Here, we describe an unusual new species, Lysimachia brevianthera X.W. Li, in Lysimachia subgen. Idiophyton from China. It has the filaments longer than the basifixed anthers, at the base fused into a narrow ring connate with the corolla; leaves congested at the upper part of the stem; and grayish black capsules. Lysimachia brevianthera is similar to L. laxa in having a winged stem and the free part of filaments longer than 2 mm, but differs from it by the unbranched stems (vs. many branched stems), larger flowers and grayish black capsules (vs. light brown capsules). A phylogenetic analysis supports the placement of L. brevianthera in subgen. Idiophyton.
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17 May 2021
Lysimachia brevianthera (Primulaceae), a New Species from the Daba Mountains in Hubei and Shaanxi, China
Zun-Wei Ke,
Qi-Liang Gan,
Xin-Wei Li
Annales Botanici Fennici
Vol. 58 • No. 4-6
November 2021
Vol. 58 • No. 4-6
November 2021