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1 October 2010 Diversidad y Fenología de los Ortópteros del Parque Nacional El Cimatario, Querétaro
Patricia L. García García, Paolo Fontana, Armando Equihua Martínez, Julio Sánchez Escudero, Jorge Valdez Carrasco, y Zenón Cano Santana
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The abundance and species richness of Orthoptera fluctuate throughout time. The dynamics of species abundance can be influenced by seasonal climatic factors. Here we report the species richness, and nymph and adult abundance of Orthoptera species, throughout a year of sampling at Parque Nacional El Cimatario, Querétaro state, in México. These three phenologic variables (species richness, nymph and adult abundance), using non-parametric analyzes were related to the monthly temperature and relative humidity averages, and with the monthly total precipitation recorded during the sampling year. We tested the immediate effects of climatic factors, and their delay from the phenologic variables of one, two, and three months. Moreover, we determined diverse groups of species with similar adult and nymph phenology. A total of 38 species from 31 genera was found. Seventy-nine percent of the species belonged to the Caelifera suborder. The most abundant species was Dichopetala n. sp. “cercus I teuriformis” (Phaneropterinae), followed by Phoetaliotes nebrascensis (Melanoplinae), Dichopetala serrifera, Schistocerca cohni (Cyrthacantacridinae), and Amblytropidia mysteca (Gomphocerinae). We found some correlations between the species, the nymph and the adult numbers with the climatic factors without and with delay from one to three months. Among a selection of the 18 most abundant species, we found diverse phenologic groups of species in the sampled year. This study contributes to the knowledge of the Orthoptera diversity of Querétaro and its relation with climate.

Patricia L. García García, Paolo Fontana, Armando Equihua Martínez, Julio Sánchez Escudero, Jorge Valdez Carrasco, and y Zenón Cano Santana "Diversidad y Fenología de los Ortópteros del Parque Nacional El Cimatario, Querétaro," Southwestern Entomologist 35(3), 317-329, (1 October 2010).
Published: 1 October 2010
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