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1 March 2005 Management of Pikeperch Migrating over Management Areas in a Baltic Archipelago Area
Kari Saulamo, Gunnar Thoresson
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Pikeperch Sander lucioperca (L.) were tagged in an area where ten small independent management units regulate fisheries, in order to analyze the relevance of migrations for the management. A total of 465 fishes were tagged in connection with the spawning migration. The number of recaptures was 96. The distribution of recaptures between areas and that of total catches, estimated from questionnaire to housholds and, individuals in the survey area, were correlated. The comparison of tagging and recapture dates showed that the same pikeperch migrated to the spawning areas at the same time in two subsequent years, indicating the existence of individual spawning behavior. A modified yield/recruit-model demonstrated that in situations where the dispersal area of a pikeperch stock overlaps with several management areas, the risk of overfishing is very high. Management of this kind of fisheries needs cooperation between units as well as sound data on the movements of pikeperch to define the effects of fishing regulations.

Kari Saulamo and Gunnar Thoresson "Management of Pikeperch Migrating over Management Areas in a Baltic Archipelago Area," AMBIO: A Journal of the Human Environment 34(2), 120-124, (1 March 2005).
Published: 1 March 2005

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