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1 December 2014 Winter Distribution of Passerine Richness in the Maghreb (North Africa): A Conservation Assessment
José Luis Tellería, Guillermo Fandos, Javier Fernández López, Alejandro Onrubia, Pablo Refoyo
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This paper studies the factors affecting passerine (Order Passeriformes) species richness in the Western Maghreb, a region at the southwestern border of the Palearctic reputed as a primary wintering ground for many common European birds. The effect of productivity, temperature, landscape structure and geographical location on bird richness was explored at 220 localities across Morocco. The models resulting from multivariate analyses supported the effects of productivity, temperature and landscape cover on bird richness, with higher numbers of species occurring in warm farmlands of the northwest. The most suitable areas for birds avoided the cold and arid expanses of the Atlas Mountains and the Sahara and overlapped with the most human-impacted sectors. Within these areas, we detected an interspersed distribution of sectors of high bird richness and low human incidence. These sectors can be used as priority targets for conservation programmes of common birds during the winter.

José Luis Tellería, Guillermo Fandos, Javier Fernández López, Alejandro Onrubia, and Pablo Refoyo "Winter Distribution of Passerine Richness in the Maghreb (North Africa): A Conservation Assessment," Ardeola 61(2), 335-350, (1 December 2014).
Received: 26 February 2014; Accepted: 1 July 2014; Published: 1 December 2014
conservation planning
distribución de especies
huella humana
human footprint
paseriformes (Orden Passeriformes)
passerines (Order Passeriformes)
planificación conservacionista
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