VOL. 110 · NO. 3 | August 2008

Articles (3)
Erratum (1)
The Condor 110 (3), (1 August 2008) https://doi.org/10.1525/cond.2008.110.3.cover Open Access
No abstract available
The Condor 110 (3), (1 August 2008) https://doi.org/10.1525/cond.2008.110.3.fm Open Access
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The Condor 110 (3), (1 August 2008) https://doi.org/10.1525/cond.2008.110.3.toc
No abstract available
Feature Articles
Adriana Rodríguez-Ferraro, JOHN G. BLAKE
The Condor 110 (3), 405-420, (1 August 2008) https://doi.org/10.1525/cond.2008.8521
KEYWORDS: arid zone birds, bird diversity, Community composition, distance sampling, Venezuela
Arjun Amar, Fred Amidon, Beatriz Arroyo, Jacob A. Esselstyn, Ann P. Marshall
The Condor 110 (3), 421-427, (1 August 2008) https://doi.org/10.1525/cond.2008.8560
KEYWORDS: Corvus kubaryi, endangered species, Mariana Crow, Pacific islands, population decline, Rota, tropical dry forest
Luke K. Butler, Timothy J. Hayden, L. Michael Romero
The Condor 110 (3), 428-440, (1 August 2008) https://doi.org/10.1525/cond.2008.8565
KEYWORDS: El Niño, life history, migration, molt, Molothrus ater, Vireo atricapilla, Vireo griseus
John J. Kappes Jr., John M. Davis
The Condor 110 (3), 441-449, (1 August 2008) https://doi.org/10.1525/cond.2008.8472
KEYWORDS: cavity kleptoparasite, indirect effect, interaction chain, interspecific competition, Red-cockaded Woodpecker, southern flying squirrel, woodpecker cavity
Thomas W. Bonnot, Mark A. Rumble, Joshua J. Millspaugh
The Condor 110 (3), 450-457, (1 August 2008) https://doi.org/10.1525/cond.2008.8460
KEYWORDS: Black Hills, Black-backed Woodpecker, logistic exposure, mountain pine beetle, nest success, nest survival, Picoides arcticus
Jennifer L. Reidy, Mike M. Stake, Frank R. Thompson
The Condor 110 (3), 458-466, (1 August 2008) https://doi.org/10.1525/cond.2008.8473
KEYWORDS: Austin, Dendroica chrysoparia, Fort Hood, Golden-cheeked Warbler, nest predators, urban, video cameras
Tina D. Leonard, Philip D. Taylor, Ian G. Warkentin
The Condor 110 (3), 467-481, (1 August 2008) https://doi.org/10.1525/cond.2008.8512
KEYWORDS: boreal forest, clearcut, home range, movement, songbird, territory
Robert M. Zink
The Condor 110 (3), 482-492, (1 August 2008) https://doi.org/10.1525/cond.2008.8496
KEYWORDS: coalescence, fox sparrow, geographic variation, nuclear DNA, Passerella iliaca, species limits
Sara J. Oyler-McCance, Judy St. John, Robert F. Kysela, Fritz L. Knopf
The Condor 110 (3), 493-499, (1 August 2008) https://doi.org/10.1525/cond.2008.8507
KEYWORDS: Charadrius montanus, gene flow, genetic diversity, microsatellites, mountain plover, population genetics
Adam D. Smith, Kara Donohue, Alfred M. Dufty Jr.
The Condor 110 (3), 500-506, (1 August 2008) https://doi.org/10.1525/cond.2008.8515
KEYWORDS: deuterium, feathers, hydrogen, passerines, raptors, stable isotopes, variation
Natalia M. Duré Ruiz, Myriam E. Mermoz, Gustavo J. Fernández
The Condor 110 (3), 507-513, (1 August 2008) https://doi.org/10.1525/cond.2008.8428
KEYWORDS: brood parasitism, brood reduction, Brown-and-yellow Marshbird, Molothrus spp., parasitism costs, Pseudoleistes virescens, Shiny Cowbird
Scott L. Durst, Tad C. Theimer, Eben H. Paxton, Mark K. Sogge
The Condor 110 (3), 514-525, (1 August 2008) https://doi.org/10.1525/cond.2008.8493
KEYWORDS: annual variation, Empidonax traillii extimus, endangered species, food resources, riparian, Tamarix
Andrés M. Cuervo, Paulo C. Pulgarín, Diego Calderón
The Condor 110 (3), 526-537, (1 August 2008) https://doi.org/10.1525/cond.2008.8555
KEYWORDS: Antioquia, biogeography, Chocó, humid montane forest, Northern Andes, range extension
Short Communications
Jason Jones, D. Ryan Norris, M. Katherine Girvan, Jennifer J. Barg, T. Kurt Kyser, Raleigh J. Robertson
The Condor 110 (3), 538-544, (1 August 2008) https://doi.org/10.1525/cond.2008.8563 Open Access
KEYWORDS: Cerulean Warbler, Dendroica cerulea, migratory connectivity, population dynamics, stable-hydrogen isotopes
Patricia C. Baião, Patricia G. Parker
The Condor 110 (3), 544-548, (1 August 2008) https://doi.org/10.1525/cond.2008.8486 Open Access
KEYWORDS: Galápagos Archipelago, habitat selection, nonrandom mating, plumage polymorphism, Sula sula, Sulidae
Robert A. Browne, Elizabeth Collins, David J. Anderson
The Condor 110 (3), 549-553, (1 August 2008) https://doi.org/10.1525/cond.2008.8540 Open Access
KEYWORDS: Dendroica petechia, Galápagos Islands, mitochondrial DNA, population structure, Yellow Warbler
Valéria Saracura, Regina H. Macedo, Donald Blomqvist
The Condor 110 (3), 554-558, (1 August 2008) https://doi.org/10.1525/cond.2008.8477 Open Access
KEYWORDS: mating system, parentage, paternity, sociality, Southern Lapwing, Vanellus chilensis
Terry R. Krueger, Dean A. Williams, William A. Searcy
The Condor 110 (3), 559-562, (1 August 2008) https://doi.org/10.1525/cond.2008.8546 Open Access
KEYWORDS: Cherrie's tanager, mating system, parentage, Ramphocelus costaricensis, Thraupidae, tropical
C. Lisa Mahon, Kathy Martin, Valerie LeMay
The Condor 110 (3), 563-568, (1 August 2008) https://doi.org/10.1525/cond.2008.8561 Open Access
KEYWORDS: British Columbia, Chestnut-backed Chickadee, cross-scale correlations, habitat selection, multiscale model, nest site selection, variance decomposition
Bailey D. McKay
The Condor 110 (3), 569-574, (1 August 2008) https://doi.org/10.1525/cond.2008.8482 Open Access
KEYWORDS: Dendroica dominica, geographic variation, subspecies, Yellow-throated Warbler
Aleksi Lehikoinen, Markus Öst, Tuula Hollmén, Mikael Kilpi
The Condor 110 (3), 574-578, (1 August 2008) https://doi.org/10.1525/cond.2008.8574 Open Access
KEYWORDS: Baltic Sea, Common Eider, duckling, sex-biased mortality, sex ratio
Carina Gjerdrum, Kira Sullivan-Wiley, Erin King, MARGARET A. RUBEGA, Chris S. Elphick
The Condor 110 (3), 579-584, (1 August 2008) https://doi.org/10.1525/cond.2008.8559 Open Access
KEYWORDS: Ammodramus, data-logger, incubation rhythm, microclimate, nesting behavior
Harold F. Greeney, Kristof Zyskowski
The Condor 110 (3), 584-588, (1 August 2008) https://doi.org/10.1525/cond.2008.8569 Open Access
KEYWORDS: bamboo, Chusquea, cloud forest, Ecuador, Hellmayrea gularis, moss, Ovenbird
Book Reviews
The Condor 110 (3), 589-590, (1 August 2008) https://doi.org/10.1525/cond.2008.8639 Open Access
No abstract available
The Condor 110 (3), 590-591, (1 August 2008) https://doi.org/10.1525/cond.2008.8640 Open Access
No abstract available
The Condor 110 (3), 591-594, (1 August 2008) https://doi.org/10.1525/cond.2008.8638 Open Access
No abstract available
News and Notes
The Condor 110 (3), 595-596, (1 August 2008) https://doi.org/10.1525/cond.2008.110.3.notes Open Access
No abstract available
The Condor 110 (3), 597, (1 August 2008) https://doi.org/10.1525/cond.2008.110.3.erratum Open Access
No abstract available
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