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1 September 2014 Population of variable platyfish (Xiphophorus variatus) established in Waller Creek, Travis County, Texas
Adam E. Cohen, Laura E. Dugan, Dean A. Hendrickson, F. Douglas Martin, Jonathan Huynh, Ben J. Labay, Melissa J. Casarez
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The variable platyfish (Xiphophorus variatus), native to Gulf Coast drainages of northern Mexico, is a popular aquarium fish with a long history of introduction globally. We document the first Texas occurrence of this species, and its persistence in highly urban Waller Creek in the city of Austin since at least 2004. The population appears to be limited to Waller Creek, having not yet been found in neighboring creeks where similar habitat exists. We observed individuals in situ and in the lab surviving in 7°C water, well below published thermal minima, and report its persistence through one of the coldest winters in Austin's recorded history. Its persistence may be due to a combination of its cold tolerance and the presence of thermal refuges. In the lab we found that individuals purchased in a local pet store and individuals from Waller Creek had the same cold tolerance.

Adam E. Cohen, Laura E. Dugan, Dean A. Hendrickson, F. Douglas Martin, Jonathan Huynh, Ben J. Labay, and Melissa J. Casarez "Population of variable platyfish (Xiphophorus variatus) established in Waller Creek, Travis County, Texas," The Southwestern Naturalist 59(3), 413-419, (1 September 2014).
Received: 28 January 2014; Accepted: 1 June 2014; Published: 1 September 2014
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