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1 September 2014 First Records of Lespesia postica and Vibrissina mexicana (Tachinidae) as Parasitoids of Monoctenus sanchezi (Diprionidae)
Salvador Ordaz-Silva, Gabriel Gallegos-Morales, Sergio René Sánchez-Peña, Mariano Flores-Dávila, Miguel Ángel Salas-Marina, Jerónimo Landeros-Flores
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Parasitoid flies of white cedar sawfly, Monoctenus sanchezi Smith, were identified molecularly and morphologically. Third and fourth instars of sawfly larvae were collected in white cedar trees, Juniperus flaccida Schltdl, at Sierra de Alvarez, San Luis Potosi, in 2011, 2012, and 2013. The material collected was taken to Universidad Autonoma Agraria Antonio Narro and identified to family. Molecular characterization was done at CINVESTAV Campus Irapuato, and DNA sequences were compared with GenBank Blast. Parasitoids obtained were Vibrissina mexicana (Aldrich) and Lespesia postica (Walker) (Diptera: Tachinidae) with 99 and 97% similarity, respectively. Parasitism of white cedar sawfly was 2.6, 4.25, and 5.5% in 2011, 2012, and 2013, respectively.

Salvador Ordaz-Silva, Gabriel Gallegos-Morales, Sergio René Sánchez-Peña, Mariano Flores-Dávila, Miguel Ángel Salas-Marina, and Jerónimo Landeros-Flores "First Records of Lespesia postica and Vibrissina mexicana (Tachinidae) as Parasitoids of Monoctenus sanchezi (Diprionidae)," Southwestern Entomologist 39(3), 511-516, (1 September 2014).
Published: 1 September 2014
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