The endangered Cape vulture (Gyps coprotheres) is facing a new emerging threat, e.g. wind energy development. Given their vulnerability to wind energy infrastructure, there is a necessity to establish proactive measures that could potentially mitigate future collisions, such as conservation buffers around breeding colonies and roost sites. This study used 50% kernel density estimates to estimate conservation potential for conservation buffer zone sizes for colonies. Our results indicate a buffer size of ±50 km to cover the core foraging range of the species around colonies.
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5 July 2019
Conservation Buffer Sizes Derived from Movement Data of Adult Cape Vultures (Gyps coprotheres) in South Africa
Jan A Venter,
Francis R Martens,
Kerri Wolter
African Zoology
Vol. 54 • No. 2
July 2019
Vol. 54 • No. 2
July 2019
environmental impact
kernel density
vulture conservation
Wind turbines