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1 March 2003 Regional Differences in the Occurrence of Understorey Species Reflect Nitrogen Deposition in Swedish Forests
Joachim Strengbom, Mats Walheim, Torgny Näsholm, Lars Ericson
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Possible links between the occurrence of Vaccinium myrtillus, V. vitisidaea and Deschampsia flexuosa and rates of nitrogen deposition were investigated in 557 coniferous forest stands. In areas with high N-deposition, V. myrtillus was less frequent, less abundant and more susceptible to the leaf pathogen Valdensia heterodoxa than in areas with lower levels of N-deposition. The occurrence of V. vitis-idaea was also strongly negatively correlated with in-creasing N-deposition, but no such trend was found for D. flexuosa. In regions with high N-deposition, V. myrtillus was more common in stands dominated by Scots pine than in stands dominated by Norway spruce. This was not the case in regions with lower levels of N-deposition. The patterns observed accord with results from N-addition experiments that demonstrate significant effects on vegetation, caused by N-deposition. The data suggest that even low rates of N-deposition may decrease the abundance of the most dominant species in coniferous forest ground flora.

Joachim Strengbom, Mats Walheim, Torgny Näsholm, and Lars Ericson "Regional Differences in the Occurrence of Understorey Species Reflect Nitrogen Deposition in Swedish Forests," AMBIO: A Journal of the Human Environment 32(2), 91-97, (1 March 2003).
Published: 1 March 2003

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