Two new species of Sensillonychiurus, are described from Changbai Mountains, northeastern China: S. reducta sp. nov. and S. pseudoreducta sp. nov. Both these species are very similar to each other, sharing such characters as a reduced unguiculus, 4 papillae and 3 guard chaetae on the Ant. III sensory organ, the AC type of labium, 5 5 chaetae on Th. I tergum, 9 distal tibiotarsal chaetae, as well as the absence of anal spines. Yet they can be differentiated by the presence vs. absence of pso on Th. I tergum, of chaetae p2 on Th. II tergum, and of chaetae b2 on the upper anal valve, respectively, as well as by the number of dorsal S-chaetae, of sublobal hair on the maxillary palp, of p-row chaetae on Abd. IV tergum.