VOL. 29 · NO. 2 | June 2009
Special Feature: Restoration and Management of Floodplain Ecosystems of the Southeastern United States
B. Graeme Lockaby
Wetlands 29 (2), 407-412, (1 June 2009) https://doi.org/10.1672/08-44.1
KEYWORDS: forest floodplains, legacy impacts, land use, societal linkages
Cliff R. Hupp, Aaron R. Pierce, Gregory B. Noe
Wetlands 29 (2), 413-429, (1 June 2009) https://doi.org/10.1672/08-169.1
KEYWORDS: channelization, dams, ecosystem services, fluvial geomorphology, sediment
Charles Klimas, Elizabeth Murray, Thomas Foti, Jody Pagan, Malcolm Williamson, Henry Langston
Wetlands 29 (2), 430-450, (1 June 2009) https://doi.org/10.1672/08-99.1
KEYWORDS: GIS, hydrogeomorphic, potential natural vegetation, wetland classification
Scott B. Franklin, John A. Kupfer, S. Reza Pezeshki, Randy Gentry, R. Daniel Smith
Wetlands 29 (2), 451-464, (1 June 2009) https://doi.org/10.1672/08-59.1
KEYWORDS: ecology, hydrology, nutrient pools, productivity, soil redox
Kimberly M. Meitzen
Wetlands 29 (2), 465-475, (1 June 2009) https://doi.org/10.1672/08-45.1
KEYWORDS: bottomland hardwoods, Congaree National Park, disturbance, floodplain ecology, Atlantic Coastal Plain
Harold L. Schramm Jr., Michael S. Cox, Todd E. Tietjen, Andrew W. Ezell
Wetlands 29 (2), 476-487, (1 June 2009) https://doi.org/10.1672/08-62.1
KEYWORDS: aquatic ecosystem, Fish, flood pulse, nitrogen, phosphorus, soils
Sandra J. Clark-Kolaks, John R. Jackson, Steve E. Lochmann
Wetlands 29 (2), 488-496, (1 June 2009) https://doi.org/10.1672/08-63.1
Andrew L. Rypel, Wendell R. Haag, Robert H. Findlay
Wetlands 29 (2), 497-504, (1 June 2009) https://doi.org/10.1672/08-109.1
KEYWORDS: dams, dendrochronology, flood pulse, fragmentation, sclerochronology, tree ring
Ken W. Krauss, Jamie A. Duberstein, Thomas W. Doyle, William H. Conner, Richard H. Day, L. Wayne Inabinette, Julie L. Whitbeck
Wetlands 29 (2), 505-519, (1 June 2009) https://doi.org/10.1672/08-77.1
KEYWORDS: climate change, fertility, flooding, hydroperiod, nitrogen, phosphorus, tidal swamp
Paul R. Gagnon
Wetlands 29 (2), 520-526, (1 June 2009) https://doi.org/10.1672/08-50.1
KEYWORDS: Arundinaria gigantea, bottomland hardwood forests, Canebrakes, multiple disturbance interactions, fire ecology, hurricanes, tornados, windstorms
Bengt T. Hyberg, Pete Riley
Wetlands 29 (2), 527-534, (1 June 2009) https://doi.org/10.1672/08-132.1
KEYWORDS: bottomland hardwood restoration, energy policy, markets
David T. Shoch, Gary Kaster, Aaron Hohl, Ray Souter
Wetlands 29 (2), 535-542, (1 June 2009) https://doi.org/10.1672/08-110.1
KEYWORDS: biomass, afforestation, climate change mitigation, forested wetlands
Andrew K. Zadnik, James T. Anderson, Petra Bohall Wood, Kerry Bledsoe
Wetlands 29 (2), 543-551, (1 June 2009) https://doi.org/10.1672/08-46.1
KEYWORDS: Anas platyrhynchos, anurans, beaver, Branta canadensis, Canada geese, Castor canadensis, mallards, turtles, waterbirds
Wayne E. Thogmartin, Maureen Gallagher, Neal Young, Jason J. Rohweder, Frank Durbian, Melinda G. Knutson
Wetlands 29 (2), 552-562, (1 June 2009) https://doi.org/10.1672/08-65.1
KEYWORDS: bird assemblage, early successional forest, Floodplain forest, wet prairie
Jeffrey P. Hoover
Wetlands 29 (2), 563-573, (1 June 2009) https://doi.org/10.1672/08-75.1
KEYWORDS: breeding birds, hydrology, Prothonotary Warbler, nesting success, wetland restoration
Robert J. Cooper, Larry A. Wood, Jill J. Gannon, R. Randy Wilson
Wetlands 29 (2), 574-585, (1 June 2009) https://doi.org/10.1672/08-139.1
KEYWORDS: brood parasitism, ecosystem management, hydroperiod, Mississippi Alluvial Valley, nest predation, Protonotaria citrea
Jeremy D. Brown, Thomas J. Benson, James C. Bednarz
Wetlands 29 (2), 586-597, (1 June 2009) https://doi.org/10.1672/08-54.1
KEYWORDS: Arundinaria gigantea, Bottomland hardwood forest, Canebrakes, floodplain, leaf litter, Limnothlypis swainsonii, understory density
Troy J. Bader, James C. Bednarz
Wetlands 29 (2), 598-606, (1 June 2009) https://doi.org/10.1672/08-53.1
KEYWORDS: Bottomland hardwood forest, hydrology, Ictinia mississippiensis, predation, video-recording system
J. Brian Davis, Bruce D. Leopold, Richard M. Kaminski, Robert R. Cox Jr.
Wetlands 29 (2), 607-614, (1 June 2009) https://doi.org/10.1672/08-136.1
KEYWORDS: Aix sponsa, Alabama, cause-specific mortality, Mississippi, nest box, predator, radiotelemetry, survival
Paul D. Scharine, Clayton K. Nielsen, Eric M. Schauber, Lyann Rubert
Wetlands 29 (2), 615-623, (1 June 2009) https://doi.org/10.1672/08-48.1
KEYWORDS: Bottomland hardwood forest, Floodplain forest, Sylvilagus aquaticus, wildlife-habitat relationship
Sammy L. King, Rebecca R. Sharitz, John W. Groninger, Loretta L. Battaglia
Wetlands 29 (2), 624-634, (1 June 2009) https://doi.org/10.1672/08-223.1
KEYWORDS: bottomland hardwoods, forest management, rivers, wetland function
Regular Submissions
Richard A. Voldseth, W. Carter Johnson, Glenn R. Guntenspergen, Tagir Gilmanov, Bruce V. Millett
Wetlands 29 (2), 635-647, (1 June 2009) https://doi.org/10.1672/07-241.1
KEYWORDS: grassland management, grazing, land use, mitigation, Prairie Pothole Region, wetland modeling
Eric D. Stein, A. Elizabeth Fetscher, Ross P. Clark, Adam Wiskind, J. Letitia Grenier, Martha Sutula, Joshua N. Collins, Cristina Grosso
Wetlands 29 (2), 648-665, (1 June 2009) https://doi.org/10.1672/07-239.1
KEYWORDS: calibration, CRAM, method evaluation, user consistency, Weight of evidence, wetland condition, wetland monitoring
Abby E. Rokosch, Virginie Bouchard, Siobhan Fennessy, Richard Dick
Wetlands 29 (2), 666-677, (1 June 2009) https://doi.org/10.1672/08-150.1
KEYWORDS: aggregate stability, enzyme activity, microbial biomass, Ohio Rapid Assessment Method, soil quality, wetland assessment
Sharon N. Kahara, Rachel M. Mockler, Kenneth F. Higgins, Steven R. Chipps, Rex R. Johnson
Wetlands 29 (2), 678-689, (1 June 2009) https://doi.org/10.1672/07-09.1
KEYWORDS: classification, hydrology, landscape scale, Missouri Coteau, Prairie Coteau
Joydeep Bhattacharjee, David A. Haukos, Jim Neaville
Wetlands 29 (2), 690-696, (1 June 2009) https://doi.org/10.1672/06-176.1
KEYWORDS: aboveground biomass, growth form, insects, intermediate coastal marsh, litter, soil capping, visual obstruction (VO) measurement
Megan K. Gahl, Aram J. K. Calhoun, Rose Graves
Wetlands 29 (2), 697-703, (1 June 2009) https://doi.org/10.1672/08-56.1
KEYWORDS: mark-resighting, movement, radiotelemetry, vernal pool
Michael J. Anteau, Alan D. Afton
Wetlands 29 (2), 704-712, (1 June 2009) https://doi.org/10.1672/08-157.1
KEYWORDS: behavioral cue, patch occupancy, optimal foraging, resource selection, staging, stopover areas, waterfowl
Raymond G. Finocchiaro, Robert J. Kremer, Leigh H. Fredrickson
Wetlands 29 (2), 713-723, (1 June 2009) https://doi.org/10.1672/08-58.1
KEYWORDS: Eagle Buffs Conservation Area, salinity, sodicity, wetland vegetation
Robert W. Pillsbury, Melissa A. McGuire
Wetlands 29 (2), 724-734, (1 June 2009) https://doi.org/10.1672/08-41.1
KEYWORDS: canonical correspondence analysis (CCA), disturbance, management, watershed modification, Wetlands
John H. Duff, Kurt D. Carpenter, Daniel T. Snyder, Karl K. Lee, Ronald J. Avanzino, Frank J. Triska
Wetlands 29 (2), 735-746, (1 June 2009) https://doi.org/10.1672/08-129.1
KEYWORDS: benthic nutrient flux, denitrification, Nutrient mass balance, water budget, water quality
Thiago S. F. Silva, Maycira P. F. Costa, John M. Melack
Wetlands 29 (2), 747-758, (1 June 2009) https://doi.org/10.1672/08-107.1
KEYWORDS: carbon dynamics herbaceous aquatic vegetation, uncertainty
Carrie J. Miller, Stephen E. Davis III, Daniel L. Roelke, Hsiu-Ping Li, Matthew J. Driffill
Wetlands 29 (2), 759-771, (1 June 2009) https://doi.org/10.1672/08-69.1
KEYWORDS: Flood Pulse Concept, hydrologic connectivity, Salt marsh
Alejandro Bortolus, Evangelina Schwindt, Pablo J. Bouza, Yanina L. Idaszkin
Wetlands 29 (2), 772-780, (1 June 2009) https://doi.org/10.1672/07-195.1
KEYWORDS: Argentina, invertebrates, Sarcocornia, Spartina
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