A number of the Australian and New Zealand Philonotis specimens mainly in V.F. Brotherus's herbarium (H-BR) and in NY were studied, with special attention to the placement of mammillae/papillae on the leaf cells and the cell areolation, and to the taxa synonymized previously with Philonotis tenuis. Philonotis austrofalcata (syn. nov. P. rigens) is distinct from P. tenuis at the specific level. Bartramia pallida and Philonotis laii are synonymized with Philonotis pseudomollis. Philonotis streimannii T.J. Kop. is a new name for P. fontanoides Broth. & Watts (hom. illeg.). Lectotypes are selected to P. pallida and P. streimannii. Philonotis pseudomollis is recorded as new to New Zealand.