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1 August 2017 How Can Botanical Gardens Support Sustainable Urban Development? A Case Study of Shanghai Chenshan Botanical Garden
Yonghong Hu, Gilles Vincent, Xiaoya Chen
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This case study describes the role of Chenshan Botanical Garden in the sustainable development of Shanghai City in the last six years and provides perspectives on future plant conservation and sustainable utilization. Sustainable economic growth is demanded by regions and countries with urbanization globally. Chenshan has played an important role in the sustainable development of Shanghai as a relatively newly established botanical garden. Shanghai Chenshan Botanical Garden works closely with the local government in the “City Green Master Plan” to increase plant diversity and join in rural park projects. It also provides technical support to city construction by introducing urban horticulture and phytoremediation. More than 20% of the plants in the most urbanized and industrialized areas in China are under threat. Chenshan has collaborated with the central government and the administration of local reserves in the conservation of 14 critically endangered plant species in East China. This has made the sustainable utilization of these plants possible. Chenshan also has a strategic vision to provide people with functional food. The secondary metabolism and gene-manipulating platforms have been already implemented to develop new varieties of plants to achieve this goal. As a botanical garden, Chenshan aims to attract and educate the public with landscapes, seasonal flower shows, and cultural events. Chenshan helps visitors understand the condition of plants and the ways to protect them. These are important tasks of botanical gardens in supporting sustainable urban development.

Yonghong Hu, Gilles Vincent, and Xiaoya Chen "How Can Botanical Gardens Support Sustainable Urban Development? A Case Study of Shanghai Chenshan Botanical Garden," Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 102(2), 303-308, (1 August 2017).
Published: 1 August 2017
botanical garden
horticultural technique
sustainable development
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