern Naturalist 8(3), 387-398, (1 September 2009).
Published: 1 September 2009
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