Abbe, George Robert (1943–2013; U.S.A.)
Anderson, Roland C. (1946–2014; U.S.A.) (Past President, AMS)
Bern, Howard A. (1920–2012; Canada/U.S.A.)
Bosch, Donald Taeke (1917–2012; China/U.S.A./Oman)
Boss, Kenneth Jay (1935–2014; U.S.A.)
Burch, Beatrice LaRue (1917–2013; U.S.A.)
Clarke, Malcolm (1930–2013; United Kingdom)
Coleman, Neville (1938–2012; Australia)
Cosman, Dieter (1917–2012; Switzerland/U.S.A.)
Hoenselaar, Hendrikus J. (1926–2013; The Netherlands)
Huxley, Andrew Fielding [Sir] (1917–2012; United Kingdom)
Kilburn, Richard Neil (1942–2013; South Africa)
Kruglov, Nikolay D. (19**–2013; Russia)
Leobrera, Carlos Baldon [“Charlie”] (1935–2102; Philippines)
Nicolaci, Domenick D. (1920–2013; U.S.A.)
Pérez d'Angelo, Ernesto (1932–2013; Chile)
Petit, Richard Eugene (1931–2013; U.S.A.) (Past President, AMS)
Pizzini, Mauro ( 19**–2013; Italy)
Rapp, William F., Jr. (1918–2013; U.S.A.)
Ray, Sammy Mehedy (1919–2013; U.S.A.)
Rosenfield, Aaron (1924–2013; U.S.A.)
Rowan, William B. (1932–2013; U.S.A.)
Adolf Seilacher (1925–2014; Germany)
Stepczak, Kazimierz (1936–2013; Poland)
Szarowska, Magdalena (1952–2013; Poland)
Tippett, Donn Lloyd (1924–2014; U.S.A.)
Turgeon, Kenneth W. (1943–2013; U.S.A.)
Voisin, Michael (1954–2013; U.S.A.)
Partial list of colleagues who have died since 2012 compiled by Gene Coan and Alan Kabat, based on Coan and Kabat (2014) and subsequent reports.
Coan, E. V. and A. R. Kabat, 2014. 2,400 years of malacology, 11th ed., January 14, 2014, 1,128 pp. + 94 pp. [Annex 1 of Collations] + 65 pp. [Annex 2 — Küster Collation]. American Malacological Society: malacology.html