Author Affiliations +
Mart Jüssi,* Tero Härkönen,** Eero Helle,*** Ivar Jüssi****
*Mart Jüssi, MSci, is currently a member of the Estonian Parliament for the Green party. He started modern seal research in Estonia together with his brother Ivar and is engaged in several projects including EU-Life and the Caspian seal project, focused on research and conservation of biodiversity. He has worked for prolonged periods at the Finnish Game and Fisheries Research Institute and the Sea Mammal Research Institute in the UK. His address: Estonian Fund for Nature, PO Box 245, Tartu, Estonia EE 50002.
**Tero Härkönen is associate professor and has a research position at the Swedish Museum of Natural History. He is in charge of an environmental monitoring program in Sweden encompassing harbor seals and ringed seals. He has been, or is running projects on marine mammals in Greenland, the Antarctic, and the Caspian Sea, and is currently engaged in establishing conservation and management plans for all Baltic seal species through work in the HELCOM and the ICES. His address: Swedish Museum of Natural History, Box 50007, S-104 05 Stockholm Sweden.
***Eero Helle, PhD, is the General Director of the Finnish Game and Fisheries Research Institute, but started his professional life as a seal scientist. His pioneer work included the disclosure of detrimental effects of PCB on the reproduction of Baltic ringed seals and development of methods for aerial censuses of ice seals. He has been in charge of a vast number of projects studying various game species. His address: Finnish Game and Fisheries Research Institute, PO Box 2, FI 00791 Helsinki, Finland.
****Ivar Jüssi, MSci, has worked alongside his brother Mart with seal research for many years and is responsible for establishing conservation and management plans for seals in Estonia. He is engaged in EU-Life projects and the Caspian seal project focusing on biodiversity and conservation of marine mammals. He also contributes to the HELCOM and ICES working groups on marine mammals. His address: State Nature Conservation Centre, Narva 7 A Tallinn, 15172, Estonia.