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19 August 2024 Broad host use and frequent polyandry in the facultative dulotic species Formica aserva (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)
Giulia Scarparo, Mari West, Alan Brelsford, Jessica Purcell
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The study of social parasitism faces numerous challenges arising from the intricate and intranidal host–parasite interactions and the rarity of parasites compared to their free-living counterparts. As a result, our understanding of the ecology and evolution of most social parasites remains limited. Using whole-genome and reduced-representation sequence data, we conducted a study to fill knowledge gaps on host use, colony social structure, and population genetics of the facultative dulotic ant Formica aserva Forel. Our study reveals the remarkable ability of F. aserva to exploit at least 20 different host species across its wide geographic distribution. In some cases, one social parasite colony exploits multiple hosts simultaneously, suggesting a high degree of generalization even at a local spatial scale. Approximately 80% of the colonies were monogyne (with a single queen), with many exhibiting higher rates of polyandry compared to most Formica ants. Although we identified a supergene on chromosome 3, its association with colony structure remains uncertain due to the rarity of polygyny in our sample. Population genetic analyses reveal substantial geographic population structure, with the greatest divergence between California populations and those from the rest of the range. Mitochondrial population structure differs from structure inferred from the nuclear genome on a broad geographic scale, suggesting a possible role of adaptive introgression or genetic drift.This study provides valuable insights into the ecology and evolution of F. aserva, underscoring the need for further research to decipher the complexities of host interactions and the genetic mechanisms that regulate social structure.

Giulia Scarparo, Mari West, Alan Brelsford, and Jessica Purcell "Broad host use and frequent polyandry in the facultative dulotic species Formica aserva (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)," Annals of the Entomological Society of America 117(5), 257-269, (19 August 2024).
Received: 5 February 2024; Accepted: 31 July 2024; Published: 19 August 2024

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colony structure
population genomics
social insects
social parasites
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