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21 October 2021 Reproduction, Sexual Dimorphism and Predation in Mochlus sundevallii in Southern Africa (Reptilia: Sauria, Scincidae)
Joaquín Verdú Ricoy, Phomolo Mashinini, Jacqueline Goedhals, Neil Heideman
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The skink Mochlus sundevallii is widespread throughout the African continent, but no detailed research on its ecology, reproduction and sexual dimorphism patterns has been performed yet. Here we address phenotypic and ecological data of M. sundevallii from the southernmost part of its distribution, using multiple populations from Southern Africa (mostly from South Africa) collected throughout different seasons. We aimed to assess the degree of intersexual and seasonal differences in morphological and reproductive aspects, as well as their experienced predation pressure. Morphological analyses confirmed that the species exhibits sexual dimorphism, evidenced by a larger body size for females and larger heads and longer limbs for males. However, tail autotomy (used as an estimation of predation rate) was found to be similar for both sexes and seasonally stable. Overall, the reproductive cycles of males and females were synchronised across the seasons, for an optimal breeding period during spring and summer, but males showed certain spermatogenic activity throughout the whole year.

Copyright © Zoological Society of Southern Africa
Joaquín Verdú Ricoy, Phomolo Mashinini, Jacqueline Goedhals, and Neil Heideman "Reproduction, Sexual Dimorphism and Predation in Mochlus sundevallii in Southern Africa (Reptilia: Sauria, Scincidae)," African Zoology 56(3), 213-221, (21 October 2021).
Received: 3 February 2021; Accepted: 26 August 2021; Published: 21 October 2021
reproductive cycle
tail autotomy
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