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1 December 2020 Georthocladius meluensis and G. techensis (Diptera : Chironomidae : Orthocladiinae), Two New Relict Species Inhabiting Glacial Springs and Streams in Corsica and Eastern Pyrenees
Joel Moubayed-Breil
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Georthocladius meluensis and G. techensis are described and illustrated based on material collected from glacial springs and streams in Corsica and Eastern Pyrenees. The two new described species can be separated from other members of the genus by the shape of sensilla coeloconica, tergite IX, anal point, virga, inferior volsella and gonostylus. Currently, the genus Georthocladius is represented in Europe by three species: G. collarti (Goetghebuer, 1941), G. luteicornis (Goethghebuer 1941) and G. retezatiAlbu, 1972. As many characters in these species are similar, they all should be treated as one and the same species. Differential diagnosis, comments on the ecology of the two new species and key to known male adults from Europe are given.

© Finnish Zoological and Botanical Publishing Board
Joel Moubayed-Breil "Georthocladius meluensis and G. techensis (Diptera : Chironomidae : Orthocladiinae), Two New Relict Species Inhabiting Glacial Springs and Streams in Corsica and Eastern Pyrenees," Annales Zoologici Fennici 57(1-6), 215-223, (1 December 2020).
Received: 29 August 2020; Accepted: 24 September 2020; Published: 1 December 2020
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