Author Affiliations +
O. Magnus Karlsson,* Per O. Jonsson,** Dan Lindgren,*** J. Mikael Malmaeus,**** Anders Stehn*****
*O. Magnus Karlsson () is a licentiate of Engineering and PhD candidate in aquatic environmental analysis at Uppsala University. He also works with applied environmental research at IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute. His main scientific interests are nutrient and contaminant dynamics and ecosystem modeling within Baltic Sea coastal areas.
Address: Department of Earth Sciences, Uppsala University, Villavägen 16, 752 36 Uppsala, Sweden.
**Per O. Jonsson is an assistant professor and guest professor emeritus at Stockholm University. His main scientific interest is sediment and contaminant dynamics within the marine realm.
Address: Department of Applied Environmental Sciences, Stockholm University, 106 91 Stockholm, Sweden.
***Dan Lindgren is a licentiate of Engineering and PhD candidate in aquatic environmental analysis at Uppsala University. His research focuses on the use of geographic information systems within aquatic environmental analysis and modeling.
Address: Department of Earth Sciences, Uppsala University, Villavägen 16, 752 36 Uppsala, Sweden.
****J. Mikael Malmaeus is a PhD in aquatic environmental analysis. He works at IVL Swedish Research Institute, mainly with modeling and evaluation of the fate and spreading of nutrients and contaminants in
aquatic environments including sediment-water interchange in lakes and coastal areas.
Address: IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute, P.O. Box 210 60, 100 31 Stockholm, Sweden.
*****Anders Stehn is an MSc in biology, working as biologist in Stockholm at Eurofins Environment Ltd. His main area of work is the plankton and bottom fauna in the brackish and fresh waters of the Stockholm region.
Address: Eurofins Environment AB, Box 45185, 104 30 Stockholm, Sweden. e-mail: