Seven new synonyms are proposed in the orchid genus Fernandezia: F. breviconnata (Schltr.) M.W. Chase (syn. F. luerorum Ormerod), F. gracillima (C. Schweinf.) M.W. Chase (syn. F. unduaviae Ormerod), F. parvifolia (Lindl.) M.W. Chase (syn. F. parvifolia var. cajamarcae Ormerod, F. nunezii Ormerod, F. pastinaca Ormerod), F. tenuis (Schltr.) M.W. Chase (syn. F. vanderwerfiii Ormerod). The diagnostic features, distribution, habitat, morphological variation as well as taxonomic notes based on the analysis of herbarium specimens, live material and protologues are presented for each species. Color photographs of the species are also provided.