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1 October 2012 Breeding Season of Epomophorus walhbergi in the Lowveld of Swaziland
Ara Monadjem, April E. Reside
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The fruit bat Epomophorus wahlbergi is abundant in the eastern parts of southern Africa, but its breeding biology remains poorly documented. This study aimed to ascertain the breeding season of this species in northeastern Swaziland where 340 individuals were netted over a 21-month period. Subadults were present throughout the year with two peaks, while lactating females were only present between December and May. These contradictory data are consistent with a bimodal birth peak, and the fact that pregnancy and lactation were both difficult to detect in the field.

Ara Monadjem and April E. Reside "Breeding Season of Epomophorus walhbergi in the Lowveld of Swaziland," African Zoology 47(2), 321-325, (1 October 2012).
Received: 4 April 2012; Accepted: 19 November 2012; Published: 1 October 2012
Epomophorus wahlbergi
fruit bat
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